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Live from Ponant Le Laperouse, Intriguing Indonesia! March 7-16 2023


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"And another from jpalbny! Thank you for generously sharing your time at sea with everyone at Cruise Critic!"

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Well, I'm a little early but we've been waiting since November 2020 to take this trip, so I beg your forgiveness. I can't keep my excitement to myself any longer!


Actually, it's been an even longer wait than from November 2020! We first signed up for this trip on October 15, 2019. As Covid started, we figured that our cruise in November 2020 would be fine...until it wasn't. The trip was finally canceled, and we kept our deposit with Ponant; luckily we had not bought airfare yet so no loss there. Eventually we transferred the deposit to a Corsica trip in September 2021 which we really enjoyed.


So last May, when we saw this itinerary, finally we had another chance to visit Indonesia. And to see the Komodo Dragons, and the Orangutans in Borneo! Very exciting.



Now just one more week of work to get through before we leave. We've done a little shopping for lighter clothes as our last big trip was to Finland in November. I don't think that our heavy lined thermal pants will be of much use in Bali...


On Friday after work, we'll drive down to JFK at our leisure, since our flight leaves at 12:50AM. This will be our first time flying Korean Air. Their Prestige Class looks interesting. It's a 2-2-2 configuration but every seat has aisle access. Cool layout! I had been wondering how that would work on a 15+ hour flight...




After a 10-hour layover in ICN (due to flight schedule changes), on to Bali for 2 nights at Jimbaran Puri. Then next Tuesday, we board! After the cruise we have three full days and two nights in Singapore. Then we fly home on Korean Air again. The long hop from ICN-JFK will be in the top deck of a 747! Haven't been there in many years.


So, we have a lot to look forward to, and it's finally getting close enough to start preparing in earnest. Will do my best to take you along but I'll probably fall behind and have to finish once we're home.

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Korean seems like a waste for you, with your light packing style.  Our recent Delta flights to South America were code-shares with Korean, and I was amazed at the huge size of the checked 'luggage' coming off with Korean tags.  ['Luggage' in quotes because these weren't suitcases; they were coffin-size cardboard boxes that surely didn't fit Delta's limits.] 

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Hello. This popped up in my digest. Looking forward to following your trip. I'm not anywhere near a cruise expert but can help you with any questions you may have on Bali/ Indonesia e.g. money, drivers/airport transfers, language etc. My first tip would be to pop into a Circle K and buy a couple of bottles of soffell mosquito replellant. It contains DEET and comes in a spray or cream. Very cheap, smells much nicer than other products and is just as effective. I buy it to use at home (Australia) too.

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Tuesday morning. Three more sleeps to go!


Watching the weather reports; there will be some precipitation in the region Friday night. The temps so far are forecast to be high enough to keep it mostly liquid, especially near JFK. Let's hope! We do have some wiggle room with the 10-hour layover at ICN, but delays are still no fun.


On Sunday we did a few preparatory tasks for entry into Indonesia. I found the government's website to apply on-line for an "eVisa-on-arrival" and we took care of that formality. It's a two step process where first you create an account on their website and verify the account, then for part two you apply and pay for the eVisa. 


Not a bad process but we needed to get updated pictures. Mugshots against a blank wall with our cell phones fit the bill. I uploaded the picture, and a copy of my passport, paid the staggering sum of 500,000 IDR, and my eVisa arrived about 2 minutes later. Next we got one for Chris just as quickly easily. It cost me $34 each. If it saves some time waiting in line, it will be worth it.


The next formality for Indonesia is to download an app called "PeduiLindungi" which is used to verify your vaccination status. In the app, you have to enter your vaccine dates one at a time and upload your vaccine card. That was also verified pretty quickly so we're set there as well. You can only enter 3 doses of the vaccine though. I entered my first three doses, and not the fourth one. Hope that's right!


The last thing we'll need to do is fill out an electronic customs declaration form. That will have to wait until Friday though. Maybe Thursday night, which will be Friday in Indonesia.




We did some preliminary clothes gathering on Sunday night. Tonight we'll go through what we have laid out and discard some, see what needs to be laundered, and maybe do a test fit in the suitcases. Since it's our second cruise with Ponant we get free laundry, which should help a lot. We'll see if we can get by with our usual burden of one rollaboard and one backpack each.

