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Am I the only one?

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Steering way off topic but this is at least a little relatable to those in here.  Plus, it's (sort of) funny.


Used to haul around an iPad with me when I cruised.  Watched media on the flight to the port, live reviews I posted here were done on it, etc.  Well, the screen broke (because I dropped it) and really wasn't worth the price to repair it. 


As such, scored a refurb deal on a MacBook Air....perfect for what I need it for.


Had a very nice Apple Case and Apple Pencil that I no longer used given my switch in gear.


So, went to our "good friends" at eBay and sold both of them there.  


The Apple Pencil only sold for 50 bucks...after paypal and eBay fees maybe $40 in my pocket.  Nothing to get all excited about.  But, for that kind of money, I've had to endure idiocy for weeks.


The guy who bought the Apple Pencil said he couldn't get it to work.  I asked him if he charged it.  "how do I do that?...it magnetically attaches to the top of your iPad."  He said he left it attached for 3 days and it still doesn't work.  I asked him if he paired it.  "how do I do that?"  


Well this went on an on for a week, until finally I thought ''...doubtful but maybe it somehow was damaged in shipping, even though it was packed securely and double boxed."  


I told him to go ahead and send it back and I'd give him a refund.  He came back and said he'd trouble shoot it but wanted a $30 discount, instead.  Really?  You would pay for something that doesn't work (according to him).  


I hate when people say this because it's rarely true...but, this wasn't about the money.  It just seemed to "what are you doing?" type of scenario.  I asked him how he was going to trouble shoot it.  He said he'd call GOOGLE and have them help.  


"Why GOOGLE"?  


"I'm using a Chrome Book"!


Really?  REALLY!!!!!!


I can't force him to send it back, but he's sent a request for a discount. I AM NOT going to give him a discount because he's stupid!!!!!!


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21 hours ago, david_sobe said:

I should be out cutting my lawn but I am working on Sunday for you guys.  It took time to find these oldie but goodie reviews.  My memory is good but not perfect. It was the corn in the egg drop soup, not the clam chowder as I originally posted.  This one has always been my favorite.  Apparently the old CEO Kevin Sheehan would visit kitchens and hold the chefs at gun point and make them put corn in the egg drop soup.😆

Cut and paste:



I wish we had looked at CruiseCritic.com before we took the NCL Jewel. If we had, we would have not gone. The buck has to stop somewhere. Fire Kevin Sheehan.

When he was on Undercover Boss, he professed to investigate NCL problems so he could provide his passengers with an unforgettable cruise. It was unforgettable to be sure. It was awful. Seeing this show repeated daily on the ship TV made me sick.

My wife and I checked in on Sat, Oct 15, 2011. Got to the terminal at 12:30 PM. We were put into the check-in line, and then the computers went down. In the next 30 minutes, the lines got long. Then I see a stocky short guy, about 300 pounds, bright green slicker hanging on his shoulders, chewing gum, walking back and forth from the lines to the check-in counter. He looked like Barney Rubble with a crew cut. I thought he was security; but he had a strange look. He was always on the phone, and looking back and forth as he walked. He waddled when he walked.

Next, I see him take 2 people behind us, opened the crowd rope and walked them to the counter; and put them beside an existing customer. The guy in the group gave him money. He looked back and forth before he put the money into his pocket. WHY ? The computer was broken. During the 45 minutes I was there, he did this for 4 groups of people. Getting paid each time. He was helping people jump the line !! By the way, he wore a union tee shirt. I brought this to the attention of a lady working our line, after his second trip. Expecting her to do something, I was surprised when she said

½ Better be nice to him or you might not get your luggage. SHE KNEW WHO HE WAS, AS WELL AS WHAT HE WAS DOING ! HE WAS A LONGSHOREMAN !! I then brought this to another lady's attention. She said I should tell the boss, and pointed to the lady I had just talked to. I HAD ALREADY TOLD THE

BOSS ! She could care less.

On board, no one directed us anywhere. We sat in a lounge, till another passenger told us about the buffet on 12th fl. Up we went. Celebrity and Royal Caribbean do the same thing, but we were directed there by their staff.

Our first food was horrible; an inkling of what was to come.

The food for the entire cruise was horrible. I think this is the reason passengers went to the restaurants with additional fees; to find good food. This was useless. It soon became evident that ALL the food was the same. Azure and Tsar had the same menus as well as the same drab food. FYI: The deserts in ALL restaurants were the same for the entire cruise. They were marginal at best.

