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Tipping--Just Off Connie and How We Fought It & Feel This is Right


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In response to your question, a few days before the end of the cruise I just went to GR and told them that I wished to 'adjust' my tip amount and remove the 'auto tip' from my account. She said that I could only 'adjust upwards' for someone, and could not delete or lower any of the auto tips.


I then told her I would pay cash, and she asked me to sign a list/form, and that was the end of it. No, she wasn't happy, but what could she do? So I came back five minutes later and wrote a check (NOTE--there is a limit of $200 per cruise per passenger to write a check at the bank--using the casino ATM results in a fee).


(we generally tip well whenever we go out, wherever we are, but I also refuse to put $$ in a 'tip jar' which is at just about every other kind of store...)


Thanks! Good to know. I will do the same.

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This is a very complicated issue that I see in "shades of grey" whereas many seem to see it in black and white. I personally like to give individual tips but I am always distressed to see great staff get stiffed by many guests. Thus, I am happy that the autotip ensures that the wealth is evenly distributed to all, including the "forgotten" staff who serve you at open-seating breakfasts and lunches and the buffet.


But then again, I have now had enough simpering maitre d's and waiters where I wanted to wrestle them to the ground, grab their tray and go to the galley myself. While I hoped that the expectation of a tip would ensure good service, this simply was not so. There's no correlation - I've had bad service on Celebrity and RCI and great service on Princess and NCL that have used autotipping.


Having said all this, when I spoke to the waiters and cabin stewards on Princess, they said that even with guest "stiffing", they made more on tips that way than with autotipping and would prefer individul tips!


Now that autotipping has arrived on Celebrity, realize that if you opt out and tip individually, you will actually be shorting the many wonderful people who serve you at said buffets and open-seating dinners and actually wildly overtipping your own waiter and cabin steward as they will still get their share of the ship's pool.


Whew! All of this confusion makes me want to go on a cruise....

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Look, its not like you get a big surprise when you get your final bill. The autotipping works for me, as it gives a good guideline about what we should pay for the services rendered. I use the word pay because that is what it is.

The auto tip is really part of their pay packet, and even the poorest servers should get paid, especially when its really minimum wage. You know the cost before you buy the cruise, so why complain.


A real tip is, and always will be, a reward for going above and beyond. So, I let them auto tip me, and us it as part of their base pay. I don't care how it's divided, just like I don't care how the cost of the cruise is allocated between the hotel portion and the transportation portion. .



On the other hand, rewarding someone for extra good service is still your perogative, and a combination of cash, and a nice thank you note are the way to go.



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We have always tipped for great service but sometimes we rarely see the maitre d' except on the 2nd to last night & the last night he is everywhere.


We usually increase the people that deserve it. When it fist came out we sent a letter to Celebrity and received it back just recently from the Senior Vice President of sales (Dondra Ritzenthaler) & she clearly states that you can change your tip up or down as you see fit.


I guess we will just have to take a copy of the letter with us in March just in case.



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Now that autotipping has arrived on Celebrity, realize that if you opt out and tip individually, you will actually be shorting the many wonderful people who serve you at said buffets...


Not at all true in our case. We always get extra envelopes from the front desk, put cash in them, and walk down the buffet line on the 2nd to last day tipping everyone that has served us. Yes, I do hand an envelope to the guy/gal who has been making my eggs at the omelet station, and I do tip the specialty pasta preparer if I have eaten at that station (and the carver, and so on...).


If we have had several meals in the buffet and received assistance from the buffet manager, we have an envelope for him.


Yep, I know that most folks don't do this, and that's fine for them. This is what we feel is appropriate to do, so we do it.


I am not advocating that everyone adopt our policy, and do not want anyone advocating that we adopt theirs.


Discussion of money (and politics, and religion) in public never leads to polite discourse; they are private matters :o. Just tossed in my opinion because the majority of the auto-tip proponents seem to think that they're the only ones concerned with 'the unseen' folks who go unrewarded.


Again, that is absolutely not true, in our case.

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Not at all true in our case. We always get extra envelopes from the front desk, put cash in them, and walk down the buffet line on the 2nd to last day tipping everyone that has served us. Yes, I do hand an envelope to the guy/gal who has been making my eggs at the omelet station, and I do tip the specialty pasta preparer if I have eaten at that station (and the carver, and so on...).


