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Candy for the Crew

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Every time one of you posts something like "i gave them candy and it was so appreciated" ... what do you think they would do? Throw it back in your face in disgust if they don't like it? Chances are to your face they thank you and put on a big smile then they leave your room and half of that goes in the trash or they leave it in a communal place to see if anyone else is interested. Just give them cash if you want to give them something special. The appreciation for that at least is real

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48 minutes ago, Miloomar said:

Every time one of you posts something like "i gave them candy and it was so appreciated" ... what do you think they would do? Throw it back in your face in disgust if they don't like it?


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47 minutes ago, Miloomar said:

Every time one of you posts something like "i gave them candy and it was so appreciated" ... what do you think they would do? Throw it back in your face in disgust if they don't like it? Chances are to your face they thank you and put on a big smile then they leave your room and half of that goes in the trash or they leave it in a communal place to see if anyone else is interested. Just give them cash if you want to give them something special. The appreciation for that at least is real

Nearly always the crew will accept the gift graciously even if they don't want it. However, once I witnessed someone giving a handful of change to a porter at an airport and the porter threw the coins onto the ground in disgust. Certainly not a common occurrence though.


I recently saw the new Indiana Jones movie where the university gives Indy a retirement gift, which he hands off to a homeless person on the street a few minutes after graciously thanking everyone for it.


From time to time I see Pinnacle guests handing out packaged food or bottled drinks to the crew and I watch the crew reactions, which vary from enthusiastic to appreciative but somewhat indifferent. Unless a crew member expresses an interest in something particular that is difficult for them to get on their own, I think that cash is probably the best the way to go.

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It is my understanding that they mainly have enough room in their cabins for essentials and little else. I was told that gifts like candy and things will get put in their lounge for anybody that wants it. Anything in a non sealed package gets thrown away. 

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We were on Oasis recently; there was a guest who went around the casino with her "candy purse" open, liberally dispensing candy to the dealers and pit crews.  None of them asked for any of it.  She was completely obnoxious.  The crew would smile at her and accept her candy and then roll their eyes when she walked away.  I even saw a few of the crew who would see her coming and go the other way.  Those who accepted the candy would set it to the side and my guess is, it went into the trash when they walked away from the table. Don't be one of "those" people.

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2 hours ago, Mum2Mercury said:

Just realize this question won't make anyone happy here on the boards!  

First, "everyone" will never give items. 

Second, candy would go in the stomach.  

It's unlikely that the cruise line would hire a staff member with an ongoing medical condition, but -- if so -- do you think it'd be hard to give away a bit of candy in the crew area?  

Since you can never answer just one post and frequently miss the point in the many you try to answer at once, factor in 10 rooms x 52.  Then divide that by 4.  That's still a lot of no money items.  The goodies are only to make people feel better about how generous they are helping all the poor little 3rd world people cleaning their rooms.  Oh how grateful they must be.  Give them cash and a good review.

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Let's just call this forum CRUISE CYNICS and be done with it.  NOT ONE post here (including the OP) mentioned that gifts would be in place of cash, so all you money-focused people, stop already.





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In my opinion only I believe that some people think or want to be remembered by the crew and when the crew go home to their families they will say what a difficult 8 month contract it was but you know what Mr. and Mrs. Smith during one cruise was so nice they gave me some chocolate or some chips. Unfortunately the crew will forget all of us as soon as we are off the ship. The numbers of guests they have to serve means we will be all forgotten except for the memorable ones like the people who destroy their rooms and live like pigs and the make their jobs hard. I do not fault the OP for asking the question as you can tell they only had good intentions and was trying to think outside the box and go that extra mile. I remember awhile back someone had asked about giving their Genie some sort of physical gift or item as a thank you. I thought the Genie is not doing this for fun or as a hobby in their spare time. This is their job and they are not our friends, family or neighbors or co workers. They are trying to make a living and pay their bills like all of us. This may be a week long vacation for us but it is a week long job for them. I know at my job at the end of the week I want money on payday so I can pay for my next cruise 😄

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For a change of pace, my room attendant gave me some candy from her country of China. I had her for 54 nights and became close. I would always ask her if she needed anything from ports and she always said no. She was a delight.

