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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday July 2nd, 2024

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Good afternoon after a busy day.  It is 100F, and the sky has turned hazy.  I'm not sure if it is a thin cloud layer or the Sahara dust that is heading our way from Africa.  After checking on line, I think it is the dust cloud, and there may be another to follow this one.  


@Sir PMP  DH found the movie "Beyond Mombasa" on a streaming service, and watched it today,  It looked like a fairly decent B movie.


4 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Today and tomorrow are our last cool-ish days and then it will heat up, even up to 90 over the weekend (very hot for here).  No rain for the foreseeable future.  Will be turning on the A/C for the first time this year.  Unfortunately we have to leave all the blinds open because of the kittens so that lets a lot of heat in.  If we didn't have them here for the month they would be closed when the sun hits that side of the house.  


Good/interesting days.  I'll pass on the drink -- I love rum so would try it, but the thought of maple syrup in a drink makes me gag...also would pass on the red wine.  But the meal sounds delicious and I've printed off the 2nd recipe for future use.  We have halibut in the freezer and have peppers often, so this sounds really good.  


I'm not happy about the mistake made by my Nephrologist's office in not sending lab orders and now I will have to wait until September to see the doctor.  I love my doctors but the help in the clinics has really gone downhill. It's a good thing I'm not really bad off and can put off this appointment!  We'll see if I hear from them today with a better solution.


Prayers for all on the care list and cheers for all celebrating!  


Gerry, I don't blame you for being miffed about the missing lab order.  We're lucky here that our PCP has someone in the office every day to do the blood draws.  We can schedule the blood tests before our annual or semi-annual visits, or have them done shortly after we see the doctor or the PA, and before leaving.  There is even a small x-ray machine in the office, and an x-ray tech comes one morning a week.  Even in Quartzsite, there is someone who comes to the clinic on Monday and Tuesday mornings to do the draws.  There it is on a first come, first served basis, and timing is everything.


3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

I try to buy made in the USA when I can, but it's often hard to find what I need. I'll salute wildland firefighters, with all the fires we have. I think there are UFO's out there. Interesting quote. Pass on the meal (fish). Yes to the drink and I'd try the wine. I haven't been to Monbasa. The exploration of Minnesota may explain the German and Norwegian backgrounds there.


After a crisp and cool start, it's the last non-humid, warm day, before the heat comes back. I had a strenuous day yesterday, dragging groceries to BFF's house, then making dinner. That was more standing than I am used to (he needs some kitchen organization!), and my back muscles weren't happy. Today I have PT early afternoon. Then I need to bake 2 sourdough loaves that have been in the refrigerator cold fermenting, especially before it gets too hot again. Tomorrow morning I take BFF for his 6 week check on the fracture, and we're hoping to hear that he can start some partial weight-bearing on the leg.


@kazu I hope you get some answers today when you see the surgeon.

@luvteaching Prayers for your DM and her medical team as she has her heart procedure today.

@StLouisCruisers Enjoy the sea day. How is your DH feeling?

@RMLincoln I hope you and DH get to travel this fall, but of course that depends on his next eye exam. While BFF and I may not be as mobile as we'd like, we plan to do our fall cruise in late September.

@marshhawk I'm sorry the doctor's appointment for DH was hard. Amazing that they can't test him until next year; is there a geriatrics clinic or specialist nearby? I'd think maybe they could do something sooner. Hopefully the Neurologist can help out. Sorry the work boss is still so nasty. 

@aliaschief Ah, the bachelor days are done, and the boss is coming home 😀. Enjoy having Sue back home.

@cat shepard Yay on your bird of paradise plant having a bloom. 

@smitty34877 I hope your DSIL and family have an uneventful cruise. Continued prayers for Tana, you and the family.

@summer slope Good luck with all your medical procedures.

@Mr. Boston A new chapter in your life starts. Safe travels and Enjoy!

@Cruising-along Sorry about the mix-up for bloodwork, and delaying of your appointment. I try to get a paper copy for lab work, even though it's in the computer system (if I go to the hospital lab), because I might decide to go to Quest.

@Vict0riann I'm so glad you're doing well. 

@Seasick Sailor I'm sorry to hear of DS Bonnie's diagnosis. Prayers for an easy treatment plan. She's lucky to have you in her corner. Prayers for Bonnie and the family.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.




Vanessa, even with the reported sore back muscles, it is so good to read that you are able to do so much.  I hope BFF gets a good report from the six week follow up visit and is able to start some weight bearing on his ankle.  I'm glad you are still planning on your fall cruise.  Even just being on a ship and being pampered will be good.


