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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday September 8th, 2024

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Happy Sunday. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

Very chilly this morning. Put on our little fireplace heater. Sunny though. I will be going to Icy Strait Point next year on the Eurodam. Did some shopping yesterday. Still haven't found shoes I like for my nephew's wedding on the 21st. That just means more shopping. 

Thinking of all on the care list. 

Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 

Have a safe and healthy day. 

Don't Bother These Cats Who Are Enjoying Their Sunday (Memes) | Funny ...

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Good morning from a chilly central Texas where it is 64F with a 5mph wind from the NE.  The humidity is 74% with a dew point of 52F.  The predicted high is 83F, which is quite a change from just a week ago, and an even bigger change from two weeks ago.  It seems summer ended quite suddenly for us.  The long term forecast calls for highs in the upper 80s to low 90s, and our lows in the upper 60s to low 70s, except tomorrow when the low will be 56F.  This is early for the question to be, do I dress for the morning low or the afternoon high?  The other alternative is to start out in jeans and switch to shorts as the day warms.  Such a first world problem.


This morning I need to make a quick trip to the store, and do a little cooking for tonight's dinner.  Then this afternoon, I'll make the chicken and dumplings.  In between, I need to catch up on things I didn't have time to do the last couple of days.


Literacy is important, and I'll celebrate Literacy Day.  The ampersand is a good shortcut when needed.  Iguanas are interesting creatures, and when it's cold, one needs to watch out for falling iguanas.  The most important day is Grandparents Day, and I miss mine even after all these years.  My grandmothers played a big roll in my early life.


The Robert Benchley quote is something I don't really agree with even though there are a great many things I still don't know anything about.


I'll pass on the meal if it has the jalapenos, and will also pass on the drink.  I would like to try the wine since we've enjoyed other Spanish reds.


We have been to Icy Strait Point at least nine times with eight times on BHBs.  We did the 14-day Alaska cruise several years, and did between one and four b2bs.  We also stopped there in 2018 on Coral Princess circle the northern Pacific cruise.


In 1504, it was a big day for Michelangelo and the city of Florence. 


We stopped in St. Augustine a long time ago on the way to WDW.  It is a lovely city.


Today marks a sad day as the second anniversary of the Queen's death.


@grapau27  Graham, thank you for the information about ampersand day.

@jodi58  Congratulations on the birth of your fourth grandchild, Thomas.

@cat shepard  Ann, I like the meme about Alaska's unofficial state bird.

@smitty34877  Terry, I'm glad your DB and DSIL could both come for a couple of days to hep you.  I'm sorry Tana is having such a difficult time.  It's good you are trying to get your hip looked after before it gets much worse.

@superoma  Eva, thanks for filling in for Debbie @dfish while she was off having fun.  It's good to know there is someone who will see that we don't go hungry.

@dfish  Debbie, I'm glad you arrived home safely even if late.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, safe travels to Savannah tomorrow when you take your friend for the pre-op testing.


There is no news about Roy @rafinmd to report this morning.















Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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We have been to Icy Strait Point quite a few times, and we did the 14 day Alaska cruise several times on different ships and usually did multiple b2bs to get out of the the Texas heat.  


In 2012 on the Amsterdam and 2015 on the Statendam, we anchored and tendered.  We finally got to dock in 2018 on the Zaandam.


In 2012, DH did the zip line, but I chickened out.  At that time, it went a lot faster than it does now.  The drop took about 60-62 seconds.


I'll start with my pictures of ISP, and post those of Hoonah later.



Once in 2012, it was very foggy and in order to not cancel the call, the Amsterdam had to move closer to the tender dock so the Bridge Team could have visual contact with the tenders at all times.  This meant the Amsterdam was in much deeper water than usual.  Unfortunately, when she dropped her anchor, the chain brake failed, and the anchor and all the chain landed on the ocean floor.  It was determined that the cost of a new anchor and chain was less than trying to retrieve the old one.  Interestingly, the same thing happened the year before in Sitka, but the water was shallow enough to retrieve the anchor and chain then.  We did not find out about the incident until the next segment, when some of the people getting DH ready for the zip line mentioned it.



We took this picture when we docked at Ogden Point in Victoria at the end of the cruise.



These pictures are from 2012 and 2015 before the new dock and facilities were opened.





The new facilities at the terminus of the zip line.




The Statendam in 2015 on one of her last calls in ISP.



The Zaandam at the new dock in 2018.



As we were walking back to the dock and passing the food area, we found part of the cleaning crew hard at work.



