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Everything posted by cruisingpeople

  1. Hi Julie, Like Tiffany, you were one of the unforgettable ones. (LOL) If I remember correctly, your partner in crime was Theresa. I vaguely recall her hand being in a cast during our 2nd cruise together. Joe
  2. Doggone it Tiff, we are going to miss each other AGAIN. We're getting on the Discovery on March 31st for a 3-day Coastal-West Coast, (L.A.-Sea Day-Ensanada-L.A.), then staying on for a 10 Total Solar Eclipse Cruise to the Mexican Riviera with Mazatlan being "Ground Zero" for the eclipse @ 1:00. I know we already mentioned earlier this year, (or at the end of last year), that we're also missing you by 3 weeks for the Sun Princess cruise. Then again, the way things are going, 1 of those could be the "Inaugural" cruise. (Sorry), couldn't resist. Have a great cruise. TTYL, Joe
  3. Back in the late 1970's, I had a knock down/drag out fight with Mr. Daniel's and he kick my butt all over the place to the point of completely blacking out. I have never had another drop of that stuff since that night.
  4. That's not a Bourbon & Whiskey list........ It's a damn book.😂 BON VOYAGE
  5. I completely forgot that I saw your name on the Roll-Call sheet. I see only one cabin listed for you. Are you solo this trip?
  6. Thanks. We saw your pictures from LaSagrada Familia and thought they were wonderful. We are arriving 3 days before the cruise and will be visiting there on Friday.
  7. Deb, we fly out of Boston next Wednesday to Spain for our TransAtlantic cruise. I'm sure (know) You & Andy will have a great time with Greg & Linda reminiscing about the Bella Cruise. Bon Voyage.
  8. Greg & Linda, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY to the both of you. Enjoy your time with all the CC friends that you will be sailing with. Remember to say "Hi" to Ulia for us at the Champagne Bar.
  9. Andrew, Do you have any idea what the capacity percentage of your sailing is ?? After your comment about Lisa's solarium photo, it seemed like the ship isn't that full.
  10. 🎂Happy Belated Birthday My Friend. 🎂 Marietta, As others have said, it is hard to believe that it has been a year since the heartbreaking loss. Thinking of your family today.
  11. Another great review. You & Greg, (Sea Dog) never fail to succeed in telling your sailing experiences in such a delightful way. As I stated earlier, we hope to be able to sail with you and the family again in the near future. Thank You Again. Joe
  12. Hi Wayne. It's always a pleasure to read one of your reviews as they are always straightforward and entertaining. First let me says that we were sorry to hear of your dad's passing. Our condolences to you and your family. I'm sure he will always be in your heart. It's been almost 3 years since we sailed with you and I have to say that your girls have really grown up and still look to be as well behaved as we remember them. I think the last review of yours that I remember reading was when your daughter, (I believe it was the oldest one), broke something and had to tool-around with one of those knee-type scooters. It looks now like she has no problems. Hope to be able to sail with you and the family in the near future.
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