2 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites for about 6 more minutes.


Thank you so much for keeping Bonnie in prayer.


We both had our doctor check ups this morning.  Allen gained only .8 pounds, so needs to keep eating heartily.  My check up was very good except I have a low WBC. An appointment in October with a hematologist when we get back from our cruise. Said goodbye to our lovely doctor, who is moving to Westlake and opening a clinic with his wife. He will be missed for sure.


Prayers lifted for all on Vanessa's well prepared care list. Thank you.


I am tired of fighting the crab grass. I called today and made an appointment to kill it. 


On our way to a lunch date. Blessings!!


Joy, I'm glad Allen gained some weight even it it wasn't quite a pound.  I hope the low WBC is not a problem.  It's too bad your doctor is moving, and you have to "break in" a new one.  We're lucky our PCP has a busy and thriving practice, so we should not have that worry.  Good luck with getting rid of the crab grass.  I've been fighting that battle for more years than I can remember.  Even the weed killer that is supposed to kill it, only gets it to die back some.  Pulling it can help temporarily, but you can never get it all.  I'm at the point, that it's not as bad in the Bermuda grass, and in the unsodded areas, it's green and not too bad when it's mowed.  😁


2 hours ago, dfish said:


Glad to hear it!   I can't wait to hear what @marshhawk Annie thinks of her version.  Actually, Annie, it should go well.  You just won't have the chunks of blue cheese in it.


@Cruising-along Carolyn, I hate when they mess up with lab tests and such.  I am still training my doctor on how to submit prescriptions.  We finally got the test strips right.  Now we have to work on the metformin and Ozempic.  Although, I may just give up.  The local hospital, who owns most of the physician practices here in town, dropped my insurance plan.  It is a weird business plan as half the town has that same insurance.  I guess they figure they'll get enough people from out of town to make up for it?   Meanwhile, half of Midland will be going to Saginaw or Bay City.  


Debbie, I'm beginning to think that these medical practices owned by hospitals or big medical conglomerates are only interested in the bottom line, not the patients.


1 hour ago, Haljo1935 said:

That is sure an adorable looking grand!!


We saw ours Sun - deciding between colors and Sprite is serious work. She had to have her toenails painted before we could leave for the restaurant, then insisted on putting shoes on; pretty sure they stuck to her toes, lol.



Elizabeth, she's a cutie with a big decision.


30 minutes ago, kochleffel said:

There are so many things that are no longer made in the USA, or not in market volume.


The fish would be OK with me as long as I made it with sweet peppers. No on the drink; I'm too easily frightened. Plenty of Syrah/Shiraz here so I'll suggest the 2022 from Atwater Vineyards even though it's $45. Wine Enthusiast: "An unapologetically spicy Syrah, it explodes with ground peppercorn, clove and bay leaf. Only later do you notice the fresh cranberry and cherry fruit is very much there, too. A seam of racy acidity slices and dices the midweight palate. Here the tart red fruit really shines, succulent with a cool-climate crunch, tied in a bow with sappy, spice-flecked tannins."


Do you remember the conference that I'm attending this month? They have only just (last night) responded to session proposals. Did I say that the conference is this month? My proposal was accepted; while I have planned the presentation, I've done nothing about a PowerPoint except gather graphics.






Paul, I'm sure you will get the presentation done in plenty of time, but waiting so late was inconsiderate of the conference planners.


@kazu Jacqui, I hope the vascular surgeon had some answers for you, and a plan to fix you leg and foot. 





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1 minute ago, Cruising-along said:

Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser it’s a lot easier with my PCP too. The Nephrologist uses a different lab so I have to use that one for her tests. But live and learn, I’ll be sure to bring the orders with me next time. 

And now for something cute. I found this in my roses. 



Oh! So sweet!

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19 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser it’s a lot easier with my PCP too. The Nephrologist uses a different lab so I have to use that one for her tests. But live and learn, I’ll be sure to bring the orders with me next time. 

And now for something cute. I found this in my roses. 



Cute picture, Carolyn.  We've been lucky that the few specialists we've seen have let us get the necessary tests, x-rays, CT scans, and MRIs at our PCP's office or a place closer to us.


12 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:


Sent accidentally. Our new guy will put 5 treatments of weed killer and fertilizer. We have a beautiful lawn except for the crabgrass. I'll keep their service.


