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Ultimate Packing List for the Newbies....

Janet Foster

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Oh there are plenty of sodas, water on board but they are not free.
Clarification: Cups of ice water are available in several locations around the ship FOR FREE all day long; this water is purified beyond the requirements of bottled water you'd bring from home.


Bottled water will cost you.


If you're going to bring water off the ship, you can bring a couple (empty) sports bottles and refill them. This saves weight in your suitcase, bottles from the landfill, and money.


Soda will always cost you. I like to bring a couple 16-oz screw-tops from home because I occasionally like to have a Diet Coke for breakfast (2-3 are plenty for me for the whole week), and the Windjammer buffet bar isn't always open early in the morning. Of course, the dining room will always serve you a soda, but we tend to be buffet-for-breakfast, MDR-for-lunch people.

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As a much traveled 'light packer' I read this thread with smiles - Last trip I did was three weeks in Italy including a wonderful week at cooking school in Tuscany (my second time there and it was one of the best weeks EVER!) and I had one carry on bag and a really small body wrap purse that held a Sony Ereader, cell phone, passport money and gum! However, what I did pack that I don't see and yes, I may have missed it, is a collapsable travel umbrella! This saved us time and again for it rained on and off for 8 of the days we were there! I got ours at TJ Max but Travel Smith and Magellan's have fold flat 'briefcase' models that are fabulous! Happy Cruising! My next big grip is 6 weeks in Europe with the last 16 days being Oceania's Marina cruise from London to Rome... I'll be packing one carry one and a bigger purse!! And looking forward to the laundry room on the ship! Have great fun all....and happy travels!!


You are my idol! As a real over-packer I have pondered what freedom it would be to travel light. I have started the process with weekend road trips. Some of the things that I HAD to have in the past, I did ok without. Some of them I wondered why was I even bringing them--lol.


The cruise over-packing is getting better after an incident in the airport for my return flight. I had to put on some of the clothes--yes over the ones I was wearing, change into my sneakers, throw away some of the Ziploc containers I was bringing back and then repack even more stuff into my carry-on!!! So for my seven night cruise coming up, I will be packing less clothes by changing tops with the same bottom pieces, using one basic pair of dress shoes and leaving some of the nonessential "home" comforts at home.

Thanks for the post that lets me know it really can be done. Happy traveling to you.


Another poster mentioned some folks like the planning and some the experience. I LOVE BOTH!



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um... I actually have a question.. first timer here ... I read about bringing sodas, water and groceries on board and I am a bit shocked ... is there no water and sodas on board for free? we will be on the celebrity solstice in 2 weeks


Solstice offers beverage packages of all sorts (so much $, per day, per person) - you can check on the boards here or at the Celebrity web site.

"jg51" has done extensive research about the price and availability of individual beverages at different venues on board, do a search if you are interested. I found this all very welcome information.

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2 bathing suits

2 masks for party

Alarm clock

All vitamins/pills

Baby shampoo



Beach bag

Beach shoes







Bug spray


chair clips

Clothes pins

cold tablets




Dewrinkler Tupperware cups for oj

Duct tape

Excedrin migrane

Extra glasses

eyeglass cleaner

Eyeglass repair kit

Fanny pack


flip flops

Garment bag if needed



Gym clothes

Gym stuff

hair gel



Hot pepper


Invitations from Al

Iron on stuff


Large and small ziplock bags

Magic marker

Makeup remover

Manila folder


Mosquito stuff






Old sneakers


Pareo/beach coverup


Pepto bismol tablets





Q tips




remover Shampoo


sewing kit


ship papers

shoe bag


Shout wipes

Skin lotion


Snorkeling stuff


Spray wrinkles

static guard


strapless bra








Tupperware glasses




Various creams&


Water bottles

White feather mask

White party stuff


Xtra luggage tags

Copies of all credit cards, passports, drivers licenses, insurance cards,

Papers from NCL



All vitamins/pills


Camera -battery charger


credit cards


flip flops

Glasses /(extra)

gym shorts/t-shirts/sneakers

Hearing aid/batteries





Shaving cream


singles tips


something to read



toilet kit



















Bathing suits

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I will be leaving Monday on Carnival Imagination and looking over their "final rules and such" noticed a few things was hoping someone out there may have an answer to..... It says all liquids must be "sealed" does this mean I have to buy new shampoo and conditioner and listerine and such or use the stuff on the boat I really really dont want to use? I planned on bring my regular ones I use at home and just pack them in my checked baggage as usual like any other baggage...... and it also stated I was supposed to contact them 2 weeks prior to my cruise with any rx I would be bringing with me. I am bringing one prescription with me but it is not a major substance just a migraine med, will this be a big deal that I never called and let them know? Will they still allow me to bring it along? Beginning to get worried now that it is only a few days away and everything else is done.

