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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday May 17th, 2024

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26 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

One task on my to-do list yesterday was tracking down my grads. My next-to-last class graduates this year and there were 24 of them (and a student teacher). Our school was a small country school and families stayed in the area for the most part. I had 6 kids that I taught a parent as well. So far about 3/4 are graduating from the local high school, a few didn't make it, and so far 4 have moved out of the area but I've tracked them down. I send them each a card and a $5.00 Starbucks card. What is surprising, or maybe I'm just showing my age, is the lack of thank yous back from the kids. Out of the 24 or so I send out I'll be lucky to hear from 4 or 5 of them. A sign of the times I guess. 



I love that you reach out to your grads! I do think a lack of acknowledgement is a sign of the times - 30yo niece didn't send thank yous for 3 showers (wedding & 2 baby) and seemed genuinely confused by my disappointment. Same for a couple life-long friends and bonus daughter in the same age bracket - no acknowledgement of wedding & baby shower gifts. SMH 

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Happy Friday, and wishing our Canadian dailyites a great Victoria Day weekend.  Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie.  The Daily seems to have taken on a nutty tack today with both walnuts and almonds.

A nice quote by Plath.

I’ll celebrate Graduation Tassels and Walnuts but pass on the Pinot Grigio  I visited Surabaya on the Crystal Symphony in 2014 but had an upset stomach and never got beyond the terminal.

My alternative meal is Chilled Guanabana Soup, Oven Roasted Chicken, and Peach Crisp, supplemented by a Lido Barbecue as served on MS Veendam May 17, 2016.  I think I could swap the Crisp for a Blueberry Almond Tart as long as it came with Ice Cream.



I think I goofed this morning.  My trash has for ages been collected promptly at 9, although it has been later recently.  This morning I had taken it out at 7:05 and it looks like they had already ben here, so I will bring the can back this evening when I head for church AV practice this evening..


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I "sort of" visited Surabaya off the Crystal Symphony March 2, 2014(Enroute to Singapore and Crystal Symphony to Cape Town and finally Amsterdam to Florida).  "Sort of" because I had a bad night with serious vomiting the night before.  The medical center declared me non-contagious and I did at least venture into the cruise terminal.  I believe a more modern one was under construction but this was a warehouse with some nice vendor stalls and free wifi:




It was foggy but I could see a statue through the fog:




Fortunately, the malady faded quickly and I had steak that evening.



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It's turned into a nice, sunny morning, and it's now 74F.  There is a north wind, so it should not be too hot outside.  I'll be going out in a bit to do what I'd planned to do yesterday, and maybe see what other things I can take care of today.


1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

We may have a break today in the rain (but needed what we got yesterday).  Partly sunny and high of 60.  Not too bad.


Congratulations to all graduates, not really a fan of walnuts (probably the only nut I don't care for), and like Sharon @Sharon in AZ I ask for Pinot Grigio when Sauvignon Blanc isn't available.  The meal sounds yummy, will pass on the red wine, and would try the drink if someone else made it.  I'd leave out the marshmallow though.  Interesting drink, an adult S'more. 😉 The only Indonesian port we've been to is Komodo Island.    


Not much on the agenda today, just cruise planning and also planning a 2-day get away next week with the DGSs.  We're taking them to a large indoor water park for their birthdays....I'm sure DH and I will need a week afterwards to recuperate!


Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser I have been meaning to tell you how much I enjoy the memes you post!  I've never seen any of them before, which is unusual.  


Gerry @ger_77 Oh no about your DH's cold.  I hope it doesn't last and won't affect the surgery.


Debbie @dfish Don't you just hate it when there are no instructions.  Kudos to you for figuring it all out!




Carolyn, I'm glad you like the memes.  I try not to post ones that have been posted before.  A couple of times, I forgot to change them, and posted some two days in a row.  When I post them or when someone posts one I haven't used, I transfer them to a separate file to try to keep from reusing them.


1 hour ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 


IT's a bit overcast at the moment but no rain so that's good. 


I made walnut cookies earlier this week, don't mind a pinot Grigio, and love the quote! The stack of books on my side of the bed, let alone what's on my Kindle app, will keep me going for a looong time! 

Today is a few errands, the pool for a Silver Sneakers class and then to my sister-in-law and brother-in-law's house for burgers, etc. I made chocolate chip cookies yesterday to take. It was short notice but that's fine. It's the senior family members and always nice to visit. 



Karen, enjoy your afternoon with the family.