Joy, living out in the country, it's hard to keep the native grasses out of the cultivated areas.  Also, I'm to blame for the recent invasion.  Several years ago, when the grass was growing so fast due to the fertilizer, we decided to skip it a year or two, that turned into a few more years.  With the grass not as robust as it should have been, the crab grass moved in.  The past two years and this year, we've fertilized in the spring and in the fall, plus sprayed heavy duty weed killer.  There is only a bit of crab grass in the grass now, but we know we have to keep on top of it.  If I kill the crabgrass in the native area, we'll have bare dirt that will be dry and dusty in the summer.  So the crabgrass being green most of the year is the lesser of two evils, but not by much.  Our sodded areas are looking better than they have in several years.  I do not want to haul in topsoil, add more to the sprinkler system and sod the native areas.  Plus part of the area is the utility right-of-way, that we can't do anything with but keep looking presentable.



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47 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Debbie, I'm beginning to think that these medical practices owned by hospitals or big medical conglomerates are only interested in the bottom line, not the patients.



Lenda, it isn't the doctors in the medical practices that are owned by hospitals and insurance companies.  Most of them are just as disgusted as we are.  With my previous doctor in Ohio we used to look at each other when discussing the group that owned her practice and say, "I hate them!"  But the problem is that it is almost impossible for a doctor to be in a stand alone practice.  I have two friends who are trying to make a go of it in a private practice that they own.  They have been at it since September of last year and have yet to draw a paycheck.  

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Mom update:


Thanks to everyone for the kind and good thoughts and prayers for DM. I just had an update from my sister and Mom's surgery was excellent and she's in recovery. She should be back in her room by 3:30 (PST). If all goes as planned she'll be discharged tomorrow and now will stay with my younger sister at the condo overnight and then go home Thursday morning. I get my "tough old broad" from my Mom. She'll be 98 on Aug. 12th and nothing slows her down! 


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6 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Today and tomorrow are our last cool-ish days and then it will heat up, even up to 90 over the weekend (very hot for here).  No rain for the foreseeable future.  Will be turning on the A/C for the first time this year.  Unfortunately we have to leave all the blinds open because of the kittens so that lets a lot of heat in.  If we didn't have them here for the month they would be closed when the sun hits that side of the house.  


Good/interesting days.  I'll pass on the drink -- I love rum so would try it, but the thought of maple syrup in a drink makes me gag...also would pass on the red wine.  But the meal sounds delicious and I've printed off the 2nd recipe for future use.  We have halibut in the freezer and have peppers often, so this sounds really good.  


I'm not happy about the mistake made by my Nephrologist's office in not sending lab orders and now I will have to wait until September to see the doctor.  I love my doctors but the help in the clinics has really gone downhill. It's a good thing I'm not really bad off and can put off this appointment!  We'll see if I hear from them today with a better solution.


Prayers for all on the care list and cheers for all celebrating!  

Carolyn, are you sure that they can't do the labs the same day as the doctor's visit?  I am scheduled to see my oncologist this month and I have labs scheduled for 2:45 and the doctor appointment is for 3:00.  I don't think it will be a problem.


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5 hours ago, superoma said:

This has surely been an odd summer. As of yesterday we have harvested all of our garlic and it is in the garage, drying, so it can be braided. This is about two weeks earlier than normal but it was ready to come out. With luck this will last 3 families until Christmas, DH and I and both DDs and families.


still nice today, windows open, but warming up and getting muggy tomorrow.





Thank you @superoma I may have a peek at ours tomorrow although your tops are a little more yellow and brown than mine , I usually pull them towards the end of the month but a lot of them came already above ground during the mild spell in February / March ............life of a farmer when he does not sail ! 

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Good evening, it's been a busy day!  Thanks for all of the info today.  Thank you and prayers for all of the firefighters, especially the ones in Denali National Park right now.  Sad to think of the damage there, and all of the animals in danger.  We saw a Momma moose with 2 calves right at the entrance of the park, where the fire is now.  I don't know anything about UFO's!🤣  The fish sounds ok, not sure about the drink.  Also praying for people in the path of Beryl.  Our church has a sister church in Costa Maya.  They had bad flooding there a few weeks ago.  The pictures I saw were scary.  I'm sure it's very scary in all of that area now.

@marshhawkso sorry to hear about your not so good visit with DH's MD yesterday.  Hard to believe you have to book appointments so far out.  A friend told me the same thing happened to her DH, he's trying to find a new PMD.  Booking in 2025!  

@Mr. BostonGood luck with your move and enjoy your new home.  

The little Grands pictures are so precious today!  