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I never have new bottles of shampoo, conditioner or listerine.... I just have little bottles that I refill when I travel. They may mean seal in a ziplock bag to prevent leakage.


And I haven't been on Carnival in awhile but I have never heard about contacting a cruiseline with a list of all the RX you would be bringing..


If it were me personally I would not be worring about any of the things you just mentioned. Have a great cruise. Be sure to carry your presription in your carry-on bag so that you always have it with you.


Have a great time... it will be fun!!

Edited by Janet Foster
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Heading on our 6th cruise...my old list is lost on the hard drive of a dead PC...so I printed the list & edited for my uses.

My first cruise I took WAY too much--but luggage was free then!


"Strange" things I take on every cruise (that I might not take on other trips)

Post its (to leave each other notes)

Highlighters (each of us mark what we want to do in daily paper)

tea bags/travel coffee mug (I can only do green tea & I brew each AM to keep myself hydrated)


I do like a different outfit for dinner each night--I don't get to dress up at home. DH does different shirt, only a couple of pants. No jackets. (yes, even on formal night...our choice, not ruining anyone else's dinner)


Some site suggested 3-4 swimsuits--huh? 1-2 is plenty


I actually need only 2 or 3 pairs of shorts...I don't wear them very long each day (usually in suit or dinnerware)...so I wear these 2 or 3 days. I do need a shirt for each day--either sweat or food takes care of those.


I did a 5 day trip to Vegas w/ only a carry on & a tote this summer by rolling my clothes--that REALLY saves room! Took 5 daytime & 5 nighttime outfits plus 5 pair shoes! I SWEAR by dry cleaning bags in our garment bag. Also, I pack ALOT in jumbo ziplocs...keeps suitcases neat when they must be pawed thru.

We are flying SWA, so not a lot of incentive to pack light...especially since there will be 5 of us!!!

Edited by KKB
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I am sooo confused about the water /soda thing. Can you really take a case of water onboard RCl for a 3 night cruise? I am a die hard Diet Coke in the am girl (no coffee for me), can I just bring my own? I don't mind buying a soda card, but will I be able to use for breakfast?

Beer.... can i bring some on? I was thinking about the new Miller Lite 16 oz aluminum cans (with the twist off lid). what do you think?

My DH is a scotch drinker--do we buy one of those rum runner thingys or can I fill up a ginger ale bottle?



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I am sooo confused about the water /soda thing. Can you really take a case of water onboard RCl for a 3 night cruise? I am a die hard Diet Coke in the am girl (no coffee for me), can I just bring my own? I don't mind buying a soda card, but will I be able to use for breakfast?

Beer.... can i bring some on? I was thinking about the new Miller Lite 16 oz aluminum cans (with the twist off lid). what do you think?

My DH is a scotch drinker--do we buy one of those rum runner thingys or can I fill up a ginger ale bottle?




Put all those things in checked luggage.

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They may mean seal in a ziplock bag to prevent leakage.


Probably mean this. Just make sure it is SECURE so nothing leaks out into other people's suitcases. I put mine into zip lock bags just to be safe. A friend had her shampoo leak out all over her clothes once.


And I haven't been on Carnival in awhile but I have never heard about contacting a cruiseline with a list of all the RX you would be bringing..


If it were me personally I would not be worrying about any of the things you just mentioned. Have a great cruise. Be sure to carry your prescription in your carry-on bag so that you always have it with you

I would agree with this. I don't think there is a concern unless you use oxycontin or a morphine derivative like Fentanol (sp?). I wouldn't worry about a migraine med--but does it have codeine in it? Safe to take the original bottle.
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I like to add Ear Plugs to my list.. the wax ones work well. You never know when you might get in a noisy cabin and need them.


My favorites are the cheapest kind from Walmart. They look big and round but you roll them between your fingers to compress them, and then put them in. They come back to size and block really well and stay in.

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It's technically against the rules, but apparently some people have either snuck them in and/or have dealt with baggage handlers who didn't care and delivered it right to their cabin. Meanwhile, others had baggage handlers who confiscated the "illegal" beverages. It sounds like if you want to try to bring your own drinks, accept the fact that there's a greater than 50% chance they'll be confiscated.


I am sooo confused about the water /soda thing. Can you really take a case of water onboard RCl for a 3 night cruise? I am a die hard Diet Coke in the am girl (no coffee for me), can I just bring my own? I don't mind buying a soda card, but will I be able to use for breakfast?

