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No compassion

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I am sorry for your experience, and hope that you had a good cruise despite the fact that this happened. I have a feeling the reaction you wanted will probably never happen, because it is not the responsibility of the cruise line to do anything when something happens to you in port, unless you are with their own excursion team.


The captain probably did not hear you, or was not surprised, because these things happen all the time, in all ports, and to all types of people. You need to be aware of how to act and carry your belongings when in port, so that you are not targeted. It is your responsibility, not the responsibility of anyone else.


I am sorry this happened, but perhaps you will fare better in the future because of this experience.

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I have been on ships where the "Daily" has very explicit crime & pickpocket alerts & warnings! If the ship had remained in that port the next day , a flier should have been issued or an announcment made so folks would be more vigilant.


Nassau is not one of our fav ports. We stick very close to the ship if we have to go there... If you travel around the island you will see many houses with razor barbed wire--that is not to protect from tourists but their own locals.


Now I will be even more alert when we head to Athens,,(I expect Naples also)


Sorry you had such a bad experience...not all ports are bad!

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I am sorry for your experience, and hope that you had a good cruise despite the fact that this happened. I have a feeling the reaction you wanted will probably never happen, because it is not the responsibility of the cruise line to do anything when something happens to you in port, unless you are with their own excursion team.



Even on a ships excursion while walking around on the tour if you're pick pocketed or robbed they don't compensate you. When you leave your stuff on the bus and they tell you it will be safe then I would hold them responsible if it went missing.

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No, I was not alone and it happened in a lighted area. There were 6 police on the beat from the port area to Senior Frogs! Yes, I did tell other passengers. The thing that upset me most is that it was not followed up on by the staff. I did not expect them to make an "all call warning" however somewhere/somehow passengers should be warned/cautioned.



This is probably a rather common occurrence. It does really stink that it happened, but there really isn't much that RCI could do about it. You should never depend on anyone for your safety, take personal responsibility to safeguard yourself.


And the local authorities aren't going to put much effort into catching a petty thief.

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For those of you who caught the title "compassion" THANK YOU! I was not expecting anything..... just to be heard!

I do not see how the Captian did not hear me. She was no more than three feet from me. The other guest were in the room and I was the only one in the receiving line. I was not wispering.

I am over it now and thankful to be home sweet home! I was tell my mom about it and she said that in 1979 when she and dad were there they walked all over the place. Even into the local's backyards where they were making the steel drums. My husband, who had to work and could not make the trip, spent over a month in the port on a US military ship in the 1990's did not encounter such nor hear of any robbery or assault. I guess it is a sign of the times. The police woman did say it was probally a drup addict and the locals who witnessed it said he had circled back around again. A little boy who was about 7 walked up to me and asked me if I was ok and I told him I was. A little ways down the seawall where some of the locals were fishing, an older gentleman told me to make a police report and that is why I did so. My son was about 2 steps ahead of me and feels guilty, but I told him that if he had of been beside me the robber might have knifed him to get at the bag. I was shown compassion from the locals, but was dissappointed in the lack of it from the security onboard the ship especially when I spoke to the guard and he took down the information and said they were going to make contact with the local police - as mentioned earlier when I saw him the next day he acted as if he did not know what I was talking about! I am a school teacher and I am glad that I do not take the safety of my students so lightly. Compassion ~ goes a long way even if you can't do anything about the situation

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Talk about missing the point! The CORRECT thing to do by anyone replying to this post and the cruise personnel was to show some compassion as the title to the thread implied.


I've learned that when someone relates an unhappy occurance to me they either want me to solve the problem or they could use someone to sympathize with them and sometimes they NEED both.


Aside from the "constructive" critism provided in the thread would it have been so horrible if the ship had sent flowers or some acknowledgement that they were sympathetic? Some flowers and a note by the cruise line would have gone a long way.


A crime like this causes a people to feel victumized - but it isn't a crime to be sympathetic.

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I missed that the strawberries and such were provided by the cruise line - I stand corrected on that count.


My wife was mugged in NYC in plain daylight during lunch. Nobody tried to help. But what I remember most was how it affected her - she wasn't hurt physically but she understood what it felt like to be powerless and a victim which was just as damaging.

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Well, the title of this thread is "No Compassion" so I imagine the OP hoped at least for a little compassion for what she had gone through, maybe to get this off her chest, to let off some steam and maybe to help warn others (us) to be more aware of what could happen so they might use a little extra caution.

These all seem like very reasonable emotions to me, similar to what I expect I might feel. If the staff I discussed the issue with would have shown some caring, compassion towards me, that would have gone a long way with me, I wouldn't expect them to take responsibility for the problem, nor do I think the OP expected that, but they certainly didn't need to blow her off. Why in the world would one human being not have compassion for another who has gone through something trying, I just don't get it. Sorry to hear of your unfortunate incident OP, not a problem I hope to encounter on my upcoming cruise! Hope something great happens to you real soon to cheer you right back up!:)

I agree with you. I am also surprised by some of the responses here. Everyone wants to run to the defense of RCL. And all RCL did was turn their backs and blow the OP off. Shame on them.:mad: No its not RCL's fault but you could show your paying customers some compassion and respect!!

