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Everything posted by Tree_skier

  1. Sadly, of the next 6 cruises I have booked I can only take advantage of it once. Navigator Jan 23 and Aug 23.. No hibachi onboard. Oasis Mar 23... We already booked the UDP Adventure Feb 24 Nothing listed yet but I don't think it has a hibachi. Icon Dec 24. Nothing listed for sale yet. I did get it for Harmony Dec 23. I took full advantage of that one as I have extended family booked on that cruise so I booked it for 7 of us...
  2. 1. Yes they offer a shuttle but there also many other good options. Check the Galveston board. WE always use Uber and come in the day before. I can't stress the "come in the night before" enough. Flights for the out of town folks around Christmas can be a mess. Don't take a chance having them flying in the day of the cruise. 2. Two rooms are going to be better than one. Often there is little difference in price but two bathrooms and the space are golden. You can easily fit 4 suitcases under each bed so no worries about the space for an overpacker. 3. Internet package can be shared amongst all your guests it doesn't matter which room you are in. If you buy a 1 device package only one device can be hooked up at a time. 2 device means 2 devices simultaneously. 3... etc. if you exceed the number it will be asked to boot someone off. 4. I've not cruised over Christmas but in December. There are decorations and maybe some caroling. I'm sure others can give you more on that one. 5. You can bring 12 bottles per cabin. If she drinks that much the refreshment package might be worth a look for your mom. It is usually $30 a day but can often be gotten on sale for $23. If she likes specialty coffee like latte's then it might pay. They usually offer a couple of sugar free flavors. There are other offerings included in package but if she is diabetic I'm not sure that would used. 6. No clue 7. A non grounded multi adapter for charging devices is my must have. 8. So many options it is hard to suggest anything. 9. We typically stay just north of Galveston in Texas city in hotel just off of Interstate 45. Much cheaper than Galveston and only 25 minute Uber to the port in the morning. There are several good hotels that match that. 10. Massages onboard are good but they are pricier than what you find on land. They are very enjoyable and my wife typically gets one on embarkation afternoon. It's kind of a ritual for us. That being said, there are very inexpensive ones available in the port area in Costa Maya. If you are looking to economize I'd wait until Costa Maya. Enjoy your cruise. 🙂
  3. Yeah, I was surprised when I looked. It's not as good as the $18 DBP but it's still good.
  4. No, Hibachi and Tepanyaki are the synonymous. This is from the menu link from the listing for Hibachi that I booked. See it calls it Teppanyaki
  5. Ok so I went into my cruise planner for a couple of my future cruises and lo and behold I find the same thing... except the price is listed as 28.99 which, if memory serves me correctly, is a great price. I went ahead and booked it. Thanks for the heads up 🙂 I'm sure this is just a reading comprehension problem on my part so could you help me understand your problem. If I look at what you posted above it appears you are getting the discounted price of 28.99 for the Teppanyaki. Where is this $50.99 that concerns you? Ignore any prices in the menu if that is the $50.99 you are seeing and what concerns you. That is an onboard price if dining at the Hibachi without prepaying it. Once you book and pay for it pre-cruise there is no additional charge. If booked on board as part of 3NDP or UDP then there is an addition $10 charge for a second protein choice.
  6. I think you are confusing the hibachi and Izumi. In my experience pre booking the Izumi sushi restaurant is about $28 while the hibachi is usually around $45-50. It can seem confusing at times.
  7. I've been on Liberty twice and love that ship. I love the ice shows not available on Quantum class ship as well as the "Tidal Wave" slide which I think is the best waterslide at sea. Not available on any other ship.. That being said, Anthem has a lot of great stuff Liberty doesn't... iFly, Northstar, Bumper cars to name a few. Also, Anthem probably has a little more entertainment options.
  8. Yeah, getting old sucks! I'm hoping I can keep going for a few more years on the slopes. I know those days are numbered.
  9. Thanks Doc, I'm going to keep doing what I'm doing now and hope I continue to see the improvement I need. When I check my cost estimator on healthcare app it list as unavailable so perhaps my healthcare provider doesn't do it so it might be a moot point. I imagine it's really expensive if you are paying out of pocket and without a guarantee of success I'd probably steer clear.
  10. I got one steroid shot. Doc said it could last up to 2 years. He said that I could have up to 4 a year. It lasted a month. When it wore off it seemed the pain was worse than before so I haven't gone back for a more. I'm trying to lose weight, I'm taking Glucosamine. I have bought the best brace I can, keeping it wrapped whenever I'm doing anything of significance. I'm finding that I am doing all normal activities without limping or major pain anymore. Things like extended Costco trips were always troublesome. I imagine the hard concrete floor was what caused the problem. Now they are no problem. I haven't lost enough weight for it to make a difference so its either the brace or the Glucosamine or a combination of the two but so far so good. I've managed to ski twice this year. Both times I did so without any significant pain. Of course my skiing is more limited now. I stick to groomed intermediate runs and steer clear of all the advanced and expert terrain. It sad but at least it lets me keep skiing.
  11. Thanks for the info I'll be interested in following how you fair with this shot. I just looked up Synvisc and it seems completely different from the steroid shot I got. My shot worked quickly but stopped working about a month after getting it. The next time I talk to my doctor I'll be mentioning this drug.
  12. New GGG flyer is finally out and they spelled Symphony wrong. 🙂 No really great deals that I can see.
  13. I remember Hato caves from our Odyssey cruise... Loved that excursion. Sorry I go so far behind in following. It's been a busy week 😩
  14. Our Oasis March 5 has the new menu's but our Jan 30 Navigator has the old menu's.
  15. Forecast is looking good for us. Last bit of rain is supposed to pass overhead right now ending within the hour and then the long term forecast shows dry for the next 2 weeks. 🙂 Not exactly warm but at least we can start drying out.
  16. Thanks, it is pretty wet around here right now but there is no danger of the home flooding so that is good. A lot of ditches are filled to overflowing and that means standing water on the roadways. I haven't seen anything really catastrophic except for stuck vehicles. The biggest consequence is that because they opened the dams and are dumping all the water from Hensley Lake, the Madera Canal is a raging torrent. All the homeless who made their home in the dry canal are taking up residence on the streets. We're seeing a lot of tents out back of retail establishments and Courthouse park and Rotary Park are overrun right now. That'll be bad for the kids when everything drys up and everyone returns to their usual spots. On the good side I just read that snowpack levels are at 200%. Earlier on they said they couldn't declare the drought over until snow pack reached 200%. Even though now it has they'll never declare it over but at least we should get some good fishing this spring at the lakes. Thanks for asking after us.
  17. I switch from Windows and Android devices to all Apple in 2016 and I'll never go back. I was a diehard Windows guy all the way back to the beginning and swore it was the best and I'd never change. A friend convinced to get an iPhone in 2016 and with in a a few months I had upgraded to a MacBook Pro and an iPad as well. Once you go apple you rarely go back.
  18. Congratulations, what a great accomplishment. You look quite splendid. How old were you when you started if you don't mind me asking. I went back to Uni when I was 30 years old. I was definitely a more "mature" student than the others 18 year olds in those first year classes. I felt odd and It was a very nerve wracking experience initially. The farther along I got the less odd I became.
  19. I have done this several times with my Royal branded BOA credit card on file. This way I get double reward points for cash I spend in the casino.
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