@JazzyVYour sourdough breads look awesome, can you share your recipe again...I think I lost the one you shared a few weeks ago.  I think I'm going to try a loaf tomorrow!  


Have a good evening, Karen

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1 hour ago, sailingdutchy said:


Thank you @superoma I may have a peek at ours tomorrow although your tops are a little more yellow and brown than mine , I usually pull them towards the end of the month but a lot of them came already above ground during the mild spell in February / March ............life of a farmer when he does not sail ! 


Here the garlic rule is - pull in August, plant in September, but I will be checking earlier, too.  But we are always way behind Ontario.

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1 hour ago, USN59-79 said:

Carolyn, are you sure that they can't do the labs the same day as the doctor's visit?  I am scheduled to see my oncologist this month and I have labs scheduled for 2:45 and the doctor appointment is for 3:00.  I don't think it will be a problem.


Ray the appointment is with my Nephrologist, and she can't use the same lab that my regular doctor uses. Apparently she could in the past, but not since I've been a patient there.   I have to go to Lab Corp in Everett for her labs.  For some reason all Lab Corp appointments are full this week and next week, and my Nephrologist doesn't have another opening between July 10-Sept.  It's just all messed up, but I'm ok with it now.  If I was having a lot of problems I definitely would let them know. 

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Posted (edited)

Good evening, I hope everyone had a great day. 
I just wanted to give an update on my friend Barb who was diagnosed last year with pancreatic cancer. She had finished her radiation treatments and all is good for now. 🙏🤞

The neighborhood is starting to celebrate the fireworks early, It’s going to be a long night.

Edited by 1ANGELCAT
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3 hours ago, dfish said:


Lenda, it isn't the doctors in the medical practices that are owned by hospitals and insurance companies.  Most of them are just as disgusted as we are.  With my previous doctor in Ohio we used to look at each other when discussing the group that owned her practice and say, "I hate them!"  But the problem is that it is almost impossible for a doctor to be in a stand alone practice.  I have two friends who are trying to make a go of it in a private practice that they own.  They have been at it since September of last year and have yet to draw a paycheck.  


Debbie, I know the doctors in the practices owned by hospitals and insurance companies are frustrated,  but I still say those companies care more abiutnthe bottom line than good patient care.  That affects everyone.


3 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Mom update:


Thanks to everyone for the kind and good thoughts and prayers for DM. I just had an update from my sister and Mom's surgery was excellent and she's in recovery. She should be back in her room by 3:30 (PST). If all goes as planned she'll be discharged tomorrow and now will stay with my younger sister at the condo overnight and then go home Thursday morning. I get my "tough old broad" from my Mom. She'll be 98 on Aug. 12th and nothing slows her down! 



Karen, I'm glad your mother is doing well after her surgery.  Continued positive thoughts for a quick amd full recovery.


17 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good evening, I hope everyone had a great day. 
I just wanted to give an update on my friend Barb who was diagnosed last year with pancreatic cancer. She had finished her radiation treatments and all is good for now. 🙏🤞

The neighborhood is starting to celebrate the fireworks early, It’s going to be a long night.


Thank you for the update about Barb.  I'm glad she is doing well after the radiation treatment.



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47 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good evening, I hope everyone had a great day. 
I just wanted to give an update on my friend Barb who was diagnosed last year with pancreatic cancer. She had finished her radiation treatments and all is good for now. 🙏🤞

That is great news! Prayers 🙏 for continued good health.


3 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Mom update:


Thanks to everyone for the kind and good thoughts and prayers for DM. I just had an update from my sister and Mom's surgery was excellent and she's in recovery. She should be back in her room by 3:30 (PST). If all goes as planned she'll be discharged tomorrow and now will stay with my younger sister at the condo overnight and then go home Thursday morning. I get my "tough old broad" from my Mom. She'll be 98 on Aug. 12th and nothing slows her down! 

Thanks for sharing such good news! Prayers 🙏 for a smooth recovery. 

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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Mom update:


Thanks to everyone for the kind and good thoughts and prayers for DM. I just had an update from my sister and Mom's surgery was excellent and she's in recovery. She should be back in her room by 3:30 (PST). If all goes as planned she'll be discharged tomorrow and now will stay with my younger sister at the condo overnight and then go home Thursday morning. I get my "tough old broad" from my Mom. She'll be 98 on Aug. 12th and nothing slows her down! 


Karen, good news about your Mother's surgery. I hope her recovery is easy. She sounds like a tough lady!


