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Everything posted by Covepointcruiser

  1. Great photos? Did the folks on the expedition team say that polar bear siting were rare? We luckily, unluckily had a few siting on our last trip to Svalbard. Luckily our guide was suitably armed as those bears are very hungry!
  2. Still only one toilet until you go further up the suite chain, owners suite had an extra guest bathroom not attached to the master.
  3. Don’t forget there are also massive changes and cancellations of flight. Once you have a Carrier and flight you will get dizzy with all the changes. The only time you can be somewhat certain is when you step aboard your aircraft, then you can still have mechanical, personnel, weather issues but it is as good as it gets these days. Start looking for information next year.
  4. Have yet to see one photo of the ship! It’s sailing around Spitsbergen but no sight of her on the WebCams for the island.
  5. United in ORD is great. Love the moving sidewalk between hubs and there are plenty of lounges if you qualify or want to pay the $50. It is their hub and headquarters so if they have an aircraft maintenance problem a substitute aircraft can be found along with more crew.
  6. Actually cruising has been on a downward spiral since Carnival came on the scene. Of course in the early sixties only the wealthy cruised, now there are lines for the middle and even lower classes. Some recent cruises have sold for less than $73 per day per person. You won’t get much quality at that price point but the multitudes will love the experience. In the sixties cruises were expensive but were staffed by crew from their home countries, I.e. Italian Line, Italians, French Lines, French citizens etc. It cost a lot more to pay the staff when they didn’t rely on impoverished countries for their staff. Service was good but it is excellent now. Food was great but you didn’t have the choices you have now. No theater, except for movies, but there was a ballroom and orchestra. No shows, but good singers (I remember Robert Goulet and Sammy Davis on some sailings). Deck chairs were reserved at the start of the voyage and your names was on your chair fro the sailing, no chair hogs. Yes, cruising has gone downhill but it started in the early seventies. I’d like to go back to those days for a voyage or two.
  7. In the day of modems there was no internet on the ships. Now people cannot live without their faces glued to internet or cell phones. Even on vacation, the cord can’t be cut, as everyone they know has to know exactly what they are doing. Might even stream a show to pretend they are somewhere other than on a ship.
  8. Silhouette is definitely a better choice because of the Lawn Club and the Porch specialties.
  9. Looks like beef to me, guess no more “where’s the beef” as it is definitely on the Summit!
  10. No COVID related restrictions for Greenland or Iceland. They won’t care about the vaccinations, COR or test results. Same applies for Iceland. Since you are only hitting one port in Greenland, you won’t need to worry about any remote village restrictions (Inuit, etc.).
  11. The original poster is worried about a cruise in October yet we are still in August! If you do get COVID omicron in the next few weeks I would get a laboratory PCR test. After that you can get a Certificate of Recovery and won’t have to worry about COVID testing for travel for 90 days. Hubby and I had a scratchy throat last Thursday, bingo COVID. Double vaxed and boosted but didn’t matter to the virus. Certainly hope we are clear by 9/4 , but will have the PCR and COR in case.
  12. We have be told to step on any lantern flies we find. They will decimate the grape vines for wine so if you think there are shortages of your favorite wine now, just wait till these peaks decimate the vines!
  13. Welcome to air travel these days. Even booking our own flights we have seen numerous changes in schedules, types or aircraft and cancellations. We now fly at least two days before we need to be at our destination and check the airline’s site constantly.
  14. I can understand no canned ice tea, but no real ice tea in the Oceanview or Restaurant is unbelievable!
  15. You will receive no additional perks outside of your larger suite/stateroom and additional Seabourn points.
  16. I was refused Paxlovid because I would have to stop my heart medications and blood thinners. He said it was too much of a risk and since I was faxed and double boosted I would successfully fight the virus on my own. I have no lung issues so that could be the reason I didn’t receive the prescription. Two days after the onset of symptoms I am feeling better.
  17. I remember Turkey, Fresh Ham and Ham on the carving stations. Chicken Legs?, how are they served? Any steak or prime rib I have had is always in a sit down restaurant on Celebrity.
  18. Guess there are no boots for my husband’s size 14 feet?!
  19. Interesting your doctor gave you”just in case” Paxlovid. I have tested positive but was told Paxlovid was too dangerous as it is experimental and you need to discontinue some lifesaving medications for two weeks, I.e. blood thinners and other heart medicines. As long as you are handling the virus and fighting it on your own there is no reason for Paxlovid.
  20. So we will gets pics of the Venture when you board tomorrow. Can’t wait to see them. If you want a cabin like the one pictured you will have to trade with a member of the crew. Of course you would share the cabin with at least one crew member.
  21. How many ports are you hitting in Greenland? We have a two week cruise from m I eland scheduled for 9/4. We can only go ashore in zodiacs or kayaks so we will hit the small villages. We are concerned with the eruption of the volcano in Iceland, this could throw a monkey wrench into all of our plans.
  22. Can’t wait to hear about the ship Md how you like Svalbard. We really enjoyed our one visit and the 24 hours of daylight was crazy. We are on the Venture for her 9/4 cruise and we are more than ready for cooler weather in Greenland.
  23. If you are at high risk of serious complications from catching COVID, perhaps cruising right now is not for you. Check all the warnings and side effects for Paloxid and see if you still think it’s a good drug to take as a “just in case” drug.
  24. I m confused about all of the COVID testing for Rafinmd??!!! If you are not feeling sick why would you take COVID tests and after testing negative, why would you then to a PCR test? None of this is required in Maryland or the U.S.
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