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Everything posted by ORV

  1. I haven't seen it mentioned here but may have missed it. For those with the Magenta Max do you have a Hotspot option? We sometimes need to connect a computer or Ipad to data, and would miss this option. Everything else looks good.
  2. My Royal offer was on my Everyday card that has no annual fee. I get good offers for travel on it frequently.
  3. Pretty sure it’s only O air. I do know if use O’s air, and I go in early, that it’s not allowed to go back to the airport and take the transfer.
  4. Mura, it has changed, now if you fly with Oceania in on the day of the cruise, then the transfer is included.
  5. This is an important distinction, it is UP to 4 categories, on SELECT cruises. It is not every cruise and every category. There is another thread discussing this further down the page. Give it a read
  6. I guess it only appears competitive if some else is already on a stool, window seat etc and you want it. Most things are early bird gets the worm. Saving and trying to reserve is another story and you really don’t see much of that on either ship. I might be saving the bar stool next to me if my wife was sitting there and got up to do something else momentarily, but I wouldn’t come in by myself and take two stools and my wife come in 20 minutes later.
  7. I believe when specifically referring to the Oceania ships the R would be for Regatta Class. When referring to the 8 ships as a whole as R ships then I would say it’s for Renaissance. I wonder what Azamara refers to their class of ships as?
  8. All well and good, but in my case I'm in the same cabin for both cruises. FWIW, I have no identified 5% discount. I'm also paying regular price for each cruise, but the benefits I'm getting outweigh that due to both of these being an Ultimate cruise.
  9. This could get confusing, R1 is Insignia, it was the second ship Oceania acquired in 2003. R2 is Regatta, that Oceania acquired in 2002, but was originally called Insignia. In 2003 they changed the name of R2 to Regatta, and then named R1 Insignia. Confused yet?
  10. It could have been the Oceania Club branded wine. OOF.
  11. Pretty much same customer base. Oceania has a large number of repeaters on all the cruises I've been on. Not sure what you mean by competitive, but trivia gets competitive, but friendly. Most of the guests I've interacted with have always been approachable and friendly.
  12. Yes, many people will say Regatta, but, many think it is for Renaissance. The problem comes from the Princess ships, which are now Oceania ships,) Serena) Which was a Princess ship, but which is originally a Renasissance ship, but is now considered a R ship. Many people refer to the R ships as the Renassiance ships.
  13. Depending on where you are staying would make my decision. Many times I stay at a hotel close to the airport that has a shuttle, and take that to the hotel. Sometimes I'm spending more than just the night before in a city and stay at a more centrally located hotel. It's generally hard to find a hotel with shuttle from airport and then to ship, unless it's a paid shuttle to ship. If we are staying at a hotel with airport shuttle usually just take an Uber to cruise port.
  14. The Grand Bar or Casino bar is only on the larger O ships. For clarity, the older ships are called R ships, the next gen are called O ships, and I believe Vista will be considered an A class.
  15. There are always exceptions, but for me the Cruise Id numbers on the right side are an abbreviation for the ship plus the date, so definitely not consecutive. On the left-hand side are the Booking Numbers which like Kates, are consecutive.
  16. For those interested in Interactive things, like apps like other lines use, you might be interested to know on the recent survey for the Oceania Cruises Insights Panel they asked a couple of questions about them. So apparently it's on their radar.
  17. Last time I went out of Miami, pre-covid they did have some people they weren't allowing to check in until their assigned time. Have no idea what to expect in the future.
  18. I was trying to be funny. I thought I posted to this already. Pretty good with animal groups, but will brush up on them.
  19. Wasn't this Tahiti? No Terminal there. Big difference between what happens there and what happens in Miami. I doubt you'll see those kinds of issues next month.
  20. It's more a matter of choosing where to be frugal, and where to not worry about how much you're spending. Just because a person might have a bit of disposable income doesn't mean they don't like getting a good deal. That being said, I'll not be taking the bus from LHR to the cruise port. I do take trains, buses, subways etc on our travels, usually not on embarkation day, but during the port days. I've been to some great places that way.
  21. I'm with you, we have a ton of these, and in addition to that my wife was in Education Administration so she attended many conventions and seminars with SWAG, chief among them the tote bag. Over the last 10 years or so anytime I've had a garage sale I put them out in a box for free, still haven't got rid of them all. Kept the best though. I guess I better throw one or two in the luggage for Sept.
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