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Buffet Line Etiquette


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Which, if any, would be considered inappropriate, ie rude, behavior:


A. While standing in line, you realize that the folks right in front of you are going to spend considerable time on creating a salad and fussing over the soup; you don't want salad or soup(or, anything at the very beginning); is it okay to leapfrog them to get to what you want? How far back in line is it okay to do this?


B. You've already stood in the line once; and got what you wanted. You've finished what you've taken, but you got a hankerin' for some more fries or another burger or whatever; with your plate in hand, is it ok to bypass everyone and grab what you desire? If you didn't grab a dessert the first time thru, because you weren't sure you'd be able to eat it, is it okay to swiftly fly by everyone to get to the dessert part of the buffet and grab it and go?

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A UK ship I was on -Ocean Village Two- solves the buffet lineup problem

by having several food-serving "islands" at various points in the restaurant!


There simply is no One Big Line for anything because it's all spread out!

Marvellous system. Works well.




When we're on Carnival ships, where the One Big Line system is in effect

we avoid Lido unless it's obviously going to be quick and easy!



That's why God made sit-down restaurants, with Menus! :)




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Which, if any, would be considered inappropriate, ie rude, behavior:


A. While standing in line, you realize that the folks right in front of you are going to spend considerable time on creating a salad and fussing over the soup; you don't want salad or soup(or, anything at the very beginning); is it okay to leapfrog them to get to what you want? How far back in line is it okay to do this?


B. You've already stood in the line once; and got what you wanted. You've finished what you've taken, but you got a hankerin' for some more fries or another burger or whatever; with your plate in hand, is it ok to bypass everyone and grab what you desire? If you didn't grab a dessert the first time thru, because you weren't sure you'd be able to eat it, is it okay to swiftly fly by everyone to get to the dessert part of the buffet and grab it and go?


A. yes


B. yes


BUT these answers are only true if the station to which you aspire is vacant. IOW, no elbowing someone out of the way to get to your desired location.


AND it also depends on how the buffet is set up. Some ships arrange the food in such a way that a single file line is about all that you can do. Others have a distributed arrangement that makes 'grazing' easy.


An example would be: Hot food lends itself to a lineup arrangement where you may have to wait your turn whereas salad,desserts and breads may be on an island that you can circle and swoop in to score that extra pastry with no waiting.

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my rule of thumb in the buffet line is simply if it doesn't hold up anyone else. Ducking for for a forgotten butter patty or something else is OK as well. Many Lidos are going to the marche setup with different stations. This helps speed things up and there is less butting in or leapfrogging.

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I agree---as long as you aren't "elbowing" your way through the line, if there's no one in front of the item you want, then go ahead and "leap-frog"..it helps keep the line moving!


I'm not a fan of buffets, and will eat in the dining room whenever possible to avoid having to line-up to get food! It's much nicer to be served, on tablecloths!!!

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Which, if any, would be considered inappropriate, ie rude, behavior:


A. While standing in line, you realize that the folks right in front of you are going to spend considerable time on creating a salad and fussing over the soup; you don't want salad or soup(or, anything at the very beginning); is it okay to leapfrog them to get to what you want? How far back in line is it okay to do this?


B. You've already stood in the line once; and got what you wanted. You've finished what you've taken, but you got a hankerin' for some more fries or another burger or whatever; with your plate in hand, is it ok to bypass everyone and grab what you desire? If you didn't grab a dessert the first time thru, because you weren't sure you'd be able to eat it, is it okay to swiftly fly by everyone to get to the dessert part of the buffet and grab it and go?


A. Not innappropriate. I would say though, something like "Excuse me, i don't need a salad. May I move ahead?" Better yet, if I were the one holding things up, I would say to the person behind me 'I'll be a minute, please feel free to go ahead." Moving ahead is only appropriate for the NEXT person in line who is NOT waiting for your item. It is NEVER appropriate for those further back in line to go ahead of those waiting in front of them.

B. Inappropriate. Just because you stood in line earlier does not make appropriate for you to jump the line, unless the situation above occurs (Those in front of you are waiting for an item at the beginning of the station and you want something at the end of the station where no one is waiting.)


