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Everything posted by billco

  1. What would you have done? When my wife tested positive on that self test, we did not know how sick she/we were going to get. We had nonrefundable hotel reservations for 3 nights in London before flying home on an EZair flight. As it turned out, we both had moderate symptoms for several days. We could have followed your suggestion, not told anyone, isolated in our hotel room, and flown home at our most contagious time. No insurance or Princess claims. If we had needed medical help after leaving the ship, it would all go to Princess insurance, which would require a medical report and receipts for everything. Who knows when we would have been able to fly home. At least Princess provided the necessary positive covid test and isolation paperwork, an isolation hotel room for 5 days, and meal allowance ($100 per day per person no receipts required). Since the rules at that time required 10 days after testing positive before we could fly to the US, Princess rebooked our flights at no charge. We were able to amend our hotel reservations at significant cost. We have submitted a claim to Princess for 10 days meal allowance and a claim to Princess insurance for the difference in hotel bookings. We did not submit claims for transportation or hotel charges that we would have spent if we hadn't told anyone.
  2. Veggie Burgers are hardly a Princess Favorite and I would verify the French Onion Soup is not made from beef stock. Hopefully, this will be available fleet wide. Also, the Salty Dog Gastropub serves Beyond Burgers on some of the newer ships.
  3. You asked why we told Princess when my wife tested positive on a self test the night before disembarkation. We ended up spending five days in isolation at a hotel near Heathrow Airport at Princess expense plus another 5 days before we could fly back to the US. I believe my answer now is the same as it was then. We felt it was the right thing to do.
  4. I don't feel that way. None of the things you mention ever made Princess feel special to me. In the past year, we have sailed on the Majestic, twice on the Regal and twice on the Enchanted for a total of 67 days. We had no problem with wifi and enjoyed ordering items from our cabin using the medallion App. While we did have a few issues, particularly the slow internet, we enjoyed our cruises just about as much as we did before the pandemic. We have five cruises booked that we are looking forward to, particularly the Solar Eclipse cruise in 2024.
  5. Another thing I think might be new related to pricing. In the past, if I cancelled an EZair flight between final payment and the 45 day window, it used to show as a credit on the booking balance. It also took forever to get it refunded. Recently, I cancelled an EZair flight. Nothing showed the amount, so I might have forgotten about it, except I did submit a refund request. Last week, I booked a new cruise and was surprised I didn't have to make a deposit. I looked at the payment and the EZair amount was listed as a payment.
  6. My solution would be to ban smoking in venues that appeal to both smokers and non smokers.
  7. We also received a check today from Paymode X for the refundable OBC for our cruise on the Enchanted Princess that ended on August 5, 2022.
  8. I don't attend meet & greets either. Nobody seems to mind
  9. On my last cruise, I set up an account, bet $1.00 playing Blackjack on the stateroom tv, closed out the account and cashed out at the Casino. A couple of days later I did the same thing again. No problem. One reason I did this was my daily account was showing a decrease in my refundable, not my nonrefundable. Following is from my final account. Wish I had saved one of my daily accounts. 28-Jul OCEAN Games 200.00 30-Jul OCEAN Games 150.00 Cruise was from July 22-August 5.
  10. Wouldn't be Miroslava, would it? She worked in Vista. She always made sure I had a pillow on my chair at Platinum/Elite lounge.
  11. Wish I had taken a few screenshots of the account, because I am pretty sure they were doing just the opposite on my recent cruise on the Enchanted. That is why I cashed out the nonrefundable early on.
  12. I set up an account on my TV and play a couple of games of Blackjack. Then close out the account and go down to the Casino to get my cash.
  13. No door sign, Also requested no singing at dinner, which was honored. They have enough to do
  14. I agree. Using the magic method I ended up with $2.00 more than the OBC. I generally only. use that method for the nonrefundable OBC. I don't mind waiting for the refundable, which hasn't ever taken longer than 4 months. Don't care to carry a lot of cash with me.
  15. Maybe just another thing to cut so they can stay in business.
  16. We don't use the pools. I do use the hot tubs. We don't go to the over amplified production shows. We spend the time in Crooners or the Piazza. We have early dining in the MDR after a few glasses of wine in the Platinum/Elite Lounge. We still bother to cruise. Have 4 Princess cruises and 1 NCL cruise booked. Avoiding the Melanoma Deck didn't help us. My DW still tested positive for Covid the last day of the cruise, Just got back to the states after 10 days of isolation and quarantine. Still like Princess, especially after looking at my recent booking with NCL and seeing how much I am going to be nickel and dimed on that cruise.
  17. Yea, he certainly has brought some new innovations to princess. This is one several other cruise lines have been using for a long time. I like him.
  18. Delegating resources to deal with pesterers might contribute to the delays.
  19. The original Love Boat was stupid and I wasted a lot of time watching it.
  20. I have three experiences. 1.It always takes a long time. 2. Princess has always gotten it right eventually. 3. It is a waste of time to stress about it. We had over 11 cancelled cruises that resulted in lots of FCCs. Princess got it right to the penny, but it took months.. We are finishing up quarantine and isolation from a cruise on the Enchanted Princess. I'll submit my refund requests to Princess and Insurance and forget about it until next year.
  21. Watched some good YouTube videos from Port Monkeys detailing his experience after testing positive on the Enchanted Princess last Spring. At the start of the experience, he said he said he wouldn't have felt right if he hadn't told Princess he tested positive, midway through he still felt that way, toward the end he wasn't so sure. There are about 5 videos from day 1 to day 16.
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