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Woman missing on the Pearl


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I enjoyed reading this passage from the ABC interview...:rolleyes:


For Jennifer Seitz's brother, speculation of foul play is unfounded and insulting.

"I can't even use the words on an interview that I want to use to the people who are speculating, who are outright lying, who are just trying to get their five minutes of fame," he said. "These people from this cruise ship who think that they know people because they talked to them for 2½ minutes have no clue who they met."

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Commentary: Notice that there is no mention of what Ray Seitz does for a living. Did he work? He certainly looks like a scary guy. He could star in one of those Jason or Michael Myers movies with those dead eyes. He also abused his wife, and if he did not kill her, you have to wonder how much her decision to commit suicide was due to being in a crappy relationship? Bariatric surgery and weight loss did not change this poor woman's life. Whatever she was missing did not improve when she lost weight. We all need to deal with the hole in our souls (the need for God, etc.), and that is more important than losing a few pounds or going on a cruise!




Real nice site about harpooning fat people.:rolleyes: I think they worked hard to find the worst pictures. Here is one of the last pictures of the couple taken on the Pearl. I can't see a new star in one of those Jason or Michael Myers movies



Jennifer and Raymond Seitz had this picture taken

aboard the Norwegian Pearl cruise ship just hours

before Jennifer disappeared on early Friday morning.

She has not been seen since.

(ABC News)

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Real nice site about harpooning fat people.:rolleyes: I think they worked hard to find the worst pictures. Here is one of the last pictures of the couple taken on the Pearl. I can't see a new star in one of those Jason or Michael Myers movies




And I agree!!!:rolleyes:

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I have been very good friends and next door neighbor for 20 years with a woman who is severely bipolar. I've been to visit her numerous times in the hospital psych ward and to the institution where she was placed to get the meds on track. One thing I have learned is to NOT blame family and friends. If this woman was in a manic state, she probably would not listen to ANYONE and would resist the best advice and help. Part of the manic state is thinking that you are correct (about not needing meds and how you act) and thinking that the world (your loved ones, your psychiatrist, etc.) is all wrong. My husband and I are also her husband's main confidant and so I understand the anquish from all sides.


One thing family and friends have to live with is the reality that THIRTY percent of bipolar people will commit suicide. You can walk on eggshells all the time about this issue and we live with the reality that any conversation for their own well being could be the tipping point for a suicide attempt and then we have to live with the guilt and aftermath. I feel so sad that this family has to deal with the evil press and others who just have never lived with a severely bipolar person. Give them a break!

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A sad statistic . :( More common than you might think.


More than 32,000 suicides occurred in the U.S in 2005. (This is the most recent year that records were compiled.) This is the equivalent of 89 suicides per day, or one suicide every 16 minutes (Centers for Disease Control).

over 1 million world wide.

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First of all let me say I am not blasting you, just giving you some insight. I was married to a man that now looking back was possibly bipolar, he committed suicide August 2003, my kids were 9 and 11 at the time. He was a controlling man that I loved very much but did a lot of not very nice things to me. He would have never gone to a doctor no matter what I did so he was never diagnosed. I was trying to raise two children and keep MY sanity living with a person that required a lot of work. I tried my hardest, but life goes on and you can't revolve your entire life around someone like this - at some point people have to help themselves. I did not ever see him committing suicide however, he never said anything of the sort and when it happened it was completely unexpected. He had come to see me at work during lunchtime and was having a great day, he did it later that evening. I have heard/read that when a person is at peace w/ taking their life they become euphoric just before.


I just wanted folks to have some information, there are a lot of pieces to this puzzle that are still not known. For people to say that the family didn't do enough is very much speculation and unfair.


What I find fascinating is that her family is so quick to call this a suicide, meaning they knew she was depressed, but they went from before 8 pm to almost dawn before reporting her missing. This is not the same thing as one partner retiring early while the other went to the casino, or one partner going to port while the other stayed back. This is getting ready for dinner, dinner, an after dinner activity and presumably getting ready for bed - all on a one-year anniversary trip (although not sure how romantic that could be with a mother in a small cabin). If she was so depressed - and apparently they knew she was drinking and not on her meds - they should have been more on top of her - and maybe alerting authorities sooner might have helped save her. What kind of family lets a sick and distressed loved one wander around a ship at night for nearly 12 hours alone?
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All of the casinos here do TITO (ticket in ticket out) and I was on a multiline nickel slot and when I finished I had 3 cents left and had to cash out. lol


There is a machine in the Pearl Casino that takes quarters. It has slides that push back and forth and coins and other items fall down. It takes both tokens and quarters.