By the 2nd day, most of conversations among passengers were about the bad food. Knowing that the crew ate the same food, surprised many passengers. About 50 % of the crew I spoke with said the food was bad, and some just smiled and said nothing. I knew they already knew.

Breakfast: Scrambled eggs were tasteless, as well as overcooked. FYI: ALL THE FOOD WAS OVERCOOKED. The only bright spots were the hand made egg stations. There were 2; for 2,000+ passengers!! Everything sat out for 3 hours, and you can just imagine what it tasted like.

Lunch and Dinner: Buffet was still the tasteless overcooked food. We went to other places, but in desperation we looked everywhere. By day 3, we knew we had been had. There was no good food anywhere. We despaired together with numerous other passengers. The bad food actually bonded us together. We were all trapped.

An example: Our last night, Azure and Tsar had the beef stroganoff on the menu; remember, these 2 places always had the same items. It was listed as Beef Stroganoff with Mushrooms , sub-title description: Egg noodles, Beets and Sour Cream . I asked for no beets. I was greeted with the following: Red Peppers, Green Peppers, Onions, and PICKLES !!, and a half tea spoon of Sour Cream. You had to be kidding. I took pictures. The egg noodles were dry and hard, and the 3 small strips of beef were tough. I filled up half a small plate with the extra crap that had no business in this dish. I have pictures.


Ribs at Mexican place and Chen Chens were the same with different toppings. Both were like a stringy pot roast. One of my ribs was 100% fat.

Chen Chen serves an egg drop soup. Some idiot thought it was a good idea to add CORN !! Yes folks, corn !!. Even our server thought is was a bad idea. Chef said the corn recipe was directed by the Corporate Office; back to Kevin again.


About 80 % of the salt grinders did not work. They were in all the restaurants except the buffet and the pool deck. The pool deck had those little salt and pepper paper packets, which blew everywhere.

Our cabin had no bar soap or lotion for my wife. There was a shampoo and shower gel dispenser in the shower. Every time I used the shower gel, I could not get it all rinsed off. Bought soap in Nassau; as well as had a real lunch at Atlantis.

The pool was overcrowded as was stated by others at Cruise critic.com. There were some good servers, but most just stood around doing nothing. We got most of our drinks at the bar ourselves.

The casino was the only place that was run superbly. They took our money, but all casinos do. The bar was efficient and the staff was excellent. The managers, Danela, Pearl, Toni and Moxie should be running the rest of the ship. No unhappy people here. It was refreshing.

The entertainment was lame except for the theater. The 70's Review Show was very good. There was a band at the pool one day that was good, but way too loud. Then we saw them do a totally Spanish show in the main lobby; this was awful.

There was someone trying to sell you something 24/7. After a while, you blocked it out, but it was always annoying.

Our room steward literally stunk. Our entire hallway stunk for that matter from body odor. When the ship was docked, this was almost unbearable. We also experienced this on another floor when we visited some friends. Some other staff also thought there should be a hygiene class for the crew, especially the stewards. They said there were some bad smells in the crews living quarters as well.

Cell phone solicitations came at least twice a day. One was at 6 AM when we were at the private Island. 6 AM !! ANOTHER CORPORATE DECISION !!

Leaving the ship took 2 extra hours. We were happy just to get off. There needs to be more work done on this. It's not the extra time, but they did not manage the remaining passengers.

Almost forgot: The TV in our room was an old 19' RCA tube set. It was hard to see since it was placed way toward the balcony window. We enjoyed an episode of the Nanny. Little did we know that this SAME EPPISODE would be repeated 100 times; THE SAME EPISODE !! A Damon Wayans sit com did the same thing: 100 times and THE SAME EPISODE !! I called the person in charge and he told me the shows were picked out BY THE CORPORATE OFFICE. He did the best he could with what he had.

We canceled our next 2 cruises with NCL, when we got home. We were to take the Epic out of Miami. We did this because THE SAME CORPORATE PEOPLE WHO MADE UP THE MENU ON THE JEWEL, ALSO MAKE UP THE MENU ON THE EPIC !