2 hours ago, quilty964 said:

Good evening, it's been a busy day!  Thanks for all of the info today.  Thank you and prayers for all of the firefighters, especially the ones in Denali National Park right now.  Sad to think of the damage there, and all of the animals in danger.  We saw a Momma moose with 2 calves right at the entrance of the park, where the fire is now.  I don't know anything about UFO's!🤣  The fish sounds ok, not sure about the drink.  Also praying for people in the path of Beryl.  Our church has a sister church in Costa Maya.  They had bad flooding there a few weeks ago.  The pictures I saw were scary.  I'm sure it's very scary in all of that area now.

@marshhawkso sorry to hear about your not so good visit with DH's MD yesterday.  Hard to believe you have to book appointments so far out.  A friend told me the same thing happened to her DH, he's trying to find a new PMD.  Booking in 2025!  

@Mr. BostonGood luck with your move and enjoy your new home.  

The little Grands pictures are so precious today!  

@JazzyVYour sourdough breads look awesome, can you share your recipe again...I think I lost the one you shared a few weeks ago.  I think I'm going to try a loaf tomorrow!  


Have a good evening, Karen

Thanks Karen. I'll leave a link to the recipe I use, from King Arthur Flour. I use Martin Philip's modifications, at the bottom of the page. He reduced the water to make the dough less sticky, and I've reduced it even more to about 700-725g to make it easier to handle. The amount of starter is variable. In my hot kitchen I use less to try to prevent over proofing. I start in the evening, to enable the dough to bulk ferment overnight, but even with only 20g of starter and cool water to mix the dough, it about tripled by morning. I think I'm going to start in the morning, so I can watch the bulk ferment during the day, and take it out and shape it when it doubles. I also left the shaped dough in the fridge for 48 hours before baking. I'll cut it tomorrow and hope it doesn't show evidence of being over proofed.



54 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good evening, I hope everyone had a great day. 
I just wanted to give an update on my friend Barb who was diagnosed last year with pancreatic cancer. She had finished her radiation treatments and all is good for now. 🙏🤞

The neighborhood is starting to celebrate the fireworks early, It’s going to be a long night.

Good news that Barb finished her radiation treatments. Prayers that she stays well.

Edited by JazzyV
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1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:


Here the garlic rule is - pull in August, plant in September, but I will be checking earlier, too.  But we are always way behind Ontario.

We plant in October, near the end, and usually don’t take it out until mid July or later but we had such crazy weather this year and everything is either early or will be in short supply. Many fields didn’t get planted because it was too wet and I dread to think what the price of sweet corn will be since farmers just didn’t plant. 

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Puppy tells me the across the street neighbors have broken into the fireworks. 

No matter how much I try to ignore her or tell her everything is ok, she is worried and on alert.


She has now laid the other ear down, so I guess she's really worried. 


The big dog is "hiding" in the hallway. He has always been bothered by both fireworks and gun shots. 

Gonna be a long holiday week...

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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Debbie, I know the doctors in the practices owned by hospitals and insurance companies are frustrated,  but I still say those companies care more abiutnthe bottom line than good patient care.  That affects everyone.



Absolutely!  The corporate interests couldn't care less about patient care.  

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18 minutes ago, Haljo1935 said:

Puppy tells me the across the street neighbors have broken into the fireworks. 

No matter how much I try to ignore her or tell her everything is ok, she is worried and on alert.


She has now laid the other ear down, so I guess she's really worried. 


The big dog is "hiding" in the hallway. He has always been bothered by both fireworks and gun shots. 

Gonna be a long holiday week...


Our sweet DD MacKenzie (border collie/blueheeler) would come get me out of bed during thunder or fireworks. I would take my pillow and lay in the closet with her. She would snuggle up against me and I would hold her tight.



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2 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:


Our sweet DD MacKenzie (border collie/blueheeler) would come get me out of bed during thunder or fireworks. I would take my pillow and lay in the closet with her. She would snuggle up against me and I would hold her tight.



When visiting my sister I often cuddled up with her giant dog as he was scared of thunder and lightning.  We spent the night on the tile floor of her kitchen once.

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13 minutes ago, dfish said:

When visiting my sister I often cuddled up with her giant dog as he was scared of thunder and lightning.  We spent the night on the tile floor of her kitchen once.


17 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:


Our sweet DD MacKenzie (border collie/blueheeler) would come get me out of bed during thunder or fireworks. I would take my pillow and lay in the closet with her. She would snuggle up against me and I would hold her tight.

Oh my gosh - how sweet. We do love our fur babies - no wonder they adore 💕 us back.

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