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Live from the 2022 Grand Africa


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38 minutes ago, CruisinS said:

Yes Linda... I did this tour in 2018 and really enjoyed it.  In fact I am signed up again.

Here is a review by someone currently on the Grand Africa:




Thanks for the info and the blog link.  I'll see what else they wrote about for west Africa although I did look at the next entry....I did hear from others that Abidjan was rather odiferous!


Linda R.

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A Very Brief Visit to Old San Juan - December 17


We were told a few days ago that we would not be docking right in the old town because we had to have a Coast Guard inspection.  We also had to go through immigration since this was our first U.S. port.  Yesterday, we received a notice that there would be four groups called to leave the ship for immigration and nobody could return to the ship until there was a zero count. Since these groups were labeled A, B, C, and D, I expected them to be called in order, which they were not.  A and C were groups with people on HAL excursions.  B was for those with independent plans and D for those not planning on anything but getting back on the ship after being seen by immigration.


Group B was called first although a lot of people were still around the ship.  About an hour later it was announced that everyone needed to get off and be processed.  Not sure if A and C were only called in the World Stage (meeting place for excursions) or what.


I had not planned on leaving until Group D was called because it was raining and was supposed to clear up later but when I heard the announcement, I decided I had better go. 


Getting off the ship was not easy because the gangway was very steep and wet.  Many of us had to be helped down and then there was the walk in the rain (but I had brought my umbrella).  What I hadn't thought of was my cane kept slipping on the wet pavement.  


There was no line and I walked up to the officer, he had me look into a camera, looked at my passport and off I went.  


The shuttle took about 10 minutes to get us to Plaza de Colon which I recognized from my tour in 2018.  My hip was really hurting (have I mentioned my hip now hurts more than the leg?) and I was worried about the cane slipping so I did a walk around 2/3 of the way around the square, took a few pictures, and then waited for the shuttle.


I got back to the terminal at about 11 and they had still not zeroed out the ship, so people were still sitting or standing in the terminal.  As I arrived, Vicki and Dave (trivia partners) were leaving.  I asked if they saw a drug store to buy me some of the heat pain patches (I had used one yesterday that really helped).  Dave said that was where they were headed.


I found Judy (Lee) and Rich and talked to them until we were allowed back on.


After resting my leg, I had lunch in the Lido and Judy (Dr's mom) came by and we talked and found out that we both play Wordus (like Wordle but an app so you can play as much as you want).


It was such a nice day (the sun actually came out), I sat on the Promenade deck and knitted (admittedly I took a short snooze) for over an hour before going back to my cabin.


While I had been waiting for the shuttle I talked to a lady with a rollator and I mentioned how the cane was slipping.  She said she had used a cane but found the rollator more reliable.  She mentioned a company in Fort Lauderdale that rent them for cruises, so I sent them an e-mail asking for a quote.  No response yet and likely won't have one until Monday.  I also took Rich's for a test drive in the terminal and found it distributed my weight better and did not put as much pressure on my left side.


Just before dinner, my room steward brought me a bag from Vicki.  She had gotten me the patches and I put one on before going to dinner.


Only Bob, Judy, and Sherry for dinner tonight which was not very good.  One of the few meals I found disappointing.  There was a "Barn Dance" at 9:30 but I did not go.


Two sea days until we are back in Fort Lauderdale.

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In case it helps, the Walmart Supercenter in FLL has a rollator available for pick up. Address is:  

2500 W Broward Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312
Curbside pickup
In-store pickup

Cost is $97




When I had my “great piriformis adventure” and ended up in the ER at 2:30am a few years back, I used one like this for a couple of weeks. For me, the seat was at exactly the right height to allow me to sit comfortably.

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Re rollators vs canes — I cruised for many years with my Dad.  He suffered from chronic pain due to many years working in construction.  At first he used a cane when cruising.  After his second back surgery, I suggested that he try a rollator to distribute his weight better.  I talked him into taking it on his next cruise.  He was back to walking his laps on the Promenade deck.  He did a couple of Ship Sponsored Shore Excursions.  He ACTUALLY enjoyed himself!


I do want to suggest that you “test drive” a couple of rollators before buying one.  You will find that some are more comfortable to use than others.  Also, ones with large wheels work better on uneven surfaces like grassy areas, cobblestone streets, etc.

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Hi Scrapnana, 


I have been enjoying your posts and am so sorry to hear of the pain you are experiencing .