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31 minutes ago, md80fan said:

Unfortunately the crew will forget all of us as soon as we are off the ship. The numbers of guests they have to serve means we will be all forgotten except for the memorable ones like the people who destroy their rooms and live like pigs

I sailed consecutive cruises on Anthem in December 2021, not long after the restart. I sailed consecutive cruises again on Anthem in December 2022 and it was my pleasure to see 2 female workers at La Patisserie that I had met in 2021 still there in 2022.


I remembered their names, I did not expect them to remember mine. 1 of the 2 did. She also remembered the type of coffee I ordered in 2021 (I had no clue what I had ordered). She also told me that something I gave her in 2021, she still had in use in her cabin. 


I brought some Christmas decorations with me in 2022, knowing they would have to be tossed likely on December 26. Still, I hoped it brightened their being away from home and family and from the reaction of the one who remembered me, I know it did. 


I am hoping they and others are on Anthem when I sail again later this year.

Edited by meadowlander
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I give candy or salty snacks, sometimes Ramen noodles along with my EXTRA cash tip (I asked, they do have a way to heat the noodles - and it's a break from the every day food in the crew mess). I don't do it to make ME feel good, I do it to make the CREW I talk to and interact with every day feel good. I keep in touch with several people via WhatsApp and/or FB. I don't bother them when they're busy and I don't expect anything in return. I cruise every couple of weeks and see many of the same crew members multiple times a year. BTW, the first sentence is in answer to the OP, the rest is for the cynics on here who feel like no crew member could possibly enjoy being treated a little bit special.

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1 hour ago, teddie said:

Let's just call this forum CRUISE CYNICS and be done with it.  NOT ONE post here (including the OP) mentioned that gifts would be in place of cash, so all you money-focused people, stop already.





Save the candy (and the subsequent embarrassment) for Halloween (at home!).

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I'm sorry, but no one ever gave me candy at work.  Hey look, I got candy for you.  Getting candy would be really an insult.....like why do you think I can't buy candy that I like?  Just give me money.  Let my adult mind make my own decision what I will buy.  It's only cute when giving it to kids.  Adults want money.  It's not even a nice gesture.  I think more of an insult treating a person like a child. 



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2 hours ago, teddie said:

Let's just call this forum CRUISE CYNICS and be done with it.  NOT ONE post here (including the OP) mentioned that gifts would be in place of cash, so all you money-focused people, stop already.






37 minutes ago, bucfan2 said:

Save the candy (and the subsequent embarrassment) for Halloween (at home!).


4 minutes ago, Joseph2017China said:

I'm sorry, but no one ever gave me candy at work.  Hey look, I got candy for you.  Getting candy would be really an insult.....like why do you think I can't buy candy that I like?  Just give me money.  Let my adult mind make my own decision what I will buy.  It's only cute when giving it to kids.  Adults want money.  It's not even a nice gesture.  I think more of an insult treating a person like a child. 



I rest my case.  Some people here are cynical,  mean, and/or unable to read proprerly.


I will continue to pay generous tips and give gifts on top of that if I choose to.  If the recipient wants to keep it, eat it, regift it, or chuck it overboard, that's their choice.. Happy cruising.



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13 minutes ago, teddie said:

I rest my case.  Some people here are cynical,  mean, and/or unable to read proprerly.

Post #1 poses two questions. First, whether it is OK to give candy to crew. The OP answers his own question by saying his sister does it. Second, whether others do the same. Most of the posts have been responsive to the second question. It is a survey question. If this is intended to be an echo chamber with only "yes I do" answers and nothing to the contrary, then it's not clear to me how that is helpful to the OP or anyone else who may be interested in this topic.

