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Cancellation of cruise in the Middle East

Hill Country Dakota

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30 minutes ago, roninman said:


If only all the little people were as experienced global travelers as moi, they would realize corporations promising this or that, and then breaking their promises, are only doing it because of reasons.  


Hardly little people. Adults have made decisions and didn’t properly evaluate their own appetite for risk. Promises were not broken. A contract is in place. I am appalled at the way some people have treated the crew with awful rudeness. It is difficult to witness adults behaving like children. Hopefully, those who are agrieved learn from this. There is no come back, so stop expecting others who have accepted the situation and are enjoying their holiday, along with the crew who are not at fault, to listen to a grievance that is going nowhere other than to cause a negative atmosphere on board, Happy holidays.

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2 hours ago, cruisemom42 said:

In your efforts to discredit other travelers, you are discrediting yourself. Thoughtful travelers realize there is an ebb and flow to events in this region; there are times when it is safer to visit and times when it is best to postpone, reschedule, stay clear.


I’ve visited Egypt 5 times, Israel 3 times and done the Suez canal transit twice. I haven’t been everywhere in this world yet, but I’m working on it. I can say, knowledgeably, that now is not the best time to visit this region (though I would still consider Turkey).


Situation notwithstanding, contract notwithstanding, Oceania has not behaved in the manner they should have toward the passengers on this cruise. Other lines provided better options. Other lines did not make good faith offers and then rescind them.

Perfectly said (written). Thank you.

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6 hours ago, Australian Fran said:

Hardly little people. Adults have made decisions and didn’t properly evaluate their own appetite for risk. Promises were not broken. A contract is in place. I am appalled at the way some people have treated the crew with awful rudeness. It is difficult to witness adults behaving like children. Hopefully, those who are agrieved learn from this. There is no come back, so stop expecting others who have accepted the situation and are enjoying their holiday, along with the crew who are not at fault, to listen to a grievance that is going nowhere other than to cause a negative atmosphere on board, Happy holidays.

I feel for you having to travel with these people.


Fortunately, this will be a one-off as they will never travel with Oceania again. In future none of us will be forced to endure their whingeing and bad behaviour when we sail Oceania.


It’s never excusable to berate the staff it’s just ignorant and ill mannered.

Enjoy your trip as best you can.

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I am on this cruise and have not seen nor heard any of the negative behavior described. Every encounter I have had with other passengers and crew has been very polite. Any references to the changes has been humorous. Not sure what the goal here is with the repeated negative postings about other passengers. 
BTW I will disagree with the statement about no promises were broken. A promise was made to me by Oceania on October 23 and subsequently broken. Not whining, so don’t go there with another posting. Just stating a fact. 

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34 minutes ago, MarianneBD said:

I am on this cruise and have not seen nor heard any of the negative behavior described. Every encounter I have had with other passengers and crew has been very polite. Any references to the changes has been humorous. Not sure what the goal here is with the repeated negative postings about other passengers. 
BTW I will disagree with the statement about no promises were broken. A promise was made to me by Oceania on October 23 and subsequently broken. Not whining, so don’t go there with another posting. Just stating a fact. 

On my end, Mostly I have not seen or heard any complaints, except for the first day when there was someone complaining to the general manager, the reception desk, and to people around them in regards to the changed itinerary.

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1 hour ago, thetravellingta said:

On my end, Mostly I have not seen or heard any complaints, except for the first day when there was someone complaining to the general manager, the reception desk, and to people around them in regards to the changed itinerary.

I’m glad for you that you haven’t been exposed to this and maybe I have been unfortunate to be around those that are very vocal about their complaints, but it is definitely an ongoing issue on this cruise. There hasn’t been a single day where I haven’t heard someone complaining. I have spoken to crew members who I have seen being berated in restaurants and bars to give them support and they have confided that it has been a really difficult cruise for them because some passengers are taking their anger out on them. Other passengers that I have met have told me, without me asking about it, that there are angry passengers who are continually complaining and they are trying to avoid those people. It’s bullying and it’s not ok no matter what the grievance is. 

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7 hours ago, Harry Lake said:

Perfectly said (written). Thank you.

Discrediting other travellers. People who think they can dominate the public space with loud and disrespectful behaviour while expecting crew to wait on them hand and foot at the same time as berating them are beyond discrediting. This conduct cannot be justified. Hopefully, as another contributor commented, those who feel that they have the right to act this way won’t sail with Oceania again. I am very much enjoying this cruise apart from this entitled element that seem to want to put their own issues above all others. 

