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39 minutes ago, Gilly said:


Certainly doesn't.  I'm with your wife on this one and feel similarly horrified.  Smacks of buying favours.

There is a saying: "when in Rome" and hence my initial enquiry on this "thorny" matter for an un-worldly person (moi meme)


It doesn't just "smack" of buying favours ..... it is all that it could ever mean !

   .... and yet, I fully accept it WORKS too

But I dont want to live in a world like that.

Besides how does the person ever know what is genuine, authentic service ?

It devalues the role of those genuine persons who believe that hospitality really matters.


Oscar Wilde sums up the person quintessentially: "he knows the cost of everything BUT the value of nothing"

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Posted (edited)
41 minutes ago, ho-hum said:

Just to clarify Techno123 …… what is your view on tipping generally ?

Please ignore my question if I am being too forward…..no offence intended.

Isnt it just the “way of the world” ?

A kind of social politics…..”you scratch my back……”

I am genuinely perplexed.

Like many UK nationals I feel very 'uncomfortable' with the type of tipping that is the 'norm' in the US.


On land, I tip when service has been very good to excellent -always after the service is provided and nothing if the service isn't up to scratch - even in the US 😜. On a recent trip to Madrid the food at lunchtime was awful - the waiter took my barely touched plate away - he didn't check why I hadn't eaten it or if he could get me something else - to me that is poor service - so when he told me the tip wasn't included in the price I told him that's good because I'm not planning on leaving one 😜


On an all inclusive like R, S and SS I leave something for the staff fund if the overall experience has been positive. I don't tip in countries where it isn't the done thing (looking at you Australia and Japan) and I know several Aussies who get so hacked off with people from the US insisting on tipping as it's changing the accepted culture.

I work in our health care system - if we accepted money for providing a better service to one patient than another we would be sacked I therefore absolutely do not agree with the concept of bribing staff to provide you with better service than others - it also makes me a bit queasy seeing people 'smarming' over those people because they have flashed cash at them 🤢

Edited by Techno123
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31 minutes ago, Techno123 said:

Like many UK nationals I feel very 'uncomfortable' with the type of tipping that is the 'norm' in the US.


On land, I tip when service has been very good to excellent -always after the service is provided and nothing if the service isn't up to scratch - even in the US 😜. On a recent trip to Madrid the food at lunchtime was awful - the waiter took my barely touched plate away - he didn't check why I hadn't eaten it or if he could get me something else - to me that is poor service - so when he told me the tip wasn't included in the price I told him that's good because I'm not planning on leaving one 😜


On an all inclusive like R, S and SS I leave something for the staff fund if the overall experience has been positive. I don't tip in countries where it isn't the done thing (looking at you Australia and Japan) and I know several Aussies who get so hacked off with people from the US insisting on tipping as it's changing the accepted culture.

I work in our health care system - if we accepted money for providing a better service to one patient than another we would be sacked I therefore absolutely do not agree with the concept of bribing staff to provide you with better service than others - it also makes me a bit queasy seeing people 'smarming' over those people because they have flashed cash at them 🤢

Respect to you Sir.

Health care workers in the UK are thoroughly respected and appreciated (but maybe not enough by the government……but moving swiftly on !).


On the basic level whenever you have had good service just say thankyou.

From there on “lies the rub”.

By and large the advice from this wonderful board has generally aligned with my own.


I will express gratitude proportionally most often by just saying thankyou, writing thankyou cards, tipping to crew fund and significant individuals at the END of the voyage.


Who am I kiddin’ ?

I’m not a “high roller, schmoozer” who pre-tips !

Besides my wife would not speak to me……what a vacation that would be !



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If you "pre-tip" at the beginning of a cruise, it will not be secret.  People will be able to tell by the service, or 'smarming' over you.  I have seen it. 

I first saw pre-tipping in 1971 (yes I can remember that) in Italy at a service station with a "cafe" inside.  You identified what you wanted and went and paid for it.  You then took the receipt you got and held it up with a Tip and waited for someone on the other side of the counter to wait on you. Needless to say, the bigger the tip the faster you got served.

Friends of our recently went on their first Regent cruise and asked us about tipping.  I explained about writing comments about good service and who provided it. and that was a very good thing to do for the crew.  When they got home, they admitted that tipping was easier, so they tipped.

If writing good comments about service didn't take time and energy to accomplish, it would be done by everyone.  It's not done by everyone and so your comments will be sure to stand out.