We saw this eagle in a tree near the dock.



We have taken a couple of whale watching tours in Hoonah, and have seen many humpback whales, orcas and otters.







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Here are just a few pictures of Hoonah.  We usually take the bus into town and walk around for a while.  




This eagle built her nest in a tree just down from the school in Hoonah.



A local restaurant



The two local churches




The local store which has just about everything you could need, including rental cars.



Main street




The totem carving demonstration




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The third time we were in Icy Strait Point in 2012, DH did the Zip Rider.  DH found the video he took with his GoPro when he did the ZIP Rider in ISP in 2012.  He deliberately slowed down so he could record more of the ride and the scenery.  The Amsterdam is also in the picture.  At that time, the Zip Rider was really fast, and even slowing down the ride as much as possible, it only took about 60-62 seconds.  A few years later, they had slowed the ride down.


I just checked this file out, and it still works.



ZIP Rider.wmv75.28 MB · 37 downloads




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Good morning everyone. Hoping for some good news on Roy soon and continued good thoughts for those on the care list. The drink sounds delicious but I've never had one. Given the likely calorie count I'm not sure I will - but never say never 😉 Grandparents are wonderful - mine are all gone but now I get to be the grandparent to our 3.


With only 1 Alaska cruise in my past, many years ago, I've never been to Icy Strait Point would would like to see it if I head that way after I'm retired. We do have the Nieuw Amsterdam (in an aft wrap neptune) booked for northbound Vancouver to Whittier next May, but ISP is not on the itinerary. The zip line looks like fun, as I've never done one seated. I've done the traditional ziplines in Belize, Dominican Republic & (catch the nod to ampersand day, lol) Antigua. Dominican Republic was the best - the most platforms, longest lines, and they control the breaking so it was really no work for us! In Antigua the brakes were controlled by the rider and when I got turned around and was struggling to get myself facing the platform I was headed towards I accidentally/stupidly hit the brakes too soon and was left hanging out there a distance from the platform! I had to pull myself (hand over hand) up the stupid zipline, which was harder than I expected since it's uphill at that point. In the process I cut my arm on the cable - what a joy. Between that and what felt like (to me) excessive standing around vs moving quickly from one platform to the next I declared that my last zipline experience. However, might try this seated one if I get to ISP!



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Good Morning from a bright and sunny day at the beach

      Some very light rain last evening and that was it. There are storms with heavy rain and flooding all around us but not here.

        I will celebrate Literacy. Iguanas are funny little creatures. If it gets cold, they act dead and fall out of trees.  Loved my own grandparents. A special shout out to all you grandparents.

       Been to Icy Straight on the 14 day Amsterdam in 2014. DS and DBIL went on the Zipline. They loved it!

      @jodi58 Congratulations on your new grandson Thomas! Glad that everyone is ok.

         @dfish  welcome home. Hope you enjoyed the Zuiderdam as much as we did.

         @smitty34877  Glad you have some help this weekend. Please take care of yourself also.

          @rafinmd    Roy, Hope you are feeling better.

       Played golf yesterday AM. It was great!

          Not much on the agenda today.

Stay safe and enjoy today


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Missed being here yesterday… just one of those days… 


Now sad to read Roy felt he needed to be hospitalized!  I hope both he and Vanessa find the solutions they need. And all our Dailyites seeking help. 

My grandparents all died before I was born. I think they could have tempered my rough relationships with my parents but I didn’t get that advantage. 

I am blessed to be a step-grandma!  With very loving grandchildren! And now a step-great grandma, quite amazing.When we were considering moving out of NM to be closer to family, my DH’s granddaughter declared to me, “Grandma!  You’ve been our grandma our whole life!  We don’t care about bloodlines! We love you and we’ll be here for you just like you were here for us!”  💖. And here we are, New Jersey and very grateful! 


I had one friend who was illiterate although his wife was teaching him to read!  It’s a tougher world for many! 

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope! 
👍Cheers for those celebrating! Life is Good🌈

Smooth travels to all away especially our cruisers. 🛳️
Thanks for all the travel photos!  What a beautiful world! 


Here’s a garden on our campus from my Friday walk. 


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Today's Forecast Sunday Sept 8, 2024 (Washington State)


Advisories: the red flag warning has been reduced to the extreme southeast part of the state in the Blue Mountains. There is a fire weather watch from Spokane to Walla Walla. 