49 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

One task on my to-do list yesterday was tracking down my grads. My next-to-last class graduates this year and there were 24 of them (and a student teacher). Our school was a small country school and families stayed in the area for the most part. I had 6 kids that I taught a parent as well. So far about 3/4 are graduating from the local high school, a few didn't make it, and so far 4 have moved out of the area but I've tracked them down. I send them each a card and a $5.00 Starbucks card. What is surprising, or maybe I'm just showing my age, is the lack of thank yous back from the kids. Out of the 24 or so I send out I'll be lucky to hear from 4 or 5 of them. A sign of the times I guess. 




Karen, it's sweet of you to send cards to your former students when they graduate.  I think the lack of a thank you is a sign of the times.  Our DDs were taught to send thank you notes, but I don't know how well the lesson took.


43 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good afternoon, TT did good at the vet. He weighs 10 pounds and all is good.


I'm glad you got good news at the vet today.


25 minutes ago, Haljo1935 said:

Nice collection of days - congrats to all graduates 🎓 

So many books, so little time. Books are the best!

The "meal" sounds lovely and @dfish pictures look yummy. Would try the drink 🍸 if someone else made it & left out the marshmallow, DH would like the wine, not been to the port.

1527-1536 was an important but difficult time for Spain 🇪🇸 596 lives lost is a high price.


Saw a few small trees down in the subdivision, but we did not have any damage from the storms; thanks @Quartzsite Cruiser for thinking of us.


Does anyone have experience with Puntal eye plugs? Eye Dr asked yesterday if I would consider getting them. I had not heard of them and preliminary research hasn't provided enough for me to make a decision. The plugs would be in addition to the 4-step procedure she is doing. TIA for any info.


Prayers @ger_77 that DH cold is short lived.


It was 72° headed to sunny 84° when I checked a bit ago. Forecast shows sun through Mon so the backyard should dry out. 


Prayers 🙏 and positive thoughts for all. 



Thanks for letting us know there was not much damage from the storm yesterday, Elizabeth.  I hope your "pond" in the backyard dries up this time.



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Posted (edited)
38 minutes ago, Haljo1935 said:

I love that you reach out to your grads! I do think a lack of acknowledgement is a sign of the times - 30yo niece didn't send thank yous for 3 showers (wedding & 2 baby) and seemed genuinely confused by my disappointment. Same for a couple life-long friends and bonus daughter in the same age bracket - no acknowledgement of wedding & baby shower gifts. SMH 

My niece never acknowledged wedding or baby gifts. My DD says it is a millennial thing that she sees with the younger people she supervises. 

Edited by smitty34877
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Today's sunrise is from my 2015 Crystal Serenity Transatlantic Miami to Lisbon.  On May 17 we disembarked in Lisbon:





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Good afternoon,


I am taking a break from furniture construction.  We have the couch and two ottomans put together.  If I ever buy something like this again, I will pay for assembly.  Oh, my!  I have no fingernails left.   @Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda, we do have instructions for the furniture, but it is the kind you mentioned.  All drawings and no written instructions.  But, that is better than nothing!


3 hours ago, RedneckBob said:

Before I arrive for a slice I need to know the calorie count. I am restricted to 1000 calories a day and I need to know is this my only meal today!


You can have half a slice, but I won't be making it until August.


2 hours ago, ger_77 said:


@dfishcan you go online to find instructions on how to put the box together?


I found the instructions after we put it together incorrectly.  The problem now is getting it back apart.  We tried the suggestions given, but it hasn't worked.  


2 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Yesterday I made the blueberry lemon loaf from the menu suggestion of a couple of days ago, and it's delicious!  I didn't have any full fat Greek yogurt, so just used a couple of individual containers of Activia, and it turned out well.  I didn't use the lemon glaze though, which would have given it more lemon flavour, but it's quite delicious on it's own. 



Wow!  I'm glad you enjoyed the blueberry lemon loaf.  It did sound great.   I hope DH's cold is short lived.  Vitamin C.  Grandma, a public health nurse, used to drown us in orange juice with sugar.  


1 hour ago, Cruising-along said:


Debbie @dfish Don't you just hate it when there are no instructions.  Kudos to you for figuring it all out!



I just wish we'd figured it all out correctly.  My storage box has no bottom.


1 hour ago, Sea Viewer said:


Sorry to hear that DH has a cold. I have heard that there is some evidence that Zinc will shorten cold symptoms. Maybe worth a try, although I have to say the taste isn't very nice.