There have been so many wonderful suggestions so far. I plan to make another unsolicited one. You may wish to contact your travel insurer’s medical department and ask that they make arrangements for you to obtain some medical care in Fort Lauderdale or in any other location that makes sense. In theory, they should be able to pull some strings for a faster appointment time and/or may be able to give you an initial phone consult. This might even result in a prescription for pain relief without seeing anyone. Call them today and have your shipboard medical paperwork on hand.


Since you will be back in the US soon another option would be to contact your own medical team via phone and which ever medical internet messaging system they use. In fact, send a message today and follow again tomorrow via phone. Then keep contacting them. My doctor always tells me to keep calling. Sometimes his staff take their roll as gatekeepers much too seriously. Let them know you will only be “in country” x number of days.

Be aggressive with your travel insurance and your home medical providers! Don’t try to soldier through. Channel your hidden warrior queen to demand action. 


Use ice or a heating pad (buy one in Fort Lauderdale). The Zaandam may have one available as well.


Good luck and be sure to get some rest. 



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3 hours ago, lcand1923 said:

I do want to suggest that you “test drive” a couple of rollators before buying one.  You will find that some are more comfortable to use than others.  Also, ones with large wheels work better on uneven surfaces like grassy areas, cobblestone streets, etc.


@Scrapnana I second the suggestion of large wheels. My DH's physical therapist made that recommendation and helped us select a Nitro Drive.



In addition to the large wheels and expected seat it also folds side to side (see pic below) which is not typical. Most fold front to back and aren't usable folded. But the Nitro Drive can still be rolled in its folded position and that is in very handy when navigating narrow passages -- aisles, between tables, bathrooms, etc.



Best wishes in your search for relief,


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38 minutes ago, HAL Sailer said:


@Scrapnana I second the suggestion of large wheels. My DH's physical therapist made that recommendation and helped us select a Nitro Drive.



In addition to the large wheels and expected seat it also folds side to side (see pic below) which is not typical. Most fold front to back and aren't usable folded. But the Nitro Drive can still be rolled in its folded position and that is in very handy when navigating narrow passages -- aisles, between tables, bathrooms, etc.



Best wishes in your search for relief,



I'll add my vote for the Drive Nitro.  DH used his on our eight cruises on Koningsdam last year and this spring.  Since it folds up, it was easy to get in and our of the cabin and to store between the night stand and the bathroom wall.

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Kathi,  so sorry you are having so much pain, and I do hope you can find some help while you are in Fort Lauderdale,.  But what an interesting cruise, and I know you are anticipating more!  Hope your arrival in FLL goes smoothly.


We had a Christmas email from a lovely lady who said she is now on the Zaandam - Pika - I'm not sure where she will be on Zaandam, she was Tamarind Manager on Eurodam last year, she might be in the dining room now.  If you do see her, please give her a Christmas hug from Pat and Ann!  (And another hug from us to you!)

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Zaandam’s Got Talent – December 18, 2022


Since I didn’t have anything I had to do until 10:30, I planned to sleep until at least 9.  Unfortunately, I woke up at 7am and started thinking about all I had to do over the next five days and could not get back to sleep.  I packed some and then met Judy (Bob), Bob, and Sandy for the last Sunday Brunch.


I was the only one of the team at 1pm trivia and then went down to get a seat for the Crew Talent Show.  I was there 35 minutes early and could not get a good seat but at least I could see part of the show.  I am always amazed by the work the crew put into the show after they have finished doing all their regular work.  Quite a few of the other crew watched to cheer on their friends and co-workers.  There were 12 acts and the show lasted an hour and 50 minutes so no crafts today.  If you are ever on a cruise with a crew show, go to it!


After trivia, I met up with Judy (Dr’s mom) and two of her friends for a toast to the end of the cruise with some bubbly sent to her by her travel agency.


All present at dinner and then it was on to the second show of the B.B. King’s All Stars.  They were just as good as last time and had even more people up and dancing.


Last full day of the cruise tomorrow.


1pm trivia – I had 10 out of 18 and two teams had 17.

