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Everything posted by lyndarra

  1. That also includes foreign currency. That's where I get mine for overseas jaunts. Come to think of it, when I went to France, Spain and Portugal last year I took leftover Euros and used CC for most everything.
  2. Here in Oz "tea" or "teatime" is what we call our evening meal. No scones, cream or jam. Usually meat and three veg and a pot of tea. When we were kids we had to be home by teatime which was usually around 6pm when dad got home from work. We were very punctual as Mickey Mouse Club was on TV from 5 'till 6 - for those of us lucky enough to have TV. Myself, I now refer to evening meals as dinner but tea or teatime is still in common use.
  3. On scones? Could be. I've not seen clotted cream sold here, having said that, I've never looked for it.
  4. Has always been jam first then cream on top. We use whipped cream but it's much the same thing.
  5. A cream tea is, basically, tea with scones and jam - usually strawberry - and clotted cream on top. The same thing here in Oz is called a Devonshire tea but I have no idea why.
  6. It was some time ago, twenty years perhaps. There was no plated meal or menu. It was a more like a posh buffet with the tiered cakes and sandwiches on your table. A variety of teas were available, served by the waiters. We had small plates which we took to the buffet table. We could do as many trips to the buffet as we liked and I remember the waiters giving people a fresh plate and cutlery each trip. A memorable event for me was on one trip to the buffet I decided the little sausage rolls looked nice so I took a couple. Nearby was a gravy boat so I poured some gravy on them. Back at our table I took a bite and realised that what I thought was gravy was really chocolate sauce! I still ate them.
  7. Have had High Tea at Raffles Hotel, Singapore. I've not seen high tea on a HAL ship that comes close.
  8. I believe public transport in NSW you can use CC or buy an Opal card. Cabs take cards.
  9. I was Canada for a few days this year and it was much the same as here in Oz except you wont find signs like this one I saw in a Vancouver hotel.
  10. NAB have recently increased age to 81 on CCs. Not sure if same applies to DC. I would assume they have the same underwriters. I have a NAB Velocity card.
  11. Thanks Lyle. We enjoyed the Alaska cruise so much we did it again the following year out of Vancouver after arriving from Calgary. We visited Butchart Gardens that year. Sorry all, wandered a little OT.
  12. My late wife and I experienced just that in 2015. A last night, late arrival in either Victoria or Vancouver (can't remember which). It was such a short stop we stayed on board and had the best Beef Wellington ever at a two top table (which we have never done before). We were on Celebrity Solstice out of Seattle. (It evoked memories of the Griswalds visit to the Grand Canyon)😉
  13. Wow. I haven't worn a long sleeve shirt since I retired from banking in 1994. I don't even own one. My usual outfit for dining is clean, long pants, slacks or jeans (no holes) and a collared shirt. Sometimes a T shirt in the tropics. I can't wear "shoes" due to multiple foot conditions so it's comfortable loose sneakers. (Foot conditions as in osteo and rheumatoid athritis, bursitis and sometimes a spot of gout).
  14. When in Broome I would recommend lunch at Matso's ginger beer brewery. Kick back on the verandah and take in the ocean views with a cold ginger beer (or one of the varieties) in hand. https://matsos.com.au/pages/matsos-drinks
  15. Or sitting in the Sun outdoor theatre watching a movie when a 737 (or similar) comes in to land just metres above.😱
  16. Save Broome for a land tour. Not enough time during a port stop to see some of the better things Broome has to offer. Have been there twice - so far.
  17. @zukecruiser Most card transactions in Oz are tap-and-go, or wave, or swipe, for amounts up to $100 or, in some cases, $200. Over that you will need a PIN. Most businesses include the the bank fee in the price, a few don't. I bought something this week and noticed an added card fee of 1%. I can't remember the last time I signed for anything, well, that's not strictly true as I did sign for coffee and bar drinks in Alaska earlier this year.😉
  18. Which is OK with me as I'm not real comfortable wearing thongs.😉
  19. True. Those arriving by air can carry bugs onto a ship already here. Remember Ruby Princess?
  20. Those coming by sea will be easily beaten by the many more arriving by air.
  21. I noticed the article in post #5 was just pre COVID. I wonder if anything has changed since.🤔
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