Kevin Sheehan should be fired. Leadership starts at the top, and here at NCL, there is none. I know our entire crew knew about the food and attitude problems. THEY WERE NOT HAPPY WITH THE FOOD EITHER ! This is a much bigger problem than you might realize. NCL needs a total cleaning of both their ships and corporate offices, starting with old Kevin.

I also think the health department should take a closer look into NCL. We knew of many people who were made sick by the food. I am sure there were many more. Buffet food at both the Garden Cafe and by the pool, sat out FOREVER. I am sure food sits out in the kitchen also.

NCL will help you have a new appreciation for your favorite restaurants once you get back home. We feel sorry for those stuck on the Jewel now, somewhere on the high seas.

I DID HEAR THAT Kevin Sheehan, the CEO, was on the previous cruise on the Jewel. Oct 8 to 15. I hope he had the same food we had. I'm sure he brought his own soap.

We are already booked on Royal Caribean for our next 2 cruises. Like many of the passengers said on Cruisecritic.com We will never travel on NCL again.

NCL was a good cruise line years ago, but now, it's just a mess. The other good companies are coming out with a lot of new ships, and I am sure they will put NCL out of business. It will be a blessing to all the unsuspecting passengers.

They added $ 12 a passenger per day for additional tips. I wish we had them removed like I read other passengers did. As I finish this, dozens of other horror stories come to mind, but this should give you an insight into what to expect.

In closing, the reason for the firing of Kevin is this: He either knew these multitude of problems and did nothing; or his staff lied to him. If he went on the Jewel, like he did, HE KNEW. Why he does nothing is a mystery. I think the bad food adds to the unhappiness of the crew, which they are all to ready to share with the passengers, in the form of bad service and some attitude.

90 % of the problems I mentioned were listed on cruisecritic.com. All Kevin had had to do was read this web site. Someone in the Corporate had to see this.

I think the Jewel and NCL have so many deep problems, it will be almost impossible to fix

Two words for this guy: GOOD RIDDANCE.

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22 hours ago, SeaShark said:


Sure...this is, after all, a discussion forum...not a support group. You can't simply expect everyone to believe in or side with you. Such is the nature of a forum.


OTOH, if people were to place reviews in the review section instead (radical concept warning), then nothing gets torn apart since you cant post replies to reviews.



Maybe...just maybe...that is because it IS the fault of the poster. Unrealistic expectations, and lack of understanding of the product, are repeated conditions found with complainers. Travel agents and PCCs will work for you at no additional cost, yet so many complainers shun them and book themselves, only to be upset when faced with the consequences of not understanding what they are doing. The information is out there, I don't know why we have to support those who refuse to use it.

Well said!

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22 hours ago, david_sobe said:

I found it!  Its from many years ago.  I will not post a link because I dont want to shame anyone or make fun of anyone.  So I just cut and paste the words.  The title of the review is "Just like prison"


Ok, so I have never been in prison, apart from this trip. This was my 4th (and last) cruise with NCL in the last 3 years. I have stuck with NCL because in the past the food was quite good considering the number of people they needed to serve, and I really liked the Freestyle dining. Sadly the food on this cruise was so bad that I considered leaving the cruise when we docked at Port Canaveral on day 3, but I couldn't find a flight back to NYC at the last minute for less than $1000. I honestly didn't know how I was going to get through the rest of the week. For the rest of the time I mostly lived on cereal at breakfast, and bread and fruit from the buffet at other mealtimes.

Embarkation On my prior 3 cruises I left out of Miami, and never spent more than 30 minutes getting on the boat. Leaving out of NYC this time, I spent an hour in line waiting to check in. Upon entering the boat, instead of being offered a free glass of sparkling wine, the staff pressed me to buy a cocktail.

The Room My room space was adequate, however the carpet had at least 3 stains larger than coffee saucers, the mini sofa had about a 3 inch tear in the upholstery to which no repair had been attempted, and the room needed to be deodorized because of a slight sewery smell in the bathroom. The room was deodorized when I complained, but there was nothing that could be done about the stains or torn furniture. The bed was saggy enough that I could see the sloping indentations of prior residents, even when it was fully made. There was a mechanical clattering sound coming from the ceiling that was ever present. The effect that all of that had on me was to kind of deflate my excitement - it just kind of made the place seem dingy and depressing. Who wants to spend a week in a place that is dingy and depressing?

The Ship The ship was mostly in good shape and I have no complaints about the facilities, except that I wish there had been more quiet, comfortable places indoors to read. The spa area is good. The spa on NCL Pearl is better.