I think the same rules of common courtesy and common sense apply on cruises as in other buffet situations.

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A. Not innappropriate. I would say though, something like "Excuse me, i don't need a salad. May I move ahead?" Better yet, if I were the one holding things up, I would say to the person behind me 'I'll be a minute, please feel free to go ahead." Moving ahead is only appropriate for the NEXT person in line who is NOT waiting for your item. It is NEVER appropriate for those further back in line to go ahead of those waiting in front of them.

B. Inappropriate. Just because you stood in line earlier does not make appropriate for you to jump the line, unless the situation above occurs (Those in front of you are waiting for an item at the beginning of the station and you want something at the end of the station where no one is waiting.)


I think the same rules of common courtesy and common sense apply on cruises as in other buffet situations.


I agree! Just because it is your second trip through, you should still wait in line. Sometimes even the person on their first trip is only getting 1 or 2 items as well. In fact since you have already been through once, you really should be the one waiting for seconds!

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I think the answer to both is yes. Especially to # 1. I am not sure why anyone would have an issue with someone passing by them if they are going to take a couple minutes building a salad or whatever. Why would you want to hold up the entire line?

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The problem I have with buffets are manifold: they're really challenging to someone who uses a wheelchair -- try to carry a plate or tray ful of food on your lap, while wheeling yourself from place to place; people tend to not "see" me, so reach over my head, dripping food on me...once or twice in my hair!; people reach around me, muttering under their breath about how "slow" I am (see first problem -- movement); people tend to bunch up around me so that I can't move a bit foreward or backward if I need more room to reach for something on the buffet; many times the spoons on the buffet are those long-handled things, making it a challenge for me to get the food from the spoon to my plate, both closer to the food source than "normal" height...


I try to be aware of folks around me, and if it looks like I'll be fumbling for awhile will encourage them to move around me...but then they'll trip on my wheelchair, or bump in to me spilling their and my plate...


anyway...never a good experience. I try to avoid them.

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The problem I have with buffets are manifold: they're really challenging to someone who uses a wheelchair -- try to carry a plate or tray ful of food on your lap, while wheeling yourself from place to place; people tend to not "see" me, so reach over my head, dripping food on me...once or twice in my hair!; people reach around me, muttering under their breath about how "slow" I am (see first problem -- movement); people tend to bunch up around me so that I can't move a bit foreward or backward if I need more room to reach for something on the buffet; many times the spoons on the buffet are those long-handled things, making it a challenge for me to get the food from the spoon to my plate, both closer to the food source than "normal" height...


I try to be aware of folks around me, and if it looks like I'll be fumbling for awhile will encourage them to move around me...but then they'll trip on my wheelchair, or bump in to me spilling their and my plate...


anyway...never a good experience. I try to avoid them.



Yup, everything you just said. There is NO excuse for people reaching over us when we are in the chair. Now that they don't have trays it is even harder, and the lines seem to be cutting back on personnel so you don't generally have a crew member rush up to help you. which of course has it's own problems, you get what THEY put on your plate in the amounts they choose to load it with.

I also avoid the buffets whenever possible. Normally since I travel with my husband he ends up getting my food, again he gets what he thinks I will want and may miss things I might select for myself. also he then has to go through the line twice most of the time in order to get my food and then his own, and by the time he gets back I have almost finished eating.

Overall it is a royal pain.

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Anything goes at a buffet.

No "ettiquette" threads needed. It's common sense. If you don't have it, go to some place you can sit abnd be served.


The large variety of food is put out there for folks to choose what they want and pass on what they don't. Once you have waited to get in the actual food line, go get what you like and skip around the stuff you don't want. To wait in line behind others getting things THEY want does not really make sense. It just slows down the line for others.


You want pasta?....Slide on over to the pasta section.

Burgers? Go to the burger area.

Hate salads? Move around the lettuce toppings and make room for those who like them!

Soup and sandwich lover? No need to stroll the lukewarm chicken ala king and beef stroganoff bins.