Make sure you eat something with the zinc.  On an empty stomach it can make you pretty sick.


1 hour ago, JazzyV said:


@dfish You've been so busy working on your deck. I'm sure it will be a good place to be this summer. Good luck with the storage box assembly. 



Right now my goal is to have it all together before the end of the summer.  


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Good morning to all and thank you for all the prayers and remembrances.  Just to give those who are interested an update:


I am home; I was discharged yesterday with a bag of meds - half of them I will not touch but took them home anyway.  Everything seems to be going well; I even walked to my mailbox when I got home yesterday!  I haven't taken a pain pill for 2 days now nor have I taken the pill for nerve pain since arriving home.  I just don't think I need it; I have a pretty high pain tolerance.  I am so grateful to my trainers who worked with me on leg strength doing squats and stuff.  It has helped in moving around and getting up and down from either sitting or lying down.  I don't need anything to help me walk but the hospital PT did recommend a sitting chair for the shower/bath tub.  Insurance wouldn't cover it but it was only ~$60 so I did order it.  I really don't think I need it but just in case I thought I would get it and it will arrive today.  I look forward to taking a "shower".  LOL!!


The surgery complications were somewhat to be expected and we had talked about them pre-surgery.  Unfortunately, they happened which increased my hospital stay.  And then my BP just decided to crash many times while in the hospital.  Lots of fluids given and finally all was ok to discharge me.  I am drinking tons of water which means many trips to the bathroom - SMH!  They were a little worried I was by myself at home but I think I allayed their fears a tad.  I can do this; this isn't my first rodeo!!  🏋️‍♀️




I did try to catch up with the daily while in the hospital but I hate reading or replying on my phone.  So it is nice to be back at my computer.


I love the blueberry tart recipe (and saved the first one). I can celebrate 2 of the days but I am not a fan of white wines. A big no to the drink, yes to the wine and I have never been to the port.  


I hope anyone in the Houston area are ok; thoughts for those on the care list.  Cheers to those celebrating.  Have a fantastic day!



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6 minutes ago, Nickelpenny said:

Good morning to all and thank you for all the prayers and remembrances.  Just to give those who are interested an update:


I am home; I was discharged yesterday with a bag of meds - half of them I will not touch but took them home anyway.  Everything seems to be going well; I even walked to my mailbox when I got home yesterday!  I haven't taken a pain pill for 2 days now nor have I taken the pill for nerve pain since arriving home.  I just don't think I need it; I have a pretty high pain tolerance.  I am so grateful to my trainers who worked with me on leg strength doing squats and stuff.  It has helped in moving around and getting up and down from either sitting or lying down.  I don't need anything to help me walk but the hospital PT did recommend a sitting chair for the shower/bath tub.  Insurance wouldn't cover it but it was only ~$60 so I did order it.  I really don't think I need it but just in case I thought I would get it and it will arrive today.  I look forward to taking a "shower".  LOL!!


The surgery complications were somewhat to be expected and we had talked about them pre-surgery.  Unfortunately, they happened which increased my hospital stay.  And then my BP just decided to crash many times while in the hospital.  Lots of fluids given and finally all was ok to discharge me.  I am drinking tons of water which means many trips to the bathroom - SMH!  They were a little worried I was by myself at home but I think I allayed their fears a tad.  I can do this; this isn't my first rodeo!!  🏋️‍♀️




I did try to catch up with the daily while in the hospital but I hate reading or replying on my phone.  So it is nice to be back at my computer.


I love the blueberry tart recipe (and saved the first one). I can celebrate 2 of the days but I am not a fan of white wines. A big no to the drink, yes to the wine and I have never been to the port.  


I hope anyone in the Houston area are ok; thoughts for those on the care list.  Cheers to those celebrating.  Have a fantastic day!




Pennie, I'm glad you were well enough to go home yesterday.  I hope your recovery is quick and smooth from this point on.  DH found the shower chair useful after his back surgeries.  It is now a catch all in the closet.



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My hand shows signs of healing but it's a slow process. 




It covers about half the raised area on the bandage.  There is still some blood oozing I think.  Yesterday blood leaked out  pretty incessantly but at a decreasing rate.  The bandages started oozing blood around the edges with replacements about 10AM and 3PM yesterday, but was still holding but leaking when I got up this morning  This one has been on for over 7 hours now and has survived both hand washing and dish washing today.