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I stopped being shocked about people blaming NCL for things when I read a posting yesterday, I think it was, where they blamed NCL for 7 days of rain during their cruise and NCL did not give them any OBC or any free drinks to compensate them for the weather.



That kind of thinking and attitude happens alot with passengers.


During morning check-in for Holland America's Oosterdam last Saturday, a couple arrived to check in. When asked for their passports, they said they were in their luggage, which they had given to the porter.


Since they had no proof of citizenship on them, the couple was asked to fill out a form describing their bags, because now the bags would have to located onboard, and then brought back down to the cruise ship terminal, and returned to the couple so they could get their passports out, and attempt to check in again.


The passengers were told that it would take hours for the bags to be located. They agreed and waited.


The Oosterdam holds 1800 passengers. For that cruise - the NY Eve cruise - they took on just over 2,000. That means at least 4,000 pieces of luggage were being loaded onboard, and sorted for delivery to the cabins.


After 5 hours, the 3 bags were located and brought down off the ship to the waiting passengers.


Any thanks or apologies ? NO. Instead the couple was angry that it had taken so long to find and identify their bags, and began to yell at the shoreside staff. :rolleyes:


The wife was livid, but the husband quieted down after the supervisor pointed out that it was their mistake for putting their passports in their checked luggage. :D

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If you go back and look at the picture , underneath it, say ABC news. I think it was taken out of a news clip.

Yes, I did see that afterwards. I just wondering how they got it. I thinkI was just thinking out loud. Did the family buy the photos and had them out or did the cruise lines give them out or did someone else purchase them and sell them. Not that it matters unless it's the latter. Again, just thinking out loud. She was a very pretty women.:(

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So you are saying I should have quit my job and followed my husband around 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? Not everyone that is bipolar or has emotional/mental problems is suicidal. My husband went on a cruise w/ me in 2002 the year before he died and didn't jump off the ship.


Again we don't know all the circumstances, as many have stated. We have know idea everything the mom/husband were doing during this time. I couldn't find my husband many times on our cruise vacation, he could've been in another woman's room for all I know......I wouldn't have thought he was "off" the ship.


If your loved one is bipolar and you fear that they might commit suicide, you do not leave them alone! The woman jumped off at 8 p.m. and the husband and mother did not report her missing until 3:30 a.m. This is the piece of the puzzle that is missing.
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OMG. Who actually purchased that photo or was it realesed by the Crusie lines?


My guess an enterprising member of the onboard photo staff found a way to get a very good price for that picture. Keep in mind they retain the rights to those pictures and nothing is in place to prevent anyone from buying any picture on a cruise.

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There is a machine in the Pearl Casino that takes quarters. It has slides that push back and forth and coins and other items fall down. It takes both tokens and quarters.


I would hardly think that he could think that he was going to HIT THE JACKPOT with that mindless thing. :eek:


If in fact that's what he even said or did. :rolleyes:

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Once again, be merciful to this family. A person who is bipolar can't be followed around all of their lives in fear of them commiting suicide. This is different than someone with depression. You learn after a while that the only person really in control is the person who has the illness. You also get worn down with trying to do the right thing. People don't have to take medication once they are out of the hospital and backsliding often occurs.


As far as needing God, I totally agree. An interesting sidebar on my bipolar friend's history is that she is VERY religious and has a strong belief. The problem with people like this is something called "hyperreligiosity" where they think that they and God have the lock on what is true and correct. My friend "hears from God" , whom she believes confirms her thinking and she doesn't follow "the ways of man" (my advice, her husband's, her Christian psychiatrists, her pastors, etc.) This friend is so irrational and you can't talk to her when she is manic. Her husband, BTW, is likely to gain sainthood status. I really don't know why he stays except for him being the ultimate good guy.


So, once again, this case is likely very complicated. If you ever had a close family member who is mentally ill, you will understand that it is so important not to second guess and judge others. Likely, they have been through years of hell.

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Out of curioisity...since there is alot of medical chatter...was she actually diagnosed by a doctor with bipolar or did the family say that as a means of describing her personality? I may have missed this in the 25+ pages.


We often describe people as depressed, but that doesnt mean they were diagnosed as such. We all get depressed, but its a whole other thing when its long term, uncontrolled, behavior under doctors care. What do you all think?

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"Out of curioisity...since there is alot of medical chatter...was she actually diagnosed by a doctor with bipolar or did the family say that as a means of describing her personality? I may have missed this in the 25+ pages."


