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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday October 4th, 2023


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@Smmessineo from one newbie to another… welcome!   It is fun, and highly addictive reading.   

will need to find a GF option for the meal.

Definite NO to gin

as always, wine a Yes.

Not sure about the quote.

was on a Viking cruise in 2012, ship docked in Monaco, spent a day in Nice and surrounding seaside towns.  Best memory was the flower/ spice market and tasting the so-called, the chickpea flour pancake treats at the market.

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Help! I just received notification that my Delta (actually KLM) flight from JFK to Amsterdam has been cancelled.  I booked through Flight ease and use a PCC.  I am currently on hold with HAL 1800-628-4771, they say they are checking other flights.  What else should I be doing?

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Tina @0106, I'm so sorry to hear your flight is cancelled!   You have the right number for Flight Ease so I'd remain there.  But I'd look at some options on a flight website like Google flights or matrix.itasoftware.com.  Tonight at JFK there is a flight on Aer Lingus at 9:05 pm, Singapore Airlines at 8:55 pm, United at 9:50 pm, etc.  

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Good morning,

Asthma still a problem. I am hoping to turn the corner today. I do believe I slept better. The winds have died down which should help with the pollen. 

Happy Birthday Vanessa. You do a wonderful job with our care list. I hope your pain improves. 

Yikes on canceled flight!  It has happened all to frequently with me lately. I actually have 2 points flights booked to get to San Diego for my GA cruise. I will cancel one once I know the preferred flight is going.   I agree with Sandi, look for alternative flights while waiting for flight ease. 

Welcome to new members. This is a wonderful group. Everyone is so supportive. 

Question for those who have been on Grand Voyages. What have you done about mail?


Prayers and well wishes. Have a great day. 

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4 minutes ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning,

Asthma still a problem. I am hoping to turn the corner today. I do believe I slept better. The winds have died down which should help with the pollen. 

Happy Birthday Vanessa. You do a wonderful job with our care list. I hope your pain improves. 

Yikes on canceled flight!  It has happened all to frequently with me lately. I actually have 2 points flights booked to get to San Diego for my GA cruise. I will cancel one once I know the preferred flight is going.   I agree with Sandi, look for alternative flights while waiting for flight ease. 

Welcome to new members. This is a wonderful group. Everyone is so supportive. 

Question for those who have been on Grand Voyages. What have you done about mail?


Prayers and well wishes. Have a great day. 


Lorraine, you can go to your post office and ask to talk to the supervisor.  Explain the length of your cruise and ask for a hold for longer than 30 days.  Sometimes they're in a good mood and agree.  Usually they write out the yellow card while you stand there.  For a longer cruise like a Grand Voyage, I have done two holds.  First I go online (or you can write out the yellow card) and stop the mail the first 30 days.  When delivery begins again, I have my neighbor/friend pick up the mail that day at my mailbox.  The following day they put a filled-out yellow card in the box with flag up for the carrier.  When the carrier stops they take the yellow card back to the post office and begin another hold period.  Neighbor can check the mailbox for more mail that same day.  That's how I do it.

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Good morning everyone!  


@JazzyV  Happy Birthday!!   🎂


@Cruzin Terri  Happy Anniversary!   🍾


Welcome to the Daily to @Smmessineo and @AroundWithMAPTravels!   


@0106   I hope they get your flight rebooked quickly.   


Thanks for the daily and fleet reports.  I agree with Sandi the big important today is Taco Day even though it is a Wednesday.    A strange quote by a strange dude.    I will pass on the Tortellini and the cocktail, it would be one John would love, but the Crianza looks very tasty.   


Prayers for everyone on our care list and the people of Ukraine.  @smitty34877 I hope everything goes great for Tana's new aide.   