1.  What was the first product tested in a microwave?

2.  Which shoe did Cinderella lose – left or right?

3.  What commonly used word comes from the Latin for “the place where three roads meet”?

4.   What is the name of Mad Magazine’s mascot?

5.   What company buys more sugan and vanilla than any other in the world?





1.  popcorn

2.  left

3.  trivia

4.  Alfred P. Newman

5.  Coca-Cola



4pm trivia – We had 13 out of 18 and two teams had 15

1.  Who was the editor of the Daily Planet?

2.  What is the world’s largest library with 388 miles of shelves?

3.  What is the oldest known vegetable?

4.  What gangster’s business cards read, “Second-Hand Furniture Dealer”?

5.  Where is the World Series of Poker held?







1.  Perry White

2.  British Library

3.  pea

4.  Capone

5.  Las Vegas


7pm trivia – Lightning trivia – I couldn’t stay to the end but had 13 out of 23

1.  What are you unable to do if you suffer from anosmia?

2.  What was Elvis’ first gold record?

3.  Which European country’s flag has the most colors?

4.  What is the color of the Monopoly properties most landed on?

5.  Which is the busiest airport in Africa?







1.  smell

2.  Heartbreak Hotel

3.  Croatia

4.  orange

5.  Johannesburg


Smooth sailing until next time!

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Tot Ziens, Zaandam - December 20


I woke up about 6am right around the time we were pulling into Port Everglades.  I rolled over and went back to sleep for about 45 minutes.  I went up for breakfast and had two fairly good pancakes and juice.


Leaving the ship at about 8:40, I was laden down with my purse, a duffel (not the huge one they gave us), and my cane.  When I got into the terminal, the power was out.  Not sure what was wrong but everyone had to walk down a flight of stairs to get to hall where the luggage was including those in wheelchairs and with walkers.  There were people who worked there helping us down and carrying things.  Since many were already off, I had no problem getting a porter.  Finding my luggage was a little harder since it was so dark.  One of the officials was using her flashlight so people could see their bags.


Getting a taxi was also easy and I was at the hotel a little after 9 but my room wasn't ready until about 12:15. I talked with a friend, played games on my phone, fell asleep sitting up for a couple of minutes, etc. until I could go to my room.  There are no bellboys so I had to get my bags upstairs by myself (the nice lady at the desk did put them on a luggage cart).  I didn't realize that "extended stay" meant people live here week to week and things are bare bones.


I was really tired so I sat for some time and then ventured across the street to Einstein Bagels.  I had received a gift card when I retired (10 years ago) and never used it until today.  I got a large orange juice and some bagels.  I ate one there and brought the others back.


Stopped in at the Dollar Tree for a few things and then came back because I was exhausted.  I actually slept for about an hour.  I then went to Walgreen's and dropped $100 on things to help manage my hip pain (lots of various patches as well as stocking up on Advil and Tylenol, as well as a Diet Coke and some goldfish).  It rained on the way back but it is only two blocks and the rain was light so I was not drenched.


Had one of the bagels and some goldfish for dinner and then talked to another friend from home.


I am going to make it an early night (for me that means before midnight).



P.S.  If your Dutch is a little rusty, "tot ziens" means goodbye.


This is my last post about the Grand Africa.  I am not doing a "Live" thread for the Holiday cruise but I will continue posting on my blog (http://Seven Months Seeing the World (2022-2023hal.blogspot.com).  I will start a new "Live" thread for the world cruise.


Thanks for joining on this adventure!

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Kathi WONDERFUL to see your Christmas present!  Just knowing that you will not fall will help make your gait much more normal and hopefully that will reduce your pain. 

I cannot thank you enough for taking all your time to keep us up to date on your travels.

Wishing you a blessed holiday and a safe and healthy New Year. 

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I have been asked by many people to discuss the differences between the Grand Africa and the other "Grand" Voyages I have been on. This was discussed frequently onboard so I compiled a list, in no particular order, of what I had experienced or others mentioned.


For any others who were on this cruise, please share your experiences.



1) Nightly service only when requested.

2) Chocolates and towel animals only when requested.

3) No slippers (I don't know if the suites got them or not).


Dining Room

1) The old "always available" items (steak, chicken, etc.) are now part of the regular menu.  Because of this there are fewer rotating foods available for selection.

2) There are only three "different" desserts each night besides the "always available" ice cream and sundae.

3)  The choices seem to repeat more frequently than in the past.

4)  The once "always available" shrimp cocktails now have an $8.50 surcharge.

5)  The entire dining room was not decorated for special days (like Halloween) or theme nights.  Besides the decorations, in the past the servers had special vests, ties, shirts, hats, etc. for these nights - none of these on this cruise. 


The Lido 

1)  Again, the choices were very repetitive.  For lunch there was a hot meat and fish (that rotated) but the other choices were the same: a pot pie, a taco, and soups as well as the sides (baked potato, french fries, mac&cheese, green vegetable).  There was fresh fruit, deviled eggs, and almost the same cold cuts and cheeses every day.