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7 hours ago, Australian Fran said:

Discrediting other travellers. People who think they can dominate the public space with loud and disrespectful behaviour while expecting crew to wait on them hand and foot at the same time as berating them are beyond discrediting. This conduct cannot be justified. Hopefully, as another contributor commented, those who feel that they have the right to act this way won’t sail with Oceania again. I am very much enjoying this cruise apart from this entitled element that seem to want to put their own issues above all others. 

That is very sad. Unfortunately I have seen this behavior on multiple ships/lines. People can be so incredibly ignorant of others with their behavior. I’ve seen it on itineraries that have not changed one bit, so it’s a statement to ‘privileged’ people regardless of what sailing. So unacceptable. 
That said, Oceania did rescind offers and promises to passengers, so let’s not get that confused with the general statements on behaviors. 

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22 hours ago, Australian Fran said:

I am on board right now and am really over it with listening to people who are still complaining 15 days in because they either don’t read the contract or don’t do their research on the area. I am having a good time despite those who wish to dominate the cruise with their complaints. If people are so concerned, they shouldn’t have got on in the first place. The amount of whining from a small group of people who are clearly not world travellers isn’t going down well with most people on board who are thoroughly enjoying themselves. The issues in this part of the world aren’t new. If you think they are, you haven’t been paying attention. 

I question how much of a "good time" Fran is having given they are posting on a forum instead of enjoying the cruise. It seems they don't like a segment of the passengers who are not in the right mindset. I would agree that sort of pointless to go and then complain on board. There were options to get money back and they were not persistent.  To state that this has been happening in that area for years ....that "issues in this part of the world aren't new" is to ignore the current situation which is far worse than the norm. A  post as above sounds more like rationalization for going on a cruise that they should have cancelled.

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9 minutes ago, kathy49 said:

I question how much of a "good time" Fran is having given they are posting on a forum instead of enjoying the cruise. It seems they don't like a segment of the passengers who are not in the right mindset. I would agree that sort of pointless to go and then complain on board. There were options to get money back and they were not persistent.  To state that this has been happening in that area for years ....that "issues in this part of the world aren't new" is to ignore the current situation which is far worse than the norm. A  post as above sounds more like rationalization for going on a cruise that they should have cancelled.

I agree with many of these posts that they aren’t having a good time if people are spending time on their computers writing on this blog .., perhaps it’s all those sea days…

I will say that I was offered the fcc that was rescinded a day later snd all  my letters that I wrote to everyone that could possibly  help never gave me an option to get a refund … I did cancel and fell under 100% penalty.  I am hoping still my insurance will cover me…very disappointed in Oceania. We have 28 cruises behind us on various lines. ..this was to be first Oceania.  Not sure I will give them another chance. 

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Yes, but…I don’t think anyone was more persistent than I was to try to get money back or a credit. Wonder if people maybe knew something I didn’t since the ship is so empty. (I covered my exhaustive list of everything I tried in a previous post.) The closest I got was my credit card company telling me I’d have an answer by December 4, five days after embarkation. Made our decision to board and making the best of it. 

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22 minutes ago, kathy49 said:

I question how much of a "good time" Fran is having given they are posting on a forum instead of enjoying the cruise. It seems they don't like a segment of the passengers who are not in the right mindset. I would agree that sort of pointless to go and then complain on board. There were options to get money back and they were not persistent.  To state that this has been happening in that area for years ....that "issues in this part of the world aren't new" is to ignore the current situation which is far worse than the norm. A  post as above sounds more like rationalization for going on a cruise that they should have cancelled.

So all those people who post about their wonderful cruise experience with daily updates on this forum are also most likely not having a “good time”?

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29 minutes ago, kathy49 said:

I question how much of a "good time" Fran is having given they are posting on a forum instead of enjoying the cruise.

Although no-one questions the posters who often contribute "real time" accounts of their cruise. Usually praised for giving up their time to give information to the rest of us. 

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3 hours ago, EJL2023 said:

So all those people who post about their wonderful cruise experience with daily updates on this forum are also most likely not having a “good time”?

I am referring to Fran...some may well be having a good time.

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14 minutes ago, kathy49 said:

I am referring to Fran...some may well be having a good time.

