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Everything posted by LHT28

  1. You do not have to wait for final payment you will paying for the dinner when you book it if the dates for La Reserve are listed then you can book it
  2. When you log into your cruise under the dining tab (if the dates are out for your sailing) it should have LaReserve dates & menus listed for what nights they are open
  3. Do you have a link to your review??
  4. Do you use a TA? Maybe ask them to ask for your name to be taken off the list it worked for me
  5. You will not go hungry what ever restaurant you choose It is a good excuse to do another cruise to try the dishes you missed on the 1st one LOL
  6. OK never paid attention as I do not eat any of those items Years ago they did have a special evening for Captains night with a sorbet inbetween some courses A special dessert etc.. thought that is what you were talking about
  7. Check the Preismans blog for some of the recent O cruises he usually has photos of the GDR menu You may or may not get the same menus on the same days but it gives you an idea of whats for dinner LOL https://www.thepreismans.com/
  8. I do not think I have seen a Captain welcome dinner in many years ??? They do have the party with free drinks
  9. I just know that usually the last night there is schnitzel on the menu 😉
  10. When is your cruise? I am not seeing any from Tokyo until 2023 & things might be a lot different by then
  11. They do allow children You may not have many but then again you may have quite a few Viking has no children under 18 policy maybe try them
  12. The Cruise only fare is discounted so in a way yes you get an air credit If you want to add O Life perks to cruise only then it will cost you more You can do cruise with air/Olife perks Cruise /No Air /O life perks Cruise with air & no O Life perks No air .no O Life perk just cruise only Choices choices just do the math & what options works best for YOU
  13. Maybe I was confused the pre check may have been in FLL on the way home But in YYZ still had to do the shoes off /baggie out & pat down YMMV
  14. I do not believe any cruise line underwrites it's own insurance Check the Underwriter of any policies issued by a cruise line as in Celebrity case "Underwritten by The Manufacturers Life Insurance Company (Manulife) and the First North American Insurance Company, a wholly owned subsidiary of Manulife." https://www.celebritycruises.com/ca/cruise-insurance
  15. When you enter the area for flights to the USA you do the shoes off/baggie for liquids We have had the pre check sometimes but they still insist shoes off I also have the pat down with a knee replacement the machine beeps The big major Canadian airports you will clear US immigration/customs? at the Canadian airport What airport will you be flying out of Canada from?
  16. Usually BIZ fares are fully refundable but they are some that are not ..if you can get refundable I would book soon They usually do not have many BIZ seats per flight
  17. Let me just say most O PAX are not trying to eat or drink their monies worth Try the GDR Try sharing a table you might enjoy it or you might not 😉 JMO
  18. Call again you may get a different answer Why would they give you something if they will not let you use it ??
  19. You never know who your tablemates will be We have shared tables but have not encounter the scenario you describe Yes everyone is served courses at the same time we have never waited for them to finish their wine before the waiter bring the next course Yry for a 2 top for your preffered time if you cannot get one check a different day We have not really had any problem get a 6:30 -7pm booking Enjoy
  20. I always ask the waiter how large the portion is before I downsize somethings the portions are not large at all If you have not done so already have a look at The Preismans blog he posts a lot of photos of the food it will give you an idea of portion sizes https://www.thepreismans.com/riviera_21.htm Only you can decide if cruising is for you now
  21. of course your comments may be useful to others but no need to quote my post then I was offering a suggestion to look at the menus then decide Not everyone may want to eat in La Reserve if the menus are not appealing to them I would not pay $100 PP for dessert but yes others might
  22. But if you do not think you will like the food then it is a waste of money & an evening for some It is not for everyone I do not drink much do not like some of the fancy foods that are on the menus so for us not worth it YMMV
  23. If the cruise is not good for your timing then cancel & book something else
  24. Most American ins policies will not cover Canadians we use a Canadian ins company Be sure to read the fine print of any Insurance
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