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Everything posted by MissP22

  1. I sure hope this is true. The only problem I can see is if the stock is joint ownership and not individually owned.
  2. They seem to be getting it as most cruises are sold out way in advance.
  3. Simply because they're being catered to and it's customary.
  4. But you're such a fan of the liquor package, what difference could it possibly make?
  5. It was working fairly well in the Caribbean although we didn't set it below 70 degrees at any time.
  6. People in Reserve Class should be expected to tip above and beyond the ordinary amount included in the standard gratuities. They get special treatment in all aspects of the dining room from entrance to special meals being prepared each night.
  7. Ever since the Covid shutdown, I'm hard-pressed to find any bargains in a the Princess shops. The once popular sales in the DR are gone & none of the shops want to offer sales on any items. It's becoming harder to find anything to spend my OBC on lately.
  8. Since a lot of calls from telemarketers, they dial multiple numbers at once & only connect to the first person that answers.
  9. This is our situation and hopefully what you posted is correct. 😉
  10. They did make it non-refundable. "However, under the updated policy, the Military onboard credit will now be non-refundable." They still haven't addressed the situation with a military person sailing with a non related stock holder in the same cabin. Right now it appears that only one person in that cabin can apply for OBC even if they're non related.
  11. I don't think those lights are installed on the Enchanted yet.
  12. I hope that's true. We've got 2 trips already booked but haven't applies for stock credit yet.
  13. Since we will no longer be sailing with any plus packages in the future, we'll be using our non refundable OBC for our gratuities. That in addition to a few drinks, will eat up any OBC we normally receive.
  14. You're not alone. It's been many years since we've run up any sort of an appreciable tab on any cruise ship. 😄
  15. I believe it's mainly because the show is relatively new that it gets filled to capacity early. At 7 PM you'll probably be fine to get seats but I still wouldn't dilly dally in the DR any longer then necessary. Also tell the waiter you want to be finished before 7 PM.
  16. Officially Princess is still posting that people are dressing up on formal nights with a jacket but since Covid they haven't enforced any dress restrictions on either formal or casual evenings. Just a decent shirt (even a Polo shirt) & pants are all that's required on formal nights. On casual evenings many people are even wearing shorts lately. Princess has gotten very relaxed as far as dress codes but if you prefer to dress up, many people are still doing so.
  17. That's sad. Did you try talking to any head waiter about the situation? What about showing up early when the DR first opened? Surely there must have been room at that time??
  18. The only problem with going to the late show is that I want to attend other functions going on at that time. Decisions, decisions.
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