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Live from the NCL Spirit B2B July 5-19, 2023 (more sarcasm and grumpiness!)


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5 hours ago, YVRteacher said:

A wayward apple stem made a little poke in the peach so I have rearranged the placement of the fruits in the basket to avoid all future poking hazards. Raising a peach is serious business.

I hope the apple was disciplined accordingly for having the audacity to mess with the beautiful peach.


Also, I like your turtle tat!

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We tried to do  Tri-Bond Trivia today but no one from the Cruise Director’s staff showed up. Finally, 25 minutes after the scheduled start time someone slowly approached the podium and slowly fiddle faddled with his laptop and the answer sheets.  My dad said he wanted to speak to the captain. I said the captain doesn’t care what time trivia starts. We tied for the win with 17/20. Normally I’m really good at Tri-Bond but these questions were hard.  I stayed for general knowledge trivia but didn’t get to hear the answers.  I know I would not  have won, but I did get all the names of the 7 dwarves. 


I had read that shuttle lines in Sitka could be long so we left the Spirit about 11:30.  We went to Cagney’s but didn’t see Monica (concierge) so got in line.  The line was 4 floors long! Monica found us and whisked us to the front.  My dad said “I guess she gets a big tip!” We were so grateful for her!  


We lined up for the shuttle and probably waited 3 buses before there was room.  It wasn’t a long wait at all.  We were a little unsure what to wear today and both ended up being overdressed in pants.  It was a hot one! When Monica saw us later today she told my dad he needed to wear sunscreen! He’s a tad red.



The free Sitka shuttle is 13 minutes to the drop off point at Harriman Hall. The only highway on Baranof Island is 14 miles long and we drove most of it today. The bus driver gave us facts but then on the way back the tour guide gave us contrary facts. She said 800 people live here, he said 8000.  She said Swan Lake is human made, he said it was a natural pond.  Whatever the facts are, both my dad and I loved our day in Sitka.

Sitka covers the entirety of Baranof Island (part of the Tongass National Forest) and is the largest town in the US.  Sitka was the first capital of Alaska, established by the Russians, and Sitka is where the handoff ceremony took place when Russia turned over Alaska to the US.

Dominant animals here are eagles and bears since this is an isolated island. People fish for salmon, halibut, rockfish and crab. Fishing is the main industry and families have been working here for generations. The single largest employer is the health centre and tourism is definitely adding to the economy. 

The town McDonalds closed a few months ago so the only chains here are Ace Hardware and Wells Fargo.

Want to moor your boat in Sitka? It’s a five year wait for a slip. Our tour guide lives on his boat since Sitka has the most expensive housing in all of Alaska. He uses diesel and doesn’t pay for electricity. For the motor homes that are permanent, electricity is $600/month and there is no sewage service.  I’m guessing ocean dumping is a thing so maybe look before diving.

Sitka gets 130 inches of rain and 38 inches of snow each year.  There are two roundabouts plus two traffic lights. The biggest dangers are the brown bears and the roundabouts.


I had booked a private excursion through Sitka Wildlife Tours called Sitka Scenic Tour-Premium and this tour delivered. The cost was $89 per person. Spoiler alert: awesome day!!


Before the tour we browsed through the harbour and tiny town.  We loved the cleanliness, the walkability and the sense of community. Those of you who know me know I love libraries. Of course we went to the library. What a gorgeous, impressive, special library. My favourite was the poster advertising the biweekly cat cafe.


At 1:00 we met at the community hall for our tour. Steven is our guide.  He has lived in Sitka for 57 years (I assumed this was his whole life but he later told me he is 74!) He says Sitka has made him what he is today: single.



We begin by driving up and over O’Connell bridge. There used to be ferry boats that crossed the channel for 10 cents then inflation raised the price to 12 cents and people protested.


Did you know there are volcanoes here? I didn’t! The small volcano erupted 2200 years ago. Last year it bulged 10 inches and this year has bulged 3 feet. I would not like it if anyone reported on my yearly girth growth.


We saw the building where 14 seconds of the Proposal was filmed.  I’ve never seen the movie. No one in our group of 10 cared.

The average income in Sitka is $77000 per year and the largest income is $170000 for school admin. Construction worker stop sign holders make $89 per hour.  All of Sitka’s garbage gets sent to Seattle via barge once per month.

All Alaskans get free medical and dental but there aren’t any places for the nurses and doctors to stay in Sitka.  A loaf of bread is $10.99 and eggs are $10.00. In Vancouver I pay $7.99 Cdn for a dozen eggs.


