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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday May 30th, 2024

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Thank you for today’s FR & D, Rich! Another lovely morning, in fact it was cool enough to need a light jacket! The birds were happy & the deer were everywhere enjoying their breakfast. 

Vanessa, thank you for keeping up with all of us! Hope BFF is getting better. 

Gym, Bindi walks, chores and pool time should keep me busy!








Prayers for all who need our support. Terry, praying that Tana is doing ok. So happy that your DB visited and helped.


Cheers to all who are celebrating!

@GTVCRUISER Happy Birthday, Gary! Hope your new year is wonderful!

May we each find a reason to smile today!




Chaberton Estate Winery 2022 Pinot Gris

Our second Canadian wine du jour! It is a lovely pale coral color & though I would love a taste, it is very elusive. Unless you live in Canada & then I am not sure if anyone ships to consumers on the East coast. Online prices for anyone in the shipping area start at $15.97.

Distributor’s notes

This British Columbia Pinot Gris was cold soaked for 23 hours with skins on, giving it a Provencal rose appearance, pale-plus copper in color. On the palate, it shows an outstanding balance of acids that linger through the mid-palate with notes of lemon, lime and a bit of watermelon rind that finally give way to a nice minerality toward the finish with a splash of quinine. Lovely fruity aromas allude to peach, melon and banana with some sweet floral orange blossom and just a hint of ginger.

AVA: British Columbia
SavorNW Award: Best of Class 2023
Judges Score: 96 Points

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Happy Thursday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

After several thunderstorms yesterday, the sun is out. Temperatures have dropped which I love. Today sunny and a high of 71. Just a regular workday for me with several clients and my live class. 

Happy birthday to @kazu and @GTVCRUISER!

Funny Happy Birthday Memes With cats, Dogs & Funny Animals


Thinking of all on the care list. 

Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 

Have a safe and healthy day. 

25 Cats-On Thursdays... ideas | cats, thursday greetings, good morning ...

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Good morning, everyone!


Wow, it got cold last night - down into the 40s.  But, it is a nice sunshiny day with temps rising to 70. I'm going to yoga this morning and have a hair appointment this afternoon.  I have gotten pretty shaggy since the last haircut.  I'm going to try to set up appointments so that I can get in the week before our Zuiderdam cruise.  










I hope both of you have a wonderful day.  


Today's meal sounds tasty.  I would want to add in some non starchy veggies to help cut the carb load in each serving.  Maybe some broccoli.  But, the beans are a great source of nutrition.  https://www.skinnytaste.com/fiesta-bean-salad/




I chose this website for the carrot lovers, but there are no carrots in the recipe.  I'm sure you could add some in, if you wish.  If they were uncooked I wouldn't mind at all.  https://thecarrotunderground.com/vegan-side-dishes/fabulous-4-bean-fiesta-salad/




I bet the corn in this recipe would be extra good if it was done on the grill and then sliced off the cob.  Mmmm  https://www.cookedandloved.com/recipes/mexican-salad/




I hope this finds all of you well.  Wishing you all a wonderful day!


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Posted (edited)

Good morning everyone.  Thanks for the Daily and Maps Rich.   I will celebrate water a flower today after I uncover all the tender ones, we had a frost last night.   Prayers for anyone that is battling MS and thankfully they are coming out with some treatments for it.  I agree with the last line of the quote.   I will pass on the meal but the Pirate cocktail would be great on a BHB I think minus the OJ.  Sound like a nice wine!  I have not been to today's glacier.


Thanks for the Cares and Celebrations Reports.   Prayers for Chuck, Tana, Graham and Pauline and everyone else in our group who are ailing of grieving.  Thanks for the photo of your DD beach tree @StLouisCruisers.  Thanks for the update on the scary train events on your cruise yesterday Sandi.   Prayers for all in war zones through no fault of their own, the people of Ukraine, the hostages and the innocents in Gaza.


It was 66 inside when I got up today and I burned the last of my Cedar kindling today.  I have logs of it so I guess I will be splitting more.  So happy that we spent some time in the woods last September gathering small Maple kindling because our unsplit logs are difficult to get started.  Our neighbors are living up here all summer and fall so it will be easier to find them at home to borrow their log splitter when we get to that part of our cabin work.  More string trimming today, yesterday I fell asleep in my easy chair for two hours while John watched TV.   It was badly needed after my busy day yesterday.   More of the same today.  Have a lovely day!   Nancy 

Edited by ottahand7
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Good morning to all the Dailyites.

Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann and Dixie for your contributions to this thread. What would we do without you!

Nice collection of days.

As for the quote, I would like to think that the happy memories are the counterpart of scars and you have to cling to them for the happy moments in your life.

I will skip on the meal and drink.  Not sure about the wine.

I have not been to the port.


Well, I had. About 8 hours of sleep and what good that could do.  After the drive home yesterday and my sore arm, I was exhausted.   

My first suggestion for dinner last night was to go out. Then I decided that I was too tired to do that.   We ended up with Tuna Fish Sandwiches.  That was the best I could do.  DH was fine with that. I was happy that I didn’t have to do any more than that.  


i went to bed about 11 and slept through until 7:30 this morning.  That’s in addition to 2 hours yesterday afternoon after I got home.


My shoulder and arm were sore yesterday after the injection but feel much better this morning.  I have to go in search of PT.  I have not been totally happy with the PT facilities I have used in the past so I will see what I can find in the next few days.  Not in a hurry to go to the first place I find.  Will take my time and find a place that suits me.


Sandi, that was some adventure for those passengers that took the trip to Berlin.  Thankfully no one was injured.  Hope you are enjoying your cruise.


@grapau27Graham, I’m glad Pauline is feeling better and hope you recover soon.  Having lost my sense of smell when I had Covid, I can tell you that it took a while to get it back.


I hope everyone has a good Thursday.

God Bless,



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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I have a treat for everyone today - a Beach tree from DD's foyer!  Our little trip to Florida for college graduation must have inspired her!  Where she got the decorations for it, I have no idea!




I love the fishnet she used for a garland!!




Check out this jellyfish!




Gotta love a sea turtle.




A shark!




A seahorse...




and an octopus with a smile on his face!




This is one of my favorites (though I think I say that every time!).  What can she come up with next? 

Amazing tree Sandi.

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1 hour ago, St Pete Cruiser said:

Good morning from Newcastle, England. Well, mad dogs and Englishmen come out in the noon day, but there is no sun today in Newcastle. Yes, Nieuw Statendam is here today until 6pm, 18:00. Our first time in Newcastle. Susan Wood, a favorite cruise director from years past, was from Newcastle. Her "tootoloo" was her sign off.

We took the free shuttle to Tynemouth and the Metro to the city centre. Visited Grainger Market and the Newcastle Cathedral so far and next is the Tyne High Bridge. 

Our last port, sea day tomorrow and then flying home Saturday. 





Did you walk sideways into the church?

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The day started off with beautiful weather in Chioggia, Italy but around noon the rain arrived. We stayed in Chioggia versus the hour drive to Venice. Nice city that has its own canals. Visited the fish market and the selections were so fresh. There is a very large fishing fleet here. Took a boat ride around canals and water ways followed by an outstanding lunch.

iIt’s been awhile so we need to attend muster drill at 5:00 PM

Sail at 10:00 PM and tomorrow we will visit Slovenia.

Thanks for the featured reports and everyone’s input. Bruce











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Good morning from another cloudy day in central Texas.  It is 75F with 100% humidity and a dew point of 75F.  There is a 10mph wind.  Our high will be 84F and the predicted rain has been pushed back until early evening.  This morning we'll be having all the outside lights replaced along with the one in the storeroom/shop.  We'll have to move the motorhome out so our neighbor, who does odd jobs, can reach the lights.  I'm hoping to do some straightening in the port in preparation for pressure washing the port soon.  Everything has to be moved so I can get to the walls which means emptying the storage cabinets, too.  I'm just glad the cabinets are plastic and easy to move around.  For me the biggy on the agenda is a much needed hair cut this afternoon.


I don't know how creative I am, and our flowers don't need watering with all the rain we've gotten this spring.  Finding a cure for MS is very important.  My mother had MS, and my nextdoor neighbor and childhood friend is battling MS.


I think the quote is true.


The meal sounds interesting, and I liked the looks of the third recipe Debbie @dfish found.  The drink looks like it's worth a try, but we'll skip the wine.


We were in College Fjord in 1993 on the old Sky Princess, nee Sitmar Fair Sky, in 1993 on our first Alaska cruise.  We had breakfast on the back deck watching the glaciers.  I remember being al bundled up and trying to eat with my gloves on.  Naturally, all my pictures are pre-digital.


The inaugural Indianapolis 500 in 1911 was the beginning of a great tradition. 