But your reasoning was because Fran was posting on this forum she must not be having a good time even though Fran said they were having a good time. As noted many people post daily while on cruises about their experience and the enjoyable time they are having. 

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51 minutes ago, kathy49 said:

Fran seem very busy posting and watching other passengers....and tells us too many times she is "having a good time".  I know that some people post daily about their trip but usually they don't keep repeating how much they are having a good time and about fellow obnoxious passengers.

Well it is an unusual cruise considering the circumstances and Fran is trying to let everyone know the other side than the “doom and gloom we’re here for the group therapy crowd” so Fran feels the need to emphasize exactly HOW FRAN FEELS. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Now UK warships involved in Red Sea missile attacks, and commercial freighters hit.   Maersk suspends container ship traffic in the Red Sea.


Yet no comment here from those who mocked consumers expressing serious safety concerns about cruising through the Red Sea.



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Thank you. We among those reluctant to board but decided not to walk away from our money. We made it through the Red Sea, the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, and are no longer between Somalia and Yemen. We will be in Abu Dhabi tomorrow. We kept up with the news and took some comfort that cargo ships were the targets (sorry, but it helped.) 


My thoughts now that we are safe is how boring this cruise was. We are not into all the games. The deck was sooooo windy; it wasn’t enjoyable to spend time outside walking or by the pool. (Some were, and good for them.) Paid for the private concierge spa terrace and never used it because of the wind. 

Met many nice people who just like to cruise. People from cold Canada who seek the sun. People who love this particular ship and will go anywhere. But we selected this cruise for the amazing itinerary and Oceania’s changes were so drastic that they even changed the name. A few perks would have helped a bit, but nope.

Bottom line: Definitely not worth the money for us. But to the people who are cruise junkies, I’m not being sarcastic when I say good for you. Different strokes for different folks. 


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4 hours ago, MarianneBD said:

Thank you. We among those reluctant to board but decided not to walk away from our money. We made it through the Red Sea, the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, and are no longer between Somalia and Yemen. We will be in Abu Dhabi tomorrow. We kept up with the news and took some comfort that cargo ships were the targets (sorry, but it helped.) 


My thoughts now that we are safe is how boring this cruise was. We are not into all the games. The deck was sooooo windy; it wasn’t enjoyable to spend time outside walking or by the pool. (Some were, and good for them.) Paid for the private concierge spa terrace and never used it because of the wind. 

Met many nice people who just like to cruise. People from cold Canada who seek the sun. People who love this particular ship and will go anywhere. But we selected this cruise for the amazing itinerary and Oceania’s changes were so drastic that they even changed the name. A few perks would have helped a bit, but nope.

Bottom line: Definitely not worth the money for us. But to the people who are cruise junkies, I’m not being sarcastic when I say good for you. Different strokes for different folks. 


Thanks. We really enjoyed our cruise. We were prepared to take the risk and we knew what those risks were well before we booked as there have been pirates, violence and security issues in these waters for many years. The presence of US Navy ships in the area when we sailed through actually made us feel that it was safer than it had been previously. So we were never anxious. We don’t believe that any cruise line is knowingly going to put people in harms way for any reason. It’s just not worth it to them. I understand that others will feel that Oceania put them at risk. I don’t share that view. Having now disembarked, we have no regrets and would not have missed the experience, which was wonderful, Other countries have now been asked to contribute to the military presence in the Red Sea to ensure that supply chains are not disrupted, as cargo ships are the target. Assuming that this will happen, the increased security should ensure that safety is enhanced. If it’s not safe, I’m sure that all cruise lines will avoid the area.  Happy holidays.

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On 12/16/2023 at 9:14 AM, MarianneBD said:

Thank you. We among those reluctant to board but decided not to walk away from our money. We made it through the Red Sea, the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, and are no longer between Somalia and Yemen. We will be in Abu Dhabi tomorrow. We kept up with the news and took some comfort that cargo ships were the targets (sorry, but it helped.) 


My thoughts now that we are safe is how boring this cruise was. We are not into all the games. The deck was sooooo windy; it wasn’t enjoyable to spend time outside walking or by the pool. (Some were, and good for them.) Paid for the private concierge spa terrace and never used it because of the wind. 

Met many nice people who just like to cruise. People from cold Canada who seek the sun. People who love this particular ship and will go anywhere. But we selected this cruise for the amazing itinerary and Oceania’s changes were so drastic that they even changed the name. A few perks would have helped a bit, but nope.

