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Everything posted by jjs217

  1. Is Clark on board? He usually worked the lunch crowd upstairs. Is there still a Catholic Priest on board? That was always a nice feature for us Mackerel Snappers.
  2. I don't care if it is "just a cold". It's horrible getting sick on vacation, especially a cruise ship where it's difficult to escape from other people. If you have a cold, certainly don't go to the buffet - order room service.
  3. Yeeehaw!!! POW POW, POW POW! I'd go for that.
  4. jjs217


    Okay - thank you.
  5. jjs217


    I wasn't talking about the flight - I was talking about the final cruise documents that said my E-ticket was attached.
  6. jjs217


    Hahaha. Very clever!!
  7. jjs217


    I just received our E-tickets yesterday by e-mail. Nowhere is there a QR or Bar Code. Sooooooooooooo, where's the "E" part?
  8. Okay - just wondering. I have a cruise that ends (maybe?) in Amsterdam in July 2024.
  9. Perhaps I read the article too fast, but when is this suppose to take effect?
  10. I have no problem with enforced casual elegance or country club resort in the dining room, and I wear a dress or skirt and blouse for dinner every night. My concern is the slippery slope. If you don't enforce the dress code you have, soon people will be showing up in flip flops (thongs) and wife beaters. I do not want to see some body's tats, hairy armpits or yellowed fungus-y toenails. That WILL put me off my dinner. How hard is it to enforce a dress code? Geez.
  11. I don't think the two boat tours in the two different ports will be redundant. But then, we enjoy wildlife spotting, and so would want to take advantage of the ability to see up close on the little rivers and inlets. You may see sloths on one tour and beautiful birds on another. Also, visiting historical sites and such will be different in the two locations.
  12. Do both. You may not make it back to do the other.
  13. This must also explain why Explora Journeys wasn't more proactive in cancelling more cruises. Perhaps they knew what was going on and waiting for the all clear. Still upsetting.
  14. I agree with everything you said. Of your 450 nights on Regent, how many has there been a 2 year old on board? I would venture to guess - not many. Yes, Regent welcomes children and families, but the original poster wanted opinions on bringing a 2 and 5 year on board. The overwhelming response has been "NO." As for adults behaving poorly, I have seen a lot. Either their ability to reason is in decline, or they weren't taught properly. It still doesn't change the fact that a toddler is only interested in the self.
  15. No matter how well behaved a child is at home - if the child has not reached the age of reason, approximately 7 years old, they have absolutely no understanding of how their behavior affects the community around them. Put that well behaved child in a strange environment and even the parents won't know how they will react, until it is too late. Why would you risk your child deciding a cruise would be a great time to start throwing tantrums. What a wonderful way to get attention from a lot of people.
  16. Let me be the first to say, "Thank you." It is very kind of you.
  17. Thank you everybody - okay, remain stress free. Will do!!
  18. I made "reservations" for La Terrazza and Hot Rocks in the 7pm-8pm time frame. What does that mean? Do we show up anytime between 7pm and 8pm, or do we have to be out the door by 8pm? We've only been on 1 Silversea Cruise and that was an expedition ship a long time ago. Thanks in advance for any help.
  19. We did the charter last December on a Venture Antarctica cruise. Oh my goodness - we had to get up at 3:15AM (and that was having clothes layed out and everything ready to go.) The plane was in pretty bad shape and they served the strangest meal. It was a sandwich, but it was a strange sandwich. We didn't get offered snacks or any extra beverage during the flight. I went to the restroom in the back and the flight attendants were packing their roll-aboards with all the bags of chips and left over cans of soda. I would have been willing to pay a little extra for the cruise (it's crazy expensive anyway) for a nicer charter with a better meal.
  20. Good point. I was just wondering if I have a cruised booked on one of the impacted ships. I'm guessing the "45" won't be able to sail with the faulty panels.
  21. Is there a way to find out which 45 ships have been installed with these faulty panels?
  22. There is another interesting saying, "If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging."
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