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Everything posted by Purdey16

  1. Well we we’re on board at 10.45 had coffee and cake and champagne, then off to dinning room for lunch now going to room
  2. That’s not good stuck for 6 hours with a wee one , thankfully we have always been lucky when travelling and not been caught up in long delays. Pleased you’re all home now and enjoying all that sunshine.
  3. Took me quite a while to work that one out , thought where on earth am I going to find part baked bread sticks in Reykjavik 🤣
  4. Well it was another lovely sunny day today I’ve done all my housework and finished my packing for tomorrow’s cruise to Norway and Iceland, been on a diet since my last msc cruise 4 weeks back and I’ve lost 1 1/2 stone so evening dresses fitting , husband lost 1 stone but he said he’s certainly making up for it in the next two weeks, it’s our 45th wedding anniversary tomorrow on boarding day , it is a princess cruise and we have a room right at the front of the ship big window at the top so we can see all but keeping warm because Iceland has not been very good in weather wise this week. I will have internet so I will still be reading and probably put some photos up etc if you all don’t mind because it’s not a p&o cruise, have a lovely weekend everyone and Brian I expect your on your way to Italy now if not yet there already if I have missed it have a lovely time 😃 I’ve not heard from Wowzz for a while and he’s not on the princess board at the moment so I hope all is well with him too.
  5. That’s really good news for you josy and positive outcome and fingers crossed it gets rolled out 🤞
  6. Very pleased for you indiana that you feel the difference already in your legs and now back at home recovering.
  7. I don’t know Brian I think I’m still under the influence of the cocktails 😁 Have a lovely time in Weymouth with your family it’s a lovely beach and then jetting back to Italy.
  8. Thank you it was great I would be just happy with the starter as my main meal, we waisted most of the chips and all the rice under the meat and just brought the meat home , so nibbles for tonight when we get back from visiting bovington tank museum today taking our grandson on a educational visit and to see my husband’s donations from years back 😂
  9. The starters was more than enough for us , there was a lot of meat in the second course but photos do not do it justice.
  10. Sorry about my husband tongue but he was mid speaking when I took the photo 😂
  11. Well I’m back from my evening out which was lovely apart from husband spilling my free cocktail over my phone and me , it was a strawberry daiquiri so now all sticky but in compensation I got another 2 cocktails because it was buy one get one free so bonus to me , dinner was lovely but starters alone would of been enough for us after our diets for the last 3 weeks our stomachs have shrunk but a lovely meal nonetheless Im another year older so very good night .😍
  12. So sad graham I didn’t know that, I loved Tina Turner
  13. Been a busy day for me today, made 40 spainish croquettes for a tapas party on Saturday which was a bit of a pain , thought they were going to be easy making jamon Serrano ham ones and chorizo ones , then I made a meal for someone who’s I’ll in our congregation, we all take turns and today was me , so my husband has decided to take me out to dinner tonight to a new Turkish restaurant so probably food porn later , on Friday I’m going to make a lime cheese cake and Saturday stuffed padron peppers and breaded deep fried cheese, and I’m thinking I’m going to put all this weight on just over a stone for my cruise before next week 🥴 oh well blow out tonight and back on it Thursday & Friday, relax for weekend and back on it Monday 😉
  14. Hope all goes well for you Indiana and you recover very soon afterwards and don’t have any more pain when walking, best wishes.
  15. No not really I’m not a coffee drinker, but I have two of the plates one signed by the captain.
  16. Have lunch then onto room to unpack and make appointments, go for a quick drink then back to room for shower and dress for dinner early so we can watch the sail out at the crows nest until it’s time for dinner then straight to show afterwards then bed 😁
  17. Been another lovely sunny day today , been sorting some of my clothes out for my forthcoming cruise and sorting a kitchen cupboard out and I came across my old gala plate that was gifted to me on our very first cruise 20 years ago, and looking at the menu what choices we used to get to compared to now I think there is some differences 🤔 but thought you’d all like to see how it’s changed now.
  18. I’m the same with you about the Atrium being big and noisy, and we enjoyed the crows nest best for a drink but I didn’t know you could have a cocktail in Sindhu if you were not eating in there, so thank you for the tip , enjoy your cruise.
  19. Hope all goes smoothly and a speedy recovery for you.
  20. That sounds a fantastic cruise Phil one that I would love to do , have a lovely time especially in Alaska.
  21. Never seen anything like that before and MSC were serving drinks while in port a couple of weeks ago, that’s probably a NCL rule to cut back expenses 😉
  22. Loved Antonine and Giovanni on tv a few weeks back when Giovanni went back to his home town they were so funny together. Sun almost peaking out here and hope it stays dry too.
  23. Just caught up on this , thank you for doing this live thread during your holiday and glad you got to see some of the coronation in London, nice pictures of Stonehenge I’ve yet to visit but maybe in the summer. You made me laugh about the traffic lights though, it’s always been like that, enjoy the rest of your cruise I will be following along as I’m on a princess cruise beginning of June .
  24. So happy to hear from you Kalos, we all missed you and a little worried too but so happy after all these years you been waiting to go away you and mrs K got to Madeira, such a lovely place but not so good when you both felt I’ll for a few days and I think I know what hill you were on about down near the harbour and the roundabout, glad we had a car to deal with it. Congratulations on the news of you going to be a great grandad . Now you have broken the holiday bug you can start planning your next one 😍
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