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Everything posted by jjs217

  1. When we flew into Rio for a pre-cruise tour, we were originally told JW Marriott, but then were moved to the Fairmont. The Fairmont has a GREAT location. On Copacabana, but easy to get to Ipanema.
  2. So much depends upon who is wearing "it". A beautiful, slim, 5'10" young woman can look chic and elegant in many different things - a short, plump 70 year old...........................not so much.
  3. I know it is moot at this point, but that is why I was hoping for a Pan-Asian/Indian restaurant. That way it would have encompassed everything from India to Japan to China to the Philippines to Indonesia to blah blah blah.
  4. So, I'll just order a toasted English Muffin (which is neither a muffin or English), with a slice of Canadian Bacon (which is neither Canadian or Bacon) and a 4 minute egg covered in Hollandaise sauce (which is not from Holland). Geez, I think it would be easier to just order eggs Benedict with a medium egg.
  5. I'm glad they ask. I want my eggs Benedict medium, but then, I'm not a Grand Duchess.
  6. I thought someone was sharing way too much.
  7. This is great information. To be clear: I can cancel a "free included" pre-tour and receive a credit? Or, I can book the more expensive NOT "free included" and just pay the difference between the two? The Hakone tour sounded so much nicer.
  8. I imagine Silversea is trying to prevent the nightmare that Regent went through with last minute re-routing and logistical problems. Even though horror can happen anytime anywhere, it sounds like they are just trying to be proactive in keeping passengers and crew on an even keel.
  9. AH HA! This explains (as I stated on another thread) why we lost 3 of our 4 non-sharing dining reservations on our last Regent cruise. We must have been bumped by the big fishes.
  10. NOPE!!! I know the difference. It was not an upsell - it was given to us gratis when we checked in.
  11. Definitely- as I said, I'm a planner and a control freak. I check all my reservations on a weekly basis, and more often in the last weeks prior to flying. In case of a last minute change, since I am paying full fare, I know the airline will take care of me before those tickets which have been sold to a consolidator.
  12. On our first Regent cruise, we were upgraded to a concierge suite. I'm just guessing, but I think it is to expose newbies to such a wonderful experience that it makes you want to book again. Guess what? It worked!
  13. Gosh - that is terrible. I decided to book my own flights a couple of days ago. Yes, it cost more than I got as a rebate from Regent, but I have no regrets. I'm a planner and a control freak and very picky about where my seat is located, so like to book way in advance. What surprised me was how many business class seats were already sold on our return flight from London Heathrow, and it is still over 260 days out. I didn't even want to wait until 210 days out and still end up paying an upcharge.
  14. I JUST POSTED THIS ON ANOTHER THREAD, SO COPIED IT HERE. Once you book your dining reservations - keep your printout showing the times you reserved. On our last Regent cruise - upon boarding, we found they changed 3 of our 4 non-sharing reservations to sharing. I don't know why they did this. When I asked, the young woman who was working the dining reservation desk, she couldn't believe I didn't want to share. Honestly, I felt a little ashamed. We lost those three reservations in order to re-book a non-sharing table. About 5 days later I found our original printout showing non-sharing for all 4 reservations. I didn't bother to pursue, not that huge of a deal, but I have learned a lesson.
  15. Once you book your dining reservations - keep your printout showing the times you reserved. On our last Regent cruise - upon boarding, we found they changed 3 of our 4 non-sharing reservations to sharing. I don't know why they did this. When I asked, the young woman who was working the dining reservation desk, she couldn't believe I didn't want to share. Honestly, I felt a little ashamed. We lost those three reservations in order to re-book a non-sharing table. About 5 days later I found our original printout showing non-sharing for all 4 reservations. I didn't bother to pursue, not that huge of a deal, but I have learned a lesson.
  16. We are boarding the Quest on January 25th - so almost a week before the completion of the change. I'm curious as to how they are going to work reservations. The space isn't very big - will people be lining up at 6AM on an at sea day? Will people bring a pillow and a blanket and spend the night in line in the hallway the day before? Will there be fisticuffs at perceived line cutting? Will Wintergarden passengers pay other passengers to stand in line for them? But seriously - how is Seabourn going to handle this?
  17. I just checked and they do have a little write-up with a picture under dining.
  18. Everybody else is chiming in, so I will too: MEH!!! Personally, I would have preferred Pan-Asian/Indian. All the items on the sample menu sound "over-composed", just like in the dining room. Every now and then, I would like something simple, but devine - a steak, a veggie, a starch, period. Sometimes phoo-phoo is just pooh-pooh.
  19. I loved your original post - that was hilarious.
  20. I think you mean "comprehend", not "apprehend", but then I'm a weird consumer.
  21. The last I checked, Luxor was in Egypt. If they aren't going to Egypt, they aren't going to Luxor. Would you care to amend? That was a pretty sanguine comment to the original poster.
  22. When they were killing and kidnapping, they were not asking what country they were from. Just because you are Australian does not mean you are safe.
  23. This is becoming more common. When we were in northeastern Canada in September, the cruise ship had to go slowly in certain areas because of sea life - usually whales.
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