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Everything posted by Tree_skier

  1. I'm clearly not living right. Out of six cruises, on which several I have bid medium or strong, I have won zero.
  2. Cousin Vinnie and Andrew were right. So the final story is there is nothing wrong with the truck. The shop said there was so much mud caked underneath that it unbalanced the steer tires. This isn't just regular mud. It is almost clay like. Hence why driving didn't just cause it to fall off. It was practically hardened like ceramic on the inside of the wheels. I left the shop and went strait to a do it yourself carwash and started hosing out the inside of the wheels. It took 20 minutes of pressure washing the inside of the wheels before that brown clay stopped running out of them and the water ran clear. Lesson learned. While we were doing our hillbilly best to get the truck out SIL said "we need to buy a kinetic rope". I'd never heard of it before.
  3. yeah and now that it’s out I’ve got a death rattle at 40 mph and above. Something got bent. Sitting at the shop now. 😪
  4. No it doesn't, that Powerstroke engine is so heavy and there was no weight in back so no amount of effort was going to get me out last night. There was lots of cussing in the rain last night. It didn't help. SIL worked an overnight shift at the prison so he didn't get home until this morning and that is when we got unstuck. I felt like I was in a country song.
  5. So of course... just to taunt me a little more... This happened last night. Picture is before my SIL and his hillbilly truck and 12,000 lbs winch got me out.
  6. Royal IT at work again, I guess. I've gotten an email every time.
  7. The only time I want to drive in snow is when I'm driving to the ski hill. Otherwise, I'm done driving in the snow for the rest of my life!
  8. It's been absolutely waterlogged around here. I've pulled my old portable dehumidifiers out of storage and have set them up around the house. We've got flooding out at the back of the property well away fro the house. There is no worry it could ever reach the house though, the back of the property is substantially lower. I have been telling everyone I feel like I'm back living in Vancouver. I have never seen this much rain since moving here. We've got 10 more days of rain on the horizon... They've opened the Millerton Lake resevoir yesterday and dumped 12,200 AF of water into the waterways that will flow strait out into the ocean. All the homeless folks living in the dried up canal had to make for higher ground. I can't wait for the summertime when they tell us we don't have enough water to irrigate farmland.
  9. Usually with the Shareholder benefit Royal will send you an email advising it has been applied. It'll show in your cruise planner.
  10. This actually ended up being true for me too. I booked a really good deal for a seaplane glacier viewing flight on Royal cheaper than I could have bought it directly through co. that was operating it. It pays to watch for bargains.
  11. That being said... anything you can get at Starbucks should be available at Cafe Promenade which is included in th DBP
  12. My Grand daughter is Celiac, Soy and diary intolerant. The staff on Adventure were amazing for her.
  13. I was like you... I missed the Chef's recommendations... I thought I lost my favorite beef tenderloin. Found it on French night. 😉
  14. I'm sorry you have a broken wrist Jane... That'll teach to stay out of the Skate board park! Get better soon. 🙂
  15. I think with the advent of Starlink Surf is going away. Of my next six cruises on four different ships none are offering Surf only. The only offering is Surf and Stream. YMMV
  16. I have done both ship sponsored excursions and booked some once I walked off the ship. There are deals to be had. I'm familiar with the one that @firefly333 mentioned. You can take a bus to Mendenhall Glacier and view it, the falls and the nature center all on your own for a very inexpensive price. If I remember correctly, it was $20 for the return trip. Stunning views and a comfortable walk around the lake to the falls. Just walk off the ship and look for the kiosk selling tickets to Mendenhall Glacier. Another option in Juneau is the Mt Roberts Tramway. Easy and inexpensive to do on your own. Also, as someone else mentioned Sitka. It has a few inexpensive options as well. After getting off the complimentary shuttle you can walk to National Park and Salmon Hatchery. A lot of nice sights there and a great outdoor experience. ISP has very little to offer if you don't book a cruise line excursion. Ketchikan we only wandered the town and shopped. It's a nice spot to do that if you want to save money of excursions. Skagway, I have only done ship sponsored excursions so I can't help you there.
  17. It is because they are connecting. The two other interior cabins on deck nine that show connecting should be green as well. If you look on the other decks you will see they are all marked as green. It is just a mistake on the deck plan.
  18. We have used these they are excellent. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01E4SQNLS/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1
  19. I always book specialty on embarkation day. It is the only way to start a cruise.
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