Activities Most of the NCL coordinated activities are noting more than a sales pitch: gemstone seminars (buy this jewelry!), shore excursion seminars (buy these shore excursions!), martini tastings (fee applies), raffles (you must attend sales pitch until raffle it done at the end), wine tastings (fee applies), food and wine pairing (fee applies), yoga (fee applies), towel animal shapes (buy the CD). I could go on, but will spare you.

Ok, the food. I was worried when at the embarkation BBQ the potato salad was nothing more than (get this) whole, 3 inch potatoes cut once in half, sitting in a yellow mayonnaise. I mean really, even "chunky" potato salad is cubed and has at least some onion or something in it - but not here - HALF potatoes. No big deal I guess... its just potato salad, but that's just the beginning.

In the main dining room: the wild mushroom risotto had 3 pieces of mushroom in it and tasted of mushroom soup (I ate it); for two days in a row the scrambled eggs were so shockingly salty that I had to rinse my mouth out with water (rejected); the pancakes were leathery and stone cold (rejected); in the lobster and grouper extravaganza, the grouper was small and gray, the lobster was so tough that I gave up trying to chew it (rejected), and the rice was mushy; a watercress vichyssoise was too bitter to eat (rejected and shockingly bitter!); and a Thai Satay Salad consisted of three gray pieces of chicken meat sitting on top of a bed of cheap salad mix - no peanuts, no onion, no dressing, no tomato, no nothing, just naked chicken on lettuce(rejected). Also, and this is just an aside, the once complimentary espresso and cappuccino at the end of your fabulous main dining room meal will now cost you $3-4. At this point I gave up on the main dining room and switched to the buffet, where I could reject food more anonymously, if necessary. This was getting embarrassing. The food in the buffet was unbelievably bad (remember the potato salad). Of course the potato salad for giants was available at all times, and here are some other things that were made available: Salad bar with a couple of kinds of meat and a couple of kinds of beans that you could put on it, Goulash (prison food!), Okra and other mixed veg in a tomato sauce (gag), Sushi rolls with lots of rice and a little cucumber at the center, Large chunks of steamed mixed vegetables (broccoli, carrot, cauliflower and red pepper) topped with mashed potato all floundering in the watery run-off from the vegetables and labeled "vegetable pie" (ooh I've just made myself feel a bit sick), Burgers burned to an absolute crisp - I mean BLACK, Every kind of rice you could imagine (rice is cheap): tomato rice, plain rice, brown rice, lemon rice (!), saffron rice, Spanish rice, jasmine rice, vegetable fried rice, rice with things in that I don't remember the ship's name for them, i.e. "country rice" and God knows what else. There were many disgusting dishes - too numerous to list, but after about 2 attempts to eat at the buffet I started tuning them out and can't report them all here. The food was so bad that it was almost comical, and would have been comical, had I had an alternative. By about day 3, I would look at the food to see if there was anything I could maybe pick at, but in the end, from day 3 on I fed myself on bread, fresh fruit, and cereal (I call it the "All Carb Diet"). That might not sound so bad, but after about 2 meals of that, it gets pretty old, and I certainly didn't pay to eat just bread and fruit. Instead it was grim and foul. And I wasn't about to pay an extra $25 for a specialty restaurant when the staff on this ship couldn't even make an edible scrambled egg.

I will never, never, never again sail NCL. Even if I won a free cruise, I would give it away or sell it. And if you are a person who cares about the quality and preparation of the food you eat, AVOID it. Disgusting


This review is comedy legend. I couldn't stop laughing... And I'm glad I'll never encounter this individual on an NCL ship due to the 1st sentence of the last paragraph.

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1 hour ago, graphicguy said:

Steering way off topic but this is at least a little relatable to those in here.  Plus, it's (sort of) funny.


Used to haul around an iPad with me when I cruised.  Watched media on the flight to the port, live reviews I posted here were done on it, etc.  Well, the screen broke (because I dropped it) and really wasn't worth the price to repair it. 


As such, scored a refurb deal on a MacBook Air....perfect for what I need it for.


Had a very nice Apple Case and Apple Pencil that I no longer used given my switch in gear.


So, went to our "good friends" at eBay and sold both of them there.  