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@Nickelpenny I'm glad you're home and up and about. I think you'll find the shower chair helpful. I'm still using mine, and just put together the same one for BFF. He's going to try a shower today with a cast cover.


@rafinmd I hope the hand is starting to heal. If your skin is thin it may take longer.

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43 minutes ago, Nickelpenny said:

Good morning to all and thank you for all the prayers and remembrances.  Just to give those who are interested an update:


I am home; I was discharged yesterday with a bag of meds - half of them I will not touch but took them home anyway.  Everything seems to be going well; I even walked to my mailbox when I got home yesterday!  I haven't taken a pain pill for 2 days now nor have I taken the pill for nerve pain since arriving home.  I just don't think I need it; I have a pretty high pain tolerance.  I am so grateful to my trainers who worked with me on leg strength doing squats and stuff.  It has helped in moving around and getting up and down from either sitting or lying down.  I don't need anything to help me walk but the hospital PT did recommend a sitting chair for the shower/bath tub.  Insurance wouldn't cover it but it was only ~$60 so I did order it.  I really don't think I need it but just in case I thought I would get it and it will arrive today.  I look forward to taking a "shower".  LOL!!


The surgery complications were somewhat to be expected and we had talked about them pre-surgery.  Unfortunately, they happened which increased my hospital stay.  And then my BP just decided to crash many times while in the hospital.  Lots of fluids given and finally all was ok to discharge me.  I am drinking tons of water which means many trips to the bathroom - SMH!  They were a little worried I was by myself at home but I think I allayed their fears a tad.  I can do this; this isn't my first rodeo!!  🏋️‍♀️




I did try to catch up with the daily while in the hospital but I hate reading or replying on my phone.  So it is nice to be back at my computer.


I love the blueberry tart recipe (and saved the first one). I can celebrate 2 of the days but I am not a fan of white wines. A big no to the drink, yes to the wine and I have never been to the port.  


I hope anyone in the Houston area are ok; thoughts for those on the care list.  Cheers to those celebrating.  Have a fantastic day!



We are glad you are home and hoping for a great recovery!

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Hello to all and congratulations to all those celebrating and "oh no' to those with medical issues.


@rafinmdnot a political post but they are called Israeli compression bandages which stop bleeding very quickly. They are available at most drug stores  and at the big "A' online store.   They were developed to  use on the battle field to stop bleeding and work very quickly and much better than regular bandages. We always have some on hand in case we cut ourselves, so we can stop the bleeding quickly.  


For the history of the day a very good read is called The Moors Tale.  It is based on this expedition and a journal written by one of the survivors of this expedition, who made it back. The survivor was a Moor who was a slave to one of the expedition leaders,  - hence the Moors Tale.   It is a fascinating story and incredible how far this excursion actually traveled in what became the U.S.  


Thank heavens all is well with us - just very very very hot in South Florida. We will be glad to go on our European cruises and finally meet Sandy on the long one back to Boston. 

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Good more,

I have caught up on the last few days of the Daily. I am sorry so many are having complications to surgeries etc.  I hope they clear up soon. 

I am doing a bit of redecorating. When I moved in a year and a half ago I used the things I had in my old house and others did it for me as DS had just died. I lived with it long enough to know it does not go well in this new house. I got a new shower curtain, towel and rugs for the two guest bathrooms and looking for a new spread for my bed. I returned two I brought home earlier this week. This may be harder than I think. I will wait on master bath until I paint the bathroom. 

It is now afternoon I got distracted and need to finish and post. I hope everyone is doing better. I will read the daily when I get back from the vet with Molly. 

Take care and have a wonderful weekend.

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:


Apologies, I clicked the wrong post to quote.   Cannot get rid of it.  

3 hours ago, luvteaching said:

One task on my to-do list yesterday was tracking down my grads. My next-to-last class graduates this year and there were 24 of them (and a student teacher). Our school was a small country school and families stayed in the area for the most part. I had 6 kids that I taught a parent as well. So far about 3/4 are graduating from the local high school, a few didn't make it, and so far 4 have moved out of the area but I've tracked them down. I send them each a card and a $5.00 Starbucks card. What is surprising, or maybe I'm just showing my age, is the lack of thank yous back from the kids. Out of the 24 or so I send out I'll be lucky to hear from 4 or 5 of them. A sign of the times I guess. 



I agree about the lack of thanks you notes, only thig that may interfere if you put in a gift care bad people at the Post Office are known to steal mail that feel like gift cards.   My niece sends very nice TY notes though they may be months late but I appreciate her writing the card.