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I'll be following with interest as I'm doing the same itinerary in reverse on Le Laperouse at the end of the month :-). I've been to Komodo National Park before, but very interested in how you go with Orangutan sightings!

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8 minutes ago, parischris said:

I'll be following with interest as I'm doing the same itinerary in reverse on Le Laperouse at the end of the month :-). I've been to Komodo National Park before, but very interested in how you go with Orangutan sightings!


That's great! We almost booked that later trip, but early March worked better, since we have another big cruise trip planned for June. Hopefully I will be able to keep up with the postings and give you something to look forward to!


This looks like a great itinerary - though there are not as many stops planned, when compared to the November 2020 itinerary. On the plus side, this one should actually happen! We are getting very excited to finally visit these locations - I've read about the Komodo Dragons since I was little. Thrilled to have the chance to see them on their eponymous island!


Not sure what to expect with the Orangutan sightings. Supposedly we're taking the ship's zodiacs into the park. Will probably bring my SLR with a decent lens in case we're far from them.


I wonder what Le Laperouse is doing in between our two voyages? Our cruise ends March 16th and yours starts March 31. Nothing listed on the Ponant site so it must either be a charter or a Tauck/A&K/Smithsonian journey - but I couldn't find any mention on those websites either.




Tonight, we went through the clothes that we laid out, and managed to fit everything in one rollaboard each. So we'll be going carry-on for this trip.

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9 minutes ago, jpalbny said:


That's great! We almost booked that later trip, but early March worked better, since we have another big cruise trip planned for June. Hopefully I will be able to keep up with the postings and give you something to look forward to!


This looks like a great itinerary - though there are not as many stops planned, when compared to the November 2020 itinerary. On the plus side, this one should actually happen! We are getting very excited to finally visit these locations - I've read about the Komodo Dragons since I was little. Thrilled to have the chance to see them on their eponymous island!


Not sure what to expect with the Orangutan sightings. Supposedly we're taking the ship's zodiacs into the park. Will probably bring my SLR with a decent lens in case we're far from them.


I wonder what Le Laperouse is doing in between our two voyages? Our cruise ends March 16th and yours starts March 31. Nothing listed on the Ponant site so it must either be a charter or a Tauck/A&K/Smithsonian journey - but I couldn't find any mention on those websites either.




Tonight, we went through the clothes that we laid out, and managed to fit everything in one rollaboard each. So we'll be going carry-on for this trip.

Yes, I'm assuming charter(s) in between out of Singapore as my itinerary leaves from Singapore. 

Also planning for carry-on only 🙂

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Hello from the KAL lounge at JFK! We made it here after a fairly uneventful drive down from Albany. Some brief snow showers on the Thruway, and it got as low as 34 degrees, but no issues and we got to the long term parking lot a little after 9:00. Found a spot in the row closest to the Air Train!


Arrived at terminal 1 and had to wait for check-in to open, then a few minutes in line. Security was slow but we were through around 10:00.  Then off to the lounge, with a view of our plane.




We take off at 00:50 and it's almost 16h until we land. Crazy! Some flight path - this is yesterday's flight. 




Thinking we'll try to stay up for a while then sleep more during the second half of the flight. But who knows. A 13-hour time difference is going to be rough no matter what. 


Eventually we'll catch up with you in Bali!

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52 minutes ago, Host Jazzbeau said:

Are you in the Centurion lounge speakeasy?  Enjoy!!!


No, stuck in T1 today. The KAL lounge wasn't anything exciting. Should have tried to sneak into the AF lounge with our Priority Pass!


Pushing back shortly. Winds almost 30MPH and rain. Might get bumpy!

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It's been a long day! We arrived at ICN this morning after exactly 14:40 in the air. We were at the gate 45 minutes early. Welcome news unless you have a 10-hour layover, which just got a bit longer! But no biggie. 


Through transfer security quickly, then to the KAL lounge for a coffee, and then a glass of wine and a snack.


Our transit hotel was just down the hall from the lounge and the room was ready at 8:00. After a very welcome shower we napped for a few hours then had lunch in a Priority Pass lounge operated by the hotel. Nice buffet! And a cute robot to collect dirty dishes.