If we have had several meals in the buffet and received assistance from the buffet manager, we have an envelope for him.


Yep, I know that most folks don't do this, and that's fine for them. This is what we feel is appropriate to do, so we do it.


I am not advocating that everyone adopt our policy, and do not want anyone advocating that we adopt theirs.


Discussion of money (and politics, and religion) in public never leads to polite discourse; they are private matters :o. Just tossed in my opinion because the majority of the auto-tip proponents seem to think that they're the only ones concerned with 'the unseen' folks who go unrewarded.


Again, that is absolutely not true, in our case.



I think that is great that you would take the time out to do this.

Your right, not many people will do what you do but we do commend you the staff works very hard for eveyone on board. We have actually offered tips to some of the staff that have simply refused to take it.


David & Shirley

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We have always tipped for great service but sometimes we rarely see the maitre d' except on the 2nd to last night & the last night he is everywhere.


And the gratuity reserved for this position is not similar to the wait staff that is directly involved in the nightly one-on-one.

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And the gratuity reserved for this position is not similar to the wait staff that is directly involved in the nightly one-on-one.



You are absolutely right, I guess it is just the idea that you the decision has been taken away from you. We have always tipped everybody that has looked after us including the Maitre d'.:)

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I have also never had to have it removed from my account. Its just never there in the first place. Is this something new?


Yes, =X= has instituted auto-tips now. Automatically charged to your SeaPass account unless you specifically request them removed.

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In response to your question, a few days before the end of the cruise I just went to GR and told them that I wished to 'adjust' my tip amount and remove the 'auto tip' from my account. She said that I could only 'adjust upwards' for someone, and could not delete or lower any of the auto tips.


I then told her I would pay cash, and she asked me to sign a list/form, and that was the end of it. No, she wasn't happy, but what could she do? So I came back five minutes later and wrote a check (NOTE--there is a limit of $200 per cruise per passenger to write a check at the bank--using the casino ATM results in a fee).


(we generally tip well whenever we go out, wherever we are, but I also refuse to put $$ in a 'tip jar' which is at just about every other kind of store...)


I hope you understand that when you remove the auto tip, on ships that have auto tips, whatever you tip the staff up to the auto amount, is still going to be pooled. Anyone you tip will turn their tips in.

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So, tell me how you insisted they do this. I would really like to know, as I think this is crap!!! We tip and we tip well, but I do NOT like someone telling me WHO and how much every little bit goes to. I really don't care who agrees with me on this. The people who do like the auto tip can have it... no one is taking anything away from these people. BUT these same people have A LOT of nerve saying it's THEE only way it should be and that it should never be adjusted. Whatever!!!


Anyway... I would appreciate the help in what I can say or do to make them remove mine. I know I am not the only one that thinks this is a load of BS.


Flame away... I couldn't care less!


If you remove them whatever you tip is still going to be pooled. That is the way it works with ships that have auto tips. The staff can only keep any amount that is above the auto-tip amount. Removing the auto-tip only makes for more paperwork. I leave the auto tip and if anyone deserves more I give an added amount. That added amount does not have to go into the pool but anything up to that amount will go into the pool even if you opt out of the auto tip.

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Yes, =X= has instituted auto-tips now. Automatically charged to your SeaPass account unless you specifically request them removed.



Thank you.:o Have not been on a ship sense Feb of 2008, now I know what to expect..

I know it asks when you book the cruise if you want auto tip and I always check no.

I checked no for my up coming cruise.

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Well we refuse to be pressured by someone like the OP; it smacks too much of a boycott and I hate those and they are seldom if ever effective. We will make up our own minds based on what we find, never on pressure from someone else to join their band:(

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Well we refuse to be pressured by someone like the OP; it smacks too much of a boycott and I hate those and they are seldom if ever effective. We will make up our own minds based on what we find, never on pressure from someone else to join their band:(


You saw that too.;)



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Not sure if everyone knows...but the evening wait staff also take a turn serving breakfast and lunch and sometimes are manning the buffet. When you tip them, they are being tipped for their service during the DAY not just your dinner service. Not sure about the omelet person, etc, but I'm assuming they are part of the parcel and will receive out of the 'pool' tipped amount. I wouldn't go down the buffet line on a specific day, because they may have just started their shift that day and really don't deserve a tip for what someone has done 6 days prior to that (unless they've knocked your socks off with a superbly delicious omelet). Subjective but just MHO.