Metro/I-5 Corridor

Seattle/Puget Sound  79/26 Mostly Sunny

Puyallup (State Fair)  81/27 Mostly Sunny

Olympia  77/25 Mostly Sunny

Portland  83/28 Sunny

Bellingham/Canadian Border Crossing  74/23 Sunny


Cascade Mountains/Passes 

Mt. Rainier national park  69/21 Mostly Sunny

Mt. St. Helens (visitor center)  72/22 Sunny

Snoqualmie Pass (I-90)  75/24 Sunny

North Cascades Scenic Hwy (route 20)  78/26 Mostly Sunny


Eastern Washington/High Deserts 

Moses Lake  94/34 Partly Cloudy

Wenatchee  96/36 Sunny

Spokane  93/34 Partly Cloudy

Walla Walla  92/33 Partly Cloudy

Yakima  95/35  Partly Cloudy

Grand Coulee  93/34 Partly Cloudy


Coast/Olympic Peninsula/101

Forks  67/19 Mostly Sunny

Hoh Rain Forest  72/22 Sunny

Cape Disappointment  63/17 Mostly Sunny

Aberdeen 67/19 Mostly Sunny


Strait of Juan De Fuca/Islands

Sequim  71/22 Mostly Sunny

Victoria  73/23 Mostly Sunny


Enjoy your cruises!

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3 hours ago, jodi58 said:

...But more importantly Grandparents Day!  Our fourth grandchild was born yesterday at 8 lb 2 oz , a beautiful baby boy named Thomas, everyone is happy and healthy...


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Good morning all!

A good set of days, I'll celebrate Grandparents Day.  I miss my grandparents and try to be a good grandparent to our two DGSs.  We had such a nice day with them yesterday!  We just stayed here all day and played games and watched movies on Netflix.  Oh and they ate ... and ate!  It's amazing how much growing boys can eat. 🙂  


I agree with the quote, will pass on the meal, red wine and drink (coconut).  Icy Strait Point must be on the 14-day Alaska cruises.  It wasn't on our 7-day, 12-day cruise/Denali, or on the itinerary for the 28-day.  Thank you Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser for your photos. 


Yesterday never got as warm as was predicted, and that was fine with me.  Today is starting out hazy -- the sun has "that" look of smoke in the sky but we don't smell any nor have we heard of any fires nearby.  Strange.  


On the agenda today is laundry and staining the parts of the deck that DH has finished sanding.  


@jodi58 How exciting, a new grandbaby!  Congratulations!

Thinking of Roy @rafinmd

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report & Daily!  I'm all for literacy, having taught our son to read before he got into Grade 1.  My nightmare would be to be walking under a tree in Florida after a cold night and having one of those (ugh) iguanas fall down on me.  My grandparents really didn't have an impact on my life - they lived quite far away, neither was literate, nor did they have a telephone.  My mom would send Christmas gifts (a pair of heavy socks for gramps, oven mitts for grandma), and a neighbour would send a card she'd written for them with $5 for us.  I love being a grandparent - whether they're here or at their home, I shower them with love and affection, sugar them up, and either send them home, or we leave.  It's called payback.  LOL  


A beautiful, sunny Sunday morning here with a starting temp of 14C(57) and an expected high of 32(89).  I have to make sure to water the plants around the yard before it gets too warm, and to refill the wasp traps.  I found a recipe online that works like a darn to take care of those miserable critters:  1/2 cup sugar, 1/2 cup water, a couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and a few drops of dish detergent.  Mix up until the sugar dissolves, then pour it into a straight sided dish - a margarine tub works well.  Set it away from where you're planning on eating or enjoying the outdoors and they'll go there and take care of themselves.


@jodi58congratulations on your new grandson; what a beautiful gift on Grandparents Day!

@smitty34877I'm so glad you have help this weekend.  I hope your hip pain is easily remedied.  

@kazu I know you're busy with packing, but know we're all here, cheering you on.

@rafinmdsending prayers that your vertigo is short lived and you'll be home from the hospital soon.


I'm going to pass on the drink, would like the wine, and although I'd like the menu suggestion, I know DH wouldn't appreciate them.  I don't have to cook dinner today because one of DH's bandmates has recently had a new deck installed and is having a deck party to which he's invited us and members of the 3 other bands that he's a part of.  Everyone is bringing their instruments, so there will be lots of food, music, conversation and laughter as we enjoy his new deck.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Good Morning,


We loved ISP!  Our favorite port by far.  We didn't zip line, but we enjoyed the tram up/down the mountain.  It's always cold and foggy when I'm there making it even better, that is what Alaska looks like for most of the year.  I hope to return to this port many more times.


