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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday July 18th, 2022


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2 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

@Quartzsite Cruiser, I have Good Rx. That’s the price with the discount.


I thought you might have it, but you'd be surprised at how many people don't know about it.  It can make a difference, and we've found that our local grocery story pharmacy is generally cheaper than W-M for most things.  Taking that into consideration and the fact we don't have to drive 22 miles one way to W-M, we are coming out ahead.



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The garage door person was here. I could try a new receiver, but since the old opener is 30+ years old, I elected to get a new one. I'll also get a keypad with it, as well as a remote. He didn't have it on the truck, so he'll come back tomorrow. I have 2 garage doors, but am only replacing the opener on the troublesome one, which is the one I use all the time.


@Horizon chaser 1957 Sad to hear of the passing of the couple who were your friends; so tough on the family to lose both of them so close together. That's bad that they sometimes can't adequately staff the ferries. 

@Cruising-along Congrats on the good A1C result! You must be doing something right. 

@kazu It does not sound stupid! You've had a great loss and of course it's hard and sad. (((HUGS)))

@aliaschief I'm glad you got some meds for your sinuses.

@1ANGELCAT It sounds like this doctor has a plan, which is good. Great that the employee in the pharmacy was an advocate to help you get your medication for less.


The rain has stopped and the sun is out. Now it'll get steamy. Yuk.


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Lenda @Quartzsite CruiserInteresting that bermuda grass can go dormant in the summer too, with no rainfall.  We have bermuda grass here and we don't even use our sprinkler system in the summer, but it stays green due to getting enough rainfall in the summer.  We've had quite a bit since we've been back from our cruise actually.  Now, in the winter it goes dormant here and is that tan color for months.  But being used to the beautiful grasses we had in our other locations over the years (bluegrass, fescue), I really, really hate this ugly Bermuda grass.  I realize due to the climate this is the best type to have but I don't have to think it's attractive! 🙄


I agree about the ability to see totally different weather from one Alaska cruise to the next week's cruise.  We did one B2B Alaska cruise and one week didn't even get all the way up to the end of Glacier Bay because of a terrible storm headed to the Gulf of Alaska.  Two or three days later we returned on the second cruise and it was a gloriously sunny, warm Glacier Bay experience.  We were so glad we were still on board.  Same thing happened in one of the other ports.  It was certainly worth it.

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6 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

when we put out motorhome on the Tustemena, one of the fleet of the Alaska Marine Highway, for an overnight trip to Kodiak.  The motorhome fare cost way more than the fares for both of us and our DDs, and a room for four with a bath.


In 2021 I watched the loading of the vehicle deck of the AMHS Matanuska at Bellingham. The Matanuska is newer than the Tustumena and allows straight on, straight off loading and unloading, but it was still astonishing how they could fit large motorhomes and trucks.


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Hi everyone!


I've been reading every day, and sending prayers for those in need....and celebrating with those having good times!


We were in Kodiak on our 2019 Maasdam 21 day cruise.  Most of my pictures are very similar to ones already posted.  We did go to Kodiak Island Brewing Company for a local beer - very tasty!



I've finally made a decision to retire! I just turned 70 in May, and have been with the government for 25 years.  I'll be leaving the first week of October, after our 24 day cruise in August and then a 5 day trip to Indiana in September.  Yay!!


Stay safe everyone, I love feeling like my family is right here all the time!


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@Horizon chaser 1957Welcome to the Washington State Ferry System 😊. At least once a week and sometimes more often, we get the dreaded qualified crew shortage message and sailings are canceled. If we have an early morning flight-or scheduled surgery-we opt for a hotel in Seattle rather than trust trying to get off the island. 

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8 minutes ago, kochleffel said:


In 2021 I watched the loading of the vehicle deck of the AMHS Matanuska at Bellingham. The Matanuska is newer than the Tustumena and allows straight on, straight off loading and unloading, but it was still astonishing how they could fit large motorhomes and trucks.



Tustumena is the only ferry in the AMHS fleet that loads with an elevator.  In 1992, it was also the only one rated as ocean going.  It does the run down the Aleutian chain while the rest stck to the inside passage.


6 minutes ago, kplady said:

Hi everyone!


I've been reading every day, and sending prayers for those in need....and celebrating with those having good times!