As we drive by the bay we see the tide is way out.  Steven tells us the Tlingit say when the tide is out the table is set.


After a little drive we went for a walk in the woods to Indian River. This is bear territory. To keep townspeople safe there are 13 cameras like this on the trees.  


The other day 4 bears came out and only two went back in so the conservation team tracked them and shooed them back into the woods.


My favourite story from today is loggers tried to cut down the old growth forest. A citizen protested saying there is music in these trees.  You see, many guitars are made of Sitka Spruce.  The judge for the court case was about to retire and did not want to be known as the judge who dampened the music in the tress so he ruled against logging any old growth in Sitka.  I was in heaven on this forest walk and crawled into a tree so Steven could take a photo.  There were bugs in there and my shoe fell off but it was worth it!


Indian River originates high up in the mountains and is spawning grounds for millions of salmon in August. 


After our forest walk we went to an Indigenous museum/ heritage center. Both my dad and I were struck with similarities between the Haida in BC and the Haida in Alaska.  The totems, regalia and masks are beautiful.  I’ll post a photo and write up of my favourite totem later. 


On the way to the Fortress of the Bear Steven told us about the mama bear who died as a result of consuming a plastic bag from garbage.  She had two cubs that could not survive without her in the wild.  All the bears at Fortress of the Bear were orphaned at a young age.  I’m not in favour of keeping bears in captivity so had conflicted feelings today. On the one hand the bears are safe and alive. On the other they are in an enclosure eating cantaloupe, apples, grapes and today, ribs (ribs are on sale this week at the grocery store and all food for the bears is donated so they are getting lots of ribs this week.)


My dad kept asking Steven what happened to the bears and Steven answered him every time.  I discreetly mentioned to Steven that my dad has dementia and doesn’t know he is repeating himself. Steven told me he didn’t notice and that it was fine. I so appreciate his kindness, care and patience. Dad also got to ride in the front seat which he appreciated. There were 10 people on our tour, all from the Spirit and all were wonderful.  Great group! 


Our final stop was the raptor rehabilitation center. While it is mostly for eagles, today we saw peregrine falcons, hawks and saw whet owls in addition to the eagles. I loved the video chronicling how eagles are rehabilitated and released and found it very sad to see the non-releasable eagles in cages. One eagle was electrocuted when she got caught in a power line and has brain damage and vision issues.  Another male eagle who is 34 years old had a broken wing and could not fly. This year they put a male and a female who had both lost their life partners together to see what would happen.  They showed each other sticks, slowly built a nest, then one day the female laid an egg.  Turns out it was a practice egg and not a viable egg but the people at the raptor centre seem to be deeply engrossed in the potential love life between these two eagles.  

Our tour was supposed to end back at the community centre but Steven offered to drive us back to the Spirit so no one would have to wait for the shuttle.  He is both a wonderful guide and a great human.  I asked him if he is Indigenous and he said yes, part Cherokee.  I believe very strongly in letting people know when they have made a difference and will definitely be sending an email to the tour company commending Steven. He made our day in Sitka so special.





Edited by YVRteacher
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7 hours ago, Dorhead1230 said:

I hope the apple was disciplined accordingly for having the audacity to mess with the beautiful peach.


Also, I like your turtle tat!

Thank you! Tat is from Hawaii, done by a native Hawaiian.

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11 hours ago, www3traveler said:

I am assuming that Ray is in serious countdown mode by now.

If you can ask him if Richard will be home at the same time he is.  Wonder when they were both home at the same time.

Hi Mandy.  Ray really wanted to see Richard and thought he would be able to go to Seattle to see him on the Bliss but NCL is sending Ray home before Richard transfers from the Gem to the Bliss. I asked him yesterday.


Guess what? We were invited to have dinner with Hasan!

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1 minute ago, YVRteacher said:

Hi Mandy.  Ray really wanted to see Richard and thought he would be able to go to Seattle to see him on the Bliss but NCL is sending Ray home before Richard transfers from the Gem to the Bliss. I asked him yesterday.


Guess what? We were invited to have dinner with Hasan!

Just dinner with Hasan ?  How sweet!  He took me to dinner once and tried to talk me into sushi--he ate mine and his.