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I agree with you. I am also surprised by some of the responses here. Everyone wants to run to the defense of RCL. And all RCL did was turn their backs and blow the OP off. Shame on them.:mad: No its not RCL's fault but you could show your paying customers some compassion and respect!!


What would you prose RCI do? Start staffing onboard grief counselors?


The security personnel noted the incident (which had already been addressed by the proper, local authorities).


The Cruise Director said "I'm sorry." I suppose the OP thought the apology wasn't sincere, but we have no way of assessing the CD's thoughts.


I understand and empathize that the incident was traumatic for the OP. And, I'm speaking from some experience given our run in the with the fake "police" in Athens while in port two weeks ago (see earlier post or read about it on my blog).


If I recall, the purse was dropped (and thus recovered) and no injuries required medical attention. As such, I don't know what RCI (or any cruise line) could or should have done differently.


"I'm sorry" seems like an appropriate response.

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I've had my home broken into. You don't forget the feeling any time too soon. When someone robs you they take more than your "stuff" and even if they drop your purse they still took something.


Sorry about your experience. Everyone is right, it can happen anywhere, but until it happens to you maybe you can afford to have a more "what did you expect" attitude.


What could someone on the ship have done? Showed some compassion. Took the time to explain that while they are sorry it is out of there jurisdication. Maybe they should keep track of incidents and demand more security at ports they visit when things happen. Maybe they already do this but explaining it to the OP might have helped give her the feeling that someone gave a rip about her experience. It might have provided some closure for her. It seems obvious to me that she dosen't feel like anyone heard her.


This post is spot on. I kept reading the first page of posts and could not believe the "oh well, what did you expect" attitudes. To the OP, I agree with you, and so would more of these folks if they had been robbed.

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I think it would be a safe bet that those who have the "oh well, what did you expect" attitude don't send cards or flowers to loved ones when they are sick or even worse a death. Oh well, it is back to work on Monday. I hope that I am able to foster compassion. It will make our world a better place. You have to start somewhere and it has to start with one to change the world!

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I think it would be a safe bet that those who have the "oh well, what did you expect" attitude don't send cards or flowers to loved ones when they are sick or even worse a death. Oh well, it is back to work on Monday. I hope that I am able to foster compassion. It will make our world a better place. You have to start somewhere and it has to start with one to change the world!


Did you ever follow up at any point with the Police in Nassau regarding your report?

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I think it would be a safe bet that those who have the "oh well, what did you expect" attitude don't send cards or flowers to loved ones when they are sick or even worse a death. Oh well, it is back to work on Monday. I hope that I am able to foster compassion. It will make our world a better place. You have to start somewhere and it has to start with one to change the world!


Well you would loose that bet with me, but compassion is nothing I myslef would ever ask for. I wouldn´t even have recognized any lack of compassion towards me as I wouldn´t have expected it. In this mindset I most likely wouldn´t have even told anybody on the ship about it, as there´s nothing they could have done anyway and it´s really non of their business. It didn´t happen on the ship or in any way related to the ship, other that it was the ship that transported me there.

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I think it would be a safe bet that those who have the "oh well, what did you expect" attitude don't send cards or flowers to loved ones when they are sick or even worse a death. Oh well, it is back to work on Monday. I hope that I am able to foster compassion. It will make our world a better place. You have to start somewhere and it has to start with one to change the world!


I don't know what you want in the form of "compassion", but just about every reply on this thread began or ended with the poster saying they were sorry that this happened to you or that they understood how you felt. Pointing out that these things do happen is just the reality of the situation and not an attack on you. I think maybe your sensitivity meter is running a little high. Also, your comment about not sending cards or flowers was a little harsh considering you do not know any of these posters. Probably not a good way to start your "compassion campaign". JMO.

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I am going on this same cruise in a few weeks and I am worried about this kind of thing happening... We were not going to do things with a tour group and wanted to explore and do things on our own in the town... now I am wondering if thats a good idea... guess its a chance you take with anything you do.. wished there was a way to prevent it.. I guess they know tourist don't have any way to protect themselves since items are banned from the cruise/air lines (I was thinking pepper spray cause this is what I usually carry)..Its like shooting fish in a barrell! :eek: They do have the advantage....I am sorry this happened to you. Being a victim of a crime is not something you can easily overcome in a few days...

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No, I was not alone and it happened in a lighted area. There were 6 police on the beat from the port area to Senior Frogs! Yes, I did tell other passengers. The thing that upset me most is that it was not followed up on by the staff. I did not expect them to make an "all call warning" however somewhere/somehow passengers should be warned/cautioned.



