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Everything posted by albingirl

  1. We've done them and we were well aware of our fearless captains navigating the seas so as to insure the smoothest sailings. You never know what the weather will bring but I look at it as one big adventure! I love those sailings. I need to add that I never get seasick, so that is a fact that could affect your sailing.
  2. We usually eat in there one time per cruise. Lunch only. I find the food very rich. It's very good but it's alot of food.
  3. And while you are at it, get a new PCC.
  4. I do too. Watching the wake is spellbinding! I've heard people complain about the vibrations in the cabin, but we experienced no such thing. Or, if I did, it wasn't memorable.
  5. I am so glad that there are no more self-serve laundries onboard. I seemed to waste alot of time doing my own, and I never did that great a job. I can do laundry at home, and I do, but it is so nice to have my laundry delivered all done and pressed! Plus, waiting for a dryer? Well, those days are so over!!!
  6. Loved your review. And the pictures! I have no cruise planned, at the moment, but you certainly encouraged me to book one soon. Thank you!
  7. All I really know about the non refundable obc, is that when we are getting to the end of the cruise, I spend it in the gift shops. Heck, it's mad money at that point, and it's a use it or lose it thing. At least that's what I tell my dearly beloved lol.
  8. How many ways can you make that dish? I'd say it's the same everywhere unless someone doctors the gravy up with weird spices and ingredients. Then it's not true Bolognese.
  9. We loved the Maasdam and some of the older ships. The lanai cabins were such a hit with us. We found them to be just the right size for us, even on the long cruises. Loved the walk around Promenade deck. Nothing beats that, absolutely nothing.
  10. I just never know where these threads are going, but I have a pretty good idea. And it's not positive. Many of us like to cruise without overthinking the future. Not willing to lose sleep over that, whatever it is lol.
  11. Loved your review and pictures. This is a trip I've been longing to do. Thank you.
  12. Well, it won't be a moment too soon. There is no library there and if you want to read a book, there may be donations on a random shelf. Maybe one or two books. I don't understand what is so hard about this. People read. Books are good. So provide them already. Thanks.
  13. I love the laundry service. I never ever have such wonderful care for my clothes and I am overjoyed when I receive my clean and pressed clothes. I mean, who does that? Not me lol.
  14. Yeah, we all lost money but this thread is pure speculation and nothing else.
  15. Crazy. I've never done this, and I like the island barbecue. Prices are insane. If you feel like throwing money around, well, there's an opportunity right here. ✅️
  16. And the entitled groups! If I had a comfort iguana, perhaps the airline would allow. So, alot of people are allergic to cats but they allow them on planes. I personally love cats, but can't breathe around them. But, they fly next to me.
  17. I'm not really sure Canaletto is worth the bother, really. The staff can be terrific but the food is certainly not your Italian grandmother's for the most part. The fresh pasta in Sardinia is enough to make me hop a plane.. there is one restaurant there that can bring such joy to my heart. But, when you are onboard, you are a captive audience. There is Italian food and then, other less enticing Italian food.
  18. I remember one girl who brought cheese curls onboard. They aren't available on the ship I guess.
  19. I've gotten them a month out, and then 2 weeks out, and then 1 week out. If the ship isn't sold out. In that case, none were received. And people talk about cancellations freeing up cabins in that case, but it hasn't happened to us. Just make sure your initial booking isn't in a noisy area to begin with and you should be ok.
  20. True. And I see dogs in Florida, in outdoor restaurants, fight with other dogs during our dinners. There is usually hysteria amongst the owners and bedlam all around. I think the confusion between comfort dogs and serivce dogs is widespread. Many people assume their emotional support dog is doing a service, therefore they are a service dog.
  21. I wouldn't mind at all. In their cultures it can be very different than ours. Sometimes, if you don't ask, you don't receive.
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