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Peach Watch 2023 Sitka Version

Isn’t she a beaut?  She is a little softer today, gently yieldingIMG_4638.thumb.jpeg.6ed0c55b81af88a9ceb4ac98b3313d41.jpegto the touch. I have moved her away from the other fruits and onto a bed of tissues.  Perhaps tomorrow will be the day.  In a surprising plot twist, we are now missing a dining room chair.


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Love, love those descriptive pictures of Alaska, nature and the animals - thank you, and appreciate the extra time & efforts taken to edit and merge them into a compact, mobile friendly format ... more to come. How's the Spirit's onboard WiFi and/or you are using mostly land cellular signals.  Looks like you have great weather thus far, no rain in the forecast or fog, etc. 


It looks like we really should put Alaska on our radar for 2024 and start making plans, it's been over a decade with us ... and even (pre or post-cruise) YVR, staying in Richmond as we always rent a car to get around, plus all that diverse Asian food.   Meanwhile, following along 😎

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1 hour ago, mking8288 said:

Love, love those descriptive pictures of Alaska, nature and the animals - thank you, and appreciate the extra time & efforts taken to edit and merge them into a compact, mobile friendly format ... more to come. How's the Spirit's onboard WiFi and/or you are using mostly land cellular signals.  Looks like you have great weather thus far, no rain in the forecast or fog, etc. 


It looks like we really should put Alaska on our radar for 2024 and start making plans, it's been over a decade with us ... and even (pre or post-cruise) YVR, staying in Richmond as we always rent a car to get around, plus all that diverse Asian food.   Meanwhile, following along 😎

The Spirit will not be in the Alaskan waters in 2024.  Will be sailing out of Taiwan to Japan and South Korea.

If you plan a cruise out of Seattle, either come a couple of days early or stay a couple of days to see this beautiful city.

If you are a baseball fan, the next few days will be showcasing Seattle, as She hots the 2023 All Star Game and all the festivities that go with it.

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Good morning @YVRteacher!


I am really enjoying your writing and your comments. You are wonderful with your dad! If you enjoyed Sitka (which is one of our favorite ports) here is a blog you might be interested in: 





(transplanted Canadian to USA, Kamloops, Coquitlam, retired teacher - 6th grade)

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3 hours ago, mking8288 said:

Love, love those descriptive pictures of Alaska, nature and the animals - thank you, and appreciate the extra time & efforts taken to edit and merge them into a compact, mobile friendly format ... more to come. How's the Spirit's onboard WiFi and/or you are using mostly land cellular signals.  Looks like you have great weather thus far, no rain in the forecast or fog, etc. 


It looks like we really should put Alaska on our radar for 2024 and start making plans, it's been over a decade with us ... and even (pre or post-cruise) YVR, staying in Richmond as we always rent a car to get around, plus all that diverse Asian food.   Meanwhile, following along 😎

Hi! I am just using shipboard WiFi.  As a Canadian I would have roaming charges if I took my phone out of airplane mode or turned on roaming in the US ports.  WiFi has been good.  No issues.


Since the Spirit isn’t doing Alaska next summer I highly recommend the Jewel.  

Thank you for your kind words!

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On 6/28/2023 at 8:41 PM, YVRteacher said:

Off topic, I can’t stand it when people write or say “should of” instead of “should have.”

Yes!  But if they say what sounds like "should of," they very well could be using the contraction, "should've."  I don't have a problem with the correct use of contractions.  I very much have a problem with people who write should, could, or would "of."

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hey chief. where you been lately? i feel like i lost my best pal (LOL)


and by the way, isnt

 wassup just as annoying. btw, in the past cc has frowned about people making comments on other posters grammer, such as your, you're, there, they're their

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39 minutes ago, complawyer said:

btw, in the past cc has frowned about people making comments on other posters grammer

I've been "frowned" upon for many things, but I've never to the best of my recollection been one of the grammer (sic) police.🤣

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2 hours ago, Travelicious said:

Yes!  But if they say what sounds like "should of," they very well could be using the contraction, "should've."  I don't have a problem with the correct use of contractions.  I very much have a problem with people who write should, could, or would "of."


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I’m glad you liked Sitka and that you had a great guide!  I hope to go back again!  

PS, did you end up eating or shopping in Sitka? 

pps, just found out Jocelyn the bartender that I mentioned is in Magnums… say hi if you get a chance!