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, what an adventure those passengers on the trains had yesterday.  I hope no one was injured.  You DD's tree is very creative.

@grapau27  Graham, I'm glad Pauline is better and I hope you feel better soon.  Thanks for the pictures and video.

@St Pete Cruiser  Thanks for the pictures from Newcastle upon Tyne.  We enjoyed our day there in 2017 on Prinsendam.  Linda Minkin our cruise, director, was from there and had her mother and sister on board for the day.

@kazu  Jacqui, I loved all the memes, but especially the gardener one.   I wish someone had said that to me when all my plants died over the years.  😁 Hope your back and legs are better today.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I'm glad you made it home safely and got a good night's sleep.  I'm happy the injection seems to be working already.

@aliaschief  Bruce, thanks for the pictures of Chioggia.  It looks nice, and I would like to wander around the town if we ever get there.














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Good morning,

Happy birthday to Jacqui and Gary!  I hope your day goes well. I like the today’s quote. It definitely fits what’s happening in the world today. 

Two people I met on the GANZ cruise are coming to dinner. David and Wayne have been friends for over 40 years and were lots of fun on the cruise. Wayne lives part time in Fort Lauderdale. He and Bea (another GANZ cruiser) are trying to talk me into the Pole to Pole I would have to cancel my Antartica and VOV cruise to afford it.  It is such a long cruise (133 days) I am afraid I would miss my munchkins to much. There are some positives, I would get the Amazon River on the P2P and could do a side trip to the Galápagos Islands ( for a hefty price) if I want to. I would see most of what I would one VOV and get more of Norway which I loved.  I would get close to Antartica but not step on it. A deposit needs to be by June 3rd to get the perks. Yikes!


More rain in the forecast for today. We have had a very wet spring. We should have a healthy crop of mosquitos this summer. 

Prayers and well wishes. Have a great day. 


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2 hours ago, puppycanducruise said:

Good morning.  Thanks for the Report.

Cool and clear this morning.  No, change that to cold, we've got a bit of frost!  Ugh! 

Three good days to celebrate.

I like the quote.

I'll pass on the meal, the drink sounds good, I hope the wine is good too.

Prayers for everyone on the Care List.  Cheers for all the celebrations.

Have a terrific day.

We didn’t get frost overnight but it was chilly this morning. We had small hail yesterday during a thunderstorm that dumped 1.5 inches of rain in less than 1 hour.


@kazuhappy birthday. Hoping your pain is a least slightly less each day until it is totally gone.

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Good Thursday Morning Dailyites!  Its 66 and sunny this morning.  I have to go to the store before I start work this morning, feeding 13 cats (although 4 are still small) is taking its toll on the wallet.  And the cupboard is bare again, so this is a must do.


I must have caught @StLouisCruisers cough.  Since you left GA, it found its way to me.  In fact DH woke me up to ask what I said to him, I said I didn't say anything, I just coughed.  Did that all night.   It has been humid, so I guess the molds that are getting me.  Our weather forecast for the next 5 days are night time lows in the high 50's, and the day time high is 82.  Nice.


@StLouisCruisersI think your daughters beach tree is the best one yet!  Love the ornaments. And it really makes me want to go to the beach!


Not much new here, still not getting much sleep, got a bonus for meeting 1k in sales for the week,  a whole 10 bucks...wow.  I am so glad that I don't rely on commissions and bonuses, the cats and I would starve.






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Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, summer slope said:

Indulge in the captivating allure of the "Naked Pirate" cocktail, a drink that combines the adventurous spirit of the high seas with the tantalizing flavors of the tropics. This cocktail pays homage to the daring and enigmatic pirates who roamed the Caribbean, their thirst for excitement matched only by their love for exotic libations. The Naked Pirate is a tantalizing blend of rum, tropical fruits, and a touch of sweetness, creating a libation that is both bold and refreshing. With its vibrant colors and tropical flavors, this cocktail is sure to transport you to a world of sun-soaked beaches and swashbuckling adventures.


1/2 oz. lime juice
1 oz. orange juice
1 oz. pineapple juice
1/2 oz. simple syrup
2 oz. aged rum


In a cocktail shaker with ice add rum, pineapple juice, orange juice, lime juice, and simple syrup. Shake vigorously for about 15 seconds.
Strain the cocktail into a glass filled with ice and garnish the glass with a pineapple wedge or a cherry(optional).


Screenshot 2024-05-30 at 6.23.23 AM.png

On my last cruise I was told the naked pirate was this;



But instead got this;




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