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Everything posted by JohnGc

  1. Does anyone know if you can just buy the internet per day as and when you want it. I would only need to contact the family now and again on a long cruise.
  2. That will be very handy, thank very much. I will have a good look at.👍
  3. Brilliant, thanks Julie. We are going on a driving holiday later on in February and the mountain is on our list. We will be lucky enough to be able to choose weather wise when to go.
  4. Sounds like you had a great time.Hope you don't mind a few questions.Love to do that next time we are in Tasmania.Hope the weather was good for you, I read it can be very changeable hourly and day to day on the mountain. Could a fairly fit elderly couple do the walk to Crater Rock lookout and do you need hiking boots ? Thanks.
  5. I must agree. We had a great time on board. In Hobart Tasmania we went on a short tour of the area and at one point there was a view of the ship and from a distance it took me a while to pick the Ovation out because it looked like a big block of units !!! Having said that I would enjoy cruising on the Ovation or the Quantum again.😊
  6. Thanks for that. Only checked it on my planner on my computer. May download the app on my iphone.👍
  7. No RCI Royal Caribbean International.
  8. Just signed into my account with RCI and all my cruises have disappeared and stating I have no upcoming cruises. Any one else got this problem.?
  9. Unfortunately unless you suffer with these complaints people, ( understandably ) do not realise the reason you are coughing. My medical condition causes a dry cough from the throat. I try to avoid anyone that has a hacking deep cough but still feel empathy for them as long as they cover up.
  10. Might be onto a winner there, another good one would be " I am vulnerable keep away "😁
  11. Embarrassing for me I have Barrett's oesophagus that makes you cough and I often get dirty looks, that has increased since Covid showed up. The mask mandate was good for me, I did not feel so guilty when I coughed. Maybe I should hang a sign around my neck with " I don't have Covid " 😷
  12. Out of curiosity is the medical on board for Covid free of charge ? I know RCI stated a while back that anything Covid related would be no charge, not sure if that is still the case.
  13. It was all there, I am sorry I probably did not explain well. I have dark mode turned on my computer which blacked out all the white information on your chart and only showed the ports not the ships. As soon as I turned off dark mode everything magically appeared. Your chart was great, nothing wrong with it unlike my brain.😁
  14. Thanks for that great chart . I must mention this I could not see anything other than Brisbane & Sydney and then I had a brainwave ( turn off dark mode ) 😂😂
  15. Thank you Mr walker. Preparing all this well in advance for the cruise from Honolulu. Its a case of waiting to see the covid situation on the Ovation and Quantum when they arrive here. So looking forward to cruising but the Wife and I are classed as vulnerable so it will be a case of sensible or foolhardy. Booked on Quantum cruise Brisbane / Sydney /Hobart in January, seriously considering this one, being an 8 day cruise in Australia not quite as bad as a 18 day cruise from Honolulu. Big ship with lots of people though !!! Have to make our mind up for the January cruise as full payment is due mid November.
  16. On a false booking I made for Air N/Z to Honolulu via Auckland, a 787-900 Boeing Dreamliner is used even from Gold Coast to Aukland.😊
  17. Thats good to know, at my age I need all the comfort I can get. As I am planning on booking well in advance I am still trying to work out how much extra it would cost for refundable air fare in case I have to cancel for any reason. Cant seem to find it with just researching fare cost, may just give them a phone call.
  18. I feel that Air N/Z would be fine from GC international. The domestic flights seems to be the problem now days and I think that will improve as the airlines sort themselves out from all the pre-covid problems. I will enquire when I get a bit closer too booking. Thanks 🙂
  19. Gold Coast Airport has expanded over the last few years and now caters for international flights as well as domestic. Air N/Z fly direct to Auckland from the Gold Coast. Without doubt Brisbane Airport is much larger.
  20. Thats interesting I will have to look into that. If I book direct with Air N/Z to Honolulu from Gold Coast airport the booking states a stop over of about 4/5hrs at Auckland so I assumed the flight to Aukland would be Air N/Z International. Did the girls you mentioned use another carrier other than Air N/Z ? Thanks for the tip about the bus.😊
  21. Thats brilliant, I will be having a look at that. Might be able to afford going a few days earlier.
  22. Thanks good to know. I will do a bit of research on the accommodation. 😊
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