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Sitka part 2


Neither my dad nor I had a big breakfast and we skipped lunch so by 4:00pm we were hungry and thirsty. Something I love about the Spirit is the availability of a variety of food at times outside breakfast lunch and dinner.  There were afternoon snacks/afternoon tea foods in part of the Garden Cafe and everything looked yummy. I had to restrain myself  and only took a little tea sandwich of mozzarella and tomato, 10 French Fries and a slice of pizza.  Dad got a bowl of butter pecan ice cream (his favourite) some deli meats and cheeses, potato salad and coleslaw. We love the Great Outdoors on the Spirit so ate (and drank) outside.  Dad said his ice cream was too cold.  The wind picked up so we went to Magnums for more drinks and some Valentyna time.  She is the classical pianist and singer.  I think she is my favourite musician on board which is saying a lot because I think they are all excellent. When we arrived in Magnums my dad said, “can I buy you a drink?” (Note that we have the beverage package so he was joking.)  I said sure, I would like to sample the Louis XIII.  My dad is not on Cruise Critic and is not familiar with the price and the experience so he said okay.  I laughed and showed him the sign on the bar with the prices of the Louis XIII.  Then we both laughed and ordered Mai Tais.  


We enjoyed Valentyna’s skill and talent for as long as we could then had to leave for the Captain’s Cocktail party.  This was held in the bar outside the social.  Just like at the Latitudes Party all the department leaders and management team were there. Many stayed to chat and mingle.  I told the beverage manager that his team of bartenders are the best we have ever experienced.  He said the Spirit consistently  places #1 for bartenders. 

We were at a high top at the Social Club bar and were joined by a family from Missouri. E and M, if you happen to read this, you are delightful and we loved getting to know you!  I hope we see each other around the ship again.  My dad, who used to be very social and extremely talkative with a great sense of humour, often finds these gatherings to be overwhelming. I had put a safe exit plan in place where he knew we could leave if he felt overwhelmed. Right when we arrived a bar waiter offered a tray of colourful concoctions (my kind of drinks!) Dad was wearing his beer wanting face so I asked the bar waiter if he could have a beer and she said of course. Would he like a Heineken? Turns out he did want a Heineken.  With the beer and the great conversation and the noise not being overpowering he ended up really enjoying the event and mentioned how much fun it was.  


Now it was time for dinner but we both wanted small portions so we selected Windows.  Window table, wonderful waiter, wonderful food and I appreciate that the waiter listened when my dad ordered a half portion of the fettuccini Alfredo with shrimp.  Usually he wants me to order for him but tonight he was able to hold the items in his head and communicate them perfectly to the waitress.  This hasn’t happened in a long time so this is growth for Dad. Small wins.  Take them, recognize them and celebrate them. 



I know this sounds bad for a vegetarian but we sat next to a family that had the ribs and my goodness did they ever smell delicious.


From appetizers to salads, mains to desserts this was an excellent meal.


We finished dinner at 8 and were wanting to go to the spa but my dad faded and was just too tired. I walked him back to the cabin and stayed until he was settled in bed then I went up to the Spa for some soothing hot stone lounger time.  I had the place to myself and snuggled in and wrote.  It doesn’t get dark until after 11:00pm and I saw whales spouting. I also saw raindrops. 



Drink tally



1 rum and Coke

2 Signature Mai Tais

1 papaya martini at the Captain’s party



2 beers

1 signature Mai Tai

1 glass of white wine


Number of photos of bears sticking their tongues out: 7


Almond croissant: 1. It was delicious.


Number of times my dad asked me what day it is: a lot. I just answer in a straightforward way.


Number of shows we have watched this week in the Stardust Theatre: none.  This is not typical for us. 


Number of times our tour guide in Sitka burped in my ear: 4.

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My refresh button got worn out today - I was starting to worry! Lol. Sounds like dad is having a great time - so I know that means you are, too. So happy for you both. I went thrifting today and picked up some very "fancy" outfits for the QE!


Lets plan to get together in early August!

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According to the National Weather Service, the Northern Lights should be spectacular on Thursday evening between 10 P.M. and 1 P. M.  You might want to tell your CD, so he can put it in the Freestyle Daily.


How are you and Dad doing?




Love and prayers,



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2 hours ago, www3traveler said:

According to the National Weather Service, the Northern Lights should be spectacular on Thursday evening between 10 P.M. and 1 P. M.  You might want to tell your CD, so he can put it in the Freestyle Daily.


How are you and Dad doing?




Love and prayers,



Crossing fingers for you too. That would be the ultimate cherry on top for me. Thinking of the Jewell for 2024, prices seem high. Probably will wait until April or so to book.

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