Edited by Pratique
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7 minutes ago, Pratique said:

Post #1 poses two questions. First, whether it is OK to give candy to crew. The OP answers his own question by saying his sister does it. Second, whether others do the same. Most of the posts have been responsive to the second question. It is a survey question. If this is intended to be an echo chamber with only "yes I do" answers and nothing to the contrary, then it's not clear to me how that is helpful to the OP or anyone else who may be interested in this topic.

I understand.  Perhaps it's some of the snarky responses about it that rub me the wrong way. 



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8 minutes ago, jean87510 said:

The problem is not everyone thinks like you and some of us choose to treat adults who are working a job like adults and compensate them appropriately with cash and a good review.  I also don't bother the attendants with endless chitchat and requests, and at times have told them when I see them I already made the bed, we just need towels.  If this makes me cynical and mean because I won't give a Dove bar, then I will embrace being cynical and mean.


BTW - The correct spelling of proprerly is properly.

Apologies for my typo.  It was kind of you to make note of it.

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Sorry, I don't get the angst over handing out candy.


#1... This would be IN ADDITION to a cash tip, not a replacement for one.

#2... What candy bar cost $5? (Said in relation to the poster who kept saying "which would you rather have, a candy bar or $5).  Rephrase it this way... would you rather have $x PLUS a candy bar or just $x?

#3... I've had a number of people over my career purchase consumables (donuts, pizza, meals, beer, sodas, etc) to give me as "thanks".  The only monetary "tip" I've ever received was bonuses from corporate. 


Now, I agree that tchotchkes wouldn't necessarily be the best gift because they'd have to be stored (if not thrown away).  But anything edible or drinkable?  Unless you're giving them so much they can't consume it all in a day or two, who cares?

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5 hours ago, Pratique said:

Nearly always the crew will accept the gift graciously even if they don't want it. However, once I witnessed someone giving a handful of change to a porter at an airport and the porter threw the coins onto the ground in disgust. Certainly not a common occurrence though.


I recently saw the new Indiana Jones movie where the university gives Indy a retirement gift, which he hands off to a homeless person on the street a few minutes after graciously thanking everyone for it.


From time to time I see Pinnacle guests handing out packaged food or bottled drinks to the crew and I watch the crew reactions, which vary from enthusiastic to appreciative but somewhat indifferent. Unless a crew member expresses an interest in something particular that is difficult for them to get on their own, I think that cash is probably the best the way to go.

Yes they absolutely LOVE getting $2 bills, especially on the last cruise before a end of season trip back to Europe. .  Perhaps the candy should be wrapped in a 2 dollar bill.

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10 minutes ago, taglovestocruise said:

 Perhaps the candy should be wrapped in a 2 dollar bill.

Would work with M & M's since they don't melt in your hand. For other chocolate bars/candy, go with Sacagawea & Susan B. Anthony dollar coins, much easier to wipe clean.

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7 hours ago, Miloomar said:

Every time one of you posts something like "i gave them candy and it was so appreciated" ... what do you think they would do? Throw it back in your face in disgust if they don't like it? Chances are to your face they thank you and put on a big smile then they leave your room and half of that goes in the trash or they leave it in a communal place to see if anyone else is interested. Just give them cash if you want to give them something special. The appreciation for that at least is real


In support of this, I can affirm that I used to take the time to write - and luggage space up with a package of -  personal thank you notes to hold the cash tips.  Normally, would leave on the bed if I didn't see my steward.  Once, I didn't get very far before I returned to the room for some reason.  Saw the envelope already in the trash can.  The envelope was barely torn open, and the card never removed so never read.  Only the cash was removed.  SO, yes, while they treat us like royalty and give us warm fuzzy feelings, they are doing this for the tips and don't require our "kind gestures"  like handwritten notes or clutter for their tiny cabin or candy when they are on cruise ship diets anyway.  Now, I just leave the cash or hand it directly to any personnel I am tipping with a spoken thank you very much.  Works for me.   


I should add that this does not stop me from asking them every single time I leave the ship if there is anything I can bring back for them.   I have been asked to bring back basic things like undershirts and socks and some HBA items and occasionally, candy..  But, at least I know it's what they want.

Edited by Steeler Nation At Sea
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