It meowed like a cat, and if you scratched its ears, it purred! Not that there's video evidence of that...


Checked out of the transit hotel at 2 and spent some time walking the terminal. Very pretty airport! 












And more robots.




Pushing back to Bali now, so next post from there!

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Hello from Paradise! Relaxing poolside here at the Belmond Hotel, Jimbaran Puri. Life is good!




Our flight from Seoul to Denpasar was 20 minutes late pushing back but we landed at 10:38, only 8 minutes late. A "short" 6h40 hop compared to the first leg.


We had done the eVisa-on-arrival so we skipped the first line where you had to buy the visa and went straight to immigration. 


Not a bad line and we were through in 10-15 minutes. Since we were carry-on only, we headed straight through baggage claim and on to customs. I scanned the QR code from my electronic customs declaration which I'd made for both of us, and we were almost home free. Just a minute or two for X-ray screening... 


Ran the gauntlet of taxi and SIM-card sellers, and found our driver. On our way! Arrived at the hotel at 11:45. Incredible, not much more than an hour from touchdown to check-in! 


We were upgraded to a villa room. With a private pool. Spectacular! 




We had our snacks, walked to the beach, then called it a night at 1AM.




What a long voyage! From leaving home at 6PM Friday, to arriving here at 11:45PM Sunday, had been just shy of 43 hours of travel.




We slept well and were up at 7AM. We took advantage of a break between rain showers to walk to the beach again. Unsettled weather! But pretty.






Nice flowers, everywhere here.




Now breakfast. Since we hadn't eaten enough! Tropical fruits to start. Mangosteen and "snake skin fruit" were new to us, but very tasty.




I had banana fritters also.




A Javan Pond Heron watched from a safe distance. 




Soon the rain stopped and blue skies were visible.




Our hostess wanted to take our picture. In several places! No shortage of nice backgrounds here.






Our villa's pool by day. It's huge!




After breakfast, we lounged in the pool before taking a longer walk along the beach. Some scenery. 




Fishing boats and seafood restaurants. 






This piece of driftwood looks like a boat headed out to sea.




This crab was not happy to see me. He was not going to back down, either! As I took the picture he was coming right at me, waving a claw! Not in welcome, I don't think. 




Happy Hour is 4-6, then dinner at the hotel. Embarkation tomorrow! 

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12 hours ago, jpalbny said:

This crab was not happy to see me. He was not going to back down, either! As I took the picture he was coming right at me, waving a claw! Not in welcome, I don't think. 

Maybe he was inviting you for dinner!  [Steamed crab – he's already half-way there!!!]  😅

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Tuesday morning, March 7. Embarkation day!


Yesterday afternoon was very relaxing. After the walk on the beach we lazed around in the villa, dividing time between the pool and the day bed. This is the life!


The Amex benefit for this property was a complimentary massage for two. Not usually our thing but after the long flights it was actually very enjoyable. Glad it worked out that way because it's not something we'd do on our own.


Suitably relaxed, we headed to the beach bar for happy hour. Some view! 




A nice sunset.




Reluctantly we tore ourselves away and got ready for dinner. A table outside, with chicken satay to start.




A fast-moving rainstorm appeared as we were gettting ready for the main course. Everyone moved indoors in a flash. The grilled seafood platter came with us!




We slept until about 3AM, then off and on after that. Woke up for good at 6AM and had a swim as morning's first light appeared. Then a walk on the beach while it was still "cool" at only 80 degrees. Everyone else must have had the same idea, as the beach was very busy at this early hour.


Here we are at the southern end of Jimbaran Beach, where the Four Seasons resort is located. 




We hadn't seen these mountains in the distance yesterday as it was too cloudy, I guess. Or we were too tired to notice! 




Breakfast at the hotel. Crepes stuffed with coconut and jackfruit. Yummy!




And more tropical fruits. Rambutan, dragon fruit, and mangosteen.




Fountains everywhere on the hotel grounds.




This really is a beautiful property and I'm glad I found it. We never come to a resort and stay put, but after the ridiculously long trip to get here, it was just what we needed.


Cruise tickets are printed and health questionnaires completed. Nothing to do but relax until our ride leaves for the port in about five hours. 