We were in Kodiak on our 2019 Maasdam 21 day cruise.  Most of my pictures are very similar to ones already posted.  We did go to Kodiak Island Brewing Company for a local beer - very tasty!



I've finally made a decision to retire! I just turned 70 in May, and have been with the government for 25 years.  I'll be leaving the first week of October, after our 24 day cruise in August and then a 5 day trip to Indiana in September.  Yay!!


Stay safe everyone, I love feeling like my family is right here all the time!



Laura, congratulations on your upcoming retirement.  



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6 minutes ago, kplady said:

Hi everyone!


I've been reading every day, and sending prayers for those in need....and celebrating with those having good times!


We were in Kodiak on our 2019 Maasdam 21 day cruise.  Most of my pictures are very similar to ones already posted.  We did go to Kodiak Island Brewing Company for a local beer - very tasty!



I've finally made a decision to retire! I just turned 70 in May, and have been with the government for 25 years.  I'll be leaving the first week of October, after our 24 day cruise in August and then a 5 day trip to Indiana in September.  Yay!!


Stay safe everyone, I love feeling like my family is right here all the time!



Congratulations on the retirement decision.  We should have a countdown for you!  Just think how often you can cruise now.😊

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14 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Tustumena is the only ferry in the AMHS fleet that loads with an elevator.  In 1992, it was also the only one rated as ocean going.  It does the run down the Aleutian chain while the rest stck to the inside passage.

IIRC, the Kennicott is also ocean-going, although not usually operated that way, and replaced the Tustumena for a couple of weeks in 2021. The Kennicott, built in 1998, was designed to double as an emergency command center, e.g., in oil spills. I was also aboard the Kennicott, but only between Ketchikan and Juneau. It has a vehicle elevator for use if the tide level makes direct loading of the vehicle deck impossible.

Edited by kochleffel
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🤣 As I was just saying, the following arrived in my email: 


The Point Defiance 1:40 p.m. and the Tahlequah 3:10 p.m. are cancelled due to crewing.  Updates will occur when more information is available.

This alert was sent on 07/18/2022 at 2:59PM to subscribers of the following routes:
  • Pt. Defiance / Tahlequah
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We are enjoying fine weather here in the Pacific Northwest.  Mid-70s to low 80s for the whole week with no rain.  We have stopped in Kodiak a few times, usually when doing a repositioning from Asia to Vancouver or Seattle.  We will stop there again next Spring when the Westerdam returns from Japan to Seattle.

Had a minor medical thing this morning.  I have had a painful ingrown large toenail for a few weeks that I had been trying to ignore, hoping it might get better.  Finally had to do something about it, so went to the urgent care part of the Navy Hospital, Bremerton and had it removed.  The corpsman did a very good job.  This is the second time for that toe and the doctors says if the nail grows out the same way again they will remove it and use a chemical that will stop it from growing a new nail.


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28 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

IIRC, the Kennicott is also ocean-going, although not usually operated that way, and replaced the Tustumena for a couple of weeks in 2021. The Kennicott, built in 1998, was designed to double as an emergency command center, e.g., in oil spills. I was also aboard the Kennicott, but only between Ketchikan and Juneau. It has a vehicle elevator for use if the tide level makes direct loading of the vehicle deck impossible.

That elevator is also used in Yukitat, the only stop on the run between Juneau and Whittier.



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3 hours ago, TiogaCruiser said:

I think you might mean @dobiemom


(I understand the resemblance. Tioga was believed to be a mix of Dobie and Lab. He did both well: He could give strangers the Dobie “I’m not going to let you know what I’m thinking” look, loving on his family and having fun.)


Yes sorry!  I did mean @dobiemom

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2 hours ago, kochleffel said:

IIRC, the Kennicott is also ocean-going, although not usually operated that way, and replaced the Tustumena for a couple of weeks in 2021. The Kennicott, built in 1998, was designed to double as an emergency command center, e.g., in oil spills. I was also aboard the Kennicott, but only between Ketchikan and Juneau. It has a vehicle elevator for use if the tide level makes direct loading of the vehicle deck impossible.  


Except for seeing Tustumena in port in Homer and Kodiak over the years, our only time on her was in 1992.  All my information is from that time.  The Kennicott might have been on the drawing board then.  In 2011, we took the Matanuska from Haines to Prince Rupert.


I'm glad they do have another ocean going vessel.