The Apple Pencil only sold for 50 bucks...after paypal and eBay fees maybe $40 in my pocket.  Nothing to get all excited about.  But, for that kind of money, I've had to endure idiocy for weeks.


The guy who bought the Apple Pencil said he couldn't get it to work.  I asked him if he charged it.  "how do I do that?...it magnetically attaches to the top of your iPad."  He said he left it attached for 3 days and it still doesn't work.  I asked him if he paired it.  "how do I do that?"  


Well this went on an on for a week, until finally I thought ''...doubtful but maybe it somehow was damaged in shipping, even though it was packed securely and double boxed."  


I told him to go ahead and send it back and I'd give him a refund.  He came back and said he'd trouble shoot it but wanted a $30 discount, instead.  Really?  You would pay for something that doesn't work (according to him).  


I hate when people say this because it's rarely true...but, this wasn't about the money.  It just seemed to "what are you doing?" type of scenario.  I asked him how he was going to trouble shoot it.  He said he'd call GOOGLE and have them help.  


"Why GOOGLE"?  


"I'm using a Chrome Book"!


Really?  REALLY!!!!!!


I can't force him to send it back, but he's sent a request for a discount. I AM NOT going to give him a discount because he's stupid!!!!!!


You got scammed.  Hahahahaha

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1 hour ago, graphicguy said:

Steering way off topic but this is at least a little relatable to those in here.  Plus, it's (sort of) funny.


Used to haul around an iPad with me when I cruised.  Watched media on the flight to the port, live reviews I posted here were done on it, etc.  Well, the screen broke (because I dropped it) and really wasn't worth the price to repair it. 


As such, scored a refurb deal on a MacBook Air....perfect for what I need it for.


Had a very nice Apple Case and Apple Pencil that I no longer used given my switch in gear.


So, went to our "good friends" at eBay and sold both of them there.  


The Apple Pencil only sold for 50 bucks...after paypal and eBay fees maybe $40 in my pocket.  Nothing to get all excited about.  But, for that kind of money, I've had to endure idiocy for weeks.


The guy who bought the Apple Pencil said he couldn't get it to work.  I asked him if he charged it.  "how do I do that?...it magnetically attaches to the top of your iPad."  He said he left it attached for 3 days and it still doesn't work.  I asked him if he paired it.  "how do I do that?"  


Well this went on an on for a week, until finally I thought ''...doubtful but maybe it somehow was damaged in shipping, even though it was packed securely and double boxed."  


I told him to go ahead and send it back and I'd give him a refund.  He came back and said he'd trouble shoot it but wanted a $30 discount, instead.  Really?  You would pay for something that doesn't work (according to him).  


I hate when people say this because it's rarely true...but, this wasn't about the money.  It just seemed to "what are you doing?" type of scenario.  I asked him how he was going to trouble shoot it.  He said he'd call GOOGLE and have them help.  


"Why GOOGLE"?  


"I'm using a Chrome Book"!


Really?  REALLY!!!!!!


I can't force him to send it back, but he's sent a request for a discount. I AM NOT going to give him a discount because he's stupid!!!!!!


This is right up there with the guy who called tech support because his computer wouldn't work and he eventually admitted there was a blackout in his city and no electricity. I can't even.....

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33 minutes ago, zqvol said:

You got scammed.  Hahahahaha

Buyer's gone AWOL.  His payment is in my account, but is being held.  If s/he doesn't respond, it will just end up being paid out.  If s/he files a claim, I'll just ask for it to be returned.  Not worth the effort with these sorts!

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1 hour ago, graphicguy said:

Buyer's gone AWOL.  His payment is in my account, but is being held.  If s/he doesn't respond, it will just end up being paid out.  If s/he files a claim, I'll just ask for it to be returned.  Not worth the effort with these sorts!

I had a similar experience.  He claimed the item didn't work.  I offered to refund if he returned, and had shipping label sent to him.  He refused to return, but still wanted a refund.  He left awful feedback, which I successfully had removed.

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On 1/26/2024 at 4:14 PM, UKstages said:

i'm not happy unless my haven butler cuts my steak for me. small pieces. and then i very much enjoy when he or she feeds me, preferably while making airplane noises, while bringing each bite to my mouth in a circular motion. 


and i do love it so when peter max draws my bath.




i must have six or seven of his bath paintings. it's nice because my haven butler brings them to me and i don't have to deal with park west.