Common courtesy should always be first - no pushing or shoving - but if you wanted to wait for food, you would be in the Main Dining Room...not the quick serve buffet.




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I'm not a fan of buffets, and will eat in the dining room whenever possible

to avoid having to line-up to get food! :eek:

It's much nicer to be served, on tablecloths!!!

You mean like this?








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If you smile and are polite about it you should be fine getting what you want.

Which, if any, would be considered inappropriate, ie rude, behavior:


A. While standing in line, you realize that the folks right in front of you are going to spend considerable time on creating a salad and fussing over the soup; you don't want salad or soup(or, anything at the very beginning); is it okay to leapfrog them to get to what you want? How far back in line is it okay to do this?


B. You've already stood in the line once; and got what you wanted. You've finished what you've taken, but you got a hankerin' for some more fries or another burger or whatever; with your plate in hand, is it ok to bypass everyone and grab what you desire? If you didn't grab a dessert the first time thru, because you weren't sure you'd be able to eat it, is it okay to swiftly fly by everyone to get to the dessert part of the buffet and grab it and go?

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The reverse of this situation is I think it is rude for someone to fubdub excessively as they minutely inspect each and every peice of salad fixings to put on their plate when there is a long line of hungry, impatient people in line behind the obsessive salad picker. How often I have wished the painstaking salad person would just motion those behind to go ahead.


I do like the buffet set up on most Royal Caribbean ships in which there are food stations of different categories of food and all except for the busiest of times it is easy to just go to what you want. There are seldom lines.


I did forget that the omelet station and the pasta station do tend to backup with long lines. There is no excuse for breaking in ahead on those lines because the chef is cooking special ordered meals while you wait. Hubby wiated a long time to have his waffle cooked one morning and a man just broke in line and took Hubby's waffle when it was done.

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As long as "jello-slurping", and "food fights" aren't involved, there should be no problem with anything. (Unless you really feel the need to relive 'Animal House'. :D




But if we end up on the same ship together, let me know. I'll make sure to pack my toga. ;)

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How about those who taste test everything they put on their plate!


The wait in line for "seconds" is appropriate along with getting another roll, or butter, etc. A polite excuse me with an explanation of what you require should suffice with most people. It may create a different situation when the line is long, and the people in the rear only see you cutting in line, and dont hear you asking for a particular item or think you're just cutting.


To avoid problems, I just get the minor items on my first trip, and then go to the back of the line for seconds. I also tend to hit the buffets at off-hours, so the lines aren't really a problem.


On nights we don't use the dining room, the buffets are a great place to relax, meet new families, couples, children, teens, the staff, etc.

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How about those who taste test everything they put on their plate!








That's just as bad as those who insist on not using the tongs to grab a roll, or piece of bread.


You know the type ... they have to inspect each piece for mold. Even tho the platter was placed out a few minutes beforehand. :rolleyes:

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That's just as bad as those who insist on not using the tongs to grab a roll, or piece of bread.


I don't trust those tongs . . . I usually swipe them under my arm before I use them.

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I use my fork ... just one quick jab, and that roll is mine. ;) :D


Just be careful you don't spear one of those filthy hands coming in from the side. :eek: (not that it would be wrong, but there is the liability issue)

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Which, if any, would be considered inappropriate, ie rude, behavior:


A. While standing in line, you realize that the folks right in front of you are going to spend considerable time on creating a salad and fussing over the soup; you don't want salad or soup(or, anything at the very beginning); is it okay to leapfrog them to get to what you want? How far back in line is it okay to do this?


B. You've already stood in the line once; and got what you wanted. You've finished what you've taken, but you got a hankerin' for some more fries or another burger or whatever; with your plate in hand, is it ok to bypass everyone and grab what you desire? If you didn't grab a dessert the first time thru, because you weren't sure you'd be able to eat it, is it okay to swiftly fly by everyone to get to the dessert part of the buffet and grab it and go?


A.......not rude......but the people in front of you are;) That is one of my biggest pet peeves.......move people......

B. rude.........

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