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Everything posted by LHT28

  1. Still works out to the same time when booking open but you do not have to stay up late 🙂
  2. That explains why no deviation fee 😄 You are sort of paying for it in the cost of the hotel package
  3. Check the rate the cruise line uses for the exchange it may not be the same as the current bank rate I used the TD USD VISA & have a USD account so I do not have to go through all the hassle See if your Canadian TA can book in USD
  4. Can you plan extra days before or after the cruise & do the land portion then? Yes you may ask in advance for permission to stay ashore & catch the ship at a later port or check with the Purser once onboard
  5. yes EST West coasters have the advantage of not having to stay up late LOL
  6. no problem then you will just need ARRIVECAN when you fly back to Canada
  7. Thanks I had heard that Manulife covered covid but we usually get trip Cancel/interruption as well We have out of country medical through DH retirement benefits must check if they now cover covid
  8. check out other expeditions ships to see how they compare If the cruise goes to places on your bucket list & you can afford it only you can decide
  9. Did they pay for drinks not in the Specialties ? Maybe she thought they had the Prestige package I am sure if the drinks in the Specialties were no longer included there would have been a major melt down thread here on CC 😉
  10. I would go to the reservation desk on Deck 5 & explain the situation
  11. I believe some scotches & cognacs in Polo are not included Bottles of wine are not part of the package so without knowing what they ordered it is hard to say if they were ripped off or not They should have questioned it when it happened
  12. Looks like you have to fill in ARRIVECAN along with your vaccination status if you hit a US port before Victoria Does the cruise go from Vancouver to Victoria then to the USA? It is the order the ports are on your itinerary Providing proof of vaccination You’re required to upload your proof of vaccination into ArriveCAN before: you enter Canada, or embarking on a cruise that is travelling outside Canadian waters (for example, if docking in the United States for a shore excursion) or a cruise, or embarking on a cruise that will dock in Canada at any point in the itinerary This applies to all travellers, including Canadians. ArriveCAN is mandatory and free for all travellers entering Canada, regardless of citizenship or vaccination status. https://travel.gc.ca/travel-covid/travel-restrictions/cruise#boarding-excursions
  13. also check if your TA's name is on the back of the brochure near the mailing label
  14. They have a stand alone shower plus one in the tub (so far ) https://www.cruisecritic.com/photos/ships/riviera-607/veranda-stateroom-311081/veranda-stateroom--v14124557/
  15. Barristas also have some offerings about 6:30 am If there are very early starts for some tours the Terrace will open early to accommodate those going on those tours
  16. On recent cruises people were allowed to stay in the cabin they booked I think some posted that one spouse could be moved to their own cabin one designated as an isolation area if the other spouse was negative Usually on deck 7 on the O class ships not sure about the R ships I am sure someone will clarify if they had to be separated or not
  17. I believe the plug in the bathroom can only be used for a shaver or an electric toothbrush & the nightlight of course NO hairdryers allowed there
  18. You do realize that even those vaccinated can spread the virus especially those that are now saying if they feel ill they will not report to the medical centre so they will not be confined to their cabin They will just continue to cruise & spread the virus ..now that is selfish IMO
  19. I have not heard of people being taken off the ship & left there ..
  20. call their cabin from your cabin I think they still have phones in the ships cabins Then make plans to meet at certain times/places We usually just agree to meet friends in the bar or near the gangway if we are going ashore together
  21. https://boards.cruisecritic.com/topic/2871121-cruise-critic-headed-out-on-marina-on-aug-7-any-questions/page/4/#comment-63746622
  22. I am thinking that you can have the wine pairing dinner in Privee as an option Remember when the Marina debuted & Privee was some like $1000 but you could have a special menu wine included then it changed to just meals from Polo & Toscana ..alcohol extra
  23. Privee is in the same location as it is on the O class ships
  24. It shows on the top of the page on my computer in the yellow banner click on Health & Safety link then click on the link post Sept 3rd
  25. Do you know what other insurance companies in Canada sell Trip cancellation/interuption ins that cover Covid?? Medjet seem to cover medical only at least from what I found
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