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Everything posted by phoenix_dream

  1. Completely agree with your advice. Reserve Alcatraz ahead of time. Easy to walk down to Fishermans Wharf and Pier 39. The area is reasonably safe. These days wouldn't venture too far into the city, but along the embarcadero it is mostly tourists, with an occasional homeless person here or there.
  2. I'm completely aware of that. Long time cruiser. But Uber still will get an extra buck when they can. Having fewer ships doesn't necessarily prevent them from surge pricing. Will it be double? Can't say that for sure, but definitely can be more expensive.
  3. I don't have the answer to your question. But we have gone to the sports bar in Pier 39 to watch games and it was very nice.
  4. Agree. And I was wondering where the social security number would come into play. And then it occurred to me - if you win a $1200 or more jackpot, they have to fill out a form which includes your social security number. I wonder if they then enter that number somewhere into their system? I hope not. It's been years since that's happened to me, but it has happened in the past.
  5. Agree. That's another good reason to book Aqua or Concierge on M class, price permitting.
  6. Celebrity is not consistent with these things. You might have a full moon party on deck one night on a Caribbean cruise. They don't call it a white night party anymore (at least on sailings I've been on) but some do wear white.
  7. Totally agree. People can choose to like or not like the current menu and quality. That is subjective. But much of the so called "whining" is stating facts, not opinions. The menu choices have been reduced. Fact. Some things that used to be free (on at least one day) are now costing quite a bit of $$ now. Fact. The quality of the food has declined overall. Fact. The menu is now laden with much less expensive and creative dishes. Fact. And the prices have risen substantially from a few years ago, well beyond the amount of inflation, often as much as double what they were. Fact.
  8. I know. I was often accused - directly or by inference - of being a Celebrity cheerleader. Now I guess I would be considered one of the whiners. Am I supposed to just sit back, pay huge prices, and suck it up buttercup? Not gonna happen. I'll continue to tell it like it is - both good and bad. If not for boards like this I would never even know about many of these changes and attempted tests as Celebrity certainly won't tell you ahead of time. I usually like to book way ahead - in fact have 7 upcoming cruises on the books. Before I invest more with these outrageous prices they are charging now I would like to know what the current experience is like. When I board, I will do so with a positive expectation as I have always loved Celebrity (for 75+ cruises over 20+ years). If the value for the money is just not there anymore I will be looking at other lines as possibilities for the first time in that 20+ years.. And I will be happy to report back on my experience - telling the truth of the good and the bad so others can weigh that opinion when making their own decisions.
  9. The mdr menu has been considerably modified and not in a good way. That is not whining, that is fact. Quality and enjoyment of food is subjective. This board is called Cruise Critic, not Celebrity cheerleaders. People rightly post both the good and bad. No one says what you should or should not do. Thatโ€™s your choice. But because someone is stating a negative point does not make them a whiner, any more than stating a positive point makes them a blind loyalist ( like some have been called). If not for these boards and other social media we wouldnโ€™t even know about some of the changes until we already paid our high price and boarded. Agree that all reviews of opinions should be taken as such, one persons opinion, and given credence as such. But I for one want to hear what people are thinking and experiencing and I have the intelligence to evaluate trends versus mindless ranting, as most people do.
  10. Are you talking about the specialty restaurant Murano? That would be a whole different scenario than Luminae
  11. I think it is just you. The move up program gives you a shot at sailing in a cabin you may not have been able to afford before. What does that have to do with self respect? If I want to gamble and try to attain a better cabin that I couldn't afford or cost justify at original booking you disrespect me?? And how do you figure that's ripping anyone off? Someone gets a nicer cabin at a better cost and Celebrity gets a little more $$. Sounds like win-win to me.
  12. That would really make me unhappy for the amount we are paying for suites! Not a big fan of Luminae menu so we often ordered a filet instead. If I now have to play $20 for it that may be the last straw for my sailing with Celebrity in the future!
  13. On our September cruise last year it was also at hurricane time. They re-ordered our ports. We had to skip two ports due to hurricane damage, and we added overnights in Quebec City and Portland. Surprisingly (to me) the seas were some of the calmest I've ever experienced in 20+ years of cruising.
  14. I'd give a yes and no response to that. If the weather is bad, and it is a sea day, the Solarium will be crowded. I've never seen otherwise in many, many cruises (unless perhaps the seas are really rocky). If it's nice outside, the outside pool area will probably be the worst.
  15. I don't like the new butler situation, but the main thing for me right now is cost. They are taking away gratuities from all included, as well as taking away suite OBC. Each of those add up to a considerable amount of $$. Will the prices come down? Stay the same anyway? Rise even more? We have a couple of weeks to see.
  16. Wow, you are very brave. I would definitely have a back-up plan just in case. These days flights are usually 100% full (especially on cruise port days) and getting another flight could take awhile. Hopefully you have some type of priority like TSA precheck or something. And aren't flying international. I would also recommend getting in line very early as the early passengers line can get very, very long.
  17. I couldn't care less if someone doesn't want to sail with a lot of elderly people. Or if they don't want to sail with a bunch of babies and young kids. But describing people in derogatory terms doesn't sit well with me. I guess if you want to call yourself a coffin-dodger that's your right. Just don't use the term for others. If you are a so-called "coffin-dodger" then you were brought up like I was back when we were taught manners.
  18. Yes, of course that is what I mean. It is fact that they experienced it, but the way people often word it does not relate specifically to their own experiences. They report it as if it were how Celebrity does things across the board. It's all in the wording.
  19. Through the years we have seen lots of outstanding entertainment in the theater and bars. Lately not quite as good usually. I think part of the issue is more and more huge ships coming out. A lot more competition for talent
  20. Don't have a lot of suite experience but when I have it, the vast majority of the time none of what I requested was done. But the butler took care of it all when we boarded so no big deal. How a butler team will work who knows
  21. I have found the opposite. When we use Uber for cruises we always book the day before. I can tell you in Lauderdale, the price difference from our hotel to the cruise port can literally be double if you wait until the day of. I realize it could vary by port. But Uber loves to do surge pricing when cruises are leaving or arriving.
  22. The truth is that comments like calling disabled people decrepit are actually not within the confines of CC rules.
  23. That's very true. One reason I hate people experiencing something on one sailing and then reporting it as fact. Happens way too often on these and other social media boards.
  24. It varies a lot depending on how the ship is selling. If there are lots of a particular cabin you may hear as much as a month ahead. For suites especially it could be a day or two before. You also can't go on reports of what was happening when ships weren't sailing full as that doesn't represent current process. I just found out I won a suite upgrade for an October 8 sailing. I was a little surprised I heard so early.
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