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Everything posted by BecciBoo

  1. Nothing any meteorologist can do could've helped that incident. You can't always predict a squall like that. The best they could've done in the time they had was make an announcement to get everybody under cover when they saw it coming, and they may have, the video didn't show it. My best guess is the Cpt. was already trying to get away from the pier before it hit. She was almost sideways in the channel when it hit. I've been in one of these, but they were johnny on the spot, had the deck doors locked and nobody outside when it hit us. These things can blow up in seconds which this one obviously did.
  2. I don't understand how they're not losing money already on all those things. Our next cruise Full Beach Club Day Pass is up to $283.99 pp!!!!!!!! We paid $58.99pp 2 yrs ago Sept. 21! Guess we will never return to Beach Club. Went back and checked my pics, we went to Labadee on Celebrity Reflection in 2014 and to CoCoCay on Celebrity Eclipse in 2015. I knew I remembered that correctly! So Celebrity has been to both ports in the past. A couple of the Sisters were there when the fleet was at CoCoCay for the fireworks a couple years ago too.
  3. I mean after every "stupid" dumb thing I did, a good shellacking followed!
  4. He and his mother had a disconnect of some sort. Growing up, I got the picture early on...
  5. I've seen those loungers flapping their backs many times on many cruises, never saw one take flight like that before.
  6. Beauty is always in the eye of the beholder. She looks just fine to me. No accounting for taste.😛
  7. Here's her Marine Traffic position right now:
  8. I did months of researching before I settled on this one. You can get scooters for much less, sure, but they're much more unstable, usually a trike with 3 wheels but can even get up to more than I paid for the Wheelchair. They are much longer than this baby and I try to be considerate of others who are pretty impatient about scooters, I've witnessed some looks for other immobile cruisers that made me cringe...so I wanted the most stable, smallest footprint, best turning radius, battery life etc. I feel this one is it. Now I won't have to stop every few yards to catch my breath and rest on board. And when I really get immobile, I'll be an expert! LOL. It takes some practice but you get the use of the joystick very quickly. Maybe in your Mom's situation she just needs a rental, but for me, I know I'll need it all the time some day and will save enough to buy one over rental. Good luck. Brillo, I keep thinking about your buddy and how he could have had this one 7 years ago...poor guy.
  9. The one I got does, that is exactly why I went with it over scooter...less footprint too and is only 24" wide opened or folded. Takes up much less space in an elevator is airline approved. You ride it up to the plane and they fold it and stow it, ready when you emerge from plane. Turns on a time, I mean a 360 circle (I've been practicing) No problems going over anything, I've tested it and it is faster than my Hubs can quick march...seriously. And if you're totally non ambulatory partly covered by Medicare. I didn't qualify because I can walk, just not the length of the ship with my AFIB and get extremely fatigued. It wasn't cheap 1799 but I figure it'll come in handy in the next 20 years! Here's a pic:
  10. Looking at 2024 Alaska cruises and the North Bound Vancouver to Seward inside pricing was $299 pp. Doesn't get any better than that. Already booked cruises...nada! No reductions.
  11. I'm sorry I could never agree with this observation. I don't think there IS such a reason! But different strokes for different folks.
  12. Laly told me all those gifts were given to all the ship' Ambassadors. She doesn't have any...boohoo!
  13. The pay per view one swings way over the side of the moving ship, way more scary and exciting than docked. I'd even pay for it again. Don't knock it till you've tried it.
  14. Just do it you won't be sorry! Much better than just going up and down over the deck docked! Much more exciting when moving through the ocean, certainly worth the extra. NStar4.MOV
  15. Currently trying to get an amount the train/bus/whatever will cost to get from Seward back to Anchorage for flight??? Could you tell me what you paid per person for the ride? Thanks. Both our Alaska cruises were round trip from Vancouver which we prefer, lot less complicated...but the $299 pp cruise fare for RCCL next summer is so tempting for the North/South bound cruises.
  16. Nobody is getting a 10 or a tip from us if the matter of subbing a baked for a roasted potato is not accommodated. Period. Stand your ground. We've come to expect good service and I'm not changing those expectations. They will figure it out when their cruise sales crater. I'm afraid I'd have to have a heated conversation with the Matr'd outside the dining room about it. I am never rude, just determined. On many occasions people are just afraid to ask. "You have not because you ask not" and as I've said many times, I ask, they can always say no, but I can always let them know how I feel about that. i.e. no 10/no tip and a bad exit survey. That's the way the world turns these days. As Bud and Tarjay have recently found out.
  17. I took the last shot in Ketch of a store owner painting in his shorts because I knew no one would believe how warm it was in Sept. It sprinkled almost every day but for just minutes, never wore our rain coats. BUT you can never predict the weather in Alaska so if you go, be prepared for cold, wet and warm. Planning for me is half the fun and it seems a lot less complicated than planning a cross country trip. We fly free on points so getting there is no problem and cruising is no work. We knew the excursion would cost us, but they are so worth it. Our plane set down in a bay that was mirror smooth water...so fun and we got to walk around on an island nobody but us for miles around, so quiet, miraculous. And I got footage of a whale breeching. He jumped completely out of the water, from our aft balcony. He was a long way off, but I can't make it work on here, too long. I promise, beach lover or mountain girl/guy, you'll never regret it! I thought just looking at a Glacier would be boring, but it's so surreal it was mesmerizing! We did Hubbard, the best! Bigger and grander and tons of calving. We're planning our 3rd trip next year on Quantum. JUST DO IT! YOU'LL BE BACK!
  18. Are You kidding? Our favorite cruises ever hands down. Radiance and Celebrity Solstice both Sept. Shorts weather. And absolutely save your pennies nickels and dimes for a float plane and a whale watch. Harve N Marve or F.I.S.H.E.S for whales, Island Wings for plane.
  19. I personally like the look of it, but all I care about is does it float and can I get on it! We're booked for Sept.24
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