@rafinmd Lots of prayers

@dfish Glad you got home safely

@luvteaching Karen, I didn't get a chance to wish you a bon voyage yesterday, have lots of fun and I'll see you in the other roll calls.


I'll be leaving soon for a memorial for all those on Dear Dad's hospice program that died in the past year.  After that should be an uneventful day.



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This will be a quick note.  I just got two emails from Roy @rafinmd.  He can read the Daily, but still cannot log in.  


This is the other email he sent about his condition.


The theory so far is that this is the result of a stroke, although we are still waiting on an MRI.  I slept reasonably well last night.  


Saturday morning it started about 2AM when I went to the bathroom but was ok with a cane.


At 4:30 it was so severe there was no hope of getting up and was barely to get dressed a bit sitting on the bed before calling 911. 


Since then I. Have been in bed almost all the time except for a few awkward transfers 


I did just move to a bedside commode with much less stress but still far from normal.


Wishing Roy all the best, and a speedy recovery.



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Good morning Dailyites from the beautiful Westerdam. 


Yesterday we enjoyed Hubbard Glacier. Our Captain turned us round and round so everyone got a great view. Rich and I posted pictures on his Live From thread.


So, spilling the beans, we are in SY5001. There is a mini bow outside our front window, so people were allowed to view the glacier. Weird but kinda funny,  people were peering into our window to see what was behind it. I was out on the bow and asked a guy looking in the window what he saw. He said he thought it was someone's cabin. I said "Correct! That's my cabin, my husband is watching the glacier from there". Lol


Thank you Graham for Father David's message. Can't wait to hear of YOUR latest adventure...


Oh, I hope we hear from our Roy soon! God bless him.


Prayers for each of our Daily friends and their family members. Sandi and Vanessa have us covered completely and I appreciate the thoughtful work they put into our prayers. Bonnie's next surgery is tomorrow to remove more lymph nodes. Praying this last surgery works!


Last night at dinner, Allen got strangled on a piece of his pork belly. I was whacking him on the back and we had several people standing by when he finally caught his breath! Scared me to death!! Since his stroke he needs to swallow carefully and this reminds him..


Just cruising along for the next few days til we reach Dutch Harbor on the 10th.


We have reservations at Canaletto tonight. The layout is much different than Rotterdam or Koningsdam. The dining area is long and narrow and feeds into the Lido area. As long as the food is good, we are fine!


Wishing you each a Blessed Sunday.


From the jewelry store last night:




And our sunset last night:



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1 minute ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

This will be a quick note.  I just got two emails from Roy @rafinmd.  He can read the Daily, but still cannot log in.  


This is the other email he sent about his condition.


The theory so far is that this is the result of a stroke, although we are still waiting on an MRI.  I slept reasonably well last night.  


Saturday morning it started about 2AM when I went to the bathroom but was ok with a cane.


At 4:30 it was so severe there was no hope of getting up and was barely to get dressed a bit sitting on the bed before calling 911. 


Since then I. Have been in bed almost all the time except for a few awkward transfers 


I did just move to a bedside commode with much less stress but still far from normal.


Wishing Roy all the best, and a speedy recovery.



Thank you for keeping us updated Lenda.  Prayers for Roy. 

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Good Sunday Morning Dailyites!  Its sunny, it is supposed to warm up to the mid 80's, so while cool now, I wish it was crisper.  


I think the burgers look delicious, but as far as taste?  I will do my jalapeno poppers on their own.  As I have gotten older, I have found that most burgers are happy memories of burgers, and in reality I dont care for them that much.  When I took care of my dad in  the last two years of his life, we would drive to the beach, and get cheeseburgers from a food truck on the causeway.  They were the best burgers in the world!  Because they were eaten on a beach, with the view of the water, with my father.  I can spend 20 bucks on a burger in a ritzy restaurant, but they will never be as good as those burgers. 


@smitty34877 I am glad you are getting that hip taken care of, I have been worried about you. And I am sorry that Tana is not being fiesty at this time.  She is probably worried about you.


My neighbor told me yesterday that I dont need to bring the trash cans up the drive ways anymore, that he will do that for me.  Gee I wish he had offered to take them down.  I full 65 gallon trash can weighs a lot, and I worry about falling down the driveway again. He said he knows we have a bad back.  Now whether he meant DH or me, I thanked him.  His English is not good, but he does try. I just asked that if he sees me lying in the drive, not to run over me.  Not sure he understood that.


I am worried about @rafinmd.  I dont know if anyone knows what fire station he was affiliated with, so that they could call and see how he is doing and let us know?  