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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11 hours ago, HAL Sailer said:

Exciting News! The boat my DN was sailing in the BYC Race to Mackinac finished 'first across the finish line' in its Class. (It will end up in 2nd place on corrected time.)


Optimistic News!  My DB, that COVID kept from his announced 'final' race, continues to improve and his oxygen levels are no longer dangerously low. He's far from well, but I'm told DB is talking about 'un-retiring' to race in 2023 with DN to celebrate his 75th and his son's 40th birth years!


Not Such Good News. Despite their best efforts at isolating from one another, my DSIL who tested negative all last week has now tested positive – a week after DB.


And… since DSIL will now not be going, Auntie M will gladly drive from here up to the island to drive my DN back to the Detroit area --  a 10 hour circle trip of love.



Having grown up in Port Huron, I'd love to have been on one of the sailboats.  Any pics to share?

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I’m finally home. Thanks for all the well wishes getting me home.  😘 


First of all, I’ve never used a taxi that wasn’t waiting at a taxi stand. Didn’t know when you called there could be a wait. Mine was an hour so it’s a good thing I was going back to the airport early. The taxi I called didn’t come 🤨 but luckily another taxi was there so I called the first one to cancel. 


Also, the hotel had a little breakfast. I thought I saw a sign that bfast was Wed-Sun but in my exhausted state last night who knew what I saw. So I had a hard boiled egg, yogurt, and cranberry juice. 


At the airport, AA let me in the lounge because I flew international yesterday and then my last flight was cancelled. First class isn’t a valid reason to have access to the lounge anymore. She looked up my flights and I was good to go. The lounge was smaller than the one at LHR but way less people. Lots of comfy seats with power nearby and a bit of food. 


@kazu I didn’t use my ($12) food voucher so I gave it to a young woman at Panda Express. I don’t think it even buys one entree. 🤨 


The flight was on time. I love flying first/business class but can’t afford it all the time. Luggage arrived (whew!) and I ordered an Uber. 


Got home at 5:30pm PDT. Going to eat and then go to bed. I’ll try to catch up with the Fleet/Daily before I leave for my next trip in 2.5 days. 😉

Edited by dobiemom
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1 hour ago, St Pete Cruiser said:

Having grown up in Port Huron, I'd love to have been on one of the sailboats.  Any pics to share?


I was not down from Traverse City for the Saturday start, but I did locate a couple of published pre-race pictures of My Girl. In each picture, DN is on the foredeck in a blue shirt with dark cap.


The first picture you may recognize as in Port Huron's Black River as the 172 boats headed out to Lake Huron for the race start.



The second is in Lake Huron as they headed to the start line 4.5 miles north of the Blue Water Bridge.



BTW, my DH grew up near Port Huron on a dairy farm between Rattle Run and Smith's Creek.



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Hello everyone,

It is now almost 11 pm EDT and I am finally getting around to posting.  

It was a long day.  

We drove from Rocky Mount, Checked into to our hotel.  Did not want to stay with our friends.  They have a small house and their spare bedroom is upstairs.  I cannot climb stairs with my bad knee.  So we are staying at a Marriott Vacation Club nearby.  We have a lovely one-bedroom villa complete with a jacuzzi and kitchen, etc.  Very comfortable.

After checking in and getting settled we went over to visit and had a lovely dinner with them.  Then they took us on a mini tour of the area.  We made plans for the rest of the week.

I am very tired and on my way to bed, but did want to check in and say hi.

I read through all the posts and am happy to look at all the photos.

Have not been to the port.

Have no kids to hug.  Not a fan of guacamole. But I am a good listener. As for sour candy, take it or leave it.

Like the quote.

Prayers for all on the cares list and cheers to those celebrating.

Good night from Colonial Williamsburg.

More tomorrow.

God Bless,



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12 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

I like the idea that your DB is thinking of unretiring...


I've been thinking all day about his idea that he isn't going to let his current Covid infection stop him from having his last race -- even if that final race can't be till next year. It's made me ponder whether we need to 'un-retire' and find as much normal as we can -- even if Covid delays or modifies it. 

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7 hours ago, kazu said:

I’ve been too depressed trying to deal with stuff here.  It sounds stupid but every time I donate or put things in bags, it’s very hard and sad.  


@kazu, when you feel that way I hope you will wrap your arms around yourself and squeeze knowing that the Daily-ites are wrapping you in hugs.

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