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Everything posted by PacnGoNow

  1. Everything I have read, you need the original certificate, no copies. Are you from the US? We took the original certificate for boarding and a copy when we’re in port, as some places required to see our vax card. Princess website: Europe We will accept the EU digital Covid certificate. For international, non-UK guests, the following formats are acceptable proofs of full vaccination: Digital or paper records, or QR codes, showing the vaccine type, the date of each vaccine administered, the individual’s name and date of birth or other identifier.
  2. I don’t think you can go wrong with either. We’ve done both and enjoyed both. We had a little more morning sun on the port side and fabulous sunsets on the starboard side. It really depends on the route the Captain makes, as we may have the daytime sun straight ahead of us. Just hoping for warm weather on the TA. So, we chose midship starboard this time on this ship. See you OB!
  3. Don’t think it is a normal thing. When we went to Scandinavia on Princess it was raining heavily when we got off at a port and they had umbrellas shipside for use. We didn’t need it as I throw a travel umbrella in our tote.
  4. It may have been just a minor schedule change, flight number or times, even a few minutes schedule change. You will need to call EZAIR, just call PCL and pick the option for EZAIR. You will get a regular agent who should be able to do this for you or get in touch with the EZAIR desk. They may have canceled the Long Beach and then reinstated it, does happen with all the schedule changes. If it is a connection flight…did those times change? Is it still a valid connection? I would call first thing Monday morning, to get a local agent. Believe they open 8 am PT.
  5. Glad you found it. I’t’s not ticketed yet so don’t worry. I would suggest download the AA app on your phone, easier and quicker to get notices and changes on your flights. I never ticket early, because you lose that flexibility of changing or repricing the flight on EZAIR. You have up until 45 days before departure to change.
  6. 40 mins is not bad, some airlines today are hours to wait, due to storms in the South yesterday and the usual staff shortages. Have fun in Quebec!
  7. Your reservation should show up on AA as soon as it’s booked. Are you sure you’re using the airline booking code and not the EZ Air code? You should be able to look it up on AA by your name and flight no also. Does it show on your travel summary, flight information? If you don’t see it, I would call AA and have them search for it. They should be able to find it. If not, you’ll have to call EZAIR. When are you leaving?
  8. If it’s just happening this weekend they may be updating. You may need to sign out and back in and/or delete and reinstall the App. Or, try later today or tmrw morning. If a lot are having issues then it’s probably a glitch or an update. You shouldn’t have to take these measures, but worth trying. You can always book once OB. We’ve not had a problem. They don’t assign all the available SD reservations ahead of time.
  9. When our ship was changed and swapped, the TA was notified first, then followed by an email from Princess. But, I heard from our roll call first. So, as @Bgwestsuggested…I’d call my TA, CVP or whomever you booked it through.
  10. True. Maybe showing sold out just to control capacity.
  11. This is the first cruise for the restart of the Sapphire. Just recheck the website next couple of days. It may be sold out.
  12. They may be doing updates. They usually do a lot of updates on the weekends. I still show it listed on the port of Los Angeles schedule. Recheck it in a day or two.
  13. Or Aft DR if your cabin is an Aft cabin. It may be more convenient.
  14. The website says within 3 days. Recheck the website again and go by that. Some agents are new and they should check their own website if they don’t know. Last update was July 12th.
  15. Definitely before final payment . After final payment, some TA’s have repriced it and some have not been able to. If you use a PVP or CVP through Princess they have been able to reprice for me after final payment, or if you booked directly with Princess. So it does vary a little. Whomever you’re booking through, you should ask them.
  16. I thought the same as you originally and searched a little. I found a post from @Moondoggyas follows. I did put in my CC for shipboard and not shore side. quote: Moondogy Posted January 25 #6 A few things my search turned up, don't know if you found this on them. Radiqal is a software product’s and services company with over 50 man years of management and over 200 man years of development experience. Recognized for strong technical and leadership skills, we have been a high end – niche market solution’s company and have time and again delivered cutting edge solutions for our customers. We nurture ideas from inception to completion. Radiqal has a state of the art software research, development and support facility in India. In todays cost competitive market place, innovativethinking is the fuel to survival and success. We pledge to augment our client’s domain expertise by providing “RADIQALLY” different solutions, in-turn giving them a competitive edge. Our Systems Design and Development expertise are in the areas of Internet of Things (IoT), Gaming and Wagering, Mobile Development, Interactive TV, Video on Demand,Content Delivery, Broadcast Satellite TV, Hospitality, Carrier Class GSM Service Provisioning and B2B – B2C products and services. Some Of Our Clients Unquote Hope you don’t mind me quoting you Moondoggy.
  17. Yes, you each have a user name and pw on website and it’s the same on the App sign in and OceanReady on the cruise personalizer. You can download the App anytime. You will have to accept the passage of contract and fill out the health questionnaire.
  18. I would just download it now as, you may have questions. Go through your travel checklist and fill out everything, including the CC you want to use if it’s not in there. Then you can buy the MedallionNet internet and request your time and DR in the DMW section. Yes, you can just use one smartphone if you want. You use the same username and pw as on the website. You can access both of your accounts from your phone. If you’re leaving home 3 weeks before your cruise, the the OM ocean medallion won’t reach you. It arrives about 14-10 days before departure. So, go ahead and order it on the App and click the box to pick up at the port. I prefer the App over the website version anyway. You should still go on the cruise personalizer after 75 days before departure and print your luggage tags and the travel summary.
  19. But this is about the Caribbean and that’s long…😂 Just kidding you!
  20. It would be helpful to know the cabin location, but the OP never replied. I can tell you we were forward Caribe deck balcony and no issues. I found the crew to be excellent and our crew was great this year we did 6 weeks on her before the dry dock. Some at GS were fairly new, as with most ships, they are still learning. So, you could check on some of the current roll calls and see how it is. I wouldn’t believe 1 person who complains and never comes back on the forum. JMo
  21. I found GS was very nice and tried to be helpful on the CB. However, there are a lot of new staff and they just do not have the knowledge. They sometimes will give answers that are incorrect. I don’t believe they are just telling you lies, it’s a lack of knowledge.
  22. You have inquiries…could you answer, please?
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