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We are on board! It's now Wednesday morning and we're steaming ahead to Pulau Banta for snorkeling this afternoon. Sounds like it will be fun!


Tuesday, March 7th. Embarkation! 


We spent another lazy day at the resort yesterday. A late lunch before packing up and checking out at 3:30. Our car was ready and we arrived at the port a little before 4PM.


This was followed by probably the fastest embarkation ever.  We handed the rollaboards to a porter and went through security (no line).


Then we handed our health forms in and showed our covid vaccine cards (one couple ahead of us). Next we handed over our passports and got our cruise keycards. Then we walked up to the ship, where we got a cold towel and an escort to our suite.


We were in the suite at 4:05, seven minutes after we'd arrived at the terminal! Wow.




Luggage followed quickly and we were unpacked by 4:30. The cabin layout is familiar. We wandered to the bar for a glass of bubbly and took a quick tour around the ship to refresh our memory. 


A briefing at 5:15 with the bilingual staff who alternated between French and English every other sentence. There are only 134 passengers and 133 staff on this voyage (capacity is 182 pax). We hear a bit more English being spoken on this trip.


We sailed at 6PM. A nice sunset view from the bow.




Off in the distance, a smaller local boat like the ones we'd seen in Jimbaran. This picture is way overzoomed but the digital zoom makes it look like a painting. So I liked it.




Time to clean up for dinner! Unlike the last cruise, they actually seat you at a table (last cruise, you seated yourself). The menu:






We both had beef carpaccio to start, followed by the red snapper. It was a nice portion and nicely cooked so that it was very moist.




We only had white wine tonight, the Ventoux. It went well with both dishes.


For dessert I had crème brûlée and Chris had the pastilla.




We finished quickly and were ready for bed. After not sleeping well last night we were both exhausted so we were sound asleep by 10.




We were up a little before 6 and out and about by 6:30. Coffee and a pastry in the deck 3 bar to start. A few ship pix - while it's empty. 


Pool and outdoor area, deck 3




Main bar/lounge, deck 3. Morning coffee spot!




And the reception area also on deck 3.




We spent some time out front on deck 6 watching flying fish and the occasional dolphin. The sea breeze was perfect and made the temperature very comfortable.


Then a 9AM briefing followed by more coffee and distribution of snorkel gear. Looks like a fun voyage ahead of us! It seems like about half Anglophones - they let the Francophones sleep late, as their briefing wasn't until 10AM!


We are heading to salsa class at 11:15 so that's all for now.


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A quick bunch of photos from yesterday's snorkeling at Pulau Banta. Chris is ready to go!




Lots of nice coral.
















And fish too.








Back to more coral








We used to have a fish like this in our aquarium. 




I was excited to finally use my underwater camera. It worked very well and I could upload the pics to my phone using Wi-Fi. 


A relaxing day otherwise. Last night's Gala Dinner was tasty and then the dancers put on a nice show. Pics of that later.


This morning we are alongside at Loh Liang. Our walk departs in 20 minutes so time to finish my coffee, and this post, so we aren't late to see the Komodo Dragons!

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Thursday March 9th. Komodo NP.


We had a relatively early hike starting at 7:20. Time for a coffee first then we headed out.


We were docked alongside the pier at Loh Liang. So no tender this morning. Very easy! A green turtle appeared at the pier as we walked by.




After a quick safety briefing we set out. After a few minutes we saw a crowd. Wonder why?










He showed us every angle. And just beyond this guy, there was another pair wrestling. 








The first guy wasn't interested in the shenanigans. He was pretty chill.




Reluctantly we moved on. What a great sighting! More to come?

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Komodo NP, continued.


Further down the path, more flora and fauna. Nice orchid.




And this is a snail, in a "grenade fruit" tree. Can't remember the exact fruit name...they also called it some kind of apple.




Back to the beach for some scenic views.




Gorgeous. Hard to tell where the water ends and the sky begins. 




It's really a beautiful island. But the sightings didn't stop here. A lounging lizard on the beach!




And one more in the shade.




Two very happy tourists.




As we started back along the pier, another photo opportunity presented itself. Love their tongues.




Our guide was posing with the dragon! 




Back on board before 9:30. What a morning! After lunch we will move to Pink Beach for more snorkeling. What a great trip so far!

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