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Everything posted by flamingos

  1. I disagree. Why would it be OK to take something that is not yours?
  2. We all just found out. 🙂 The cruise planner has switched to Helsinki, but thy don't have any excursions yet. We're looking to find out where the ship docks.
  3. We met some people from a singing group from Ireland who would tour the US for a month or so around St. Patrick's Day. Most were from Kerry, and the woman from Dublin said her family mocked her every year when she came home because she picked up the Kerry accent. 🙂
  4. They are more expensive because people are paying those prices.
  5. Thanks. We have a full day of leeway, so hopefully if there is a delay we can just get the next flight. Right? 🙂
  6. The point is, there is no rush to make an announcement. They have several weeks.
  7. You left out the important part: Carnival is pleased to announce new guidelines effective for cruises departing on Sept. 6, 2022, or later,
  8. I was on Odyssey in January and had no problems at all. I'm sorry you had such difficulties.
  9. I have never seen this. It's always been an easy process. Sorry you had to experience it.
  10. I do not know, but we got our kids their state-issued photo IDs before their first cruise. In our state, it is the same number that will become their driver's license.
  11. Weird answer. No one will force you to drink it. 🙂
  12. Not promising. We booked our connecting flight to Copenhagen for 1:30, when our flight was arriving at 8:10. It has since been changed to arrival at 10:15. *sigh*
  13. How was immigration and luggage at Schiphol? We're flying this week.
  14. Did you test locally? I could use that information as a back-up. 🙂
  15. Thanks. I was pretty sure it wouldn't be a problem, but finding problems is what my brain does before a trip. 🙂
  16. Every Royal ship I have ever sailed has prunes in the Windjammer with the canned fruit (peaches, pineapples, fruit cocktail) and sometimes pitted prunes with the offerings at the yogurt/muesli station. No issues after the restart either. I believe I have seen prune juice on the menu in the MDR; if you ask they might have it available in the Windjammer.
  17. Once again in the pre-planning weeds. We have to test after we get to Copenhagen. We were thinking of carrying our e-med tests in our carryon, given the problems people have been having with baggage. But it has liquid in it, and has to remain sealed. So I'll toss it out to the hive mind. Will it be a problem?
  18. We were hoping it would go back to the Before Times when they had a much better selection. On Mariner last fall, right after restart, the bartender in the British pub was able to find a bottle of Macallan under the bar and we drank that until it ran out. 🙂
  19. What's your opinion of the Scotch selection on board? We're not real pleased by it.
  20. The OP appears to be a post-and-run.
  21. I just saw that! Are you sure it said 26 weeks? Mine was 23 weeks.
  22. Am I missing something? This looks like it is not effective until September, so there is a lot of time for RCI to catch up to their protocol.
  23. You do NOT put your luggage out the night before. On the last morning, we go to the Windjammer for breakfast (it opens early) and go back to our cabin to brush our teeth and then just wait for the announcement. Usually it starts around 7-7:30 for Florida ports. Then you check your room - and the safe! - and walk out with your luggage. If you see your room steward, let them know you're out so they can start on your room. They will scan you out with your seapass card and you walk the long walk to the terminal where there are two lines - passports, and birth certificates & driver's licenses. Have your passport out, but they have never looked at it, they simply hold up their tablet, scan your face and you're done. There will be Customs and Immigration officers standing around - if they want to talk to you, they'll find you. Other than that, you're done, and have a safe trip home. Easy-peasy.
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