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Everything posted by JohnGc

  1. I am sure I read in a insurance pds once that they required receipts, if so how many would keep them for all the clothes they buy, I certainly don't. If my wife's suitcase had gone missing she would have been in Christchurch having a great time buying new clothes and a new case. As you say the pool towels would have done the job.
  2. So do Insurance companies when claiming for clothes require receipts for the missing clothes?
  3. Covermore will insure the wife and I and includes Covid cover and repatriation. The only drawback is we are over 80 yrs old and the excess is $3000. Not that this is relevant to young gbenjo 😁 but thought it might help others of similar age.
  4. Said to my wife how do you fancy going to Australia, she casually "said okay then ". We emigrated from London UK to Australia in 1969 on the Sitma Fairsky as a 27 year old with 2 Little ones. Now 81 years old !!! how time flys. Best thing we ever did.😊
  5. My daughter was lucky enough to book a solo balcony cabin on the Quantum at reasonable cost. The problem is you have to get in very early as they are very limited. I would like to see future new cruise ships increase them for singles. I feel for single people trying to book, many can not afford to pay double for a cabin or single supplement.Many older people who love cruising loose partners and at a later stage would love to cruise again. Yes if you are lucky enough to have a good friend ( with no annoying habits ) they could share a cabin but personally this would not suit me and I gather many others. I guess it all boils down to the cruise companies having to make a profit but I do feel singles do get a raw deal. Unfortunately the higher cost of air fares since covid ( unless they dramatically change before cancellation date runs out ) has scuttled my wife and I and our daughters cruise on the Quantum from Hawaii to Brisbane later in the year. Just my thoughts. Cheers John.
  6. I have found this bit of information. https://cruisepassenger.com.au/tips-advice/last-minute-cancellation-penalties/
  7. I think your right, I will let my daughter know about the no show idea. Thanks.
  8. She was looking at a June cruise on Pacific Encounter @SPARKY she wanted to pick her own cabin it was with an agent, could not see anywhere on direct booking with P&O that she could do that. Also tried an interior cabin with the same results.
  9. My daughter was testing the waters to see about coming on a cruise with the wife and I and would prefer to have her own balcony cabin near ours. She is willing to pay the double person cost but when trying to book online as a single found that no balcony cabins were available. On trying again but entering 2 persons, balcony cabins were available !! is this a normal practice ? Would booking her son in as well but him not embarking be the answer if so this seems that they are discriminating against a single person. Cheers John.
  10. Yep drop your cases off at the terminal as suggested and enjoy the area. Even when we had an early embarkation time we would avoid the crowds by turning up at a later time. Saved all that queuing up. Started doing that after suffering in a massive line up in the boiling hot sun. You will also find that most hotels will allow you to leave your cases in storage.I preferred dropping them off at the terminal save going back to the hotel.
  11. Nothing worse than being told you cant go to work, I am afraid you will have to stay on the cruise sorry.😁👍
  12. Oh that is not good. I hope you and your family are recovering well. I am sorry you have had to cancel your next cruise, you must be very disappointed. Were you relieved that you were at home when you tested positive ? Some people have stated they would rather have Covid on a cruise than at home. I have to be honest the idea of 6/7 days of isolation in a cabin, even if it is a balcony, does not appeal to me. It is inevitable that the wife and I will catch covid eventually so it is good to know the anti-viral pills are effective. Hopefully things will settle down soon and maybe by October 2023 Covid will be even less of a problem and the wife and I can do our booked Transpacific cruise from Hawaii. Cheers John.