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@ho-hum I'm afraid I am the fairer of the partnership - Mr Techno is like our late Queen - he doesn't carry money 😜😂


In the end it is the money of the individual and how they choose to spend it is up to them. I love your idea of sending thank you notes and I am sure it is much appreciated. We certainly always make sure we engage cheerfully and politely with every crew person we meet - sadly, that isn't the case for everyone


it is just the 'pre-tipping' that gets up my left nostril 😂 I hope you thoroughly enjoy your cruise.

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On 3/4/2024 at 9:16 PM, ho-hum said:

It will be my first time on Regent.

I’m not American (where “tipping” is expected and I fully accept that because wages are lower: no offence intended).

So what should I do onboard ?
Thanks in appreciation of valued advice by experienced Regent guests.


By now many of you will be thinking “what’s this guy so hung up about this for ?”

And you would be right.

BUT …… to me at least, it is important and for some odd reason I have been fixated on it.

Yea Gods !

I hear you cry.


But, I want to share with you wonderful, kind and tolerant people.



An article by a Cruise Critic own expert - ELLISA GARAY


This intelligent lady ( lays out the professional “cruisers” view and response to TIPPING.


”Fingers crossed” I have copied it correctly !


I promise it won’t lead you to a Russian scam site !

Check it out 

If it doesn’t work…..please tell me as opposed to demanding I “walk the plank”

It is such an intelligent article deserving of consideration (8 minutes of your life ! Sure you can imbibe on your favorite beverage during the perusal……how do you think I got through it !)


What do you think ?



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8 minutes ago, ho-hum said:


By now many of you will be thinking “what’s this guy so hung up about this for ?”

And you would be right.

BUT …… to me at least, it is important and for some odd reason I have been fixated on it.

Yea Gods !

I hear you cry.


But, I want to share with you wonderful, kind and tolerant people.



An article by a Cruise Critic own expert - ELLISA GARAY


This intelligent lady ( lays out the professional “cruisers” view and response to TIPPING.


”Fingers crossed” I have copied it correctly !


I promise it won’t lead you to a Russian scam site !

Check it out 

If it doesn’t work…..please tell me as opposed to demanding I “walk the plank”

It is such an intelligent article deserving of consideration (8 minutes of your life ! Sure you can imbibe on your favorite beverage during the perusal……how do you think I got through it !)


What do you think ?



By golly, I wish I had seen this months ago so that I'd have known exactly what to do, why and when.

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5 minutes ago, ho-hum said:


By now many of you will be thinking “what’s this guy so hung up about this for ?”

And you would be right.

BUT …… to me at least, it is important and for some odd reason I have been fixated on it.

Yea Gods !

I hear you cry.


But, I want to share with you wonderful, kind and tolerant people.



An article by a Cruise Critic own expert - ELLISA GARAY


This intelligent lady ( lays out the professional “cruisers” view and response to TIPPING.


”Fingers crossed” I have copied it correctly !


I promise it won’t lead you to a Russian scam site !

Check it out 

If it doesn’t work…..please tell me as opposed to demanding I “walk the plank”

It is such an intelligent article deserving of consideration (8 minutes of your life ! Sure you can imbibe on your favorite beverage during the perusal……how do you think I got through it !)


What do you think ?



I found this section on PRE-TIPPING particularly interesting:


”Pre-tipping can be strategic in some situations.

If you have special requests or require extra service in your cabin -- nightly ice or hosting gatherings in your room, for instance -- a well-placed tip at the beginning of the cruise can do wonders to help ensure that they help you out.

Likewise, tipping the bartender at your favorite bar on the first day can mean the perfect drink every time (and maybe even faster service when you're in a crowd).

The same goes for dining. If you're after a coveted window seat, a nice tip to the maitre d' on day one can help ensure that they never fails to have that table waiting.

Room service stewards should be tipped on the spot, as should non-cruise workers like in-port baggage handlers or tour operators on shore excursions”


So, is this expert right, wrong or do you have another viewpoint ?

please remember nobody is right (except Blondie…..my missus, who I obeyed at all times she is in earshot !)

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11 minutes ago, ho-hum said:


By now many of you will be thinking “what’s this guy so hung up about this for ?”

And you would be right.

BUT …… to me at least, it is important and for some odd reason I have been fixated on it.

Yea Gods !

I hear you cry.


But, I want to share with you wonderful, kind and tolerant people.



An article by a Cruise Critic own expert - ELLISA GARAY


This intelligent lady ( lays out the professional “cruisers” view and response to TIPPING.


”Fingers crossed” I have copied it correctly !


I promise it won’t lead you to a Russian scam site !

Check it out 

If it doesn’t work…..please tell me as opposed to demanding I “walk the plank”

It is such an intelligent article deserving of consideration (8 minutes of your life ! Sure you can imbibe on your favorite beverage during the perusal……how do you think I got through it !)