2) The orchids that used to be on the tables in the Lido are gone.



1)  Likely the biggest mess-up was that there were no lecturers for the first two weeks.  Many people find the lectures very important and were not happy.  Note:  Once the lecturers arrived most were very good (especially Kate Ross).


2)  No cooking demos


3)  There were more movie nights in the World Stage especially on port evenings.


4) Some of the extra charge special dining evenings were on port nights or the night before.  Not really good timing on a cruise with numerous sea days.




1)  Many people did not like that the Cruise Director and the Port Presenter are now the same person.  For shorter cruises, I don't think this would be a problem but for the longer ones, it makes the Cruise Director less "visible" around the ship.


2)  There are no longer any port guides.  As bad as the maps were in them, you at least had a general idea of the layout of the area.  I know many people use their cell phones but in some areas it is not advisable to be flashing them around.  You can get a printed map from Guest Services.


3) "Pillow Gifts" are one of the perks of a "Grand".  For the first three (ceramic box, a HAL tote bag, and a box of chocolates) there was only one per cabin.  This is fine with some couples but these are built into the cost of the cruise and each person deserves their own.  This was especially bad for roommates who each paid their own fare.  There were numerous complaints and for the last couple of gifts, there was one per person.


There are also fewer "Pillow Gifts" because they are usually tied to Formal nights that have been cut back with the introduction of "Dressy Nights".


4) On the topic of Formal and Dressy nights:  Nobody knows why HAL suddenly started this.  Nobody can really give an easy explanation for the difference between the two.  I noticed that many people wore their more formal wear on both.


5)  There was a major blunder with the distribution of information/luggage tags for disembarkation.  Normally, they will ask about your plans in advance and then a few days before the end of the cruise, you receive a letter with the time for you to depart along with color coded tags.  On this cruise, they put out the tags with no explanation or notice by Guest Services.  They quickly disappeared.  The day before disembarkation most (maybe all??) had not received a letter.  From my personal experience, I went to Guest Services just before 1pm the last day and was told my cabin steward would have the letter and tags shortly.  Still nothing at 5pm.  Called Guest Services at 6 and got the same answer.  Nothing just before 9pm (with bags due out in the hall in less than three hours).  Back to Guest Services after the show and was finally given the letter and tags.  A friend of mine received two different packets with two different sets of tags.


The really trivial


1) Marshmallows - marshmallows seem to be the new whipped cream on board.  Where you might expect whipped cream (like on the ice cream sundae) there are now marshmallows.  One of the extra charge nights in the Pinnacle (I think the surcharge was over $100) had a marshmallow dessert.


2)  The bar snacks in the Crow's Nest (not sure of other bars) consisted of only peanuts.  In the past they have had goldfish and popcorn as well as mixed nuts on special nights.


3)  The Chocolate Surprise evening was the worst I have seen.  Once again, marshmallows (with part dipped in chocolate with sprinkles) made an appearance and was not very popular.  They had a hard time getting people to take them and many were left on flat surfaces.  Supposedly (because I never tasted one), there was a mini cupcake that was delicious but they were gone by the time I left the late show.  I did try two other things - chocolate covered somethings (not sure what) and a chocolate tart - both were left unfinished.


The Good


1)  Activities like bridge, arts and crafts, drawing, watercolors, etc. were excellent as usual.


2)  There was a rabbi, minister, and priest (who had to leave for a little due to a family loss but came back) present.


3)  The laundry did a great job.  Most times when I put my bag out on my bed at 10am it was back that evening. 


4) The In-Room Dining staff were amazing while I was in solitary.


5) The crew.  Although some were on their first contract, they were out to please and did a great job as always.




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1 hour ago, Scrapnana said:



I have been asked by many people to discuss the differences between the Grand Africa and the other "Grand" Voyages I have been on. This was discussed frequently onboard so I compiled a list, in no particular order, of what I had experienced or others mentioned.


For any others who were on this cruise, please share your experiences.



1) Nightly service only when requested.

2) Chocolates and towel animals only when requested.

3) No slippers (I don't know if the suites got them or not).


Dining Room

1) The old "always available" items (steak, chicken, etc.) are now part of the regular menu.  Because of this there are fewer rotating foods available for selection.

2) There are only three "different" desserts each night besides the "always available" ice cream and sundae.

3)  The choices seem to repeat more frequently than in the past.

4)  The once "always available" shrimp cocktails now have an $8.50 surcharge.

