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Everything posted by caribill

  1. Yes, the CD should have been aware, but in the main the staff does not know much about areas outside of their work assignment. I would not expect a ship's photo department staff member to know about booking the Sanctuary. I would not expect a Spa staff member to know much about booking specialty restaurants. I would not expect a cabin attendant to know much about signing up for the Chef's Table. I do not know where the staff that directs people to the buffet on embarkation day normally work, but they do not come from the food and beverage department. They likely only know they have been directed to help people find the buffet. Their supervisors may be faulted for not letting the staff know about other dining options, but do not blame the staff that point you to the buffet for just doing what they have been asked to do.
  2. Was this a charge you saw on the end-of-cruise account summary they e-mailed to you? Or is that just the date the charge has on the credit card statement? It could be that someone making a new cruise reservation with the future cruise person may had an incorrect cabin number given when the booking was made and thus the charge went directly to your card for that reason. Telling the credit card company that the charge is not valid is the best course of action. If you ever find out the source of the charge, please come back and post that information.
  3. Any phone number on the credit card statement is to the bank, not Princess.
  4. They may not be telling a falsehood because they may not know that a dining room is open. They can only tell what they know. In the middle of one cruise I was on I mentioned to the Cruise Director something about the embarkation day lunch in the dining room. Turned out that he had no idea that a dining room was open that day even though (a) he was an experienced Princess employee and (B) he was in charge of putting out the Patter which correctly listed the dining room as being open that day. The staff tend to know their own area of work very well, but many have little knowledge of what goes on elsewhere in the ship.
  5. In the past with TD, every table was ready for everyone when the dining room opened for each seating. However, with DMW if you reserve a specific table for 7 PM, there is no guarantee that the people who had dined there before you would be finished when you showed up at the reserved time. Thus you would have to wait until they did finish their meal, however much longer it takes.
  6. Was the ship at full capacity? Or were there so few passengers there was no problem getting the same table each evening. (I assume you were not dining when the dining room first opens since at that time your table would be available each evening.)
  7. Which is available every evening in the regular dining rooms as it is on the children's menu which any adult can also order from.
  8. I have yet to read a post that says the experience was not worth the cost. Post Covid though, parts of the experience are not currently being done such as being in the galley for part of the experience.
  9. Even if you have marked your cruise for Princess not to upgrade, you even without this bidding program could have always chosen to purchase an upgrade. This, to me is the same. If you want to not be upgraded, do not make a bid. But if you may a bid and it is accepted, it is because you, not Princess, chose to upgrade you I assume Princess would send the offers to maker a bid to everyone on a cruise except those where npo higher category exists. Would not matter if marked do not upgrade or not.
  10. Is that the minimum bid or is that just the current list price difference from your type cabin to a balcony?
  11. If your bid is accepted, you will not have any choice in cabin location. One will be assigned to you and cannot be changed according to information in another thread.
  12. OK on a connecting flight if you do not have to pass through security again. I have seen many reports of people who have had their duty-free perfumes confiscated going through security at the next airport.
  13. My big mistake. I forgot about the 100ml limits. However, if you purchase in a duty free shop, they will deliver the bottle to you at the gate. (But do not expect to be able carry it on a next flight on the itinerary.)
  14. Muster drill outside has never been a Princess thing. The muster drills were always (in my memory at least) held inside in the muster stations you would go to in case of emergency. Princess does inside mustering because the length of an emergency can be many hours and it is much more comfortable to stay inside for the duration. Even in the extremely rare case of needing to abandon ship, there is no guarantee that an assigned lifeboat would be functional. So in case of needing to abandon ship, crew will lead passengers from the inside muster station to working lifeboats.
  15. Within normal carry-on limits, you can carry wine bottles onto an airplane. You just are not allowed to drink any of that wine while on the plane.
  16. Just like a number of passengers have a problem making the App work during a cruise, there have been posts saying that the crew's tablets also do not always work and it takes less time to get the necessary info from a passenger than to fight the tablet.
  17. Made without beef broth but including the cheese, it is vegetarian. However, it would not be vegan.
  18. Prior to this menu, we have special ordered the evening before the onion soup to be made vegetarian. In other words, without beef stock. Of course, it is necessary to ask if the onion soup on this menu is or is not made with beef stock.
  19. And make sure they cook them in an area they do not cook the meat burgers and other meat offerings.
  20. You did not see it in the buffet because the buffet does not charge for food and the lobster roll costs $15.
  21. At the time, you could not fly back to the USA without a negative Covid test. So the person posting could not return to the USA by air when the cruise ended. So there were two choices: a) Tell Princess you have Covid and have Princess cover the expenses for the two people to stay in England for x days; or b) Not tell Princess and pay for those expenses yourself. It is nice that you would have been willing to cover the expenses yourself instead of asking Princess to do so.
  22. From the Princess web site: If you, your family members, travel companions or other close contacts are quarantined or medically isolated during your voyage as a result of a positive COVID-19 test during your cruise or are suspected of having COVID-19, you are entitled to a 100% Future Cruise Credit for missed cruise days, including time in quarantine, for you, your travel party and any confirmed close contacts.
  23. It means that people are more likely to keep the FCC and use it for a future Princess cruise instead of getting the $$$ back and using for a cruise on another cruise line. Thus it is the best interest of Princess to extend the use of those FCCs.
  24. Each cancellation has had its own set of rules. Early on the cancellations had a minimum FCC of $100 even if the actual deposit had been less. Lately the cancellations have just had FCCs for the actual deposit with no minimum. So if the deposit was just $1, then the FCC would be just $1.
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