Beer.... can i bring some on? I was thinking about the new Miller Lite 16 oz aluminum cans (with the twist off lid). what do you think?

My DH is a scotch drinker--do we buy one of those rum runner thingys or can I fill up a ginger ale bottle?



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  • 5 weeks later...

Originally Posted by mustard_seed07 viewpost.gif

I did not realize that we could bring so much food and water bottles on board the ship. I'll be on the Carnival Legend in a week, are we allowed to bring water bottles? How safe is the water from tap in the restuarants on the ship? I've heard some horror stories.


I've heard that Carnival won't allow you to bring a Power Strip anymore.


TO MUSTARD SEED -- i copied this from Carnivals Website....

Miscellaneous Concerns:

• Personal grooming devices such as hair dryers, flat and curling irons, shavers, etc., are allowed on board when used with proper caution. These devices should not be used when other electrical appliances are plugged in. However, if such devices are determined to pose a hazard, they will be removed and returned the last day of the cruise prior to debark.

• Electronics such as laptops, cameras, cellular phones, etc. are allowed on board when used with proper caution.

• Electrical devices such as fans, power strips, multi plug box outlets/adaptors, and extension cords will be removed if determined to pose a hazard and returned the last day of the cruise prior to debark.




Hope this helps everyone :D



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Hi, not sure why everyone is fussing about the lists. I appreciated the original post from Janet but found her list to be to "simplistic". I really enjoyed the check list from MICHLEV1974 at item/post # 13. They used categories and were so precise that you cant go wrong.


thank you to everyone who added tips and ideas along the way. cant wait to try everything out on the cruise and report back with what i needed and didnt need after all.



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As a first time cruiser, I have been putting together a list of several items that I want to take along on the cruise. I had a brainstorm the other day and decided to stop by the AAA office near me to see if they had some of these items.


It was a successful stop. They had the luggage tags I was looking for (to put my name and address on a new suitcase), and a nice selection of styles to select from. I picked up a few including some neon colors to help identify my luggage easily. I also bought a few colorful luggage straps and a set of those wrist bands that are supposed to prevent seasickness. I was impressed with their large selection of travel related items.


While I was there I also picked up the AAA Tour books and city maps for two of the ports on the cruise, Charleston and Key West. Rather than purchase one of the cruise line's tours, I will plan my own excursions with the help of these books and maps.


I often used AAA resources to plan trips, but until the other day it had not occurred to me to stop there as a resource for cruise items. Now I know.



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My suggestion on all these packing lists is to read them all very carefully, combine them, and put the stuff on the list in a pile in a spare room in your house. Then close the door to the room and lock it so there is no chance that you will accidentally take any of the items on the list. You will not need any of them.



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Marty sounds like your on your way to a good time. Your luggage tags are tempting to thieves. Bags sit out in the ship corridor and other places. Suggest you use a slip tie to secure the tag and not depend only on the usual strap and buckle, cut the tie close and it is hardly noticed. Consider the always popular yarn with four stands cut short, you can see them a mile off. A TSA agent told me the more "circus" like the bag exterior the less a thief will try to haul it away. They prefer the all black, no markings bag and they they can claim "they just got the wrong bag" if stopped. My wife was pulled aside at the airport on our way to the QM2 last week and given the full search. Seems she had put our usual medications in small bags just before we left for the airport. The TSA folks said the combination of chemical traces must have been on her clothes and set off the serious alarms. We made some new friends and spent 30 minutes waiting around. We paint the ends of our various chargers yellow so they stand out. Working at Disney I saw baskets of chargers collected by the cleaning staff. 30 years in the Army made me a believer in very detailed "load lists" with separate lines for your razor and cord or your kindle and charger, etc. I have a six page master list Doc for every kind of travel. Just save it as a new document and delete the stuff not needed then print. This includes turning off the water to the entire house, taking out the trash, leaving a radio on and all the last minute stuff that you forget as you head out the door. Hank, 55 cruises and 3 more booked.

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Don: Were you the fellow I lent a tie to and some black socks on my last cruise? Just kiddng, but different strokes for different folks. I find piece of mind in planning ahead and I am getting to the point where the lists really help me keep track of stuff. One of my best friends actually gets to the airport 15 minutes before he boards his flight and then he thinks of his laptop charger. Amazingly he sleeps great and always, always finds some helpful person to get him through the day. Plus he meets some great folks so perhaps you have a point if your heart can stand the tension.

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Just checking in.. loving all the discussion on lists and packing...


Even if my list is thought to be "simplistic" to some, it never lets me down...


HANKMARY... I just had a mini panic attack when I read.. "One of my best friends actually gets to the airport 15 minutes before he boards his flight".............



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