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Everything posted by JohnGc

  1. Call me crazy but unlike the wife I quite enjoyed it. I don't feel like I am at sea if it is too calm. Sorry for the passengers that got hurt & were sea sick though. I am ok as long as it does not shut the galley kitchen down.🤭
  2. When coming to Aus on the old Fair sky through the Bay Of Biscay, I remember all the plates flying off the dining tables and chairs with people sitting in flying over backwards. Furniture sliding every where Many with injuries. I don't know if the Fair Sky having been converted to an air craft carrier during the war and then converted to a passenger ship made any difference but when a wave hit she would sway over to port or starboard and stay there for ages before returning to upright. Being ex navy it did not bother me but the screaming from the passengers hurt my ears.😁
  3. I have always booked direct until the latest cruise with RCC. The TA I have booked with has been excellent and so helpful. I have changed cabins twice. While I was on the phone asking if she could change my cabin she found one more suitable and emailed the paperwork through before the phone conversation was finished. The TA also sorted my insurance out at a better cost than I could get it. If you get a good one they make it feel there is no problem they can't sort out.
  4. Thank you. We have decided to use Con-X. Nice to have a guaranteed ride. Thank you all for your helpful suggestions.🙂
  5. According to my false booking for the Maxi cab it is a $1 difference to Con-X. I am tending towards the Con-X but I would have to give them a time of pickup. Although I am going to the airport it is only to pick up my car in the Long parking bays. Flying overseas to embark on the Quantum. When booking the parking I am going to overstate my exit time, this means I can disembark in Brisbane as late as possible. Not sure what time that would be on the Quantum. Using a Maxi cab on the ranks I can change my mind to disembark any time. Parking at the airport is only slightly more cost than Andrews parking minus the shuttles. Had a bad experience once ( not Andrews ) at the Gold Coast where they shifted my car around and caused some damage that they denied doing ( of course ) cost me my excess on insurance, expensive parking in the end.Parking at the airport the car is not shifted. I realise even there it can get damaged but I think less chance than some one else parking it.
  6. Thanks, Ideal for the three of us. Just had a look and slightly more cost than the Con-X. I am still wondering if they will account for the amount of passengers from the Quantum or play safe with a booking for Con-X. Plenty of time to decide.🙂
  7. Thats very interesting thank you. I like the idea and will look into that. Could work out at a lower cost. Cheers John.
  8. Thank you everyone. Yes I will be booking in advance. It is early days before our cruise but I do enjoy planning early and every thing ticked off. Cheers John.
  9. Brilliant. That being the case I will probably book on line before the cruise. Had a quick look at the cost and for 2 adults concession and 1 adult cost is $55. quite reasonable I reckon. Thank you.
  10. Thank you. Did think about the taxis but we are a bit concerned about three adults luggage fitting in the boot. I also wondered if the cabs could cater for the amount of passengers from the Quantum.
  11. They sound like that may be the answer for us as there would be three adults with luggage, I think we would be pushing our luck trying to get it all in a cab boot. Thank you for your input.
  12. Thank you for the info.Thats not a bad cost. Did you have to book them before the cruise ?
  13. Great, I will have look at that. Thank you.
  14. Do you reckon they would be a good fit from BICC to the airport when disembarking from the Quantum ?
  15. All the best mate, chin up. Hope you are back home soon. Lot of friends here thinking of you.
  16. Thanks guys, appreciate your helpful replies. John
  17. Just had to renew my passport and will be taking my first o/s cruise apart from N/Z and would like to know what you seasoned cruisers do under the following circumstances. Do you trust and leave your passports in the cabin safe when going ashore and just take a copy ? When travelling to your cruise keep them in your carry on bag or on your person ? Keep photos of them on your phone ? If requested at a hotel or other establishments to view your passport just use a copy ? All information would be appreciated. As stated your passport is your most valuable item and I just want to do all that is possible to save any hassles. Thanks John.
  18. I think that is where the cows mooer more than anywhere else. Come on some one, I had my turn the other week. 😊
  19. Ia it a female horse name or similar to a pole.
  20. Yes fits in well with the sculpture a definite connection with mythology.
  21. Correct. Nice place Devonport. There is a Maritime museum not far from the sculpture that is worth seeing.Had a great holiday driving around Tasmania. Your turn.
  22. Yes it would, he was a spirit of the sea I believe and quite tall. He never wore any clothes and caused a bit of a stir when he first appeared. The locals were upset and caused a bit of a stir so much so it upset his creator who did a bunk to the main land and never came back. Does not look like any other takers, perhaps time to name the place and your turn next.😀
  23. Good one. I think you should pick a photo for your next turn. 😊
  24. Just whisper it and I will keep it to myself 😂
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