5)  The entire dining room was not decorated for special days (like Halloween) or theme nights.  Besides the decorations, in the past the servers had special vests, ties, shirts, hats, etc. for these nights - none of these on this cruise. 


The Lido 

1)  Again, the choices were very repetitive.  For lunch there was a hot meat and fish (that rotated) but the other choices were the same: a pot pie, a taco, and soups as well as the sides (baked potato, french fries, mac&cheese, green vegetable).  There was fresh fruit, deviled eggs, and almost the same cold cuts and cheeses every day.


2) The orchids that used to be on the tables in the Lido are gone.



1)  Likely the biggest mess-up was that there were no lecturers for the first two weeks.  Many people find the lectures very important and were not happy.  Note:  Once the lecturers arrived most were very good (especially Kate Ross).


2)  No cooking demos


3)  There were more movie nights in the World Stage especially on port evenings.


4) Some of the extra charge special dining evenings were on port nights or the night before.  Not really good timing on a cruise with numerous sea days.




1)  Many people did not like that the Cruise Director and the Port Presenter are now the same person.  For shorter cruises, I don't think this would be a problem but for the longer ones, it makes the Cruise Director less "visible" around the ship.


2)  There are no longer any port guides.  As bad as the maps were in them, you at least had a general idea of the layout of the area.  I know many people use their cell phones but in some areas it is not advisable to be flashing them around.  You can get a printed map from Guest Services.


3) "Pillow Gifts" are one of the perks of a "Grand".  For the first three (ceramic box, a HAL tote bag, and a box of chocolates) there was only one per cabin.  This is fine with some couples but these are built into the cost of the cruise and each person deserves their own.  This was especially bad for roommates who each paid their own fare.  There were numerous complaints and for the last couple of gifts, there was one per person.


There are also fewer "Pillow Gifts" because they are usually tied to Formal nights that have been cut back with the introduction of "Dressy Nights".


4) On the topic of Formal and Dressy nights:  Nobody knows why HAL suddenly started this.  Nobody can really give an easy explanation for the difference between the two.  I noticed that many people wore their more formal wear on both.


5)  There was a major blunder with the distribution of information/luggage tags for disembarkation.  Normally, they will ask about your plans in advance and then a few days before the end of the cruise, you receive a letter with the time for you to depart along with color coded tags.  On this cruise, they put out the tags with no explanation or notice by Guest Services.  They quickly disappeared.  The day before disembarkation most (maybe all??) had not received a letter.  From my personal experience, I went to Guest Services just before 1pm the last day and was told my cabin steward would have the letter and tags shortly.  Still nothing at 5pm.  Called Guest Services at 6 and got the same answer.  Nothing just before 9pm (with bags due out in the hall in less than three hours).  Back to Guest Services after the show and was finally given the letter and tags.  A friend of mine received two different packets with two different sets of tags.


The really trivial


1) Marshmallows - marshmallows seem to be the new whipped cream on board.  Where you might expect whipped cream (like on the ice cream sundae) there are now marshmallows.  One of the extra charge nights in the Pinnacle (I think the surcharge was over $100) had a marshmallow dessert.


2)  The bar snacks in the Crow's Nest (not sure of other bars) consisted of only peanuts.  In the past they have had goldfish and popcorn as well as mixed nuts on special nights.


3)  The Chocolate Surprise evening was the worst I have seen.  Once again, marshmallows (with part dipped in chocolate with sprinkles) made an appearance and was not very popular.  They had a hard time getting people to take them and many were left on flat surfaces.  Supposedly (because I never tasted one), there was a mini cupcake that was delicious but they were gone by the time I left the late show.  I did try two other things - chocolate covered somethings (not sure what) and a chocolate tart - both were left unfinished.


The Good


1)  Activities like bridge, arts and crafts, drawing, watercolors, etc. were excellent as usual.


2)  There was a rabbi, minister, and priest (who had to leave for a little due to a family loss but came back) present.


3)  The laundry did a great job.  Most times when I put my bag out on my bed at 10am it was back that evening. 


4) The In-Room Dining staff were amazing while I was in solitary.


5) The crew.  Although some were on their first contract, they were out to please and did a great job as always.






Thank you so much for posting this.  It will be very interesting to see if your World Cruise will improve over the Grand Africa.  Please let us know.  The 2024 final payment awaits your opinions of your '23 cruise.  

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Thanks, Kathi, for detailing changes and differences noticed on the Grand Africa. Many of those changes, we are seeing on the 7-day cruises as well. I definitely would expect grand voyages not to experience these changes. Am interested in comments on those on the January 3rd GWV.

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