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Has anyone had to USE their trip insurance and what was your experience?


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We are planning to use trip insurance for the first time for a Panama Canal cruise.  We've heard so many horror stories about things not being covered, we wanted to make sure we use the right carrier.  Please share your experience if you've ever had to actually USE your insurance and what was your experience?  We will probably opt for "cancel for any reason".

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I have had to use it twice.  Once to replace a camera that we lost on an excursion and for a night in a hotel during a trip delay.  This we not insurance from the cruise line.  We have spent much more on insurance over our 40 cruises than I have gotten back.  What I am mostly concerned about is medical evacuation which could be very expensive.

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1 hour ago, grumpah1 said:

We are planning to use trip insurance for the first time for a Panama Canal cruise.  We've heard so many horror stories about things not being covered, we wanted to make sure we use the right carrier.  Please share your experience if you've ever had to actually USE your insurance and what was your experience?  We will probably opt for "cancel for any reason".


In third-party insurance, CFAR comes at an extra cost but it reimburses only 75% of nonrefundable costs. I’m not sure you really need it in most cases because a comprehensive policy has a pretty inclusive list of covered reasons for cancellation.


People complain about travel insurance because they do not understand what their policy covers or how it works. I’m not saying it is easy. Language in the policy is convoluted and requires careful reading. That is why it makes sense to consult a professional


Many people here recommend Trip Insurance Store with good reason. They can help you find the policy that covers the risks you are concerned about. What’s more -  they can guide you through the claims process if that becomes necessary.


The thing that seems to be causing the most problems these days is cancelled or delayed flights. Ask how to protect yourself from that, but also make your own list of things you are worried about then call and ask for recommendations. 

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The "horror" stories that you read about are people who file claims not understanding that the claim was not a covered event.


One instance I filed due to my wedding band being lost/misplaced/ or stolen. A couple of things that I had to show proof of was a letter from the cruise line stating that they searched and couldn't find it. Check...The next step was to provide a copy of the original sales receipt. We actually keep these as a pdf in our "Major Purchase" file on the computer. Check... Received the max allowable according to the policy of $500 about 2 weeks later.


Another was when our return flight was cancelled. Had to get a document from the airline proving the flight was cancelled. Check.. Had to keep receipts for hotel and meals for the extra night. Check... This was recent, so the review and acceptance took a while but received a check a couple of months later


The one that didn't work out so well was all on me. During Covid, we took a trip to Cancun and stayed at an RIU resort. The resort offered a free €10,000 medical only policy. I self-insured the rest. The policy clearly stated that should we require a trip to the ER, we were to notify them first. Well, my wife tripped and fell, blood going everywhere, broken wrist, etc. Off to the ER we go. $3500 later, she's fixed up and we finish our vacation and fly back home. Submit the claim and it gets denied. It gets denied because we never called first. That's on ME. I knew the policy but was wrapped up emotionally in the emergency.  Being wrapped up emotionally is a good reason to forget to call, but it's not a good excuse. 

At the time, I did have a BC/BS employer provided coverage that had an international rider. However, since my wife is/was on Medicare at the time, we had to file with Medicare 1st, wait for the denial, and then file with BC/BS. After allowable deductions, Out of Network deductions and everything else, I got back about $2400 of the $3500 we paid.

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36 minutes ago, iflyrc5 said:

I have had to use it twice.  Once to replace a camera that we lost on an excursion and for a night in a hotel during a trip delay.  This we not insurance from the cruise line.  We have spent much more on insurance over our 40 cruises than I have gotten back.  What I am mostly concerned about is medical evacuation which could be very expensive.


People always cite medical evacuation as a big concern. Remember that in travel insurance it means hospital-to-hospital transfer if you need a higher level of care. Most often you are moved to the nearest hospital that can appropriately care for you, then you are flown home by commercial air when you are able to travel. You might be accompanied by a medical assistant if necessary, but do not think you are going to be flown directly home in an air ambulance.


Nor does evacuation mean air/sea rescue. That is performed by the equivalent of the Coast Guard at no cost to the patient.


Nevertheless, medical and associated transportation costs still represent significant risk so insurance is still necessary. 

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We used it twice when our flights were cancelled due to bad weather in New York as we were due to leave from Florida.  Aw shucks, we had to stay an extra day in Florida!  I actually called trip insurance store during this time to make sure I was doing everything I needed to be covered.  I took screenshots of the cancelled flights on my phone, and was meticulous about keeping records and receipts.  It took awhile before they paid, but they did eventually.  Covered the cost of the insurance, both times.  That covered hotel, & food.

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  • 2 weeks later...