From what I have read, they indicated that she had not been taking her medicine - so that sounds to me that she had been diagnosed by a physician and given medication.

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If your loved one is bipolar and you fear that they might commit suicide, you do not leave them alone! The woman jumped off at 8 p.m. and the husband and mother did not report her missing until 3:30 a.m. This is the piece of the puzzle that is missing.


After 25 pages of speculation, you think the time difference is the ONE piece of the puzzle that is missing? ha ha ha ha ha Sorry, I just think that's really funny. We know NOTHING about what happened. ALL the pieces are missing except that she went overboard.


As for the time difference, I have no idea why so many people are so focused on it. People are assuming that the husband (and mother, remember her?) KNEW that the wife was 'missing' from 8pm until he reported it at 3:30am. The easiest explanation is that he went to the casino sometime before 8 and didn't think about where she was until he returned to the cabin later. Let's say he returned at a 'reasonable' time, like midnight. She's not there, but he knows that she likes to walk if she can't sleep. By 1, he's wondering where she is, so HE goes walking. On a ship the size of the Pearl, it would take at least an hour, if not more, to walk all the public areas to see if she was sitting quietly on a deck chair or in one of the lounges, etc. Then he no doubt discussed his worries with his mother in law and finally went and reported it.


If my husband reported me missing every time I wasn't in the cabin or had been apart from him for more than a couple of hours, we'd be banned from all cruise ships for being a nuisance!!! NOBODY reports a companion missing immediately upon discovering they aren't in their cabin. I think people need to get past thinking there's something sinister about the 7 1/2 hours between the video and the missing person report. The story is tragic enough without turning a reasonable time frame into the basis of added speculation of some sort of wrongdoing.

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Canadian - I agree. In addition, there were those that questioned why they weren't eating dinner together at 8 or some such thing. Hubby and I like to eat before or after the 7:30-8:30 time period when the masses tend to go - that's why we love NCL ! Maybe they had eaten right before; who's to say?


The only thing that puzzles me is - and this is IF the passenger reporting it is credible - the comment that someone saw the husband go to the casino to gamble after the missing person report. I cannot believe that really happened. Perhaps the passenger thought it was the husband but it really was someone else? I mean that is truly hard to believe, at least for me.

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Canadian - I agree. In addition, there were those that questioned why they weren't eating dinner together at 8 or some such thing. Hubby and I like to eat before or after the 7:30-8:30 time period when the masses tend to go - that's why we love NCL ! Maybe they had eaten right before; who's to say?


The only thing that puzzles me is - and this is IF the passenger reporting it is credible - the comment that someone saw the husband go to the casino to gamble after the missing person report. I cannot believe that really happened. Perhaps the passenger thought it was the husband but it really was someone else? I mean that is truly hard to believe, at least for me.


I actually don't think that's strange either... though I do agree that it may not have happened. I think the human mind can do all sorts of things that don't make sense, especially when one has experienced a trauma. He could have been wandering around in shock, or just finding something to occupy his attention so that he didn't have to think about what was happening - and there may well have been people in his room at all hours. I honestly can't say what I would do, and thank goodness I am confident I'll never have to find out.

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Have they yet releashed any info on the husbands ship card?....like where he was at 8pm, was he in the room, did he leave the room after 8pm?his ship card should tell by his swipes just wondering if we know any of that info yet

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Though I am wondering why it took them so long to report her missing, I don't buy the part about not letting a bipolar person out of your sight. We can't always watch out for each other. If she was bipolar, diagnosed as the same and not on medication I don't think anyone should be blaming her family for this. She was an adult.


As for her being diagnosed, I don't think anyone knows if she was bipolar or simply suffered from depression. Whatever, this is a tragic story with the true cause of the incident remaining a mystery.


Terry, about NCL and the 7 days of rain; this reminds me of many years ago when I was in management at a large hotel chain reservations call center. I worked in customer service and we heard all kinds of complaints (sometimes praises) One afternoon a gentleman (for a lack of a better word) called, yelled at one of the reps because he couldn't get a refund on his hotel room: Spent one week at one of the Florida Hotels, paid for an water view room and it poured down rain...When the rep could not make him understand I took the call. I wish I would have had the guts to inform him, he got a water view: one week of rain.LOL of course I didn't say that but boy I sure wished I could have. LOL



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If the FBI doesn't consider the husband a suspect, either they know something we don't or they don't have enough evidence to place him in the room at the time. Either way, the general public doesn't need to know everything. I think it's time to stop speculating, let the professionals determine what happened and let the family grieve in peace.

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