I guess you don't travel to foriegn countries often? Anyone who travels to a tourist area should be well aware of the risks. Crime happens everywhere! How could the cruise line possibly pin point every area that it could possibly happen?

I would be more upset with all my fellow pax around me who did nothing than the staff who were not there to see it.

I am sorry that you had a bad experience and that you were violated, but you really need to take some responsibility in knowing the risks involved when you travel.

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I am going on this same cruise in a few weeks and I am worried about this kind of thing happening... We were not going to do things with a tour group and wanted to explore and do things on our own in the town... now I am wondering if thats a good idea... guess its a chance you take with anything you do.. wished there was a way to prevent it.. I guess they know tourist don't have any way to protect themselves since items are banned from the cruise/air lines (I was thinking pepper spray cause this is what I usually carry)..Its like shooting fish in a barrell! :eek: They do have the advantage....I am sorry this happened to you. Being a victim of a crime is not something you can easily overcome in a few days...


You are always taking a chance, wherever you go. It is unfortunate what happened to the OP and I´m sure it wasn´t an isolated incident. It happens probably every day, but still given the numbers of visitors every day I´m rather sure that it´s only a small percentage.


Be careful and have a good sense of your surrounding, protect your valuables, don´t take anything that you don´t really need. You´ll be fine most likely but there´s no guarantees - that´s life.

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I would have had the adrenalin flowing too for a while after a robbery attempt. I probably would have told everyone I spoke with.

Thank goodness you were not injured more or any of your belongings were taken.

I would not have expected the cruise ship to do anything about it however I would have wanted them to know for the main purpose if crime was increasing in the area I would want to know to be extra careful. I bring only the minimal with me when I get off a cruise ship and wear money and such on me.

I guess maybe the cruise lines would not want to alarm the passengers and have it in any way affect their business.

It is great to have CC to post these type of incidents and to learn the bad as well as the good in all the ports we visit.



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I am sorry you had your bag stolen, it is a terrible feeling. Many, many years ago, I had my purse stolen in Boston while I was having lunch. Someone came into the restaurant I was in, grabbed my purse from behind and I never knew it was gone until I went to pay the bill. A woman across the restaurant saw the whole thing and said nothing. I approached her after I realized my purse was gone and asked her if she was staring at us because she saw it happen and she said yes.:( Later that day, I got a call from a Burger King restaurant that is beside the restaurant that I had been at. They had found my purse in a downstairs eating area. All my credit cards, my checkbook, license and even a check I was going to deposit at the bank after lunch was still in the bag. Every last penny of money was gone, along with my stamps and a pack of gum:rolleyes: Knowing that whoever took it knew where I lived made me nervous for a long time.


I know it must have put a damper on your vacation but I really don't think you can expect the ship to do anything. You weren't robbed on the ship.

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I am going on this same cruise in a few weeks and I am worried about this kind of thing happening... We were not going to do things with a tour group and wanted to explore and do things on our own in the town... now I am wondering if thats a good idea... guess its a chance you take with anything you do.. wished there was a way to prevent it.. I guess they know tourist don't have any way to protect themselves since items are banned from the cruise/air lines (I was thinking pepper spray cause this is what I usually carry)..Its like shooting fish in a barrell! :eek: They do have the advantage....I am sorry this happened to you. Being a victim of a crime is not something you can easily overcome in a few days...


I wouldn't let this one incident effect your plans. Just think about the thousands of people that visit these cities everyday without incident.

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You may not get the compassion you are looking for from here either.


If the crime took place ON the ship, I would expect them to do something.


But this happened off the ship.


If you had gotten there by plane, would you have had compassion from the airline.


How about if you were staying at a hotel, and this happened off the grounds. What would you expect the hotel to do?


Sorry for what happened, but your blame is misdirected.

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I think most of you are missing the point. The OP knows that the cruise line could not do anything, but was told by security that they would get back to her, which they didn't. The ball was dropped by RCCL right there. When someone says they are going to do something, how small it may be, they should do it. A follow up with a genuine "We are sorry about what happened" probably would of went a long way.


We had a similar situation happen to us in Miami a couple years back. After we got off the ship we hailed a cab to take us to our hotel for a one night post cruise stay. As we were giving our bags to the bellman, we noticed we were missing a bag, the bag we had put on the front passenger seat. The cab driver should of noticed the bag because it was sitting right next to him. But I take responsibility because I should of counted the bags when we got out of the cab. We lost quite a few clothes in that bag. While I was not seeking anything from the Intercontinental Hotel, I did receive a few blank looks on the workers faces. They had no idea how to handle the situation. No sorry, No compassion, just a "check back later". While the hotel was not at any way at fault of the situation, our stay there was affected by the "what do you want us to do about it" look on there faces. When I checked on the bag a few hours later, they didn't know what I was talking about.


RCCL did not have to do anything or show compassion for the cruiser, but I'm sure the OP will remember this the next time they book a cruise. A heartfelt sorry or followup would of went a long way.

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