What do you think ?




1 minute ago, d9704011 said:

By golly, I wish I had seen this months ago so that I'd have known exactly what to do, why and when.

It’s a “Godsend” isn’t it ?

I can now go on Regent pretending to be a sophisticated “man of the world”  !

That will be a First !



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I am somewhat reluctant to add a comment but it is fact so I will put it here.  For your consideration...


Regent does not have any policy against tipping and most departments on board have a policy (generally ignored) on how to deal with tipping (I.e.. Tips over $20 should be shared.). 

I will add that you are free to do what you want - and you should do what you feel is right. Tip if you wish but know it is not expected and already included. Please fill out the post cruise survey and name the good staff - this really does the most for them. The crew fund doesn't do what it did in the old days (Help crew in financial distress) - please ask the GM on board if you want a description of what it does. The main objection people have to tipping is that it makes those who don't tip look cheap. While this might be true, until Regent bans it (and loses half their staff), it is permissible to do so. Discretion is helpful. 

If you want to have a discussion about what they are paid vs. another cruise line, let's start a new thread.

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4 hours ago, Pcardad said:

I am somewhat reluctant to add a comment but it is fact so I will put it here.  For your consideration...


Regent does not have any policy against tipping and most departments on board have a policy (generally ignored) on how to deal with tipping (I.e.. Tips over $20 should be shared.). 

I will add that you are free to do what you want - and you should do what you feel is right. Tip if you wish but know it is not expected and already included. Please fill out the post cruise survey and name the good staff - this really does the most for them. The crew fund doesn't do what it did in the old days (Help crew in financial distress) - please ask the GM on board if you want a description of what it does. The main objection people have to tipping is that it makes those who don't tip look cheap. While this might be true, until Regent bans it (and loses half their staff), it is permissible to do so. Discretion is helpful. 

If you want to have a discussion about what they are paid vs. another cruise line, let's start a new thread.

4 hours ago, Pcardad said:


Your comments, advice, suggestions (and illustrious prominence as a highly respected contributor) are fully recognised and appreciated (as have all those that have participated…..bless you).


I love to at least recognise good service and would be happy to offer a modest gratuity for service beyond the usual parameters.


But there is another consideration…. which frankly outweighs the guest’s approach.

I have always been appreciative and many times humbled by a significant number of ship crew with their consideration of others.


I often wonder if the “shoe was on other foot” how would they treat service.

And to be frank, I don’t think there would be any difference between the two (us and them…terrible expression but I’m not standing for President…..so get over it).

However there are crew where a thankyou and gratuity has genuinely meant a lot AND it has not always been immediately obvious.


So, I aspire to the “higher ground” and at least try to reciprocate with those amazing crew I have met over the years.


I have also recently learned that even “pre-tipping” has a “place” if delivered in a private and modest manner (for special occasions).


Yet nothing can surpass a genuine thankyou (with or without a gratuity) and I thankyou all for your valued consideration and varied advice: each and all is respected.

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4 hours ago, Pcardad said:

If you want to have a discussion about what they are paid vs. another cruise line, let's start a new thread.

Sorry Pcardad,


I overlooked your final comment……possibly because I couldn’t understand how a comparison is possible BUT don’t let me “hold you back”.

if you wish to start a new thread along your suggestion I would be interested.

All the best 


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5 minutes ago, ho-hum said:

Sorry Pcardad,


I overlooked your final comment……possibly because I couldn’t understand how a comparison is possible BUT don’t let me “hold you back”.

if you wish to start a new thread along your suggestion I would be interested.

All the best 


I have no desire to "cloud" the waters but I think people would be surprised at what Regent (really Apollo Management as 97% of the staff on board do not work for Regent) pays their people vs. what a customer contact person can make on a different line.

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2 hours ago, Pcardad said:

I have no desire to "cloud" the waters but I think people would be surprised at what Regent (really Apollo Management as 97% of the staff on board do not work for Regent) pays their people vs. what a customer contact person can make on a different line.

Surprise us Pcardad ….. please (always willing to learn and listen to others)

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2 hours ago, Pcardad said:

I have no desire to "cloud" the waters but I think people would be surprised at what Regent (really Apollo Management as 97% of the staff on board do not work for Regent) pays their people vs. what a customer contact person can make on a different line.