I have been watching The Paradise  on Britbox.  I saw it years ago on Netflix, loved it and was glad to see it was on Britbox.  DH is not impressed with it, and when I have it on, he goes off and does things.  Hmmm, maybe I should just leave it on.  


Its grocery shopping day.  I have to figure out meals that I can prep between shifts, then throw in the oven while I am working, walk by and take it out, and then eat it while I am working.  My meals usually end up cold by the time I finish it, but its only going to be for 3 days this week, as I am off tomorrow and getting off early on Friday. Total work hours added up to 32 for this upcoming week.


I went through the free Emory concert list last night. S some of the freebies you have to register for, and print tickets, so I did that until 11, and went to bed.  BUT after drinking 2 Vietnamese iced coffees, while tired sleep eluded me until 2 and I woke up at 9.


I do like the quote, the longer I live the less I know.  The library revoked my card.  Something about not reading enough ( i like to buy and own my books)  And I have not been to that port in AK.  I have been here though.  And when it is hot here, I can look at these and feel cooler.











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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

We have been to Icy Strait Point quite a few times, and we did the 14 day Alaska cruise several times on different ships and usually did multiple b2bs to get out of the the Texas heat.  


In 2012 on the Amsterdam and 2015 on the Statendam, we anchored and tendered.  We finally got to dock in 2018 on the Zaandam.


In 2012, DH did the zip line, but I chickened out.  At that time, it went a lot faster than it does now.  The drop took about 60-62 seconds.


I'll start with my pictures of ISP, and post those of Hoonah later.



Once in 2012, it was very foggy and in order to not cancel the call, the Amsterdam had to move closer to the tender dock so the Bridge Team could have visual contact with the tenders at all times.  This meant the Amsterdam was in much deeper water than usual.  Unfortunately, when she dropped her anchor, the chain brake failed, and the anchor and all the chain landed on the ocean floor.  It was determined that the cost of a new anchor and chain was less than trying to retrieve the old one.  Interestingly, the same thing happened the year before in Sitka, but the water was shallow enough to retrieve the anchor and chain then.  We did not find out about the incident until the next segment, when some of the people getting DH ready for the zip line mentioned it.



We took this picture when we docked at Ogden Point in Victoria at the end of the cruise.



These pictures are from 2012 and 2015 before the new dock and facilities were opened.





The new facilities at the terminus of the zip line.




The Statendam in 2015 on one of her last calls in ISP.



The Zaandam at the new dock in 2018.



As we were walking back to the dock and passing the food area, we found part of the cleaning crew hard at work.



We saw this eagle in a tree near the dock.



We have taken a couple of whale watching tours in Hoonah, and have seen many humpback whales, orcas and otters.









2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

We have been to Icy Strait Point quite a few times, and we did the 14 day Alaska cruise several times on different ships and usually did multiple b2bs to get out of the the Texas heat.  


In 2012 on the Amsterdam and 2015 on the Statendam, we anchored and tendered.  We finally got to dock in 2018 on the Zaandam.


In 2012, DH did the zip line, but I chickened out.  At that time, it went a lot faster than it does now.  The drop took about 60-62 seconds.


I'll start with my pictures of ISP, and post those of Hoonah later.



Once in 2012, it was very foggy and in order to not cancel the call, the Amsterdam had to move closer to the tender dock so the Bridge Team could have visual contact with the tenders at all times.  This meant the Amsterdam was in much deeper water than usual.  Unfortunately, when she dropped her anchor, the chain brake failed, and the anchor and all the chain landed on the ocean floor.  It was determined that the cost of a new anchor and chain was less than trying to retrieve the old one.  Interestingly, the same thing happened the year before in Sitka, but the water was shallow enough to retrieve the anchor and chain then.  We did not find out about the incident until the next segment, when some of the people getting DH ready for the zip line mentioned it.



We took this picture when we docked at Ogden Point in Victoria at the end of the cruise.



These pictures are from 2012 and 2015 before the new dock and facilities were opened.





The new facilities at the terminus of the zip line.




The Statendam in 2015 on one of her last calls in ISP.



The Zaandam at the new dock in 2018.



As we were walking back to the dock and passing the food area, we found part of the cleaning crew hard at work.



We saw this eagle in a tree near the dock.



We have taken a couple of whale watching tours in Hoonah, and have seen many humpback whales, orcas and otters.








Ms Crystal, we were on the Statendam in 2015 on one of its last cruises. Is that me wearing a red jacket in one of your pictures! Do you know the date of sailing?

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