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Everything posted by Florida_gal_50

  1. Hal gave me a hard time about getting a lower price even though I had a fully refundable cruise fare telling me I already had one price drop. I don't think so. I could cancel the whole thing. They count on people not being well versed so if you hear something that doesn't make sense it needs to be questioned.
  2. What they should do is base it on what you paid for your cruise. Less for your cruise you pay more. That would thin out the crowd considerably.
  3. Believe me I wanted to but to get any attention I had to speak very loud and I was hoping the line up would die down so people wouldn't get nasty so I waited but it never died down. I had so many billing issues they probably didn't want to deal it it so they just ignored me.
  4. What you put into a slot machine is not a cruise cost. That’s all optional. My cruise fare is not optional. You can say whatever you want about how the price of the cruise is covered by someone else. Doesn’t make it true. I won’t be commenting any further about this because this isn’t the subject of this thread.
  5. $800 for a Neptune. Most people would pay that for an inside. As far as having an a la carte menu for the pinnacle it would be interesting to see how much business it would get. Maybe just people that pay $800 for Neptune suites.
  6. I’m a 5 star. I also buy club orange. It’s not 500 people that buy club orange on any given cruise. When I was on the koningsdam that “special” line meant zero. I stood there while they took at least 20 people before me. I had to say to them excuse me, can I get some help. I’ve been standing here for a really long time. Zero priority there. They claimed they didn’t see me. There is no wall there. They couldn’t care less about it.
  7. Well then stop giving away cruises. That will bring in money if you have paying customers.
  8. Wth? Be my guest. Instead of going after me question those that get free cruises. You are more than welcome to keep the price you booked at. I don’t live in Florida where I can pick up any cheap cruise. I’m still working and I work hard for it. I didn’t come from money nor am I a person that works a half year for giggles. When a cruise goes down $1000 in the few months since I booked you’d be a moron not to refare. I’m not talking $20. Maybe pick on someone else on the board. There are enough people that email each other to do this already.
  9. I got mine today! Maybe it got a piggy back from yours. I’m on the west side of the country too.
  10. I can hardly wait to get one of these cheap cruises. It never happens to me. I'm paying at ton more than I did 20 years ago. Maybe for inside or outside room because they are not as in demand.
  11. I used to use a pcc but after my last fiasco of a cruise I switched to a ta. My ta got told that was the last reduction I’d be getting because I’d had one. Excuse me? I guess they forgot I could cancel the whole thing and rebook. I know it wasn’t the ta that came up with this story. I was mystified because it was total garbage. I think they think people are dumb and they can get away with it. When it come to stuff like this I will put up a fight.
  12. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t happening. This could be a trial or they could be rolling it out ship by ship. I wouldn’t assume because it hasn’t happened it never will. I doubt the op is making it up just for fun. If they were that would be really childish.
  13. I think the reason they changed it was because they weren’t making enough $ because maybe people just had a main etc. I know my meal was cheaper when it was a la carte. Now they make the money no matter what.
  14. Rudi’s. It’s a hundred times better then the pinnacle. The lobster is amazing.
  15. Yes that’s always the excuse. If that’s the case they could put something on the menu to say that you will be charged extra for an extra appetizer if you order it and waste it. It’s a cash grab just like the extra entree test was. I mean maybe it’s a “supply chain issue”. That’s another favorite.
  16. The thing is, the meal is $39 usd if I remember correctly. Maybe it’s more. That’s about $51 Canadian. I don’t expect to go out for an inclusive meal at home ( if the city I live) and then tell you oh by the way, it’s going to be extra. I’ve been known to have more than one appetizer at times, but not every time. I eat pretty darn sensibly throughout the day. I’m not eating cookies, huge cream puffs, fries, pizzas, burgers etc so I’m going to eat more at supper. I shouldn’t have to pay for that. It’s bad enough to get snide remarks from the waiter saying “you sure cleaned that up” and then I get to pay extra on top of that. That will be a no. If more people complain about it, hopefully it will die a quick death like the extra entree did. I really don’t want to hang in the casino especially if there is smoking. I just get super annoyed because someone posted the other day that hal is getting to be known as the free cruise line for gamblers meanwhile I’m paying a good sum for my cruises. Then they get snarky when you ask about a price reduction on a refundable cruise before final.
  17. Well lots of free casino cruises being handed out. I'm paying plenty for mine. If they are hurting so much maybe start charging everyone for their cruise, no freebies.
  18. Yes, but aren't your cruises free casino cruises? For my next 2 week cruise I'm paying well over $5K for standard balcony room. If I paid zero or $200 I wouldn't mind paying a lot more for my keep.
  19. There used to be. When I was on the Koningsdam in March and was told that no longer applied. That said, others reported to still getting the discount. I emailed the mariners society about 2 months ago and so far crickets are chirping.
  20. Stop favoring free casino player cruises over those that pay high prices. That's just not right.
  21. OMG brutal. I hope it turned out/is turning out better for you. How can the guy not realize it's not his bag?
  22. Famous last words. I used to work with someone that did exactly that years ago. I suspect most cruise lines do this, especially something like carnival.
  23. As long and they don’t bring the “show” that they had the crew do a few years ago in the mdr I’m good. These cruises sound interesting.
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