Pretty much every cruise line is hiring.  If crew can make more on other lines no one is stopping them.  Bottom line Regent promotes that gratuities are already covered in the cruise fare.  It’s not my place to know what the crew gets paid or feel guilted into to paying an additional gratuity.  That is their relationship between them and their employer.  They sign an employment contract knowing full well that Regent is a non-tipping line.  I assume that they are compensated to offset the gratuities that are paid out on other lines where tips are basically mandatory.  If not there would be no retention at Regent and crew would simply avoid them like the plague.  Too many other lines they can work for.    

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22 minutes ago, eroller said:


Pretty much every cruise line is hiring.  If crew can make more on other lines no one is stopping them.  Bottom line Regent promotes that gratuities are already covered in the cruise fare.  It’s not my place to know what the crew gets paid or feel guilted into to paying an additional gratuity.  That is their relationship between them and their employer.  They sign an employment contract knowing full well that Regent is a non-tipping line.  I assume that they are compensated to offset the gratuities that are paid out on other lines where tips are basically mandatory.  If not there would be no retention at Regent and crew would simply avoid them like the plague.  Too many other lines they can work for.    

Agree 99% - except that Regent is a "tips are included" line....there is no rule or policy against tipping or against accepting tips.

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Posted (edited)
6 minutes ago, Pcardad said:

Agree 99% - except that Regent is a "tips are included" line....there is no rule or policy against tipping or against accepting tips.


According to Regent’s own advertising, gratuities are already included in your cruise fare.  Nothing else is expected. 

Yes if you feel compelled to tip extra that is on you.  No one will stop you.  But entirely unnecessary.  



Edited by eroller
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Posted (edited)
5 minutes ago, eroller said:


According to Regent’s own advertising, gratuities are already included in your cruise fare.  Nothing else is expected. 

Yes if you feel compelled to tip extra that is on you.  No one will stop you.  But entirely unnecessary.  



Yes, that is what I said, tips are included....but there is no rule that prohibits tipping. I have no desire to argue and prefer to stick to the facts. We agree tips ARE included....and we you are allowed to tip extra. 

Edited by Pcardad
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1 minute ago, Pcardad said:

Yes, that is what I said, tips are included....but there is no rule that prohibits tipping.

I don’t think anyone ever said you can’t tip extra if you want.  That is on you.  But the gratuities are included in the cruise fare and there is no expectation to tip extra.  So yes, tips are absolutely included in the cruise fare.   

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2 minutes ago, eroller said:

I don’t think anyone ever said you can’t tip extra if you want.  That is on you.  But the gratuities are included in the cruise fare and there is no expectation to tip extra.  So yes, tips are absolutely included in the cruise fare.   

Agreed - but this subject has come up dozens of times over the years and it is important that guests understand the rules so they can make informed decisions. I am not trying to push anyone in any direction on this topic - just trying to explain what the policies are. I appreciate your patience as I tried to explain myself. Cheers!

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Whatever your position on this issue, I think everyone will agree that it is orders of magnitude better than it was 10 years ago.


I remember having to spend the last two days of a cruise chasing down staff all over the ship to slip each of them a gratuity.  It was enough to really leave a bad taste in one's mouth about cruising.

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A quick search of the Regent board will show hundreds (if not thousands) of comments regarding tipping (true confession, some from me). So far, after all the comments has various comments have not resolved the issue to everyone’s liking. Seems like it boils down to a personal decision. It is not against Regent policy for any of the staff members to accept a gratuity and they are certainly do not require (or suggest) that guests participate in anything beyond the fare. Some like to tip, some hate it. Some Americans tip, some don’t. Some people from other parts of the world tip, some don’t. Simple as that. If you are satisfied with this post, feel free to send a gratuity to my Venmo account! 🙂

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8 hours ago, mikenbob said:

A quick search of the Regent board will show hundreds (if not thousands) of comments regarding tipping (true confession, some from me). So far, after all the comments has various comments have not resolved the issue to everyone’s liking. Seems like it boils down to a personal decision. It is not against Regent policy for any of the staff members to accept a gratuity and they are certainly do not require (or suggest) that guests participate in anything beyond the fare. Some like to tip, some hate it. Some Americans tip, some don’t. Some people from other parts of the world tip, some don’t. Simple as that. If you are satisfied with this post, feel free to send a gratuity to my Venmo account! 🙂

I have it from various authorities that tipping is included….but please accept this THANKYOU CARD (whether it’s upside down or not: it’s the thought that counts)

oh that didn’t work out !,




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8 hours ago, ho-hum said:

I have it from various authorities that tipping is included….but please accept this THANKYOU CARD (whether it’s upside down or not: it’s the thought that counts)

oh that didn’t work out !,




Does this card include money? 😀And I assume you include the crew member's name somewhere?

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