It is another beautiful day today.   I am afraid it will be the last day in the 80s till May but I am ever hopeful.   I have a meeting in downtown Kalamazoo for my other garden club,  I have to leave early to pick up Greens Sale Flyers to hand out at our meeting, sheesh it is almost Green's Sale time again.  A beautiful weather day started with an unpleasant but not unexpected Itinerary Change email from HA.   The inevitable cancellation for the second time is our stop in Key West.   At least they aren't making us leave Cozumel early and we go to Bimini instead of Nassau like was substituted for our February cruise.   Never been to Bimini, it has to be better than Nassau.  I had hoped to meet our cabin friends for a long lunch in Key West but we will have to make up for it at the cabin.  Have a lovely Wednesday and enjoy some tacos!    Nancy 



Edited by ottahand7
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Happy Wednesday. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

Foggy start but the sun is coming out. Working from home today grading five classes of papers. Yikes. 

Fancy is having some pain as she as a luxating patella and she appears to have aggravated it when she had the zoomies in the yard yesterday. Rest for her today. 

Happy birthday @JazzyV

Happy anniversary @Cruzin Terri

Welcome @Smmessineo and @AroundWithMAPTravels

I hope everything works out for you @0106

Thinking of all on the care list.

Celebrating with all who are celebrating.

Have a safe and healthy day. 

Image result for wednesday cat memes

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Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites! Before I forget everything I have been meaning to say for days-


@Quartzsite Cruiser I hope your DH is doing better.  You gave me quite a scare the other day.  I hope his head ache is gone. I am hoping that the future is less stressful.


@bennybearYou posted a photo two days ago, that pulled at my heart, it was water flowing over rocks on a small stream, truly beautiful!


@smitty34877You are in my prayers and thoughts every day.  I am hoping that Tana's new assistant is a keeper!


@0106 Flight cancelled!  ARghh!  I am hoping that all is resolved soon!


@Smmessineo, @AroundWithMAPTravels Welcome to the Daily!  It is addictive, and it's a great bunch of people to be with all day!


@StLouisCruisersI think Taco Day, is on Tuesdays.  Normally, unless it too has it's own day.  DH says he will go to PT with me this morning, so that we can get Tacos today, and finish running the errands we didnt get done yesterday.  He is the king of procrastination.  I'm the queen.


Older women are Queenagers.


Todays quote, well good for Poe, I thought it was a line from a Moody Blues song.🙄


And if you remember, it was me, at age 7 who put a rock through a stain glass window at the church in Villefranche. My mom bought paintings from starving artists when we lived in Europe, and I look at a painting of Villefranche every day..


8 days from today, and we fly to Rome. I am getting nervous.  I called the cat sitter yesterday, and got no answer.  I called his wife, who was out of town, and she said he hasnt answered her either. She was on her way home from Baltimore, stuck in traffic and about to miss her plane. I am hoping that she made it home last night, and that all is well with her hubby.  My back up is my neighbor.


I am hoping that DH and I survive the flight, and that once we land, we have a stress free 30 days, where the only thing we have to worry about is whether we should eat on the lido or the main dining room.


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Good morning. It will be 85 later and the sun is out yet again.We were at the port twice from Monaco and had two wonderful days. The first time we went to Eze and the second time we went to Nice. The market was a lovely place and we stopped for coffee. We both  enjoyed that cup and felt the increased caffeine for hours. We used to joke about “ nice Nice coffee” often.

My parents loved golf and played often but I preferred playing on a softball team for work.The recipe sounds interesting . I am not sure what we are having for dinner tonight.Mr Poe must have been fun at parties….

The new aide is here and seems to be a lovely young woman. The dogs approve as well. Tana is coughing more lately and did not get much sleep. Fingers crossed as she can be understandably cranky.

My brother and sister in law are coming to visit tomorrow and staying overnight so I am changing sheets and cleaning a bit. They were recently on an Oceana Canadian cruise and I am looking forward to hearing about it.

Enjoy the day!

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A very Good Morning to All.

It is beautiful day here, just as it was 42 years ago when DH and I were married.  

Thank you to all of you for your lovely Anniversary Wishes.  Very much appreciated.


Thank you to Rich @richwmn for the Daily and Fleet Report.

Interesting Days.  

Although we live on a Golf Course (and have had the broken windows to prove it) we don’t play Golf. A Frappe is always a welcome treat.  I like animals, especially friendly ones.

Thank you to Vanessa @JazzyV for the Cares and Celebration List.