He or she must chew each piece first prior to inserting a mass to your mouth.

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I couldn't stop giggling from reading your post.  Hysterical.  The only thing I need to say in defense of the woman who was "starving" and ate breadcrumbs  : Many years ago, my husband and myself were on the Island Princess on a great  7 day Alaska itinerary.  We have sailed on many cruises across all the cruise lines----Found the food ranged from, very average to great (NCL the best overall for food)- jmho--- The food was truly not edible on my sailing.  I survived on stale bread, protein bars that I brought with me, and ate huge lunches at whatever restaurants that were available at the ports when we had enough time. I actually managed to lose 5 pounds on that cruise, (not complaining here)-- had I not experienced that, I too would have considered that lady's comment about eating bread crumbs, ridiculous. My husband who never agrees with me on anything, just admitted, well, the food really wasn't very good.  This was the one and only time that this happened to us on a cruise line. But I thought all the other comments were really so funny and over the top!

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On 1/29/2024 at 11:24 AM, DCGuy64 said:

This is right up there with the guy who called tech support because his computer wouldn't work and he eventually admitted there was a blackout in his city and no electricity. I can't even.....

I was a tech in the military and after getting a few calls from operators who couldn't locate the "any key" on their computer, I taped a piece of paper on the space bar and wrote "any key" on it. To this day, I wonder if I was just being trolled. lol

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33 minutes ago, reeinaz said:

I was a tech in the military and after getting a few calls from operators who couldn't locate the "any key" on their computer, I taped a piece of paper on the space bar and wrote "any key" on it. To this day, I wonder if I was just being trolled. lol

I read that some computer manufacturers started telling users to hit the "L" key because of the number of calls asking where the "any key" was. I mean, just wow. 😆

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On my first 2 NCL sailings the cruise director would greet you in the theater and welcome you to the ship.  He would tell some jokes and explain about what the cruise had in store.  He would tell stories of what passengers called the customer service desk about.  People would claim the microwave was not working in their cabin.  It turns out that some people thought the safe with the push buttons on the front was a microwave. I met someone that worked the NCL call center.  He would take calls all day with people's complaints about their cruise. Most times to shut them up they would offer something like $40 OBC for their next cruise.  There was one woman who took a singles cruise on a NCL ship.  She wanted a full refund on the cruise because she never met anyone on the cruise and she felt it was not a very good singles cruise to meet someone.  I bet the guy demanded OBC for the corn in his egg drop soup and was denied so he wrote that review here.  I dont think NCL entertains people with OBC anymore.  But those have been around here 10 years ago every other thread on this board was about compensation 😲

My luggage was late.  Where is my compensation

There is a drain smell in my shower.  Where is my compensation

I found a pair of underwear under the bed.  Where is my compensation

We waited 20 minutes for steaks and they were over cooked.  Where is my compensation.

The excursion bus ride was reckless.  Where is my compensation.

The potato salad was cut with large pieces.  Where is my compensation.

The egg drop soup had corn in it.  Where is my compensation.

Edited by david_sobe
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5 hours ago, reeinaz said:

I was a tech in the military and after getting a few calls from operators who couldn't locate the "any key" on their computer, I taped a piece of paper on the space bar and wrote "any key" on it. To this day, I wonder if I was just being trolled. lol

The instructors at Fort Sill found the fire control specialist refering to the 'enter key' as the 'down arrow over key'.

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On 1/29/2024 at 1:08 PM, Travelicious said:

I had a similar experience.  He claimed the item didn't work.  I offered to refund if he returned, and had shipping label sent to him.  He refused to return, but still wanted a refund.  He left awful feedback, which I successfully had removed.

I don’t sell a lot…maybe 2-3 items a year.  Over time, I think it shows 200 or so sales.  But, negative feedback is killer when you sell so few things.  It affects bidding.  And, possibly not even receive bids.


I have had people “non pay”.  I’ve had people slice things and request a refund (nice leather Tumi bag) when they changed their mind.


It’s to the point I’d rather donate goods rather than put them on eBay for a couple bucks!


10-15 years ago, seems people were more honest.  Now, eBay is filled with scammers!

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I once sold a fancy hair curler thingy on eBay and the buyer insisted that I hadn't sent her the correct item (even though it was brand new in the original packaging) because she wanted the LARGE one shown on the front of the box, which was an enlarged image of the actual item!

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