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Everything posted by Florida_gal_50

  1. It happened to me as well. Apparently I drank the whole mini bar because there was a large charge on my bill. This was a number of years ago before I started emptying the bar out myself.
  2. Yes absolutely you can. You don’t have to pick them in a certain order. I picked both tamarind for mine.
  3. If you have the navigator app it will also show you pricing on there along with sample menus. It might be too far out from your cruise. Not sure when they show up in the app.
  4. It’s certainly cheaper. That said sometimes convenience trumps cost at least for me but it comes at a price.
  5. What? It was hal that was offering discounts for those of us that have earned this by supporting them for years and years. It not something that someone is making up. You do understand that if someone skips something hal makes zero. Doesn’t sound like good business to me.
  6. Yup I paid around that earlier this year but it was for my piece of mind before I went on a cruise. Why do you need a pcr? I didn’t. I just needed antigen at that time. Pretty soon you’ll be able to get a crayon out and colour it and hal will accept it (partly joking).
  7. They used to suggest that you call guest services and ask them to clear out the mini bar. I’ve been on hold many, many times to find out my request has not been honoured. Usually I end up piling it up somewhere and putting a note on it. What I may try next time is requesting it through the app once on the ship.
  8. Whatever. I do check but not everyone is sitting in a chair waiting for something to do. People get busy, things happen. Some people take pride in quality work. Others don’t care.
  9. That we know of. I guess it’s better to have threads like: someone’s posting to much from their cruise can I get a milkshake or o.j with my beverage package Can you please get me every menu that ever existed. Please don’t enjoy your cruise Personally I would rather hear about something that may be a problem on my next cruise. If I know I can avoid it. If I don’t I don’t want a surprised.
  10. Really? Did I ask you to go on and on about how much you spend? Nope. This is about Hal is skimping out and trying to charge for something that has no value.
  11. Yeah, that’s typical. Don’t take it to heart. I feel that it should be made crystal clear at the time of booking that you have a non refundable fare. I’ve heard way to many stories otherwise to believe that’s happening. I think there are bad ta’s and pcc’s that don’t know what they are doing and the consumer pays for it.
  12. Not really. I’d much rather deal with a pcc but not with that attitude.
  13. Maybe they are anticipating all they money they are going to make by charging for extra appetizers in the pinnacle so they are clearing the decks for that. Maybe the money they are making doesn’t justify it?
  14. I agree. I typed up a long response and it disappeared. Suffice to say I had a ton of issues including a canceled flight on my last cruise. My pcc told me she couldn’t help and I was on my own.
  15. And this is what is shocking to me. Of course I heard this all through my ta which I have no reason to doubt. That however is the problem with using a ta. I suspect they got some cranky pants at hal. They blamed it on the fact I had club orange and flights through them. Apparently my mistake was giving them too much power and money.
  16. Mine is $100,000 at the end of a cruise. See how easy it is to say. If you’ve got $20 k to spend just for kicks I imagine you have lot of disposable income. You and others would not hear anything if there wasn’t constant threads about the subject. I’ve gotten casino deals through Princess and I don’t say a word. I get freebies for being a 5 star Mariner, again not starting threads every day. If you don’t feed something it will die. It’s clear you can pay $200 for a meal like it’s a coffee. You are in a small minority.
  17. Yes, I would be too if I had free cruises, or cruises where I got a Neptune suite for peanuts. Lots of extra money to spend. I suspect you are in a small minority with that especially when I see people complaining they have to pay for a Covid test (everyone I know of does) or people that want to park for free in a neighbourhood for their cruise. If you want to pay $200 for a meal I’m sure they’d take your money. I’m not willing to pay for mediocrity,
  18. Once again you are referencing land restaurants. Not really relevant. Just like the discussion about how people can get wine cheaper in a store than on a ship or at their corner restaurant.
  19. Photos? There are lots of menus etc there. I don't think people go there to look at photos.
  20. I had a job change. It didn't seem to make any difference thankfully.
  21. For any Canadian that might be interested Home Trust Visa offers a credit card with transaction fee and there is no yearly fee on the credit card. I believe all the others do charge a yearly fee.
  22. I would say one that gets back to you within the day or the next day. Also one that knows how to resolve issues or answer questions properly and doesn't make stuff up on the fly. Nobody knows everything but don't answer with something that makes no sense.
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