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Everything posted by TeeRick

  1. I was not aware that Equinox had already been upgraded to Starlink. Thanks!
  2. These Aft corner Sky suites are very popular and sell out quickly. We try to get them when we sail on S-Class ships. They also have a small vestibule off the main hallway for added privacy. You go through two doors to get in your cabin. Some folks do not like this. We have stayed with or without the window washing equipment and not really a big deal to us. Neither are the polls in some of them. Port hole window is nice. Great cabins. But you definitely walk more!
  3. OBC from Celebrity is non-refundable if you do not use all of it. But it might be refundable if it comes from a travel agent. Your Celebrity OBC should be listed in your guest reservation copy or call them and get a copy emailed to you. It is sometimes on your Celebrity account online, sometimes not.
  4. Yes we are in a suite and will have premium WiFi.
  5. That was my thought too. Maybe I got the wrong T-Mobile rep on the phone yesterday. So I am seeking out actual experience from those that used WiFi calling with T-Mobile on Celebrity ships.
  6. All this is well known and has not changed. These are the exceptions to the no vaccine and no testing policy. Certain countries (not many) still have requirements and certain sailings. What is your ship and itinerary?
  7. No. I am not boarding for a week. But I called them in advance to understand the rules and charges of international calls and texts. We always had Verizon until recently.
  8. Hi @Jim_Iain we will be on Equinox in a week (Caribbean). It appears that you have (or had) T-Mobile on an Equinox cruise. We previously had Verizon and never got any charges on the ships or in ports using WiFi Calling (and texting). Just kept our phone on Airplane mode and used WiFi. However we recently switched to T-Mobile. I checked yesterday with T-Mobile and they warned me about charges even using WiFi calling. Our cellular plan (Magenta 55+) is 0.25 cents/min for international calls from the islands we visit but I thought we could avoid this on ship with WiFi calling. What is your experience? Maybe I made a mistake switching from Verizon? Thanks!
  9. Same here. On the app, scanned the Luminae menu for our Equinox cruise next week. It seems pretty normal. Also scanned the MDR menu. It was pretty normal too. If I can trust the app (big if).
  10. The Lobster Roll in Luminae has always been a joke. Order it for lunch and You Go Away Hungry.
  11. Yeah- but how many have blocked you? Not me! If you respond to this I'll know that you have not blocked me (yet).☺️
  12. I agree with your thoughts here. And I agree with others too that if Celebrity has made changes (dress code allows shorts in MDR, reduced buffet offerings) as of Jan 1, then they simply need to communicate this broadly. Before people pack and board the ship. Not too much to ask really. We are going out next week and we will communicate back here for Equinox. As for me, I always bring long pants for dining. Nobody wants to see my ugly legs while they eat!😁
  13. It is a sign of the times that we are all very aware of coughing, sneezing and such on ships, on planes, in supermarkets, etc. But in many (most?) cases it is not COVID. People report coughing on board but that is pretty normal for many various reasons. So I personally will just do what I need to do. I will mask when I feel at risk (crowded elevator for example). Or avoid the situation if I can.
  14. Thanks! I do understand your points. And pants.😁
  15. Why would the MDR policy change? I would see your point if the Oceanview Buffet was entirely eliminated for dinner. But not in the case of reduced selections.
  16. On our upcoming Equinox cruise, as long as my dw can order the escargot appetizer every night she is happy. She needs something to dip her bread- garlic and butter! We are in a suite but she can order it from the MDR menu. If this was eliminated she would make us stop cruising on Celebrity! If we do go to the Oceanview one night for dinner - we will just choose from the limited selections. It won't ruin our cruise. But I will definitely follow others here and express my dissatisfaction to the officers and on the post-cruise survey. I would welcome PB &J. Smooth or Crunchy?
  17. Save your Spiny Lobster from the MDR and add it to your Mac & Cheese! ☺️
  18. YES! This is the only way to get things back. Frequent customer complaints to officers and on guest surveys about the new OV limited selections will definitely have an impact. I will do that exactly on my upcoming cruise. I hope others here follow your advice.
  19. There are certain well known posters here who are frequently on Celebity TA calls and report information here.
  20. My next cruise on Jan 21 will be the last of my FCC's used. After that I have very little loyalty to Celebrity (or RCCL for that matter) with all of these changes, charges and less than required staff and service in some areas. Even though we are E+ and D+ we are far away from Zenith or Pinnacle. And we generally sail suites which minimize those benefits anyway. We will look for suites on other lines now and get our best value going forward. I know many of you came to this conclusion already.
  21. You are likely correct but I do wish one of the travel agents on these boards who deal with Celebrity can get a direct confirmation on the Jan 1 changes. And explain if they are permanent or are just temporary due to limited staff.
  22. Ok but that is real cold water lobster. On ships in the MDR you get the Spiny or Caribbean lobster which is actually a large crawfish- not even in the lobster family. So I will not pay an upcharge for that!
  23. Fully understand your perspective! But welcome to Celebrity and Cruise Critic.
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