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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday December 7th, 2022


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Another good book about the time after Pearl Harbor, for @luvteaching and others interested, is Properties of Thirst by Marianne Wiggins.  It is fiction, but the setting and time period are very real, and it contains some captivating story lines, including how people can be interconnected in ways they never knew - much like the Daily-ites!

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Good afternoon.  I managed to get some of the pesky chores done, but others will have to wait a while.  The occupational therapist said that she did not think DH  needed OT at this time.  Now, we're waiting  for the nurse.  


Our temperatures are in the 70sF and it's comfortable outside, but a little more humid than I'd prefer.  We are not normally here this time of year, and I've been amazed at the fall colors the oak tress are displaying.  I guess it took the cool temperatures the last few weeks to get them to start changing colors.  I am not that happy with all the fallen leaves that blow into our motorhome/carport, but I now understand why there are so many leaves to clean up when we return in the spring.  That's another pesky chore for this week, to get ahead of the leaf clean up.  And none of the leaves came from trees on our lot.


4 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Yesterday DH got a call from his brother, Mom fell in the grocery store (Mom is 88) and they called her son, and he actually got there before the ambulance.  He called DH immediately.   She broke her right arm just below the shoulder,  but  that's all the news that we have right now.  Pretty sure my DBIL is getting some rest right now, he was still at the hospital past midnight.  And they sent Mom home, completely bandaged, to remain still.  I certainly hope one of the grandkids will stay with her. 


I am still on the campaign (the one looking for 1000 donations) I still do not have one of those.  In fact, I think I have been secretly moved to new contacts to correct the contact information, as last night I made 69 calls in 3 hours and spoke to 6 people.  Three of those people told me to put them on the do not call list.  So I actually only spoke to 3 people.  The other ones just yelled at me, which is not the same thing.  And I decided that asking for morning hours which the boss gave me, being special and all should not happen if I cant start getting donations.  I haven't gotten a donation in over a week.  So my hours were cut.




@Seasick SailorHappy Day of the Joys!  Make someone take you out to lunch!


I thought DH had a dr's appt today, turns out it's next Monday.  I don't work until tonight,  long day in the gray...and still too wet to clean out the front garden.  No book is calling me, and the tv gets turned off while DH works in the afternoon.  I guess I can clean quietly...or nap.





Annie, I'm sorry your DMIL fell and broke her arm.  I hope she has someone staying with her, and taking care of her.  I'm sorry your hours were cut, but that campaign asking for $1000 at the start is just wrong IMHO.


4 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:


Lenda, thank you for adding me to Joy day 🙂

I think I would like your casserole. Not a lot of fussy work and sounds yummy!


Joy, it is good.  One hint, don't let the rice get too dry, or the casserole will be dry.  It needs all the moisture from all the undrained ingredients.  It's also good reheated.


3 hours ago, superoma said:

@Quartzsite Cruiserlenda, thank you for the taco casserole recipe. I have added it to my file of vegetarian dishes suitable for my Wednesday ladies group. Because it uses corn tortillas, my celiacs can eat it too.


well, my Christmas baking is done. The last item, a white fruit cake from a Southern Living recipe is baking now. I only made four different cookies this year rather than the dozen varieties I usually make. But I chose four family favourites so we should be good.


grey day here today but not terribly cold. But I think we will be getting the cold weather that has been plaguing


Quiet on the soccer front until Friday. We have decided to cheer for Croatia in this next round since Canada and Germany are both out. My ancestors are ethnic Germans born in Croatia for several generations, only leaving it at the end of the war when they became part of the first great refugee migration. 

have a good day everyone.


Eva, I'm happy that you want to try the casserole.  See the hint I gave Joy @Seasick Sailor.


3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

We should remember Pearl Harbor, although the roundup of innocent Japanese here in America was not our finest hour. I'll pass on Cotton Candy (too sweet). A salute to Illinois and both those named Joy, and Joy itself. Interesting quote. The meal sounds good. Pass on the drink, yes to the wine.

I haven't been to Red Bay. 


It's still cloudy but almost 60F! We've had almost daily rain, and it continues through the weekend. On the agenda today: take my shot for the first time in a month (I'm also trying to decrease the Benadry I take for the local allergic reaction, because it knocks me out), bake the fruit bread this afternoon, start the basement cleanup.