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You are absolutely right, I guess it is just the idea that you the decision has been taken away from you. We have always tipped everybody that has looked after us including the Maitre d'.:)


In the old days when I started cruising and you ate dinner every evening in the same place, with the same staff, and the other meals too were assigned, individual tipping with the envelopes made sense. Now that ships have many options, alternative restaurants, anytime type dining, the buffet open in the evening. Some always eat at the buffet. I think auto-tipping that gets distributed to all the service staff makes sense and is fair with the changes in dining in recent years. I can still reward individual staff that has gone beyond in their duties by giving them an additional amount.

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It is really simple, one of the first things we do when we board is go to customer service and have the auto tip removed. Have been doing so, ever since auto tip was instituted on Princess and HAL now will do the same on Celebrity.


In the begining staff would simply remove. On our last Princess cruise they asked us to filled out a form which we did. The form asked why, we responded we like to tip the old fashion way in cash at the end of the cruise.


We tip in cash for room service and never filled out the breakfast form indicating a tip was given.


Tipping is a very personal experience. For those who like auto tip keep it. We will fight to retain the option to continue tipping the way we always have.

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Interesting post. We just got off the Connie last Monday too. We had an issue with the auto-tip. We were ok with the process, but were told my our Online Celebrity Agent that our 2 and 4 yr olds would only be charge 1/2 the amount for the autotip. So....instead of paying for 4 people's tip, they would charge us 3 people's tips.


Well, in the end they auto-charged up for 4 people's tips for the 10 days. We went down to the guest relations desk the evening before dismebarkment. (and the morning of) and practically did handstands over the issue. They were about the only rude staff we encountered on or trip. They said we would need to track down the agent that booked our package, and take it up with them. They repeated over and over again that there was nothing they could do about it. When my husband asked to speak with this guest relation's manager....they told us she was off duty, and would not be back on until after we disembarkment. It was very frustrating. Since we have gotten home, we have left several messages with the oline booking center trying to locate this "Andy" who booked our trip. As you can imagine, they aren't really in a rush to help us locate him. <sigh>

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I have no issue with Auto tip - its what has happened for us for several years as our service charge is added by the agent to the account up front. However, what I did find disconcerting last week on Azamara where all tips onboard were auto added was the day and night before we disembarked staff who had been absent all week (i.e "butler" ) were constantly hanging around the outside of the room clearly "looking for more".

On the old system the autotip was handed over as a little voucher in an envelope and yes we added more where it was deserved. At least there was one "hand over" event and it was clear to staff that was it. We did hand over to some others on this trip - always discretely and not in the sight of others.

This "hanging around for more" as well as the constant "remember by name is X when you fill in the feedback forms" is something X and Azamara should nip in the bud now. Staff should know they are being tipped and if they are going to get more, the customer will find them. Somehow it gives the impression otherwise they have nothing to do and makes you wonder what they were doing in the two weeks previous when we did not see them otherwise.

It kind of leaves a bad taste of phonieness at the end of the trip otherwise

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We love the auto tip system. In our early cruise days I hated to see people at our table not show up on the final dinner. The wait staff on one cruise had 2 couples at our table not show up. They said 99% of these are non tippers, we felt so bad we went back to our cabin for a little more cash for the staff, they were so thankful. You always have the option to tip more for great service than the auto tip, but in over 20 cruises I have never had bad service that would cause me not to pay the minimum. I really do not even understand why this is an issue.

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Just off Connie on Monday--wonderful trip. However, we refuse to 'autotip'. So, when I visited the Guest Relations desk to get the autotips removed, they were not happy. And, my name was added to a long list of cruisers who did the same thing.


We did NOT tip the nebulous 'other staff, and tipped the Asst Headwaiter a bit less than suggested--he only schmoozed at our dinner table, and we preferred to put more $$ in our Waiter's and Asst Waiter's packets.


So, we overtipped (in cash, of course) our Waiter, Asst Waiter, and Stateroom Attendants--and felt very good about it.


However, I did hand over the cash tips along with a handwritten note (bring your own stationery) to each of the three individuals above--and they were pleased as punch, BECAUSE they send these 'notes' to the head office, and these help to determine their future assignments.


