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    Paul Gauguin & Windstar
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  1. I've been on-board when it was rocking due to the weather ... due to the rounded hull the ship will move around a bit more than many other ships but remember the ship was built for zipping between islands that are usually close together ... she does not like open seas. Went to med with a group last year (late September/early October) ... was surprised how busy it was though we still had a great time.
  2. I've been on the PG 16 times ... some with groups and several just on our own. Our experiences have always been good if not great. Sure there have been a few issues over the years but nothing like you mention. Would agree the crew is top notch .... I've been on 4 smaller ships in FP waters ... the PG is one of the best. Again I'm not hear to debate ... simply stating our experiences on this wonderful ship. Sorry yours wasn't like any one of the 16 we've enjoyed on the PG.
  3. 1. yes 2. very few cars are at the tender location, usually you need to be picked up by either Avis or Alberts. They will take you to their office/cars and do the paperwork. Alberts is closer but Avis has the better cars. 3. Moorea
  4. I must ask .... why didn't you fly via SFO on United? This would of made things easy 😉
  5. one - two air strikes per year is common ... rarely do they last more than a week and usually they try and keep the international flights on-time as much as possible. Appears the strike in influencing 'air Tahiti' (local) more than international flights. Beyond this info I'd need a prophetic word 😇
  6. No delays right now ... https://us.airtahitinui.com/departures-arrivals
  7. AHHHH .... isn't that what a phone call to United can do 😁
  8. All this info is available with a bit of searching 😉 After customs/entry go to your right (see map)
  9. Re-check is correct Will they hold them? Have no idea
  10. A few from the garden .... taken yesterday and today. Sony RX10IV - lightroom, no filters, flex spot, circle metering mode. RAW, Aperture mode, 600mm, 1/500, F/5, ISO 320 RAW, Aperture mode, 600mm, 1/500, F/5, ISO 250 RAW, Aperture mode, 600mm, 1/500, F/5, ISO 400 RAW, Aperture mode, 600mm, 1/500, F/5, ISO 400 RAW, Aperture mode, 600mm, 1/500, F/5, ISO 400
  11. Usually 30 - 60 minutes after the ship arrives the tenders will start.
  12. Follow up ... I always tell my private vendors that we will be on the first or second tender ... Officially my vendors know the excursion starts at 9AM if the first tender leaves the ship @ 8AM ... this allows time for us to be on the 2nd tender. Hope that makes sense.
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