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Cruising on a DIET - Tips, Tricks & Support!


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I'm REALLY tired of gaining 10 lbs every time I cruise only to kill myself for a month or two to take it off when I get home! I used to just not worry about it while on vacation but now that I'm at the age where I'm traveling a lot more and it's getting harder to loose I want to start doing things differently!

I thought this would be a GREAT place to share tips and tricks for eating well and staying healthy onboard without feeling like you're depriving yourself!

After all part of the fun onboard IS food!

I know I can't be the only one!

So who's with me?!

I've tried some stuff in the past (Stairs, walking, climbing the wall etc....) but it was more occasional than 'I'm on a mission'!

Share some of your tips and tricks w/me! What's worked for you and what hasn't? I'm very interested to know who has tried the lowfat foods onboard and how were they?

I'm trying to drop 16 lbs before my cruise in 8 wks and am coming home to a big surgery two weeks after getting home and that will keep me down for a few months so I can't afford to gain weight onboard or I'll be stck with it for awhile!

Has anyone who has struggled in the past managed to cruise without gaining? Weigh in! No pun intended-LOL!

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on our first cruise i gained 4 lbs- i dont eat a lot of bread or sweets-

the next cruise i tried to eat the sugar buster way- still gained a few lbs

then i tried eating fit for life way and lost 4 lbs on the next cruise- we walked 2 miles on 3 ams on the track and lifted weights 2 times for about 30 minutes- took the stairs a lot too

i only did fit for life for the am and lunch meals................dinner i allowed myself a roll with dinner and ate what i wanted- probably had dessert 2 nights of the cruise-

fit for life is easy

fruit for all meals from time you get up til noon

lunch and dinner = if you eat protein, dont eat a starch.................if you want a starch , dont have protein with it

thats it-

so if you eat protein you can have all the nonstarchy veggies you want with it

if you want starch , you can have all the nonstarcy veggies with that- just dont combine starch with protein

this is easier than you think to do- works every time for me-




so now when we cruise i eat this way for breakfast and lunch- allowing myself to eat whatever for dinner- if by 1/2 way thru cruise i feel like i am gaining/ bloating at all then i try to do better at dinner and to walk a bit more- last few cruises we have just walked jog track 2 miles 2 or 3 times during cruise plus take stairs a lot- and drink lots of water or tea.............


good luck!

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I never gained a lot of weight on a cruise, not even when I was pregnant... :p


Here are my tricks:


- always, always, ALWAYS use the stairs!

- take part in some active shore excursions (i.e. hiking, snorkeling)

- only eat when you're hungry (!!!)

- eat a lot of fresh fruit for breakfast

- opt for (leafy) salads for lunch

- have twice on your cruise grilled salmon for dinner

- eat a lot of veggies for dinner

- skip dessert when you're full

- don't drink too much alcohol


That's about it. My husband tends to gain a few pounds during each cruise because he loves breakfast buffets... :rolleyes:

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I've been on weight watchers and these are things that I try to do. Just got back from a cruise on another line but my advice is; walk. I walked everywhere;around the ship, up the stairs, on the islands. Not a leisurely walk, but a brisk walk.


Cruise the buffet before eating, knw what is there and the things that you really want and those things that you can do without or substitute for something else. Find out if the ice cream is yogurt or "real" icecream.


It's okay to have treats, but watch the size. Most is self-serve, so you can do portion control. Try not to add extra butter or sour cream to your meals.


You'll be okay, just use your strategies.

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I think it helps if you can be motivated to walk on the jogging track most or several mornings. I am a morning person and we always have an inside cabin, so I enjoy getting out in the early morning sunshine and watching the ocean. I feel like I'm knocking out something good for me while my DH catches a few extra Z's. Then I'll go in the windjammer and enjoy a coffee or juice by the window as I watch the beautiful blue water. Think of the extra morning time as a way to savor your cruise and maybe it won't seem like drudgery. At least that's how I try to fake myself out, LOL.

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I find that on any vacation (not just cruises), I tend to not drink as much water as I do at home. So, I make it a point to carry my Nalgene with me and drink a minimum of 2 full bottles a day. I eat less, because I am not mistaking thirst for hunger. It also helps counteract the bloat from the salty foods, and flush out my system.


I don't get to cruise often, so when I do, I enjoy the food. I don't use the elevators, do active excursions, and if I gain a few lbs, well, I don't beat myself up about it. I never get to eat as good at home as I do on a cruise!

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Some great tips! Keep 'em commin'!

The good new is that I don't drinnk so that part of the battle is easy! My weakness is cheese!

I'm not really doing soda either...just have to remember to drink enough water!


I dont think cheese is so bad. I do a cheese plate instead of dessert most nights and skip the bread. I still gained 1 lb on a 7 day and last time on a 5 day when I didnt walk enough, I gained 5 lbs.