@Haljo1935 I had ductal plugs when my eyes got so dry from undiagnosed Sjogren's Syndrome it caused corneal ulcers.  I must have rubbed my eyes in my sleep as they didn't last two weeks.  I have been on Restasis since 2005.   They charge an exorbitant amount these days, it is made from a cancer drug that was developed in the 50's.  


@Nickelpenny so happy to read that you are at home and doing without pain medicine.   

Edited by ottahand7
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Posted (edited)

Speaking of getting rid of things that have lived too long in our garage....our small aluminum boat hasn't been on the water since 2013 partly because our son wanted it & because DH is a hoarder...son bought a boat a couple of weeks ago so I essentially demanded that our boat be put on Craigslist NOW...also a cement mixer from Harbor Freight that was used a couple of times & a generator that doesn't work....hopefully some of it or all of it will go away.

Edited by 57redbird
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1 hour ago, ottahand7 said:

Apologies, I clicked the wrong post to quote.   Cannot get rid of it.  

I agree about the lack of thanks you notes, only thig that may interfere if you put in a gift care bad people at the Post Office are known to steal mail that feel like gift cards.   My niece sends very nice TY notes though they may be months late but I appreciate her writing the card.


@Haljo1935 I had ductal plugs when my eyes got so dry from undiagnosed Sjogren's Syndrome it caused corneal ulcers.  I must have rubbed my eyes in my sleep as they didn't last two weeks.  I have been on Restasis since 2005.   They charge an exorbitant amount these days, it is made from a cancer drug that was developed in the 50's.  


@Nickelpenny so happy to read that you are at home and doing without pain medicine.   


Nancy, there is a way to delete a quoted post that you did not mean to quote.  It's easy to do on the computer and a little more difficult on my tablet.  On the computer, just move the cursor where it just above the upper left hand corner of the post.  A box with four arrows will appear.  With the cursor on the box, use the delete button.  On my tablet, I highlight the box with my finger and use the delete button on the tablet's built in keyboard.  Sometimes, if the cursor is not quite in the right place, it will take a try or two to delete the post.  I hope this helps.



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Yikes! 3 possible tornado touchdowns in the last 2 hours. One north and one east of me. We've had 6 touchdown in the past 2 weeks in counties here. This is quite unusual for this part of the country. 

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8 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Yikes! 3 possible tornado touchdowns in the last 2 hours. One north and one east of me. We've had 6 touchdown in the past 2 weeks in counties here. This is quite unusual for this part of the country. 

Be safe, Vanessa!


Is the threat gone?

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1 hour ago, cat shepard said:

Be safe, Vanessa!


Is the threat gone?

Thanks. Storms have now moved out. I'm fine. And the places that were affected seem to mainly have trees down and some power outages. No injuries thankfully.

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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

 DH found the shower chair useful after his back surgeries.  It is now a catch all in the closet.



Too funny, the shower chair I got in January for DH after his 46 day hospitalization  and was used a few times is now in my closet!


Edited by Sea Viewer
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6 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

My niece never acknowledged wedding or baby gifts. My DD says it is a millennial thing that she sees with the younger people she supervises. 

Thanks but ugh.

From close contacts & family, I would welcome even a thank you text. 😒 

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9 hours ago, Haljo1935 said:

Does anyone have experience with Puntal eye plugs? Eye Dr asked yesterday if I would consider getting them. I had not heard of them and preliminary research hasn't provided enough for me to make a decision. The plugs would be in addition to the 4-step procedure she is doing. TIA for any info.

Elizabeth, I have never had them but worked for a doctor who did them and also tear duct surgery. There are temporary, dissolvable plugs that you can try first. They last about 3-4 days and give you an idea of how the permanent ones will work for you. Ask around, they are available. I find it interesting that the doctor hasn’t offered that suggestion. Also the plugs are a good option especially if you are using lots of artificial tears because just like most things you can have a rebound effect from using too many. From my 10 year experience most people benefited from them. Even the office manager had them. 

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I was finally able to read Tuesday’s Daily and missed Dixie @summer slopeand George’s anniversary. So belated wishes to you two!


 I also read about the horrible day you had Annie @marshhawk  I am so sorry. It seems getting doctors to talk to us is getting more difficult. I’m not surprised that Chuck didn’t remember anything. That anesthesia is brutal. Many hugs to you. Also your kittens sound adorable. I would love pictures!

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