Bottom line: Definitely not worth the money for us. But to the people who are cruise junkies, I’m not being sarcastic when I say good for you. Different strokes for different folks. 


We were on Riviera on the cruise just before yours.  We disembarked in Istanbul on Nov. 29.  The rumor is that your cruise only had 500? or so passengers?  Do you know the actual number?

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When I checked in on Day One, I asked the Head Conciege and she gave me a # in the mid 400’s. Someone else posted that they were told 500. Ship was VERY empty. Crew member said they got extra days off, which is nice. A couple of others mentioned how bored they were. Talk about quiet sea days! 
Looking forward to going home. Viking only from this point on! 

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2 hours ago, MarianneBD said:

Looking forward to going home. Viking only from this point on! 

Maybe consider SB as well. We’ve sailed both and SB is a great value and product… against the current V pricing it may surprise you.
Some shared that they enjoyed the cruise…..good that some were able to. I  sure do understand your position and know it would have been difficult for us as well. So glad you made it safely. 

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23 hours ago, MarianneBD said:

When I checked in on Day One, I asked the Head Conciege and she gave me a # in the mid 400’s. Someone else posted that they were told 500. Ship was VERY empty. Crew member said they got extra days off, which is nice. A couple of others mentioned how bored they were. Talk about quiet sea days! 
Looking forward to going home. Viking only from this point on! 

I do understand it was around 480 in Istanbul but around 25 got off in Cyprus who weren't willing to take the risk - so that brought it down to around 450.


The sea days did go by relatively quickly for me. Memorable cruise. But not necessarily for the right reasons!


I will not book with Oceania again.

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Well, we made it home from this Istanbul to Dubai cruise.  I also was told that there were 450 passengers, and then over 20 left in Cyprus.  Needless to say the service wax excellent and the crew was wonderful.  We enjoyed the ease of attending shows, high tea, etc with so few people.  We enjoyed the cruise even though it was not what we purchased.  Other than the itinerary changes our biggest complaint was over the air booking.  We certainly learned a lesson to NEVER let the cruise line book your flights.  We paid $9400 over the O Life price (that included economy air fare).  Oceania apparently booked the cheapest flights imaginable.  Initially when Oceania offered to let passengers  cancel and transfer for FCC, we were told that our business class upgrade would be our penalty.  I checked with the airline and they had no record that tickets were purchased for us.  I called back Oceania and they insisted they were purchased, they could not under any circumstance (even with an added charge) be transferred to other flights.  I tried to find out if we could still use the flights if we cancelled out on the cruise.  No one could answer this question.  No calls back.  Then you all know that Oceania rescinded the offer to transfer to FFC.  So we decided to go.  

There are direct flights from Washington DC to Istanbul, as well as home from Dubai, but they booked flights with layovers in them.  The flight from DC was delayed for 3 hours due to a mechanical, so we missed the flight in Munich to Turkey.  We spent almost 2 hours trying to get a flight to Turkey (no help from Oceania).  We had to take an economy flight to get there that day.  We got in late of course and there was no one to pick us up at the airport in Istanbul.  I called several times and was told someone would come, but they didn't.  I called again and was told just take a taxi.  I had to fight to get reimbursed for this, and they did credit us back.  But I was told that they did not have knowledge as to which flight we were on.  (They booked the flights.)  I told Oceania that I felt we were due a refund for at least the difference between economy and business class.  They told us to file a claim with the airline.  I asked how much the ticket cost so we would have an amount to claim.  We were told their "contract" pricing was privileged and they would not tell us.  Then going home, when I tried to check in in Dubai, I was told my flight was cancelled.  It took nearly 45 minutes to straighten that out, and we didn't get seats together.  We then had to go to Frankfurt with a 7 hour layover.  Again we had the worst seats; the last row in business with families with children.  NEVER let the cruise line book your flights.  Other than all this, we enjoyed what we did, we enjoyed the relaxation on the trip, the entertainment was very good, the food was as good as it always was on Oceania.  You could eat in the specialty restaurants whenever you wanted.  (Some were closed some days, but that was not an issue.) The staff was wonderful.  But, the bottom line, we will NEVER sail with Oceania, Norwegian, or Regent again.  NEVER. And as far as any extras for the itinerary change we were told on board that we would not even get "one free drink."  And they certainly kept their word on that one!


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