  13. Yes unfortunately using stairs for some would be impossible, for active people a good way to exercise. I normally try to get a cabin not too far from the food.😁
  14. All what you have said makes sense. It was very hard to make our decision and loose our deposit. We were so excited about the new Brisbane Cruise Terminal opening and were in the mind to do as much cruising as we could while we were able. To see it shut down for so long and cruising banned because of Covid was a massive disappointment. We have a a cruise booked for next Oct Hawaii / Brisbane on the Quantum. Although it looks like Covid is here to stay I have my fingers crossed that situation might be a lot better by then and we could hopefully take that cruise. Thanks Julie
  15. Disappointedly I have had to cancel my cruise after keeping an account of the latest covid situation on several cruise ships. Some people seem to handle being positive with Covid and isolation with meals being delivered on time and good medical attention etc and others not so. I have read comments where the blame is entirely aimed at the passengers whom have ignored the rules and rightly so, but I must admit when cruising was at the stage of returning so much was promised by the cruise lines regarding the safety of passengers ie no self serve buffets , air conditioning with HEPA filtering fitted ( has that been done ? and reduced passengers to allow distancing, that also is obviously not happening on embarkation and disembarkation as well. I think short cruises is disguising how much covid is caught on board as it appears to be showing up 2/3 days after disembarkation .I wish the cruise companies would give an honest report of the amount of covid on board to the public to stop any speculation. If my wife and I were not immunocompromised and a lot younger maybe we would have chanced it. Hopefully things will get better in the future. Out of interest I wonder if there are many that have cancelled cruising or the idea of it since the latest cruise cases. These are just my opinions. To all those going on a cruise try and stay safe and enjoy. I would like to thank all those that take the time to give honest reports ( good and bad ) for one, seeing I am not cruising, this forum gives me a bit of a fix.😊
  16. Very sad to read this news , sorry for your loss. Our thoughts go out to you and the family.
  17. That is so unfortunate.I feel that it could make such a difference if people did the right thing . As annoying as it can be to wear a mask, I feel in the earlier days when compulsory, it cut down the high waves of covid to a reasonable rate.The latest wave of Covid will be of interest to see if mask will be introduced, even though the Queensland Health stated it wont come to that.
  18. I must have misunderstood other post, I thought it was compulsory to wear a mask in the theatre and in lifts, from what I understand even if recommended it does not appear to be happening.
  19. Thank you for all the replies. As you say it is up to the individual circumstances. I don't think our doctor would commit to saying go, knowing our history. We are monitoring the situation closely and hoping things will improve in the not too distant future.Selfishly I am hoping cruise ships will clamp down on pax doing the wrong thing, how they are going to police the rules I don't know. Seems unfair for the crew to be expected to enforce them and end up being abused by the minority idiots. Cheers guys, just being in touch on this forum keeps me in a cruising mood.😁
  20. I have been watching for reports on Covid from passengers on the above ships , but have not seen many reports regarding the situation. I will soon have to make a decision on canceling a cruise owing to my wife being immunocompromised and our ages. Not looking good so far seeing several of our members have been unlucky enough to have caught covid. The reports of pax not being responsible is disappointing. Its a very disappointing situation but it obviously is not going to improve soon. My attitude has always been go for it, but as I am not the only one to think about I am now re-thinking . Its all very well saying you only live once and all that and I hate to start being sensible ( never have been before ) 😄 but the Majestic with 800 pax with Covid has not helped. I wonder how many others are now thinking of putting a cruise on the back burner for now. There is no doubt if the wife and I were both fit we would take our chances and go.
  21. Will Covid positive passengers that live interstate have to abide by isolating in hotels or will some of them attempt to catch their flights home do you think. I did read princess is looking after the infected ones. Will not affect me when I cruise as I will be cruising from Brisbane and will have my own vehicle handy if unfortunate enough to catch Covid. Just interested to know the facts.
  22. Thanks Chilliburn, Not doing the transpac cruise until the end of 2023 on the Quantum depending on the Covid situation.I am obtaining info now to allow for cost factors. The 24hr internet looks a good way to go. The time on the computer sounds interesting but I guess there would be no privacy.
  23. Thanks for that, it is good to know, definitely would only need it as I said for occasional contact of family.
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