We used it once. For our trip in September we used AMEX's silver plan and they came through for us. Both my husband and I contracted COVID (we probably got it in transit and not on the ship based on when we showed symptom).  We were quarantined in our cabin for 6 days and luckily we disembarked in Barcelona which did not require us to quarantine before flying home.
The cruise line gave us 2 FCC for 90% of the fares, our Kaiser Medicare paid $1600 for the Paxlovid we received on board and AMEX paid in full for the airline change fees and cancelled excursions, as we flew home 2 days earlier than planned.  Tips: keep EVERY receipt and when submitting a claim, include a clear cover letter which explains what documents are being submitted and why. AMEX only requested one additional item- the actual clinical, diagnostic-medical test taken onboard. Once they received it,  they approved the claim.


For our next trip, we are using this company https://www.travelinsurance.com/. We liked it as you can totally customize all the various parts of the policy and purchase only what you want. We added: cancel for any reason and the cost was most reasonable.  Do not want to repeat this experience ever again.

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I took out insurance through Travel Guard for the dates that we were going to be gone on a cruise. The; first night of our cruise my wife fell and broke her glasses along with her right pinky finger. The cruise line took X-rays, splinted the hand and determined that the surgery to repair the hand could wait until we got back to the US. After we got back and replaced her glasses and paid all of our co-pays for her surgery and therapy sessions I submitted all of my receipts and was told that since the expenses didn't occur during the covered period, ie our cruise, they wouldn't cover our costs. What a CROCK!  I resubmitted out claim explaining that the injury occurred during the covered period and it would have been impossible to replace prescription glasses while on the cruise in addition to undergo surgery and the 2 month of PT. Never again will I use Travel Guard.

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1 hour ago, Subman738 said:

I took out insurance through Travel Guard for the dates that we were going to be gone on a cruise. The; first night of our cruise my wife fell and broke her glasses along with her right pinky finger. The cruise line took X-rays, splinted the hand and determined that the surgery to repair the hand could wait until we got back to the US. After we got back and replaced her glasses and paid all of our co-pays for her surgery and therapy sessions I submitted all of my receipts and was told that since the expenses didn't occur during the covered period, ie our cruise, they wouldn't cover our costs. What a CROCK!  I resubmitted out claim explaining that the injury occurred during the covered period and it would have been impossible to replace prescription glasses while on the cruise in addition to undergo surgery and the 2 month of PT. Never again will I use Travel Guard.

Have you sought help either thru the appeal process or by filing a complaint with you State Insurance Commission? Insurance Complaints | Missouri Department of Commerce & Insurance (mo.gov) 

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3 hours ago, Subman738 said:

 I resubmitted out claim explaining that the injury occurred during the covered period and it would have been impossible to replace prescription glasses while on the cruise in addition to undergo surgery and the 2 month of PT. Never again will I use Travel Guard.

Without knowing the terms of the policy, it may just provide coverage for expenses incurred while you are on your cruise and stops once you return home. I'm sure if the broken pinky was set in the ship's med center or onshore ER, those charges would be covered, but once you got home the travel insurance ends, your regular insurance takes over.

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On 12/6/2022 at 6:48 PM, grumpah1 said:

We are planning to use trip insurance for the first time for a Panama Canal cruise.  We've heard so many horror stories about things not being covered, we wanted to make sure we use the right carrier.  Please share your experience if you've ever had to actually USE your insurance and what was your experience?  We will probably opt for "cancel for any reason".


Ah yes, we have used our travel insurance, although we certainly wish there had been no need to do so.

ALL of the assorted claims were paid very promptly, and without nonsense.  A few of them were large claims.

We purchased policies from Travel Insured, through TripInsuranceStore.com, an insurance broker who offer a variety of policies from several vetted insurers.

Our claims have dealt with everything from our very first insured trip, when at the last minute (well, last 2 weeks before planned departure), DH had a medical emergency, and the only travel we did for several weeks was among various medical facilities.  ALL of our non-refundable costs (which were 100% of everything at that late date) were paid in about 2 weeks after we sent in the claim form and our receipts plus a form from the physician.


We also had to cancel a trip because very elderly MIL landed in hospital about a week before a planned trip.

We had a flight home from Barbados where the incoming flight never arrived, so we went back to our 5* resort where fortunately they still had a room for us (week before Christmas); the flight arrived and then departed the following morning.

I landed in hospital overseas, and instead of one night at a 5* hotel before heading to visit dear friends, DH spent several nights alone there, until I was able to join him.  But I was judged too sick to travel for a few more days, so we stayed about a week.  We then needed special transportation in order to recover the final week of our trip.

There were a few other claims.


