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Everything posted by LHT28

  1. Depends when your cruise is & what ship you are sailing on 🤔
  2. I wonder if Oceania will be sending Smart phones to their pax ? Not everyone wants or travels with a smart phone if it had not been needed for our apt building access we would not have one
  3. Maybe you should have had your butler put on notice Isn't he responsible for the fruit bowls in the suites? Ir was that served in the Terrace ??
  4. probably easier to call O & have them do it or your TA Be sure to have all the booking numbers ready
  5. people are making their lives more complicated than it needs to be Read the fine print or just the details in some cases JMO
  6. Hope you are correct not all the reps at O or any line have a clue about things outside their space Please let us know what happens 😉
  7. see if you can find espresso then add hot water to taste
  8. if the cruise line has a coffee cafe just buy your coffee it will be less hassle probably taste better than the powdered stuff JMO
  9. What is more frighting is you do not know what forum you are posting on 🤔
  10. Decaf TEA 😲 I will take your word for it I have no desire to sail Viking no matter how good their tea is To each his/her own
  11. Did you select just the FREE excursions ones without letter designations after them like OS OE WT etc did you complete the check out ? You should as your TA or who ever you booked the cruise with they can tell you what Perk you chose
  12. looks like they have a full house that day so Nautica drew the short straw https://www.civitavecchiaport.org/cruise-calendar/ A smaller ship than the others so I guess easier for them to tender in first time I have seen that
  13. you could put in the flight details & see what it says https://www.torontopearson.com/en/connections
  14. Try calling & not doing it online where they will route you to the Canadian booking site I use a US travel agent & she will book in USD or CAD
  15. How will they know who is vaccinated or not if they do not have to provide some proof at some point in the process The article is just a snapshot I would go by what Oceania has on their website or check in forms If in doubt call Oceania
  16. Thanks for the info on the new tours The Go Green concept sounds interesting We like to wander in areas where the locals shop so that would be interesting to me Too bad about the afternoon tea It works for us but I guess if you need help to lift the tea pot Viking is for you 😄 Does Viking have loose tea or bags?
  17. Yes get the permission in writing If that fails talk to the Purser once on the ship
  18. what they had in the past could be different now It will depend on the airlines they have contracts with & other factors waiting until you get the details closer to sailing it may be too late to make changes This is why we usually book our own flights ..I do not like surprises 😉 Enjoy
  19. I believe they close at 8pm but never gone there in the evenings
  20. so they were not taken off the ship & dumped to fend for themselves as the poster I responded to implied They were taken to a hotel/hospital & the last time I was in Greece they spoken English in the tourist areas
  21. Pay the deviation fee & choose the flights /routing you want or just book your own air Just my opinion
  22. the beds are 2 singles pushed together Just ask to have them made up as singles with who ever you booked with it should be noted on your file If they are separated when you arrive ask the cabin steward to have them separated
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