Iv been on a rigorous diet, so if I let up on the cruise, Im going to gain... no matter how good I am, but Iv been dropping.


My next cruise is in about a month or so. Cant drop much between now and then, at least you have 8 weeks.

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Hi wsantelope!


We went on the Liberty last October and I didn't gain a pound! I did really good diet wise the first two days then I decided I wanted to eat and I worked out twice a day! The rest of the time, I indulged a bit but didn't go crazy. I chose the sugar free desserts and had Special K with skim milk and a banana for breakfast, plus kept the carbs low (I didn't have pasta or rice or bread). If I wanted some french fries, I picked just a couple and didn't go back to the buffet. Some of my favorite entrees in the dining room were the "healthy" ones.


The best thing was working out though. When I woke up (no matter how late!) I grabbed my iPod and went to the gym, then went to breakfast. Then when main seating went to dinner, I went to the gym, then relaxed in the hot tub before changing for dinner. Plus I would pick on my fiance for eating so much! Ha ha! He gained 10 pounds and hmm.. 4 months later he just took off the last pound of that 10!


Other tips... I drank several glasses of water with every meal. And I took the stairs if it was 3 floors or less.

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I'm down 100 lbs, and still losing fat. Very easy to follow, very easy to cook and eat. 6 meals a day, real food. Just go to the site, or buy Bill Phillips' amzing book Body for Life, and there is a companion cookbook.


I've lost weight on the past two cruises, which is 100% of cruises since I've been losing weight. I worked out for 20 minutes in the gym 5 days, each day doing 1 body area - i.e. Arms, then Shoulders, then Legs, then Chest, then Back - and walking or running on the track in the morning.


I eat well, but only have something if it's GREAT - like the entire Tiramisu at Portofinos mmmmmm :D - but if something wasn't great, I wouldn't have it, or I'd try it to find out ;) but not have more, once I realized I didn't like it enough.


Stick to the main dining room for all three meals if you can.


I can go on if you'd like...

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As long as you're aware of portion size, you should be able to not overeat! Just because it's there, doesn't mean you have to eat it all! And nowadays, that the "offerings" aren't quite so tempting, it should be easier than ever.

Good luck!

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Definitely avoid soda - I used to drink far too much of it and it is so fattening.


Also, eat slowly. It can take quite a while for your body to realise it's full (can't remember how long but I think it's something like 30 minutes). By eating slowly, you'll feel full before you've eaten too much.


Alcohol is loaded with calories. You could try alternating between an alcoholic drink and water. Or if you drink white wine - maybe drink spritzers, as they last a lot longer.


I did read once that some old movie star - think it was Elizabeth Taylor, used to eat a salad before she went out for dinner and it helped her eat less. I don't know how well this works, as I haven't tried it. I do know that some salad dressings are high in calories, so it's probably best to go easy on them.


Exercise on the ship - you won't feel so guilty about eating food you enjoy, if you're burning off the extra calories afterwards.

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Light breakfast! If I overeat at breakfast, I tend to eat more all day long. Now, I have fruit with a hard boiled egg or smoked salmon and tomato on half piece of rye toast (no cream cheese and no whole bagel!), grilled tomatoes, etc and skip all the criossants, cheeses, sausages, omelets, etc. I'll get a slice or two of bacon just for a treat if it looks really good. I used to make us egg/cheese/bacon (or ham) sandwiches on english muffins with extra bacon, hash browns, pastry, whatever. belly bombs!! we'd be tired all day.... now we are much more careful at breakfast and lunch, and also take the stairs everywhere! We do hiking / active excursions whenever possible.

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As long as you're aware of portion size, you should be able to not overeat! Just because it's there, doesn't mean you have to eat it all! And nowadays, that the "offerings" aren't quite so tempting, it should be easier than ever.

Good luck!


I agree. I don't like to be wasteful, but I won't finish something unappealing just because it's there. Dinner portion sizes are pretty small anyway, so if you only eat a few bites of something there's not a whole lot left to throw away.

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I'm REALLY tired of gaining 10 lbs every time I cruise only to kill myself for a month or two to take it off when I get home! I used to just not worry about it while on vacation but now that I'm at the age where I'm traveling a lot more and it's getting harder to loose I want to start doing things differently!

I thought this would be a GREAT place to share tips and tricks for eating well and staying healthy onboard without feeling like you're depriving yourself!

After all part of the fun onboard IS food!

I know I can't be the only one!

So who's with me?!

I've tried some stuff in the past (Stairs, walking, climbing the wall etc....) but it was more occasional than 'I'm on a mission'!

Share some of your tips and tricks w/me! What's worked for you and what hasn't? I'm very interested to know who has tried the lowfat foods onboard and how were they?

I'm trying to drop 16 lbs before my cruise in 8 wks and am coming home to a big surgery two weeks after getting home and that will keep me down for a few months so I can't afford to gain weight onboard or I'll be stck with it for awhile!