@StLouisCruisers Happy Birthday to DSIL. Thanks for the photos. 

@Cat in my lap @kplady Great photos of Red Bay.

@ottahand7 I hope DB hasn't lost too much ground with not having PT for a few days.

@Cruzin Terri Safe travels.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the recipe.

@marshhawk Sorry to hear of DMIL's fall and broken arm. My mother (who had dementia) fell in the personal care home. She had a break just below the shoulder. Too high to be casted, so they put her in a sling. Of course she didn't know what was going on, and constantly got out of the sling. I always thought that due to that, she had good range of motion after it was healed. You've got a hard job asking for donations that large in the current economy. Sorry your hours were cut. 


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.







Vanessa, I hope the shot doesn't cause you any problems.  I agree that the internment of the Japanese Americans was definitely not our finest hour.


2 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning everyone, 


Not much to report. The weather is warming up a bit and no temps in the freezing range for a few days and clouds and rain. I'm happy to see rain for a few days. Today is off to recycling and then to see DH. He's holding his own and our biggest issue is getting him to stand consistently. Once up he can walk although it's slow. I'd love him to be home for Christmas and am very cautiously optimistic it can happen. Prepared for it not to happen as well. His family's Christmas is the 27th so may have to attend on my own which is fine but not optimal. 

@JazzyV I agree that the interment of the Japanese Americans was not the finest hour. Has anyone read the book Dear Miss Breed? It's the story of a San Diego librarian who had many of her clients (young ones) in camps in the San Diego area. It was a good read and lots of historical photos. 


I have the tree mostly decorated and now time to get the cards out and get the Christmas letter done. I need to get the cards to Canada in the mail sooner than later. 


@marshhawk We are attending our local Skagit Symphony's Holiday concert matinee on Sunday. DH is really looking forward to it. I have our local bus company picking us up with a handicapped accessible bus and taking us to and back. This is a free service but they have a limited area. I wish I could get it to bring him own but we are outside the area. 


Have a good day everyone! 



Karen, I'm glad that your DH is doing well, and that he will be able to go to the concert.  🤞 that he will be home for Christmas.


1 hour ago, ottahand7 said:

Good afternoon.  I had a nice visit with my DB this morning.  He had nothing written on his white board in his room for PT and OT so hopefully they come in today to work with him.  He has been bedridden for so many days that they needed to catheterize him.   Hopefully this will be one and done and things start flowing again.   His room was beautifully decorated by his DIL and his grandkids.    

We had a nice lunch at a restaurant we have never been to.  It is called the Fly In and it is at the little private airport in the next town over.  It was great.  God burgers and sandwiches.   

My project this afternoon is trying how to program the new cable locks that I bought for my zipper suitcases.    We have to lock our suitcases for Luggage Forward.   I haven't had any luck with their instructions yet.   Probably should have bought the ones with the little keys instead......   Have a nice afternoon! 


Nancy, that is good that you had a nice visit with your DB.  I hope he gets the therapy he needs, and that he has not lost too much ground.  It was nice of his DIL and grandkids to decorate his room.


The largest of the ten internment camps was in Poston, AZ, along the Colorado River not far from Quartzsite.  Several things made it unique.  It was built on the Colorado River Indian Tribes reservation, and had a larger number of African Americans on the staff than other camps.


This is the monument at the site of the camp.  Most of the camp is no longer there.





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@luvteachingI am so happy to know that you are going to the Skagit Holiday Symphony.  I hope you and your DH have a wonderful, Joyous time.

@ottahand7DH and I used to go to a great restaurant at our regional airport.  It was called Down Wind.  DH is Vietnam vet-Air Force, not a pilot, but his Dad was.  DH loves to look at planes.  So finally a restaurant with the right ambiance. but the owner was the rudest person this side of town, and after a few years of going every Wednesday for dinner, and the owner, seating us, but never acknowledging our existence, we moved on to other restaurants.  I guess we should try it again one nice spring Friday afternoon.


Speaking of recognizing our existence, DH and I got into the habit while he was doing radiation, that we would stop at a nice little taco place on the way home (5 days a week for one month), we then made it our Monday place to go, and then since we both work, it became our way home from the doc place to go.  And for the last 3 years, we have had a meal on them.  It happened yesterday.  The order taker, thanked us for being such great patrons, they wanted to thank us, and lunch was on them.  I left 10 dollars in the tip jar, the week before Christmas, I will leave a 20.00.  It's just so sweet of them.


