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Everything posted by LHT28

  1. I did not watch the video but I cannot see small children allowed in their own cabin but maybe they are Unless you are sharing the cabin on O with children they do come out at some point 😉 I would think older children may have a connection cabin with the parents I cannot see teens/parents in the same cabin but then again I do not ask them where they sleep Not sure if you just do not want ANY children onboard or just ones you choose to sail with We had 40 on one of our sailings according to the GM ...I only counted 10 so not sure where the others were hiding They were well behaved Many years ago there was some children part of the entertainment family they were unruly at times but that was the only time I saw this on O
  2. Oceania allows children & you are sailing with them?? Maybe the adjoining cabins will be occupied by adult children travelling with older parents or maybe not Virgin Voyages do not allow children under 18 so another option for you
  3. Agree I would love 2 bedroom cabin on a cruise if the price was right 😉
  4. Firt I would fly in a day or so early maybe stay a day or so after the cruise This will require you to pay a deviation fee $175 pp You can choose the flights you want & see if Oceania has contracts with the airline of choice Start the process at 270 days out Once you & Oceania air dept agree on the flights then you will pay the non refundable deviation fee IME they usually use BA/AC/KLM/LH /AF but we are in Canada so they may also use some American carriers the PE is only for "over the water" flight eg SFO-NYC:LHR you will have econ on the SFO -NYC & NYC to LHR the PE seating Do the math & check what the cost would be to do your own air then you can decide what works best for you JMO
  5. If you have a heart attack & need treatment that the ship cannot give you should they just keep you onboard & hope for the best until they get to a port you prefer ??
  6. I believe that space IS part of Aquamar Kitchen ?? When you click on Aquarmar Kitchen in the list below the deck plan it highlights that area I guess time will tell
  7. Unfortunately it seems that vaccinated pax are also spreading the virus
  8. check with the cruise line or who ever you booked through It is not just a matter of costs but also capacity of the ship
  9. It will depend on the Country some require just photo I.D & your sail card others may require passports & sail card The ship will usually post in their daily newsletter what is required We usually use DL & I carry a photo of the passport anyway unless the Country required the real passport it stays on the ship
  10. I would book a taxi/transfer for the morning just so it cuts down on the stress of rushing to the hotel I like Rome2rio.com for suggestions on getting places Hope you have a great trip
  11. several insurers here do not even cover covid related issues so vaccinated or unvaccinated is a moot point where they are concerned JMO
  12. Some premium lines are not all inclusive What I like about our line of choice is no charge for specialty coffees soft drinks specialty restaurants quiet atmosphere/ no fancy dress nights/ more time in ports smaller ships = less pax that is what is important to ME we may have a drink each a day so we can afford to buy our own We are willing to pay a bit more for the cruise line of our choice YMMV I do not care if you sail on $100 cruise or a $10,000 cruise so why are people so hung up on how others choose to spend THEIR money This whole thread is just to incite discord because of one annoying poster just use the ignore feature here JMO
  13. Do you mean like Dec to Apr ? There are some listed on O website with availability
  14. Normally they dock at the port in town but sometimes the ships have to use Ijmuiden as is the case for the cruise Lane is on https://www.oceaniacruises.com/baltic-cruises/oslo-to-amsterdam-MNA220913/?sr=%2Fcruise-finder%23time_frame%3D2022-9%26ship%3DMNA%26sort%3Dfeatured%3Adesc%26page%3D1%26pageSize%3D10
  15. Just ask for what vegetables you want ....you can have my share of broccoli
  16. HMMM well if you dock in Ijmuiden that is a different kettle of fish maybe stay over in Zaandam then head to the airport on the 28th or what ever your flight date is https://www.dezaanseschans.nl/en/plan-your-visit/accessibility/ We are doing well Lyn
  17. One of my favourite Gordon Lightfoot songs 😉 the storms in the Great Lakes do not care what side of the border the ships are from 🙂
  18. Confused Are you checking into a hotel? Pre covid they did start before 8 am we scheduled out time for 8:30 & transfer pick up shortly after
  19. Edmund Fitzgerald was a Great lakes freighter not a passenger ship
  20. Just do not take the airfare from the cruise line We book our own air it can work out with transatlantic cruises but you need to compare pricing JMO
  21. I am not sure about that I was so tired when we got to Southampton from N.A.
  22. It depends on where you fly to if it works for you or not Friends use it to get to YUL
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