Has anyone who has struggled in the past managed to cruise without gaining? Weigh in! No pun intended-LOL!


I eat what I want but try to either workout or have an active excursion every other day. I also only take the elevator if we are going up more than 4 floors unless I am wearing heels. I only gained 3# on my first cruise and 5# last year on a 2 week cruisetour to Alaska.

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I have struggled with my weight all my life, and try to watch what I eat. On my cruises, I have fruit and cereal for breakfast. I stay away from the pancakes, waffles and pastries etc. At lunch I fill my plate full of salad then I can have a slice of pizza, or sandwich if still hungry. I do have a couple of fries, but not a plate full. Again, I stay away from the deserts as I am not a big desert eater. Dinner I stay away from the bread at the table but enjoy what I want.

I do love the Sugar Free Chocolate Chip cookies and pizza for sorrento's but enjoy in moderation.

I work out at least 3 times while on the ship and take the stairs. Drink water in the morning and save the beer for the afternoon.


Remember everything is okay in moderation.



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Thanks for all the great tips! We are going on our 1st cruise in April and while I want to enjoy all there is to offer on it, I also want to be able to fit into my clothes to come home! I've struggled with weight most of my life so I know it could be a challenge (also hubby is of the "if it's there I must eat it" and "this may not be here again" mentality so......) I drink a ton of water at home and plan to do that on board, as well as taking the stairs and walking/jogging the t rack in the am or pm. Any other ideas would be greatly welcomed! Thanks!

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I never gained a lot of weight on a cruise, not even when I was pregnant... :p


Here are my tricks:


- always, always, ALWAYS use the stairs!

- take part in some active shore excursions (i.e. hiking, snorkeling)

- only eat when you're hungry (!!!)

- eat a lot of fresh fruit for breakfast

- opt for (leafy) salads for lunch

- have twice on your cruise grilled salmon for dinner

- eat a lot of veggies for dinner

- skip dessert when you're full

- don't drink too much alcohol


That's about it. My husband tends to gain a few pounds during each cruise because he loves breakfast buffets... :rolleyes:


I'll be doing some of this, and for the first time, not getting the soda package. My wife and I both had weight loss surgery since our last cruise, so that should help :) I think for the first time we will actually use the gym. I'm almost back to my running weight, so early morning runs might be on the list.

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Also, eat slowly. It can take quite a while for your body to realise it's full (can't remember how long but I think it's something like 30 minutes). By eating slowly, you'll feel full before you've eaten too much..



Very true, and a good reason to take the 2nd seating for dinner. They don't hurry you out.

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Great thread!!! I am trying to lose about 10-15 pounds before my cruise in May. I feel for you (OP) b/c I have the same problem. My body seems to lose easily when I REALLY get strick with diet and exercise but I gain easy too. I think I tend to hold a lot of water or something. On past cruises I always lose all the weight I intend to before I leave and it NEVER fails I come home and gained EVERY pound back!!! I hate that!!!!! I think I need to drink more water onboard for sure!! I noticed a lot of things are not quite right when I travel because of that;)


Will power is tough b/c its easy to say now...... eat fruit/ceral etc but when you walk in the Windjammer and smell bacon and pancakes etc...ITS HARD to resist!!! I have always had success losing weight with Herbalife. I dont care to drink my meals but it fills me and takes the guess work out of choosing meals. I recently thought about trying weight watchers though...so I dont know. I have lots of ideas but I am not sure which road I am going to take myself yet!!

I need quick results so I am thinking about doing the Herbalife for a couple weeks and then rolling into Weight Watchers.....b/c lets face it to maintain you need to make it a lifestyle and know how to make good choices.


Can you order egg beaters onboard???????

If so in the Windjammer and the Main dining area???

Do they offer any healthy alternatives like turkey bacon instead of regular bacon? (I have cruised before but never noticed)

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Has anyone who has struggled in the past managed to cruise without gaining? Weigh in! No pun intended-LOL!


Don't listen advise from or sit with people like this...


I was on the Voyager at the end of Jan. I didn't have a meal where I did not have more than one entree...not to mention at least 3 appetizers and 2 desserts.

If there was an entree that I didn't like right off the bat, I traded it in for another.

Lobster night, I put down 6 lobster tails, and could have done 6 more, but I started to feel bad for holding up dessert.

Needless to say, I tried most things on the MDR menu. :cool: Some items were not so good, but for the most part, the food was very good (and the beef shoulder was to die for). Bon Appetite!!!



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I always expect to gain a few pounds on a cruise. I take a break from things and relax. I let my self eat some of the things I do not normally eat every day. When I look back 20 years from now, I want to remember ordering cookies and milk with my girls before bed.


That being said, I walk the stairs and the ship. I also like to walk around the track on the ship. It is good to see the sights especially if we are cruising into a port.

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