Today with all these free hours, I called the Medical Group I go to, and asked to change my primary physician.  it has to go through a process, it can take up to 10 days, they will call if my request is accepted.  I have been to the same doc for 10 years, but last year when he said because i had not seeked treatment (during covid, when if you had a cough you could not come in) he would  not treat me.(for my cough)  On my last refill of blood pressure medication, there was a post that said I had to see the doctor before he would refill my prescription,  and I didn't want to see him ever again,  so I have 90 days to find a new doc.  My friend Debbie told me about her new doc in the same practice, and so I put in my request today.

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FWIW, there is a good restaurant in the small airport at Sitka, Alaska. It's particularly known for pies, and if you want to buy a whole pie, TSA will let you carry it aboard the plane with no discussion about whether it might be a liquid or gel.

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3 minutes ago, HAL4NOW said:

@kochleffelwere you able to take care of your Medicare choice today?


Yes. I chose Plan G, moving from Plan F. The only difference was that Plan G doesn't cover the Part B deductible, which is capped at $233, but the premium was more than $400 less than Plan F. I looked at Medicare Advantage plans; while many of them included all the local hospitals and doctors, plus the university hospital in Rochester, I had too many questions about their networks in the rest of the country, a consideration since I probably wouldn't buy travel insurance for trips within the U.S.

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Dinner tonight is turning out to be baked leeks, carrots, and vegan sausage. I have some flatbread (not real tortillas) on hand so tomorrow might be adaptation of the recent tortilla pie. I had broccoli with lunch, so it will be about 6, if not 7, servings of vegetables today. The carrots are just boiled, which isn't the way I like them best.


If anyone has a suggestion for shallots, I'd like to receive it. Another Misfits order came today; these are all from last week, but now I also have Brussels sprouts, more broccoli, and Swiss chard, plus a honeynut squash from the week of Thanksgiving.

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I was unable to log in from the 1st day of my cruise, 11/20/22, until today. I have been following along but unable to post or even respond with the imoges. The first 2 days of the cruise were miserable with heavy cold rain and high winds. Wind of 50 knots had the harbormaster close the harbor for many hours causing us to miss Half Moon Cay however the weather cleared after that and the cruise was very nice.

I was feeling quite well while on the cruise, exhausted for a day from my flight home then a couple of days later I started having symptoms of a cold, tested and sure enough I am positive for Covid.  (mild case, not to worry). Dr. prescribed Paxlovid and 5 days of isolation. Unable to get my Christmas decorations up until after the 5 days as my neighbor who helps also has Covid.

I have been to Red Bay but do not have any photos. Thank all of you for posting, now the photos of the meal have made me hungry so I will go looking for some type of Tex-Mex food to prepare.


Edited by lazey1
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Good evening from Jacksonville.

We will be flying out to Miami tomorrow morning.  We’ll be there two nights and board the Oceania Insignia on Saturday.


We stopped at our house to see what was going on and found lots of work going on.  That made us feel very good.  Painting starts on Monday after all the demo will be finished.


On another note, my neighbor Joanne, did not make it.  She passed away this morning.  She was in and out of the hospital for the last two weeks.  Unfortunately, we were unable to see her husband whenever we were at our house. 

Please keep her and her family in your prayers.  She had been sick for many years and I think it is a blessing that she is finally no longer suffering.

May she rest in peace.


Hope everyone had a good day.

God bless,


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3 hours ago, lazey1 said:

I was unable to log in from the 1st day of my cruise, 11/20/22, until today. I have been following along but unable to post or even respond with the imoges. The first 2 days of the cruise were miserable with heavy cold rain and high winds. Wind of 50 knots had the harbormaster close the harbor for many hours causing us to miss Half Moon Cay however the weather cleared after that and the cruise was very nice.

I was feeling quite well while on the cruise, exhausted for a day from my flight home then a couple of days later I started having symptoms of a cold, tested and sure enough I am positive for Covid.  (mild case, not to worry). Dr. prescribed Paxlovid and 5 days of isolation. Unable to get my Christmas decorations up until after the 5 days as my neighbor who helps also has Covid.