Thank you to Debbie @dfish for the recipes, Dixie @summer slope for the cocktail recipe and Ann @cat shepard for the wine explanation.  All very welcome.  However, Jim and I are going out to dinner tonight.  We do not eat out often so tonight will be a special treat.


While I have not stopped at Villefranche per se, we have been on cruises that have stopped at Nice, Cannes, Monaco and have toured the area.  


DH has a dentist appointment at 1 pm so we have to get ourselves over to Hilton Head to get that taken care of.


Prayers for all those who are ill and have worries and stresses.  

Cheers to all who are celebrating and cruising.  We have many who are about to embark on cruises as well as those who are presently on the sea.  My wish is that all have an enjoyable time.


Hope everyone has a great day 

God Bless,


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1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning! Always a challenge to post right after our resident Red Neck.

First things first. @JazzyVVanessa Happy Birthday and thank for your loyal contributions to the Daily.

@Cruzin Terri Happy Anniversary.

@Kazu Jacqui I do hope your travels went well.

Our baths are coming along though we added to the workload by removing the existing large mirrors and we also will be removing the old lights that were over the mirrors.

Received our flu shots yesterday and so far not even a sore arm. 
Today our house cleaner arrives and one side of house will be off limits due to bath projects. Maybe she can find a special project to compensate. Yesterday pest control today semi annual AC/Heat service and checkup. Lot’s going on this week. It will probably remain so as we prepare for the big cruise. Taxes, mail, meds, car re-registration. All things that would be done next year we need to do before we leave.

Beautiful morning for a walk as it’s currently 68 degrees. Future forecast call for some lows in high fifties this coming weekend.

Thanks Rich and to all who make the Daily a morning habit. Have a great day. Bruce





Chief, there is no challenge! Always great cartoons! Look forward to your updates from your cruise. Never been on that line.

As far as the October cartoon.  Maybe you have pumpkin spice to clean you out for the colonoscopy. 😀

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Good morning, everyone!


It will be another warm day here with mostly cloudy skies and a high of 84F.  We are going to start on the leaves today.  There are plenty of them to take care of on the ground and we want to get a head start on them.  


@0106 Delta should also be able to rebook you on another flight since they cancelled you.  I had that happen once a few years ago, but I was at the airport, so they took care of everything.  


Today's meal is a nice soup for fall.  And, it will be fall here in mid-Michigan tomorrow.  So, perhaps I should stock up on ingredients when we hit the grocery store today.  We like to go on Wednesdays to one particular grocery store because seniors get a 15% discount.  There have to be some perks to being old.  This first recipe is not for dieters and is rather high in carbs, but if you can handle them, go for it.  https://therecipecritic.com/creamy-sausage-tortellini-soup/




It sure looks good, doesn't it?   


This next one is lower in calories and carbs and doesn't call for tomatoes.  https://thecozycook.com/sausage-tortellini-soup/




This last one does call for tomato sauce but uses half and half to cut the calories.  Seasonings are a bit different.  https://www.aheadofthyme.com/creamy-tortellini-soup-with-sausage/




Safe travels to all who are traveling.  Wishing you all a wonderful day!


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5 minutes ago, cunnorl said:

@JazzyV Happy Birthday. Hope you have a wonderful day

 @Cruzin Terri   Happy Anniversary. May you have many more


The golf course is closed again due to continued flooding. Looking for an alternative for today. Have to golf on "Golf Day"!

Any golf course in the Tampa Bay Area is open since we are 14” below our annual rainfall. May need a jackhammer to replace the divot.

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Good morning Daily-ites 


A sleepless night. My friend gave me lidocaine patches and it helped quite a bit.


Yesterday we had couples pedi's and out to dinner at a newish restaurant. I was ready to get home.


Today we expect a small chance of rain and 94 degrees. Tomorrow high of 79 and better chance of rain.


Prayers for baby Murphy, Vanessa, Tana, Steve, and all others on Vanessa's finely tuned cares list.


Happy Birthday Vanessa 




@Cruzin Terri




Today we need to drive to Lowe's and pick out Oliver's doggie door. Hoping it will be installed next week.


Welcome @Smmessineo and @AroundWithMAPTravels to the Daily.


Golfers enjoy your special day today!




Sending you blessings for a perfect Wednesday. 



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