We have no quarrel whatsoever. Quite the opposite; we've been very pleased (except for the need actually use the insurance in the first place, of course).

However, note that it is VERY important that one gets the *right* type of policy for your situation (pre-existing conditions? family members not traveling with you? Etc....) AND that you submit *receipts* along with any other requested documentation.


We get travel insurance for *all* of our overseas trips!



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  • 2 weeks later...

My late husband and I were in Jamaica in 2018. I typically don’t purchase insurance. I happened to buy one for this trip. He slipped on wet pavement and cut his head . The bill was over $400. I turned it in with receipts and photos to Allianz. I was reimbursed in 2 weeks . I actually just purchased an annual policy through them for travel. 

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We have filed several claims with GeoBlue and all were quickly settled with full reimbursement (minus the deductible).  Are still wrestling with two Chase Sapphire claims (that card includes $10,000 per person coverage for cancelation/interruption).  With Chase, things do generally get resolved but it can involve months of back-forth, and maneuvering around constant roadblocks put in place by claims examiners.



When it comes to filing claims, "patience grasshopper" is the best philosophy

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  • 1 month later...

I apologize for the length. This is just a recollection of our personal experience.


We have filed two trip insurance claims. 


The first was a few years ago for a small (approx $150 billing) from the cruiseline’s medical unit. Reimbursed very promptly after submitting claim. I ‘think’ we were covered by Berkshire Hathaway. Claims process and personnel very helpful and professional.


The second claim related to our planned 21-day cruise in Nov-Dec 2022. DH started feeling crummy the day after embarkation. The following morning, he made an appointment to be seen at the Medical Unit. Many tests were run (no Covid or flu for either of us) and he was diagnosed with pneumonia and a possible pulmonary embolism. The physician recommended medical disembarkation at our next port - Grand Turk - the next day. The doctor worked tirelessly with our 3rd party insurance to arrange for an air ambulance back to the USA/FL, since the facilities at Grand Turk could most charitably be described as ‘limited.’


Ambulance to airport, jet to FL with RN, ambulance from FLL small airport to hospital in MIA for both of us all done Tuesday. DH discharged Thursday. We flew home on Friday.


Throughout this adventure, we were each tested for Covid & Flu A&B approx 8 times. All negative. Same after we returned home. We think he came in contact with the pneumonia either traveling to FLL (two airports) and/or during our overnight in FLL. We did not mask and probably should have.


After I submitted our claims for Medical Expenses and Trip Interruption to Travel Insured, reimbursement was in our bank account three weeks later. The only change in the amount resulted from my error (double counted one item). Their forms were straight forward and relatively easy to complete == I had receipts for everything. They covered all the ambulance/jet/care costs directly. Every phone call, every email responded to promptly with helpful and professional staff.


Lessons Learned for us going forward:

- Continue to purchase third party trip insurance with primary coverage. Since we both are well into our ‘senior’ years, the odds of either of us making a claim increase.

- Make that purchase within two weeks (sometimes three) of first deposit to cover ‘pre-existing conditions.’

- When looking at coverage, scope out Insuremytrip.com; squaremouth.com; etc. to get a sense of what coverage costs how much. Each trip is different. Since Travel Insured met our requirements for this trip (and most), we went through our home/auto/life insurance (USAA) and obtained a slight discount.


For us, having trip insurance relieved so much stress. I cannot imagine having to organize (and pay for!) repatriation on our own. And thanks to our coverage, the costs paid for the remaining 19 days of the cruise, expenses in MIA, and flight home were all covered The final insult would have been to pay for the cruise when we didn’t get to enjoy it!!


Hope this helps others going forward.


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We sailed 2/1/2020 on Sky Princess.  (That was when Diamond was docked in Japan at the beginning of Covid.)  Hubby got sick after five days and went to the Medical Center -- which, by the way, is amazing on Sky.  He had to go back a few times for checkups, and looking back we think they might have suspected Covid.  Two days later, he was fine.  I don't recall the cost, but it wasn't cheap.  The insurance we bought through Princess covered everything, no questions asked.  We were very satisfied.

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We have had to make 2 claims for the one trip. We have used Allianz, both for individual trips and annual insurance. We had the annual cover for the year that Covid became a problem. We had taken one trip, but others planned for the year were cancelled without cost to us so no need to claim. Allianz refunded a pro-rata portion of the insurance premium as we could not use it due to Australian travel restrictions. 

We have recently had to make a claim through Allianz for a disastrous 7-week trip to Europe. I was isolated for 5 days in cabin for Covid, my husband had a heart attack (not severe) when docked in Edinburgh and was in hospital for 7 days, we were able to reboard our ship after 9 days and continue our holiday and then we were robbed in Spain.