A CAVEAT: if you have an onboard credit, and do not plan or drinking or putting charges on your seapass, you CANNOT get this credited back to you. I think that Celebrity figures people will want to use the OBC to cover part of the tips, and, thus will be forced to keep their 'recommended' amounts in place. You CANNOT delete any of the recipients on the 'recommended' list--you can only INCREASE amounts to any that you choose.


Fight this system along with us--and perhaps C will get the message.


I have ALWAYS done the same thing Moon....I overtip in cash - to my steward - head waiter - favorite bartender, etc. and tell them to take off the autotip. And I always take the time to do a positive write up for them on the comment cards. You are correct - the crew appreciate our method far more than the cruiselines method.

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There is no evidence to support his conclusion but I agree with it. I have read these threads over the years over and over as almost every other cruise line has gone over to auto tipping. Celebrity is one of the last to do this. They won't say it directly but I get the feeling that many people who remove the tips and who object to auto tipping are not generous tippers or maybe are the ones who don't show up for dinner the last night. Can't prove it but the argument they make against auto tips is pretty thin. In over thirty cruises I have not once received service where crew did not deserve at least the minimum suggested amounts. I have always added to that amount for many, not all but many crew members. The objections don't make a whole lot of sense unless people are not tipping.


I think there may be a number of people who are completely concerned that the paid in advance tips may be misappropriated. I have become more comfortable with the voucher method over time, but I have never been convinced that it works that simple on the other side of the equation.


I use the voucher system so it all gets billed to my account and I don't have to worry about lining up the envelopes and cross referencing my money list. I have no qualms admitting that I like how easy it works for me, but I have to just about throw caution to the wind, because I really think that the staff has a lot of accounting to do after I leave to be sure they get their just deserve.


That's my angst.:(

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Do whatever feels right for you. I believe the cruiselines instituted this autotip policy because so many people were not tipping in the first place, and the staff was being stiffed. Just a fact of life.


And I don't think the cruiselines will ever include it in the fare, as then they would have to pay taxes on it, raise the salary of the staff, and open another whole can of worms. As an autotip, the staff would have to claim it, not the cruiseline, and the cruiseline can show that they are charging "outside the fare" for that fee.


People in service related positions have always expected a gratuity to compensate their low salary. A cruise ship is no different than a restaurant, tour guide, taxi driver, hotel bell boy, etc.


My very first cruise, I had to ask the cabin attendant what the envelopes left in our cabin were for. I had no idea that you were expected to tip them or the waiters in the dining room. I had taken my daughter for her graduation, so I had to dig up the money for the two of us. I now know that "fee" (call it a tip, gratuity, service charge, or hotel charge), it is still an additional "fee" is part of the cost of cruising. And while I know for a family of 4 on a 7 day cruise, it can add up quickly, it is still a major part of the cruise. If you can't afford the "fee", then you can't afford the cruise.


Another side note, I never knew you were supposed to leave a tip for the maid in a hotel. Never gave it a thought. I've traveled all over the world and it never was mentioned. When my friend and I started traveling together in 2004, she would always leave a few bucks for the maid. I finally asked her why and she stated, they are service personnel and don't get paid much, just like the waitress in a restaurant, and it is expected in the hotel that you will tip them. So now, I know to leave that tip for those that provide a service.


On my Celebrity New England/Canada cruise in '06, we had auto-tipping, and just added to the envelope whatever we wanted to, some got no additional amount, some got more, it was up to us.


On my Grand Princess Med cruise in Oct '08, it is now called a "Hotel Charge", the word gratuity isn't even used anymore.


It is just the way of the future, like alternate dining venues, open seating for dinner, less formal attire, etc. The paying public are the ones that dictate what is happening in the cruise world. I myself don't care for the megaton ships with the skating rinks, bowling alleys, flowriders, and 5000 passengers, etc., but there must be a market for it or the cruiselines wouldn't be going that route. Auto tipping is here to stay, and I won't be surprised if one day, you CANNOT remove it at all.

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If you remove them whatever you tip is still going to be pooled. That is the way it works with ships that have auto tips. The staff can only keep any amount that is above the auto-tip amount. Removing the auto-tip only makes for more paperwork. I leave the auto tip and if anyone deserves more I give an added amount. That added amount does not have to go into the pool but anything up to that amount will go into the pool even if you opt out of the auto tip.


I'd like to hear more about this. If the opted-out tips are shared anyway, this whole discussion seems pointless.

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