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Everything posted by Florida_gal_50

  1. And yet when anyone suggested that on the other thread people got uptight and said it was only on one ship. So much for that theory. Hopefully it will go down in flames.
  2. Unfortunately many people on this board think this fixes it all.
  3. Yes, I understand. It wasn't a lack of understanding on my part. No one should ever feel they have someone in the bag. Unlike a lot of others I have tried other cruise lines and will in the future.
  4. I am more of a morning person but usually by the time I’m getting breakfast I’ve been up for at least an hour or more. I want coffee 😛.
  5. That’s absolutely correct. I don’t know why people keep repeating this incorrect information. Op, the vista suite is not worth it. It’s barely bigger than a balcony.
  6. 1) supply chain issues 🤪 2) too much waste 😛 3) too much packaging 😂 these 3 answers will fit anything hal does away with or that people feel the need to explain on Hal’s behalf.
  7. I don’t think they’ve used the signature of excellence for a really long time. I had the worst waiter I’ve ever had on a ship in the pinnacle grill on the koningsdam. He wasn’t fit to be a waiter in a greasy spoon. No way would he be able to handle a pop up.
  8. Right hand meet left hand. Wasn’t the pinnacle always used for the pop up? I don’t understand that comment.
  9. I’ve taken to hiding mine because I eat an apple in the morning. I caught on to it after a while. I don’t hide the basket, just the fruit. I also hide my bags that I pack my shoes in because they like to chuck those out.
  10. I’ve done a lot of cruises with hal (5 star) and I get Mariners pricing. I’ve also done other lines. Sometimes there is a draught for Mariners pricing. Why not give people that book a lot a price break instead of given free cruises to every tom, dick and Harry. That’s just super annoying. I could “maybe” see it if a person has multiple cruises booked.
  11. Ewwww, fancy. I’d love a nectarine or kiwi. I’ve asked in the cabana, no dice. Maybe I should knock on the Neptune lounge door 😛.
  12. That’s always the “convenient” excuse. Since you had to specifically ask for it at least in balcony rooms it hard to believe people ask for it to just sit there. I took some apples from the lido and my cabana and didn’t waste any of them.
  13. I hear what you are saying and don’t disagree with what you are saying. I just don’t enjoy a cafeteria. The pinnacle is easily my least favorite lately more for the service than the food. Some of the food is really excellent, other food not so much. It would have no value if this nickel and dime bit doesn’t stop. Give me sel de mer or Canaletto any day.
  14. I hear you on the coffee. I hate waiting so I usually bring one with me, then they wonder why.
  15. That's too bad. Maybe you have too many cruises booked ;). Thankfully it worked for me. Hopefully you had a knowledgeable person check it and not someone that said whatever to get you off the phone. I don't love when people suggest checking spam and junk folders. Never is anything there for me.
  16. Uggggg, that is ridiculous. In a venue that small you should be able to get better and more attentive service. I sure hope it improves.
  17. You should be able to order off the everyday menu.
  18. The port of Vancouver is such a beautiful port. I love it there.
  19. It would be nice if everyone was so careful. For some reason it’s a reason to ridicule 🙄.
  20. I don’t want anyone touching my phone and visa versa. I’d rather be safe than sorry. I’ve only done 4 cruises so far (2 b2b) and no Covid. I haven’t had Covid in real life either and no one in my family has either. I’ve been around plenty of work people that have. That’s my scary place. I hope my luck continues.
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