Allianz covered all costs including refunding the cruise fare for the 9 days we were off the ship.  Allianz medical team were wonderful to work with and provided much needed support. They also liaised with the ship medical team to ensure they were happy for us to continue with our holiday. We always buy the cruise package that includes medical evacuation from Ship and trip interruptions.

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  • 1 month later...

We've gotten our money's worth out of 3rd party insurance.  Years ago we had a last minute cancelation because of medical, got back about $8K.


In 2022 we had a covid related expense on a cruise.  The 3rd party paid ... after 8 months, cruse line still hasn't paid the delta they promised. 

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We were suppose to cruise Feb 18th and DH came down with a virus the day before

We have always bought trip insurance and this time went with Travel Insured, thru our TA

We submitted all the paperwork asked for including paperwork from our physician 3 days after

We were told they were overloaded with claims and it would take a bit

Ok, we are patient 

Just received our full refund, about 6 weeks

During this wait I looked up reviews for Travel Insured and read just awful experiences with getting claims paid. A little nerve racking …

I don’t know why I never bothered to do that before, as I am that person that does research 😊

With that said it is good to see the posts above about Travel Insured that are positive

Keep all paperwork from your TA, cruise line, receipts, everything 

If you need to make a claim, you will need it



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7 minutes ago, janetz said:


During this wait I looked up reviews for Travel Insured and read just awful experiences with getting claims paid. A little nerve racking …


Make sure you write and submit your good review.


I'm guilty of it myself. I'll write a bad review in a heartbeat. But when things go as well as expected, I don't. Bad on me.

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Before Covid we had a number of travel insurance claims, all with TravelGuard. I (almost always) read everything, so I knew what would be required should a claim situation occur (like getting a receipt for everything and keeping every receipt). The big claim we had was for a heart attack. Long story; yes, I had to jump through hoops but I was prepared and the claims were reimbursed in full. [The doctor had to confirm to TravelGuard that I really had to have the surgery before I could travel home. TravelGuard offered to pay in advance for the surgery if the hospital would guarantee the cost, which the hospital couldn’t, so I paid and was reimbursed. TravelGuard did make the arrangements, and purchased the doctor-recommended business class tickets for my wife and me to fly to Buenos Aires for the surgery and to fly home.]


I used TripMate/Generali for a Viking cruise in 2022. It was considerably cheaper than TravelGuard and the policy terms were comparable. I submitted claims in June; received partial payments in September and December. The claims totaled more than $2,000 and were covered, but we received a couple hundred dollars less than the loss we had incurred. So since December I have tried 5 times (and Viking tried once) to find out what I supposedly incorrectly read in their policy. The only answer I received was a letter that essentially stated that they had paid the correct amount.


We’re taking another Viking cruise in July. I’ve gone back to travelGuard.

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On 12/6/2022 at 6:48 PM, grumpah1 said:

We are planning to use trip insurance for the first time for a Panama Canal cruise.  We've heard so many horror stories about things not being covered, we wanted to make sure we use the right carrier.  Please share your experience if you've ever had to actually USE your insurance and what was your experience?  We will probably opt for "cancel for any reason".

I don't understand "we are planning to use trip insurance"   did you mean purchase?


It took 90 days to refund a large claim for a canceled trip...It was through "Trip Mate" Viking's carrier of choice.  We were re-imbursed in full.  No real explanation what took so long.


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Back in 2000, we flew to Scotland for a golf holiday.  Long story short, Hubby's golf clubs arrived a couple days late, along with our suitcases. We also had a carryon bags, so the big suitcases arriving late didn't negatively impact us. In the meantime, Hubby rented golf clubs, had to buy golf balls and something else.  We kept all the receipts and filed a claim with Travel Guard, who reimbursed us for those expenses.

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Yes, have used multiple times. Highly recommend TravelGuard, they were easy to work with and no problem with claims being paid. Cancelled trip once due to a death in the family and twice for illnesses in the family. On a cruise, our daughter got the flu on Day 5 and they reimbursed us for the last 3 days of our trip cost.

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I had insurance with Celebrity CruiseCare. In March 2023, I had to cancel my cruise a few days before it was to start.  I submitted all paperwork 7 weeks ago and still no response.  I have contacted both AON, who manages CruiseCare, and Celebrity.  Neither can help at all.  It is a waiting game.  In The future, I plan to use other instance carriers and are in the process of researching many of them.  

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We had Allianz coverage when my DH had a mini stroke and had to cancel about 3 weeks out from a cruise. My T/A and Allianz made everything very easy. Kenneth was 85 and had several pre-existing conditions. The coverage was fairly expensive but I was glad we had it. 

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