I have been to Red Bay but do not have any photos. Thank all of you for posting, now the photos of the meal have made me hungry so I will go looking for some type of Tex-Mex food to prepare.



Jane, I'm glad that after the first two days your cruise was nice and that you felt good.  I'm sorry you have tested positive, but am glad it's a mild case. Best wishes to you and your neighbor for a speedy recovery.


1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good evening from Jacksonville.

We will be flying out to Miami tomorrow morning.  We’ll be there two nights and board the Oceania Insignia on Saturday.


We stopped at our house to see what was going on and found lots of work going on.  That made us feel very good.  Painting starts on Monday after all the demo will be finished.


On another note, my neighbor Joanne, did not make it.  She passed away this morning.  She was in and out of the hospital for the last two weeks.  Unfortunately, we were unable to see her husband whenever we were at our house. 

Please keep her and her family in your prayers.  She had been sick for many years and I think it is a blessing that she is finally no longer suffering.

May she rest in peace.


Hope everyone had a good day.

God bless,



Terri, what a great start to your trip to know the work has started on your house and the painting will begin Monday.  I hope you have a safe and uneventful flight tomorrow.  Our  ondolences to both of you and to Joanne's family.  Even when expected, losing a friend or loved one is not easy.



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8 hours ago, kochleffel said:

FWIW, there is a good restaurant in the small airport at Sitka, Alaska. It's particularly known for pies, and if you want to buy a whole pie, TSA will let you carry it aboard the plane with no discussion about whether it might be a liquid or gel.

And TSA doesn’t even need a taste test?


@kochleffel Thanks for the heads up on MC  Advantage possibly not covering out of area in US. DH will be needing to sort out MC when he retires, and that is something we need to consider.


@lazey1 Sorry to hear you got sick. Hope you feel better fast.

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7 hours ago, TiogaCruiser said:

And TSA doesn’t even need a taste test?


@kochleffel Thanks for the heads up on MC  Advantage possibly not covering out of area in US. DH will be needing to sort out MC when he retires, and that is something we need to consider.


@lazey1 Sorry to hear you got sick. Hope you feel better fast.


FWIW, we went with original medicare and a supplement because we spend time in Texas and Arizona in addition to traveling throughout the US.  We can see any doctor we choose without a referral, unless the doctor requires a referral.  The supplement is through a well known senior organization.  I hope this last sentence doesn't get me in trouble.



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8 hours ago, TiogaCruiser said:

Thanks for the heads up on MC  Advantage possibly not covering out of area in US.


Some of the Advantage plans that I looked at, the least expensive, actually were regional. That would be a stopper here even for some who don't travel, because people here with serious heart problems often go to the Cleveland Clinic, or to Sloan Kettering for cancer treatment. One friend previously treated at Sloan Kettering is now being treated at Yale-New Haven. Etc. Many of the plans are national, but you still don't know what the list of hospitals and doctors outside your area will be. In large metropolitan areas, sometimes only one or two of the major hospitals will be included. Years ago, as an employee in northern Ohio with no choice of plans, I had one where the preferred hospital for tertiary care in Cleveland was Metro General, not University Hospitals or the Cleveland Clinic.


15 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

I hope this last sentence doesn't get me in trouble.


Same organization for me. For anyone new to Medicare supplements, every company that offers a plan with a specific letter (such as F or G) will have exactly the same benefits, and it's Medicare, not the company, that determines what is covered, but the premiums can be quite different. A few of the plans we've been discussing are only available to people who became eligible for Medicare before 2020, although you don't have to have been signed up then.

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16 hours ago, marshhawk said:

d7DH and I used to go to a great restaurant at our regional airport.  It was called Down Wind.  DH is Vietnam vet-Air Force, not a pilot, but his Dad was.  DH loves to look at planes.  So finally a restaurant with the right ambiance. but the owner was the rudest person this side of town, and after a few years of going every Wednesday for dinner, and the owner, seating us, but never acknowledging our existence, we moved on to other restaurants.  I guess we should try it again one nice spring Friday afternoon.

The owners and staff appeared very nice at this pace but I understand they don't like lingerers and ask people to not linger over dessert and coffee.  It makes sense.  It is usually busy and a small building.  Maybe the Down Wind will have new ownership or management.  

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